The Canadian Champion, Wed., Dec. 26, 19795 f-lton Region roads stiil under staffing study Mlttqugpt me have anany regianat rada ta Hatton, we nit dent have a definitian of mhai a regonat rnad a aand minre they are. If thait oands con faion, conider the pight of the reginoat publite nonekacoaaittee nicin met in a speciot session Wcdonday ta try ta came ap mith the definitiona that have heen tacking inre regionatinatian. Whea thne regino took oran, mast roadenont drectty mithio an arban area ere dahbed regionat roadas-mitris the aittatoa Ioda>'. ta Augant of tp18, (om- ever, a staff cotaimittee at the region mon track, tan rtationz regoat Pirenfi1 roade ia teenan o reaponiittty ad maintenance. T'he raatlt of thia mon enpected to ha anbmitted ta enmmitttetant meek, liaI oach wmon otthe Puhtic mrha directar Boh iMaore said staff memhera had donc mach mark ht il mon (ia opinion the finant designation montd have ta comne from etected officiats and the rasid- cota of Hatton. Mr. Maore. ander questions from a ena- mitce espeettag rautas nontd ha anbmtted for diacanaion. naid he thnnght the hast defioitioo moatd (e "Aoy rond liaadtiag inter- municipat traffi.' Mont- of tke roade eareentty cenaidered reginat "are predomiaa'iy crat,' Me. Maore said. There are non egionat roade coneting htmeco Oak- itte and taartiagton and ths iastanbeen mhere the Mast prbltema ono netectionahave aarfaced. Me nated hath manicipaitia are jeatnanaty guardiag treeta mithia their respective hrdersad ot ansînon ta gine ap the raspoalhitlity to the regina. On the thar aidentf the con, anme roade con- idered reginat in Northi RaitInamay ha givn hock la Mitton or oitIon Hitta ander the rtinatiation todya, lia bu th, wf ce rel sa thi Co Pr mi tw mi Bii hie Pa Of the ac, 1 sui cet dui to MILTON FIEE DEPARTMENT took thc irrn that mode fthc pi delivery of its nese pomper bost week as Jim Couloon sits 10 the ti Acting Mayor Brion Penman received Uic wiUi equipment, cot t keyn trom Howard Macay riglti, noIes $84000. reprenentotive trom King Seagrove Ltd. natn toma my ont mont tank at Main St. and them. ya'tt non what t mon.' ta Mton Mata St.- Athangli no ira alunli enta throngh the deciniona mccc made, ntre nf tom-fi;nonw MrMaore iodtcated the regianat rond. Mr. Maore nmhar ot reginat rade àatlie cotno(taee hom mayhacrednced tu"fine. hai ctasification omand psaihty i.' ntnewith Main St. HIe saod Oritamna Rd., copane n ta(neper- for isanne, duel;nont monentty clooed and carry nhot cnntd ha mraed ino a pedestrion termed inter-municipal talit. traffie ood therefare Ont Mton Conocittor ahotd nont qaatify as o itt Johinon said lie osd reginnat rond. ai conaicît arco*t pre- On the allier hosd. )ared tua ole hock aay Teemoine Rd. mutl pro- )f thene radai,unotas halty remain a regionat tey are lronglit up su rod asim itt ot hasdte eceptahle conditions.' iner-manicipal troOtec Me naid the coods oece but a targe noalier ni iurrendercd onder tractas mhictî ittevn ngînnaitatton and iaalty oeed a major rond ariog the pou asis yeara tlhaat garhage ta the they have heeo otlomed Site Ftadfitt aires. ildeterorate. .jant Same ronds mentinaed 1980 "balby"' Miton F-re Depari- ment tlookdctincry tant weccl isansew t979 pomper. Iletruck arrined at thc Central Pire Station Tneaday maroîog tram the-Woodtock ptont ni Ktog Seagrove Ltd., manufactureraofuthle nehliele. Other occennar>' eqip- ment. aoeh aastose anotes, came witli the ruck. Tîotlcot, accord- ing tii ire Chief Jien Couilson,. n araaad $04.000. T'lietroct an pnmpn840 galtons ot mater pec minute ram o tydroot and cuntoins a 500 gatton noter tank. The pante opeators contrat panel as n lie tracta, hetmeen the cah and tank. foc cea- sos'oftsatety. aumer. ire Chief Htonard MacKoy. a rtnck Thepompe, snoes epresentatine 'il p pe, Ktng Ieagrone. handed he tosen close ttt lie kevsn iîîiie trckchîec T'a Acitng Maorte Oct Pen mas. 1aetalded Trafatgar Rd., 'tremaine Rd., Steetas Ave., and the Ptiath Lise' WinatnChurchaitl