The Canadian Champion, Wed., Dec. 26, 19799 toit Tciohn88CLASSIFIEI) RATES C r s s i 8732341 j Main Siîe, Cad fT. ik,1 MneecsA ,,, C7.cicîtrhs Ccec,,,g Marnagcv e ,îgg,c77 FEevls $3.507 chargce fr20 o rdc,71 a ie FteýýgM1gý N hn DIRECTORY 0F CLASSIFICATIONS WIs cprwr hratrT.Cai....1pi od, Bet. Moailees Buses 089e77891180a Camping.Equipent.88 74 Ccds ofîThccks. t Cemiîc988ecls.. 63 -n Fe77lc9M877c9 . 78 0487F479 23 Dcths A.,.,î ecîccees . 7ý Antque8c .e227 COR88Ac-Mr, & airs. Robert 18800 Konyeytoc barg) af 341 McNoOS Cr., Miton, arc pîcused 80 0808084889t8he 817884of 888817 dagctetr, alivla Mcccl 4a8 Milton District Mospital 88 Deccnber 21, 1878. DRAcIK-Vi9g en6 1ngrid (naît an Lcocci of 625 Joyce Bled., Mlltoc, arc pleoscd 80 anaancc thec bircle o 8$clr dcauhtcr PicIl en00818r. 61lis. 71,î Oas, 9et Milton8District Hospital on Ocemetbr 18, 1979. Prod grand. parets Mr. & airs. A Vace Litncr86dairs. S. 37251 MILEC-8i88 & Syvia ccc Mclockl ef 214 Lamer Basc Line, Mlto,orc plccscd 88 anmucaane crbrthof8 thclr 4900888cr Lori Lynn 6I. a l.8 ocs.a8t Milton District Hospital 888111p nec Marris) af Milton rc piccscd 80 8881r so e c9n Kendall,1 District Hospitcl eon ecccmbcr 18, 178. CLEMENTS. E. Rrcd- District Hompitai eon Fr248y OceembcrIl2e8 17. E. Bradford 8758848884of (mcc aie Russel) and thc laie iJacci Mcsscîfcidti, GO Bradford, an884Miehaci1 f Miltonc an84 O..Id of 881551s54870a Dccr i Frcccesi Thomescc af Ock3Illc, 089dairs. Alec (Marion)81Cra77ford cf Fiarksons, Loapf 4v e Orccdchildrcc.Fwro Menue DDcccmbcr 2688, F877988 intrment 84015084. aCraety NELSO, 17. Maraar8l 7748s 814 ce ecdcn 48 Fi8mcc197, 18 br 888 Mna7.M7778 f Dre . Stp 88o88cr ci (Jr$k Patric8 e ttbie)e 88 8rv c s1s8 ai r vicck Prîhdoon8788 MeKorsi F888801 6878, ilton88 1cert9787 varr ce77tcry, W8811808 SIcENON, 8Ann8c F1878838 8,1080, C8897597 91in her c o8 Gecdsîdr)e 8788878 of 87E. 77a9fodc74 Oc F88888ci 60778, John,8 Miltn. Rssedl cnd iW 6387788a07the9 877 sie8c i 7777 W77l7Mi8Ithn. 37779.iic.177 DeccNlAN-i77 18199 77979ofth d8 r 7C.tK. 7707887o. 4889 0788 p48550d 4ton and09Carol8oc 88888 ok. 088 ed bV8 lrda l Th7 e M8es8. F717 37271 CASH OId Fe niue I and JoweIEî-, China, DnId, Sîlvnî, Dddn aà Ends Etc, 827-5305 HEAVY OLITY Plastic PoilS 20 litce -4 V0 gai Cieac Reuseabie Wiih Lids Et Heedies 2.50 ea. 1.00 deiivecp 9'H0N0878-940 02iîî72 :irewood Iandwanil nnly, Dn lered and sîackvd. 854-2338 77/8777798 e sesle or i7eflePhone4878336962 Cali 893187, 8564732, 30 172s 88877 12 0 8887Ss79k72 Large eiossv prefs 7of phoos 4811977 88 CanadienC hF84878i87 photIographers 8a- ..