-~ ~ ~- Regional te);M HatteaRegonal Ceaail teltI pettla te Midety Oe thIe Ravireament te teaglies ap tbe Envirmeaae Protection At aad thre Otario Water Resercea At regardiegeeny type et eeglgeet spitte ef teit cliemicals ie water- The ise-part recemmndetien wee lrsealt te ceascil liv Miton'$e8lU Johnsea Wha waa reactias te as lsçld- unt tliree weebe ega Whea a Camplillte mas cea reeglit dumping acetoe into a tre aliside the Meeteberg Cnsernve- ion Area fite mes and thie supplier ave beu cliarged witli violaiea notices. tn part thie eeggeted chageasntlie At are: cisPifISlegisiattin is endosed ettce daleaadby thb. ..e... .Sucb erticleas BEvreameiti t eaejiajatfart tJifr w e Misetr aay ule ay batdlietdeary 1maI every ceeu wbee a cee- aedeeeeert. Mr. Jein autd ait a"dcue=te inlecaeee, e eil taytravete... la breaght Mr.teliaea eald le Malle the contravnatiee et decrpten, team. teagea te the attentien et the bliela te motion reail ethet et the eeld Acte ur thaier autiit, mter Regeeat Meicipalty et cevers att areae and regiea mu and te pievide fr ttte veucte er airceait et aey Hates. elletlaaete ealiaplestinîg inli deivery f theae articlea Mcnd, appiaace r eoflat tlhe elal eîcihlave aiewed thte praci te the Justice ofthSe mateiat et asy bled Betcter be atliein epottuteta lentlie paet te discrieieai Peace cie, If lie Bade incledleg hbeu, pampa, laite ait neeceaaary actiee gel free et paaactlee. dumpig on that te articles cere barrais, drume and allier te presencte cee- lHe iaid eecb a cee eaed ie vielaton sr for veseela or contaners. traveatleea. teek place reety lente -Milten te perpoeea oet oT7btthSe Reioaat oeht te mton lie Hamiitea area wette a leeldagtfe vielin... melie as Cerk ie atloirled te test tate Asociatien et case tees djesiesed lie- fer Ithe Ha orderefrfeiteate ar- etits the Miidtry oethSe Meiclaalties utflantario cause 23 tecisbaltes taiety Cou hsae saldte g incident le eot rareand te Jest de evety- Lpawer te stop Stise of ie- tie cliemicat sn iatk rmade. r« as appaletee Fwtes egloaa amS.. A JRSpoints to his land on e map de=a th~~te iaga Escarpment Commissions Ilan for the Inwithin its- jurisdiction in Halton. The NEC heîd two worlishope to answer questions. The workshops were held Tuesday and Thursday of lest week et Milton Library. Heiping Mr. Juras are Neil Hayward snd Jamte Dougal Citizens favorable at NEC workshop Tihe resposse a gesieruly tuner- information. ' -Ieir questions vert M, e ,, the Nigara Escrprnt unswered. the> 'c satisfied. Tiere ostsssionss prposauis for lund sn eus ni> segulse ratties." laites wsths i3 turtudellas. uaccord- A ciso okhp ern hled tuot inf Io as NEC offcal.Aeisl ebbp Ceit Leouis. seior NEC ptasner. suîd aetlins Miltton t wiecl reidets wtrv the umbe of eope wh cam in tssnvted t> usli questios und lears aboeut viec te plus wus snalt. but lirse alto lie plu. und bec tl ruy atfect te dtd conne Cet generutty ln av of e The w-rkslips cure etd t Mtotn ett bey sac. Publier Library te Tuesday und -Mati pepe tsht ceame aus castd Tliursday. Auction Threwllle ahn UNDERCOATUNO Custît lied liens aslied fro.l a appreve an auctie $ 74f tre ,tas -uicins eqatprnt on land t 7 mabe as autîtasa rh- abstle cuse selo Laurie Mastll urged le PstASEuetTE aealeaaat-e1ti2tY» o autîob lielld regad- elae. es adaas suppered lyterest of thees Z uliartl il las bees estrnated thereiossatltseed aboe $40,090 sn sed tsars ety ter tle aucttre te lie a sucs.Tht regtese 0ii 33 Main St., Mikton Iteeer. le lilstered liy u=t insentery belese nf te tht Huttes Refas Con s7 - B sersaties Autloirty. M 4~PEUND I tocs ataest.aNDt50 e .