Olnd. haandary hatmcca Mioanad Peel Reginons Mr. Maore saidoatfui] report hy ataff an the seteetinand oamiag of possible regionat ronde nitt ha lronght hack 10 the Non. 20 meeting of the pulie aneka commaîncee ýRegion review planned Mottas Regionot Coancit han set o Fea. t, 1980 dondtiae for asggasted ehangas ond recnanaendationa ta amcnd Oill 15t mhich eatahtiahed regînnal goneromeot. The recammeodotiana wilcame ofler a fuIt ce' aies nI the haaefitsand lie tiahiitiîca oa ccgioatinm k>' un cdllora oa the Administration and Pin- aneComrnittree A mane for o regionol reniem mon prompted hy Milton Mayor Dan Gardon sha pctttioaed aecentty ftrac oufaell inemhoraaonaoncithbaaed onpoputation gcamth. Tîtere are alan o oamhac of diiions oltiihane deepened hato-cen the four area niuiîscipotitie oer loto. Suaanianians ond necammendations atil ha ilat millih y île cm inicte and ihen anilSgalao cosse il bhoare 15e> are iiaussed. nated an, and h'n t the Ontoria liîîncnmenltfoc inclasion in Bill tS Sohool board chairman waits on new contra ct negotiator A 'maitiand sec attit- ode' ta hiog adeptcd hp RatinaBard of Edar- ationaChaieman Butl erd sn rapone ta the ad diions afprotessiosol segoitorsro bthe hagia selmai (cachera' tcam. "The onty thîng t cas say a mce ii ail and sec ha mtaht means*". erd sad an s tetepiaanr interview. Otarioi Secindor> achat Teachee ' Federotian District 9, the toao graap, ank the pran- timi argasizto tla "tk vtne" lihe negtiatiosn mta the scia' aml ard as ofDecemhe t9. riagiog tii the segat- ltion toMle itlie ha ie support at the 360 memer provniatl gruup ptas inonces and a peatessiainat negatiataar, sad Scil Muot chair- mon of (lie nwnegot- asiaac cana ataSTF mode lie as- notoirem'entlai the press peite t'a aaOaealty nform- ing tOc achutat hard. tlerd schnna'tcdged lie liaad heen iaonmed aerhally oftheehange. find ihat aaaiofdoing hasanrsatjecaonale." lac saad. Iterd ssid lac dîd sut etitsider the sniicia ai aegtiatoîs ais lie coachers sîde a major change. The board tiaon changentila oegntioe in anis rond oftltts. Hltans 1.165 hagla sclia tintltcochers liane heen wuehang nitasi saciai tract snce Septembere This oite second ycsr n a rua'ta ininch thle nehool yeac hian cummenced nihoua onlrc ieng igned. Lana yese'a cunraciýa agceediaaain Jauasey. laiut ni> siien a mediataîr -s a pPoitnid iii hlep hing ahc iden la- gether. Segotaîiona acre get asg wecO. sceurdangtot hoard altacials. Salit ides a-ee ai the cas- tecence tahte astîl 4 .m. Ttarsdoy a'arsang." toiaîtia e rccsiltait, ta rait ansa greemnt.i Weauee'dama t) aj on issue. ' lier aiuad, tir erepreird ritai asn ' itrlttian atta thai tara.,i the toilas ti is iaintreaib>l ciai t SOTt" presenraiRiai Nessaniit naii tae "tuila lana ce ttedalsattril teees 'ict'ttiintitaitt ana owýi iectiniotnania sal ite petaattnilenruaefor tnep ctre"o niro' n tinng, antlNesn ins hem a 'nc tame." i snd ']lite tallaacre ti cita tans ' iiithe ann Moda> liîucee, anme hbord alita nain actentsur- peiser]t aiten elir SHOPPING SI'IR WININLf Barbaru $50 worth ot merchandise. Ginîng bcr thc Rankin Iriglti is handcýd hér voocher voucher are DBIA chairman Barncy cnabling her to go to any or aIl of flac stores Hendernon (leftt and OHIA mernber Paul in the Hiltowne Centre Dosentosen Boa- Borland. mness lmproeersetl Area and boy a lofaI of Town treasury worker wins $500 shopping spree il as aumehuan hiang aotlati,wninthe saoppe' nIe mi cullentthîe asoo lallats nece caltcted liai o persilsnîtho lensing spree hnebler ticket mota nIranectanodise. Tturstoaa nltaci main st1*ond says nlie aas putten t anftaa dram Site saint sle as con- daems notatitlie shopp- Thsrsday aohenan. idring speodisg il ait sn DItA atarnbea' ['au[ ing an Moi tsouldimit Tue dram nos ltein t auane ptace, lot itt litetyBorasauntile tasd is a $s00 shopping apreilie offîce ot Sacs> apreant il raunntMain Ki.calettccldenougli altaiui troan mainsi.t mer- lacodersan, chairmas ait Mecclansa ithis île t fau l a rge. greena