&nl. 5 x 7soc 57.73 , O87x 10 sz $2.7epIes Ico.FCsh 7must Eccmp.iv erder. E89irc nw etThe Fantadien hareplo9, 81 8848/c Stremt, Miltoe. 72777g47 Milton8, veil Pr ,878 347747188 C8077878, 187 caice e , Milton.9I& 533, 50 cents87 dcver cleniit 8,47384 81 & 7'edn Illtes Service Phone ,8777c901 297 788 8 7763771 FIEPL7eEr 71, c es , ScttueiiO. 542 L1a854l F400 ork1c6598,00,8 o P93t18887 53 871 afer 8894887 oad. 078 04388o 438 8.7nd7.lveed 7 EccpIovyccc Wanetd ..64 4 FettcEqipmet. ...33 n Facce . .. ..71 21. FOR SAS. LET us mckc the food. If trtin butdoc't have88e , 88c for prcparctloncoclt Anc et 078-1338 for 7788784888 priecs. Al c8cr80front cocktails, ceps doceurs 80tbuffets 88ci 52.88 per nersen. PI ANOS and e8gans, 25 8par Brand ne, 214-732 (iMssisscosel. 22. ANQUES "lNe Believe In Heritage" Fec8,8ee Resoeed Chair Cccicg Cieek Reancoîl 8198este8aiiy Resoed No Dp Strippng MARV W. SEEOS MILTON 822774 ODE, cotagceItype77178 17860 Sackvil, . B4.h 42. HELP WANTED Fo Sale..2l.......21W48cWated .... .-ý4777338ce 808774 . .. .. . . 86 HobbSico.. .. 51 Lcgol Gardoc&LocdscOelcg ln Memoriac ... ...8L7csteck. SuPPl8898....3. ....31 7748184 làCommttercal L887 or Sli3ved CcOnnvEqupeet -. 32 Pocertio, .. .86 Marnages 34 UVESTOOSC BLAFCKS8ITM Steve Ocpocrost. Normai ane F077888178e98881889, 88 5, Gomrgcfoc, 416.077- WESTERNR01418018980s, boerdico, training8, teck toc salc. Wnclcd 8i8775 Ltd 888180779 visiteers. 094y ccd 51888880874889, 8.0. 3, Gmorgct877n,877c-"98. 35. MNIMAIS BOAROED COUNTRY MOME BOAAOING CENNELS *ndAibcdel r 84788 * 4poiîecc CALL 878-7377 42- 17iLc off 8tcocs Ave. Mi8to7 Q2.HELP MAnE PLUM BER Part Tme Mus'thaeec k778aedce of8989 1-278-7569 89777e97a98&74777 042cieei7 ilINM OSl a 0.COMNO EVENT 3818dB 18 1071880 LA LOCHE Le7c 18i 77808078ofai a o48r 882888on ffllrs mactly brother Joseph Marris 7meetings80or77877988h8 Ftirlc,8aps58408a87 77150801ar8877r8cab08 Occber 24, 786. bt'8st tcedlng. f28 Mis efemory Is as dcar tcvstsd cai lodcv. As cn thc hour Se Lc8reFClrk, f78-043 or 8485884 8778. 00188 W7igl«i8770t8, Ai77cys 7877c08be78d by aec-734e. 57711188 & FcmIiy. 371178 ROBB88880 LIPE CocelIo8t RoBO-I 1970memary 7101,:ridcy, Dccmber a 48cr hsbacd 28 e Nathan8c Ocrbct 1887317788 Phîîps Square, Toronto. passcd awy cem8788888 0048108 e 8889heNe 21 1973. 8448779 F077771888, This month 88770s 77178 signfyicg tlsd c$8rt84 dmap rccrctl il ,brIngs bcies arc 8c7878amed. b:aekdce,177cce 075p8k789. m le070aav,%n e Fe Gu77 peaer8ii e A kays .rcmmtbrd b 8 mpel. 37027 37288 8RE51518A1105 or ile. C 111 EVENTS F8771888, Guids, P:tl S00E S8888, J2.Wilson 19480,74.m.489. m.88e487 8 14877, 29 077., 1870,'5h escry F88796 8777. LIcc, 1887088888 37243 T'ownship, 1 08mi8e8895 8ff 27 Hwy. Statauc 8civ. INNER of8the8"DOo's Shlls sepplicd. tacet Chrstcmas 27385 Stocknîco 07477' ci 818 MiILTON LIONS Bingo,. W8cciTruck Stoe 87877 W84cscy 003877887 78 . r.17 8889188, Lions eHal. 814419, Malte. 