-r ---~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - The Canadien Champion, Wed., Jan. 9.19M011 Amnnn n EorDr(c HÇ Moy D l iA ivoraenactive ln the uuuuu LD D LICr2a) u ulice Party in North c Hultos, Mrs. Mury Alice1 ______________________________(Mollyl Dowoey, RR 3 A~OTAU AJTMGULE OIIPUES LAS IMIhIO NRSIY CIIOL pU pjUM~Miltos (Speyside), dueO ACCOMAM AU__________________b_ __________________ OLDecembor 29 af Jouepb MOY Sm SEVICES Brant Hospial in Ber-E H. . MULLIN1 MILTON DRAPERIES MILTON COMMUNITY U llgtostftlr a lessgthy lit-m Cham esAcooooie DAN'S AUTO BODY Camin oder odspease. NURSERY SCHOOL 'TUNIN Downey wao sutoS.3loma10si., Mhmos CmpisCool"eWorhdraryinriten salaiona9. O. %atslodawo 87"-542 2HlSrTovAng 8782107 OaSSMI 1O 23 MinSet Eailst 878-7608 df Snovo boiRepeitri Subsidnreof Ooklo le For information callt Pao;eti 878-5145 *aGlce & MMirror Lrd. Mouds BosodoL 0 70-102Psssas02mmS_ _ ___ A GORDON, LOMAX 7 ot UneMilton EECTICALUIV.IoreU nieor Sueak: 8713-5055 ortoft»IAv.*Paoblo HYDE AND CALLURA cm 50forrssse) McPHAIL *oorm 0bon &Windows OU-REM CbeusredAG.oorrmsu * Soross î7Wion riv *IUSIMICU ELECTRIC -TbeTops BP Cunada Ld GHSSL Coreraof Mals Street BOOKEEPItNG -IDUTILîTE * OMîîo, f Am LATRISAffI Ti MNMUSTIAL OSSssiGEORGE B. * Newmmorh & repeist 878-7251 SERVICES COMMRCIAlPtapinee s Mnhyfnaca tt- FARMS & HOMES Nos lreGosahmTHORN800ROW ces rps dOMshi bssiîsrr- ELECTRIC HEATING aTsextued&ae lls BMA George A. Jenkins Reot0ProolleoseTi INSTALLATIONS 13 MAN T. . mSO CIIARTERES87-054 66Chrles S. Mito 8787500 HFuel Dil &Fsr88-30ec ACCOUNTANT 88-913--67-7984Ho878-4300e ADAT o4 anS. Mlo atr H. Tymchuk 8 M5A5TIR________ FuasiG, COinqIbs Bus. 818-812 ........oL_________ Frss tsit Core-Fbo Radialor AN GTA 89.4.18 CAIPTfRY Nadalmn Electric Bailey Heaîing & Cooling 8786538 Ato Track & Trctor NICHOLSON78 -Roidmniol Sales là Service Ghifl!it5IS hetMs1S1»os WILLIAM MERCER CARPENTRY LTD.O 9sS O.R.3 ito OS Mr oire3- COMPANY John ichoson 878-111 878-4821 Os-_ 3-rdm0f P* id CeriiithdGermail R.R.2, Milono lIWSte"IAv.Wmi 0di F RNAUWC Accouot 36a-8018 MloneOfILSRI es MAIN ST. MILTON s Resiooeg Oi pie dm0f M070 9 lmo OSPECTACLES 0 * 1,PaIyà -70-9702 odirrO FAIM UUNOME 18BsnStreetIm mm dm0 omf SEVCS IMPIROVBIENS Mon., Tus. & Weil.O9ro 5 0 1 BU CARIliflThordses9roe, Fries 9 oO VO8DU ALUUUGeorge Harris DVMMULN Sorordue 10ro 3 NTI BROAOLOOM & VINYL Buldng& epir MHMUEN recrip87on523 i5l F KASRALUMINUM FLOORING uligl ear HM Sl8852 i SIOING -RsHoirusol Waerdown 689-8086 IMPROVEMENTS FOM 11MILSREITN Suffi,Fascia, Windowssnd *Ieduasiel e*Rmoins0ecmooei POETIT MLSRETMLO Dopors. Amnirloo.Crorisrnd * Coormal eenngs plose * PlntrOeir.- PohEnoures For Cusom rieodm0 O- rwallTaipings * Paintig Radiners,. fx ooghirrg 8818.8*Tmrored Cllines Or. Arhur A. Johinson e V l u Federal Industries FrCoapl _______________ 853-2726aR SbuolooIMATs 2lMîitonrOnt of Canada mceeo 85-22aFRkESaMTE Mro. s Foo o Folerhs Si. TRAIGHTLIJNE Ff NCE CO. dmieff 8783673 e P r a GAKVI1LLEChint Usk *Spciruos in IranSAToN PAI~fIIIIIIIIII l Hydro P 845-318 *O. t9 oa sl 1 lîdoredvi lïs si Ua ESMSNS ALMNM 3OSiooImAes SPa lisr oond Neigh-Home Insulation