chanta. île Damnion usOninss DOlA aeea ladltotaco plastic gochage h.1g tapronemesi Area, prt ta île promoaion v Mrs Ranlian oaad nue Barhara Rankin, an aponoros ot the dram. mtferiag tine Icee dram Ci d idai remera'a (o emptoyeeaofihe Treaanr7 Mrs. Rantan said nbe entameca. Cantamers nihilia stare star ilaled aut Deporîmeni ai Mitos asmnt yei decident mlere itted out a hattot, anthîe lier mmoing haloat. taated it,'akle itheap- poitaiment.liai coing Opernesdest ni Instruction Jahno tinta saad: '(cachaers dadnn[ alita sp "ontiida>. They catirai Oc acre ptient>mird a ailai- 'leoclircccaornd thec iatcnedoasciailhboard officiaiafl le lie preatatas Scatay afernuan. "t al'i oregave hem rntisgtintilce,~"iSTo'F lacal pernadrait RocSes naad ai the presscoin- breneaniar ratlire directivsiamer lie lractaecs dadn'isow' p Stands> tI knru Oes avr o cc os'nIt1ag trae o ici iroe leprenîdet ofa tOSTE Distict9 ot use cnaacern"naidOHeed aIn th tac iesaîd tac liaped ie changentaimunt li> tetesclaes canceco- ang anc Munday meeting did onuitndtcate ashiftin posiaitio lis lheie ed- esas n."1cr n cepi> froni lias t Sesstand no officiasimilicecafthetalie anea'. saîdMHeedFrada>. Mle aas apeoaig freat ftins allicerintavitalle. and actanawiedgedliaIaitof ficial attitre trimatac irociaecn oaabchataItae baardofier an Ouetag- erd aoadalialt teasup- positicoan ftas part s taI hhelan hornsoanme nterruaptionouthin lic hain l)canneithe ce- quesihrithe provncial lian t t alie one lie oegntiiann. Merd nireanen thlai houa sites an Itle talis ihave bha lanent neil and ces- passily. The danger ai lic moment s apeiling lie apple carl li> maliang stoiemensn. licsaint Me went an ta say ic hopent filer change li> the t cacheres nl ont cesalt an a tais ait trust ai h tIlO-' dia ig tablhi lit- ld 1 l '1 e ta--la ttai 'ttie ,lrd li e Farte lecachera port. liechantoge in ocgottatnrs sa stnep n lie ragha die- ecalisn,accoeding lai lic pesseconteresce ai lic teadatiers i Ouclang- tain, Ngotiting lcam caitmas Neil Mirna ndiestent o hope ltas mth lie board oatd re- ssac eaely in January. "Wecuxpeciiliisgsiaa ho gainent troan thia positive step. a sOcp liai lad ta ho tataco ai tin time," Sean sain totahle press.The deciioàtlo go toilhe penn- triteraniantey tan hlrp mas made Deca.18. "the oiat atp the loal gennp litaitake.its a teti- se."' saad Mounri Bo, h [ite board and les- chersa milgo hock an Jas- uae> ieelîsg sa lie bhoer about tîiogs. Were sssg lie mandate ihey gave in l auiid 'Seing tite seodyert'i sa'. tou a i ntît nait ta ciircorperceptiotn i)i tlicemenahars feelings i-t* atanaealisg- leoisare av00e pee- mioînaaaaSNoemlero !lprovnincial iiRTF isakenvre o tîe ialhn tue le tesacra Maire ilion .M) per cent ufthile tea- asers o saed andodfuthlai namhe95.1 per cent vata r ba seoner, sand Kyaise-nnamanîsg ti lic oegtated i con- nanans., sccoadaog tn aaoSTF ase cocmpes- nattas, hanchats. taOang sud woakang conditîonn. Tahrhaoe dune al lhsi csnlbc donc, accord- tng iii an OOSTF press er' lEs.ta'reaci a taie and eqaîtble ettemeni. Teachers are asktag tacr rîght per cent as- crane an %nages plas a cant oa itviang classe. sccîcdang ttiOSTF. The ord. scaaedisg ta Sean inaltecag moreenaney ti therless esperirnced tes- chers than tir thle senior inociieca "Mosta cochera naald lie geiiing tesa tiant[iseper ceatin- crae- lie saîd. A 1 icaace untit io x perience. aithliclament categar>. ontanhe ailier hond nouadrerceise a 7.91 par cent ncrease. The teachera arr absoasa(nng foe an ncrease an lie t liad'n contraibuioan ti bënefts. 