1848811 080778808 Rdcî îen7 780ce 7758 8778848984 35901 3719 il. NMIES 11. NOTICES R.J. Ferrier Disposai Customners MONDAY ciii bc regular pick up TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & TMURSDAY ciii bestbock ane day. Happy New Vear! Wvshîn0 A 21. FOR SALE MerIty Christmas and 1t18 RAGSSAPPLIANCE Set 1er 1980, 17 il 72O CETR finande andi relatives. 07C9tEcNTRAEe6c res Hepe, f.C 10 5220St 21. FOR MEA01.nt PIANOS $y 'Kcei e, '79407e77and745877ebuilt7 gran u73hs, 48487777870709 e8 fe7 y9viclc chi7civ 7AIL 7 ,, Van Ieent HousofIPianos 145 Highway 5 Wvst Waterdnwn, 416-689-8833 Manufacouring Company n Milton roquiros MACHN S S for Engîne Et Tretr alies Ablectc deo own sot 'n Wcgcs -th77787 775e 797787739 Ecellent b8,,9,ts Caîl Mr. J. Peorce 8788890 SERIRE PROTECTION SERVICES [TUý regsire Eull EtPart Tîme SECURITY GUARDS Pe Bmto andcGe4orge8e7ton rs A888,e77 rt &41i97 3Shits Acclabi9 777487770 ccd training84c79i04 AI 499117e7ts mulstShace 4990487481790c, car etcor8d 47n4 877787me8et8ng8a48 deingn77ehnpeople. Cal 1278-0208 For Appointment 0429mt8 B EARDMO BE Regnires 1 Industrial Elecîrîciani Se eillei a [ompeIllive si177139 wvge and full cemp'any beietll ,5191853 14uc c42-9752 INSIDE SALESPERSON Uni783k [Id., he787777maufatu 771f17778ocin paine8stc7700.s ccclleigcisideaes posicien W.careicekîg fortcanddtewo7Se77be7sos3ble for educto n , c ommuniae74377727v87tio kCls. 8798/870 ieehvte 7sale71e39777/ ewid 8e 480ssai8 Va8 eflerattractive7139874t1177 8441487, c4788er pontin andnvlese77heorkiee4ontion7Aclo m7377t8Sese beef 11t88747771311d984an7907.7117737c27pln1c. Ifv977788î3Ioeloi Mis, [dughies Gvsrgewn, lOnt. L/1495 42oao52 a3. OAYCARE a3. DAYCARE Experience888 t 988 /7 POLLIANNA Fecbureo er l, o8k44 DA7FA8ECENTE9 8.1533,78. 1 846-1147e. Nccocv 8ccolp7ogrîc77 37099. eo,,od sienf - hot 789e RESPONSI RIE Sebys dhieest-2 osnckso-809 809,1l ttcr nceed4for 2& 4 ysc ites.73-5.30 Mon8 8e Olds on cc78485nce1 bsis 26COMRIL5 Are 08779 Rd.à 28 OMECALS W48tkcrs Lice878:7334. 87-5919 37259 0437782 295 Main Si., Milton I Carers'Su-ppEes ..February 6, 878-99421980. 878-9942Secondary Science Servicicg 85e Mvtvrîeg Public foyr Over 60 Years Eqsipmect & Supplies. .Febrscry 15, 1980 060r, O etciîed tender lsîs h%#à " 4âZâýM and ether pceticvians 70 UIESf or 15e eboce 70.