MILTON Miltos, Ontaiol f oncle.CotliPs ico For al vour RENTALS WINDOWS là DOORS dii Mii AlE N painting needs CALL 878-8484 GLASS»ndREPAIRS .f- Cail: GIL VANSOELEN 375 STEELES AVE. STOREFRONTS CARPET AND VINYL j .DVEOSIAO ANTNfswNaAui W. J. KOSKI INSTALLATION 1 FuelsPININ LIMITES 8iley Fes 276-9400 CONTRACTOR 001 Main Street E. 078-9452 CSimel r osneg MadchinesOsBsrli ____Comme___ rcialaOr Bd- l O isderesricehy Eeoinsn: 878-1858 For Froc Etimuiten eigMahns MATRGLOSS 8810 Bruce Bell INOUSTRIAL-RESIOIENTIAL SAESRVC 878-138705821 JAIIT RSERICtE INTERIOR-EXTERIOR RENTALS ALMM 87"821...AIN P-- -- . - HONE 8.8781 Sesciad AunOsai IFuES1nIPU MILTON Bc> 114, Miltion Milton Fabric Centre Sp0clab1n0 lien5" ~em" Kent Carpet 050 12 MatisStsre mssssroogh Cleunîng Service NO-OlP 0asotwig mne aSiding eSofbs *Fascia Siosm Cesssu FURNITURE STRIP PAINTINO h Snrososedliepsksoo aOossAwnings Lving, oss, ininooS . Eto h SisohairAoeI. 050e Free Estimales SNW OW I PHONE ERROL MaCPHEE ajUp ghliersCosss0 Georeownos sOFFICES.- INDUSTRIES SDPON 818.5331 878-1870 g Atiquspaire FoiOStoe Comotetoris JsOssSerice Call AI anytime dii Fro-s53ss38178718870688878-5789 Snovvplovving Ch F UMIARY Houa7-870sgmtf 78638 RAY McINTYIlE COMMERCIAL h DLREX McuUryaSMMa GENERAL U NM PAINTNNOEt OESIDENTIAL aLIIIoNaOIIIIIIIIIIII U ISMILTON CENTRAL GtsEALREPIR:St 8 8 1 8 ALUMN UNNS IGNTRACTORS LIBRARY Remiossial d8m28 SIIGVILLA e oS. Paintinsgand RepoirWork ________ * PIsn A O RT.8078-2B9 0 Cull>(519) 05654002 McDufie Equipreent FASCIA2 CUSTOMODESIGNER OF Moas. l9 s.30. c. Osmnl.M 250 Martin Si. Milton *LIIN COOUS Fepacs -Flgstne Wed -9.D am.B.0 Pm. PIUMBING Snow Removal 8 7 - 3 8 3P o r s B a r b cesa s T ha r . - . 3 0 s 5 ,.9 . 0 0O p . m . " e I d s r e 877-M Ce~~~~ra is s aInisîror Fr.-9.3O.m.-S.30 pc Fsfnolesaiutra AIIIIIIIIANCE CALLJOE F0500 5.9.2p e. g eResidential Sa 88-29 78866..RewdOmrisI. Irondusl 24 tHourvisce _____txeaCanemaBtlle__p__ fCommercial$ MILTON APPLIANCE Chmnmv Pro "B" and "C" So ehinîti10od78.44 Servocog0sHalinCorrsrv YOURWNTER CONCRETE là Mosonry Contructor -Rpi orko WASHERSCLEANIN EXPERTBlock, onretSoY ,-atrlPTbIOg Cmuc sDRYERS CRETYec mEtmts s. *RANGES es hmney Cnrt ol lue8834 ALOA - *MICROWAVEOVEINS Repaîr PoleoupmEtre'h878p1212 *REFRIGERATORS aCnrt ievlsod rc-7-458 * OISIWASHERS CinySep fudtosdt POORM873 t *AI CONITIONERS 878-5744 - Coscesr driomoses Cutoos Firepîscos 605 Main St E. mg * trpensrenosetos and Brick or stonebfao' SUMIPOS Milton C R p)U iigRososablerae 87819881 «CALL tA.J.McCARTHY Free sciimatsio * Photogr8hy ALTON POOLB 'ss ACTON PRECAST CONSTRUCTIONs PortrisrLiii AIT MlJ CONCRETE LIMITEO 87808866 Weddeus s Isgiud cîsyl pSl 5 10 UN s Sptio Tnks 878-5744 0dm52 Cotsm./tsd. speisflst çrA _____________ *Wotl Tbs Plans ad stiots Cusoc Ftsciîg Isstaain sSidmsk PatoSluhs SaPpIed O eselm othsoeoo 8ILL'S AUTO BODY -*cis, CrscetePmdras dmgii M IE DN Milton, 878-3121 s S'OMsit& repaire COLLISION EXPERTS . Plastio Sovrr PpeP __________ PHONE qfl.878-7087 ...a.