1 The ti siden cemnaîn ircccri, citait tbe pattai'ai eufi ttt'tt il ii, ir i iate. anlifolainal 'titra acetono ta ti icle it> dayn aller ithe tort tndeen report s mode pauic (the tia t alhaoe p Josaryt13)ithe briard may change île canditions of thie cl- lcalme agcccmcntse- cordisg taonBidli. Sy Jaoney 3Steiachers liane ta malie o sanement aboutithe t980-t 81 ltas, oaid lie former r saperistendent oftnt- t ensiman. "fegttattonn art ptttng np an oel filitons,-ilac aid. Milton Fire Department hosted ifs an- nual Christmas dinner for firefightern, former firefi&htera and varioua helpers, a t the Central Fare Hall Friday evening, Dec. 21. Oser 60 enjoyed the roaat beef dinner prepored by Uhc aocial committee onder te chairmonship nf tirefighter Jino Flan. A apecial guest, Bill MeKeosen repre- nentang Milton Lions Club, seas givetu a big tatnd for carlier in flhc day the Lions had cnntributed $2164 to pnut flen tire depart- mcnt'n reocue tool tond oser the top. Fire Cief Jies Couinon was emece for a briet program, doring which he thanked lte firetiflatero and helpers for another soccesaful year. Others speaking incloded Depuet Chief Harold Coulsan and two r tir ire chiefs, Bill Randeli andt Bahe Clennent. Drowas were held for a dozen torkeys, opernted hy Gord Krantn and Glenn Stringer and for a couple of bottîca of 'ýmilk" operated by Bob Kerr and Paf Ryan. Halton Regional Police constables in Hilton have been taking an extra passeoger with them daring their shifts, He la 19-year-old Grant MeLa>' of Norwich. Grant la the s00 of Norwich Township ex-chief Ken MeLa>'. and is a second year todent in fthc Law and Security course ut Sheridan College in Oaknille. Part of Uic lase progrars entails practical experience in some field of tam entorcement. Grant seas assigned to the Hilton divinion and says he han enjoyed the ex- perience. BROOK VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL many long hoors putting together a STUDENTS Dean McKeows, 12, and natieity scene for the school. The ploswood Frances Chishoîrs, 12, were among a figures were designed, cut and paited hy groun of grade tise indiiduasmIa sontai ho atietss School during their Christmas concert. ing, and a sing-along involvang the The stodents put on a show for their par- teachers and mersb ors of the audience. Water-sewer committee set Regianal 'aancdtliasa crecaid s ise-meoihor. allhialemtrs, bil aarpsyernoand lie aoamiee cauld ho nattsacifr a loraacme Unider lie equascO uaaer and semer rate su sien. cauricixercis snepeople are gaing tI rviehaglirebills han lies lasse heen ase cusitored Ioidespar aa n18io Odhntarioagani tolia eipoffit te tue mediaiermine. Equatalian lienghnby caunicdt n acter tlialhne cear -ai rates commuintla al île regian. Ioaaeaec. lie entent ai On' aster and seace saael innraclimnca polît> plansliascompaa tis as-ftans ai ati taaa ' ,-tait a Regional 'l'ecannrerc Dos Faroier tnid saunait tant Wednsda> lac naatd lîke the comaatie la gai ta mark as sait as possilin the nen yeae asbil huavebancready ganenout and some people arc lceody apset. Regional Claiemon tarin Raftin saintle lias heco toli> yM. Forer thie cosmittene otntd ha meeting os many an 20 timen an the oea' ycae Oeccane nI this. meahaca ofthile ena- atree met lric0ly aoee lana t tenda , na-canil omeetigi-haeltant- troai-ne uai aî'i,ti pretamnaac> ditiatan-ati an tien ni ies foia peiss Cmmle ieilacs ara' citas ialn la, b tait s %itlItit Slil tansn ,Itl)i It iltosk aaaiaaaasha a latn fils. ii manant atht erla F rac onaa a> a slticcate. ilskcîttc taaen'v Mannell '%aida, lasdditaaa nttantil i ca'N lisanlas altcer "a ruen a o suael aid lOi ti i ,ta at.aiioa i ctiti' ta-a at-. tata i ttAligtia. mtil iitt il ai i il i iiad,' Dasi LaCobanîlsas alter aI. scianstaa tins're sala' aIpatIa1.,nilaaan Att-a sen tasa' tlattai tassa' tititt ilr, uititlita 'iti linai siis scilifeaeling ies i an$2a-0pet Oaa tMi snl nlbepa'cied taa taronoisii'Mrtii.iaat ataat e seYetainsag a ai d lia tîbc 'aaagiim ait a tisvasrses sbr as stanN, meeeingniheeilanc i as-0 il nce ar o ore nplxise ,k ec ein g appeaOe ORANGES AND MORE ORANGES, an Brookytîle todent Kir- stine Stewart, 12 helps Doncan Ramsay from Holton Centenniol Monor load cratea ofUthfruit. Brookvtlle Publie Sehool atudenta donated a total ot 700 poundo of oranges and grapefrwit to fthc Manor. They seere left oser atter a grade oeven noIes compoino 1 ------------------------------ 1