___BUSINESS__ cissificaiones men 79 OPPOTUNIIES btanevd a47758eCentral OPRUIIS 71 FINANCE Adie 1.7881io(fic o 1 iM0 7, i 7- , c.seln77 -i3373 Lîî AN 2050 Guielph [Une 884,77797777 OciBriigten, Ontariv, 77 0v37r grae. FINANCIAL L7H 3Z2 C877leiii 77781989 CORPORATION The Iewesi or cep Smal 1 ii 77799779777tender 88211 not 79377787,8878 117787.t78 FîritsMnaaaO127/8% cecesscea ily bea Sunays. 320% S«ood Mooigogu 785% accepted. - Menaa8cc pcehosied aet LiT" ~ Cea Gcoee ou BILL HEBB ES. LAVEBBEB a 77267For CNAMMAN BECTOB 1-00-68-N30 4-WOnKFOR ' ïTol F,«8718gatn80 42 HEP WNTED Q2.ELP WANTED TOOL AND OIE MAKER Rcequred toi woet nepou, tSoeis and a4 osembly fet. toe.Thoe apositioncfteean individuloI 88e met un8dr a0miimu1mo ervision71e. Ecellentî77eîkg Se dieenc Wagca, incledng COLA $8.96, ft'ngm eiueail hospftclicaeie,, dcog eand dental pian. 12 peld hliîdeys, 3 eceeka ea.toatrfN eet. Appyinpoisonor phe'.. Af F.ÇANAOA LTD. CARTER CARRORETOR DIVISION 109 East Drive, ramalea, ont. 7D117110 042cctn52 Avon 60. VEHICLES FOR SALE O7UALiT7 Pcv OWNED SNOWEOLUNOFO WITV ECONOMY CARS POSI HOLIDAY BILLS? te cheese 7787774ai87989 es Ce.fiord. Le77 deei7 n P ment andeBank Fintlcl7g. Sel! Avon to7e S1n 7,795 758e dninbieet Fed eaie,el 877 8054 DistictManaeri n1977 1FR KLe Sabre 43. DAYCARE auto.,79 7778b ai WiLL be8vcsl i myvhomen 97978eW3c7 a eau 9cheei eee ci7 .J.M Sae i -.$scie, WIy Deyes aea.ce7ene28ese ae moen'Sec Bce 37242 Meleil987715cee6 44. EMPIOYMENT i1972 cHvcvva e2 or WANTEO 377777, 3,72e iecýee triveln ie. 7 438 lle REcLAcîE -leee.ievvldy 30np.. eeeIibe nMedey te - 1 37239 T7737944, 78ece8cgee 1967 cHvcvv1il48,777 37218 mil,nS $1777707700 ceed 46. TUITION 1976 7097E D977, 14 fi. RADIO-TV 7W7,777i4773e7 ANNOUN CE R Îtt"newehut 'T'cccei Lc7ear noe 7ep7c , radio, cetimie timeyccneneedbeiîthec iicrck ed boxinni8837, iniee 7cetttA' Fe, ecoredcondeitioeni78 74 7e9e.4e o7 how y873 eei7c, 37255 neece ccvicec 927 24270 e1979 70973 eciee Car.ieev nineine icon Wishîng Penryone OWSvec Snc iMeieis, a Vvry Happy vie5286v 277527 Heliday Sesnn GUALITYed cars 9 171 Mlon Sehevi of 977r9 espycesh 87779 878 20v7e9ei, eckifor Mari 87v-5095 19743Fi5eeSUPERvcab, mien 3e 4ner38873 50. PERSONAL Df88228 Sec Beic tos UN A7i A3HEO 77Do 75279 soc7n.g nv, i. yARECI3pcal 17 Reýdei..ý Dtir YE7t,ý, Fie SncTrains e7m B riiciei (416) 453 1661 F,,n3,,dit ei Aiin r K,7C7i7n7 icic9) 837 31ncn ei7hccic vv,,,,il en77, ceccele, nosne 21868 nc7 soe ,c48v8P, air7 60. VEHICLES FOR SALE Scn 841 M77779, 877 528e. JOHNSON BRUS. GARAGEE Great Deals on '80's lurioi Fabulous E Deals on '79 Models r 72. TENDERS e TENDERS The Hcltit7îîBecrd et Educatieti wiI receive tenders ter supplies fonr th8e Eiementsry and Secondary schneis. Tendcrs tor 88126 clessificelteon 7811 close etd-:00p.rn E.S.T.on the dete shonth7e feiiowiog schedule Elementary Science Equipment & Supplies .. . January 25, 1 9e0 Physicai & HealItt Education Eqsuip- ment & Supplies .. January 25, 1980. SALES, 50 867779 6c43ae83 83 7737 36 7cc77e7847lc7 8e R,473ec. 30 7î,,Ceîî E-Pcicyýienci. 