~~-eta, I I t F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE N 216 Main St., Milton, Ont. M NEIL S. MacLEAN LIFE- MOItTGAGE- BUSINESS - GROUP 50U8NDEENDET AENTMUTUALLIPE OFCANADA SINCEEDEAE NTeic30MAIN ST. E. MILTON LT IP 878-2326 878-06l1 225 MANST.E5UT E 5. MILTON. ONT IN9s Roht (Pie) Las M lUts huru.. Agmqc AQ 416878-5786 uîe.sîa.anînrne- Grsue.nnut.ea Fran Baines we, i Iurmtce Ltd. ~it ëfinaiian rhanRioul meeting the changing needs of Our Community LORNE D. GREENWOOD Barrister asd Seticitor 165 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 878-7279 HUTCHINSON, THOMPSON, H EN DER SON BARRISTEAS & SOLICITORS GENERAL PRACTICE 264 Main St. E. Miton, Ostario 878-2841 L9T 16B2 WL. Hsdonas BC-,tL.L HwrdaHMrt L.5B (Ccuùý !NSURBRCE 208 Main Street E.,Milo Ia N -ms 878.-2894 4IGHT 1NSU8ANCEJ QGENCY LIMITED Don Knigitt, A..I.C. Triangle Square laeOntarieuS. S. Miltn 878-8459 CLEMENTS & NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 87M7217 'WE SELL ALL CLASSES OFIIVSURANCE' THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MEETING THE NEED 0F OU/R COMMUN/fl' SPROULE & GIROUARD Barristers & Solicitors Marion E. Howard, B.A.L.L.B. Unit 3, 17 Wilson Drive Milton, Ontario 878-2801 Toronto Lise 826-1622 DEREKJ. PRESSE BA., MA., L. L. B. Barrister & Solicitor 158 Main Street Milton, Ontario 878-5432 NICHOLS & SER VOS Brrsters, Soicitors, Notures Public 207 Mary Street Miton, Ontario 878-4149 MR. ALLAN NICHOLS D.C.. MR. JDSEPH- P. SERVDS BA., L.L.B. RONALD FLANNAGAN B.A.,L.L.B. Rarrsater E& Solicitor General Practice 13 CHARLES STREET MILTON, ONT. L9T 2G5 878-2806 L 98.m. ta 5p.m. Monday ta Frdayorbyappointaenf FURLONG &FINK j Barristers & Solicitors RICHARD FURLONG, B.A., L.L.B. Real Estate and Landiord and Tenant Business Law, Debtor and Creditors Riglts Estates, Wils and Trusts Civil Litigation Criminal Lawn Farniy Law and Divorce Suite 27 Milton Mal Ontario St., Milton 878-8123 -- Homo Improvement IL - .,Check List GUS MOWBRAY LTD. Furnace Installation Repairing and Cleaning Gas or 011 475 Ontarlo t . 878-2381 LAWN &s GARDENPLUT EOUIPMENT b SUPPLIES PET &t BIRD FEED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE WORI( CLOTHING PAINT L878-23 D Adittoo E EIcb"c E CwM nWatk Fi CR" Cm"ra EI PImdinq Ei PaOs n Kitchai E Carpolhl E LMUhqM E Panolî "E Ffrpcs E Eave E Storm Wutdows E Pahig Ei Pqturh E Laubur E Roefhi Ei Sang E lm.,mli* Cm* & sdvati(ws in AM sdve~en fer Ast/wwue* ycw wt 3HWAY -- Wate, The g Centres AU[tfW Way Yom Like If' ECARRY A :FREthtNSTALLATIa FEESRtC LETE UNE 0F LOWEST MONTHLY REN RT5 ER c.a Bll iMcDonald -ATION 8498 ETING84-71 _ IINUM mi DOORS h ER WINDOWS BINO EQUIPMENT èaiba 78-8U87 8"liAm.ioui 878-2341 1 1