*s Hors 73-530 pm 83159 = b oc7841onr 8o2-r23 'dcii TRUCK REFINISHtNO 9155&INNH O5ii&51 1 1111111110V______ 15Oiisn d EAD STOC _________ NADALIN PorisiTA'ue t~ta3o Chf *OVAJ. Elcctric Co. Lîd. f.eillssi Gile A1M Ster sVl"efor th ACNI ALL PURPOSE 35 BaseUneRoud 878-1e peaeeurgar Anchor Autt Collson Dead Stock Remoal GLASS dciiFrontSume 15UNPISIG D.Siitd PRUnNo 78848 Wndow Defagge rfiNIPISINORD5. Fm esd aMIRROR 1 88-46 Wnlrrl2weftoste f dead or dOulaisoOule Rsidenriisl r J184(4 Thocisori Rd. v Wxw 87e4 s ad homss Commcia e.reaMistn :&Jo\:t1:Jrtdtud ltedrl Complote Pitigend P osO16)692421 Sord eFosJUST FOR YGUR SERVICE' $5800 offl n»s Body Repeinsoors 701oMAC9STE1M LTGN POEESTIMATES Le o 20C71 Mt o'sors70MANS.EMIT , sStor tScrees ONT. TV a@Wl AUTO SALES AUTO SALES Tbl Tosi8888>MLOT Islîi ICI SERIC s -dsGrrsoO ossU.Casr o -comoea braire repairs Open: 8785642 Pro Ins neationte STEREO CENTRE -Front end aligeoseor Tues àThom affiesdii aCastom Bedinu W5155W -eaîaecîngfilo O ________ e__ Coumbus Shook OUICK POINT INC. ZNT -Eloctonie EgAbsorbe-UpELECTROHOME -El------- Enl---Tu--Up- GENERAL PONTNO EAE -Ali nu*e& aeroloed KOJK~I a- Curtir Sevic Big nd S @##s* oi Tho AilBosd Photo Copies Sales h service GLASS We lOst10nof wUs25a 19Main St 8784818 DM 7i94137 979=2471 LMiltonOflOntMaro o tOgalsc W *IO.lbS.Mkee OIOUtj~ 70 nis EIlee oro 87 8-952 anGpn Dsly 9 dosgstb droii Thmrsî. a FOI lacrame Cord 25"Cff lBuhUfblCml knh$4.5W do YuIT O88088f MtI compare et $6.99 phg *3.99 WE HA VEEVER YTING YOU NEED :R YOURNEXTMACRAMEPROJECT clo", qValus - IntionButo rOpS Reg. $31.99 Reg. $49.99 NOW 22.99 NOW 39.95 arkaS Reg. $31.99 NOW LIMI TED QUANTITIES EN Sundey 12-4-3Ohrb U LU MILL 'g M IN TG ILAS8715 UN AVS UTMATCLY ALETOOAX Automatlc $48800...or 10s #gs tW ul a atic, r-M.y,4 mobile. Big standard boutures. trolliC Ignftbon a MacRrerson pension s Tinled filasos -Side sero - Reer or a Flip-ot. iColourco rAnd more. I ew219s: 2and IS.5 itstontlffons U 3 DATO U IOMATCAOJY SAN/ES ON GAS. The 2102-clooraiaratic 10 ratet I Giltes par 100KWn by Transport Canada or 35 M.P.G. on the old ystei. The Dorsan 20oAutomathc couldduse baretyhia thegas yourl975 model tZbieee Aetrnaic V8, Homet Auomotro, Maeerlcb Autoreatia or bVenturAutoosatic osenor Loot p oure drcrng soie Voui sewho we mean aboutvalue. SAVE TODM - SU EYO0R MMCPMING DAISUNý el10ndMDtn .,MLtiit 610l Mrdu tDtsnLmtd I 878-2471 remessbeed s a woderlsl moiber by ber Mx ildrenand a friand ca i ubo bmw br b Mm. Dowoey loved to 56. work cutduors in ber Mrs. Dossoey was bon buah and nower gardeno.. un July 7, 1923, in Dublis lreland and married ber Funeral service was husbarîd George 37 yeacs held December ',Ilai ago. Shoemaker Fuserai The couple caeu the Homne in Adtos with Rev. Speyside area fise years C. Bealos officialise asd ago fisse Willowdale. ltie ladis of thie rÈnity Mn. DowoeY la United Church atteodisg. IUARY US id Craft Mon" HE NEW YEAR MNG YOUR OWN 1t Project kGOOD DEAL TOO OId Glen MilI Cremation foflowed lbm fuseraI. Mns. Downey la mourned by: ber bus- band George; daugblar Uinda lMrs. David Ricbardst Rcbmond HIS; Coesn (Mns. Donald Laadluyt Georgetown; asd Maureens Mrs Ruddy Holmes) Acton, and snos Douglas, Brampton; Larry, Misisoooga, andl .Michael ut home. Mns. Dowsey i10 oesorviveil hy 10 grasdchildreo. "24.99