45 793,1 ,, 7cSm,' 87787d-79, 2 W citl 617i777e- fiMoblevcrec62 W,77'773." 61. RECREATION 61. RECREATION 61. RECREATION VEHICLES VEHICLES VEHICLES GO&iOGit.Celebrate SThe New Vear - 1980 Celebrate Ski-Doo's 2Oth Anniversary Buy your new Skl-Doo f rom Engins Sales& Service Detoe Jan. 7/80 and seceive an on-the-spot rebate of Up te $2,OOO00 Skic-Doo Sportswear, the Idoal Christmas Glît for Rh. snowmobller ln your family. EMGIMos54LMS &SclVIC9 sws, SneUnis 81. FOR RENT 988 7787877 ava7l7 e, 14.AUCTIONr.SJAr'Y oLS gardge Bvrwnandgnr Furhnituegleso or Ompltev Aitrolo rice. Seiec e t A i tronc IU U Yt. ..-.8$425 FUL 3[01 66 7 AUREo fcOe saeV o 7871AT3 37377, 7 120 6817n, n r 74 AUCTION SALES MOPTGAGE SALE CONDOMINIUM FAMILY DWELLING 318LAURIER AVE. NO. 10, MILTONI Undr7d b7753nu747oc7the Se 7.374374 87i7the11779oc ON 19788 JAS 3 AT 318 LAeeIER A7E NO le0,aILTOvN 37/737/or trct of lanM7an 7439 cIof Un".1"e3"" 1 4il317dIcn31131- Col 4 13187 O7/ci c Thic .,d p3.p4,dett li, .Fi.df 7,7171i,777b3-t1417a ".-7/pic ad 10 iton o DAOU77SAE TE350 A0depos713 of NOTICE io ecconce htennk77 ,So ien le,, th7e 1975 fyled 878777877887887horeo "F877" 14877Ny 462LS lFe7yl4c77'0 K77057 7777 Vve99Ra84381777913777794 73717 Poee & Harold Pemeeî ill4be ol78879pulic747777 41 2977m orMe77d4v.248777 48787519807f7778.974779 bolhiîl, in777777Cete77on 80the 7eatide o etlh79Unce Pcrt West He [eot 2, F8838ssion741)18own of Mlton8fet idebtednesotw818e188san8, Nnec cdîed and Eighiy Fkeolleare 1$2985.001oed 18 Wene Fc,7s tor cae and traciningof te aid9hnte MOU) MAKERS Onings vibee4 in ouc8e7teel '7e87fore ceneced 77717 mekeco -teei77ckers. We8k,888iv858buidingcadceletFl77 of moed4 for te nîeceicnctngclndoOtv 8Paiclintactee ml idcekrcge7ilar4expe7ience mut Lbeîcl becefîtc ccd hitglest salcries for tepnot eeolee G-5 MFO. INE. 93 Meenîvînvîvw Rd.N. Gergcewn 457-3195 782987787 U »Me RACERS EDOE LTD SE No. 1 ON A SERVICE Et PRîCES TXe< I led 32 Brocat St. Miltono9784212- Tcr.,8264401 î974R.nndA8Nitoe. 77199 7971 Ski, Opc 797335 $549 1976 A,3î,n Ce8 Eltiec40 $1549 7973 8707n,9 Csc7geci400.$899 THE3RA[CS 7758 32 cRONTE 57 MIL TON 0184212 I 11 Personal . Pet Stock Et Kennels Produc, Fqeal Estaie. R .... at... V.hý.1- Hi A NO.1 IN Auctionfflf: Chris Schouten 074m57.