l*Ntory magazine slswl y JMsHbasaa epenibiele t rile, bock witb a slery and ti jemacS mre enctitng. welled Bnsn teerenttn A aniqaed.perfienlle phograpb and iay eut picluren Bsn Sharp ,one of lb. jearnaliem as n career combibeEngliehbiBltry ithe pulication sncb Aller macb cnvncing eladenia, wan recs.Uly in He sid heliadât and jeursailate bon seestser an a terni pro- nf Hallen Bard nf Milon welere lie leutred repidateoneaiffirsl ef go- prduce a winntng jeci. Educalien membets, lb. lhe Millen csurlheuae tng oui le inlerviewe magazine fr a greup of Maggie Slariand, an prjeel gel sff the greund and jail. His did thie peepde, bu ole e a- Grade Il Balinlon Englili leaclier, and Ibreese neneers age and pbefograpby and belped laaily loeosfrward le il. scendaey nebel Deug Goe, a isiry lb. nudsntn asenessecinteb wriing oftIhe niry "I as scared ai finit, nludents. leaclier, came up sil eued bock. Of the impstng edifice. bol i feesd eu peeple lb. magazne le calsdth idea afler ntn a Ms. S la sapel. s b tahffre r jutlove tlestlsroned and Brae TnelnWithtSe&idofrfame tel ei si.se.y Brs at.Tihsfirst sneudar magaines epesttesnt te mach Caadin ahampion polub. ae ellerp two editonswere sold eu pubed ile lb.intled mre itees.teng Ilan liher Jim Dils and Valle gihaie tock nerlepc and iltanqdle pssilhe tsStaes. las les. vsry julsl raighl 1tessnin Gcttealaw of Mllen wbsnihey nray a liI, bt t hird ediien s 1off1te saccensfi. Englinli and litory. MHinicai Sncty, Bsn thep usly tel yeu pees1a , tf sl. Mc. Sarisnd said tbe Sbe ayn the pejecit waabeltu lanin a sry esee hing yea eesd le ifosas HaIz.adeola are aplil ap ltlegines. sent u "a lie ia qils prend of as knocw hlltel wU s wo-psnple lestes and rewardog expeesce" oppsu ned le rdinacy ndbewtgiea slss8 Brslngien advcs on sorY and, becasa il cetebines. sliel wrk." nest fholier peuopleu * Cuai Ssa i deaa nr, iliey jidilgo oulaneu o e dtengeiaoli ak a as oan atwih"h on thir-» andcomesatd. Tbese ollier peope havse peeed le bo a bocli- bonesof tbe Brass Tacbo apptoac istltog and pobutnhtng "a magazine. Tiese eldens haboe aiready bulo p o gnud file of conacts f or fature nlney tdeas and photn- gaphe. Jady Cnntli, azoter suds.l on Brasn Taris, pboograplied lb. roser ptlre and she han foesd tseexercis 10 hasome- lhing of an sys-opener. 'Wlien ynu. read i, yoo'li find il in reuiiy good. 'lit guen lu nhow jul tebal a greup f Grade il nlodents con realiy do," uite ad. The magazine relain nubcripîlus wce year seui lu a suli - sriber'n hume. Il n airs onosale in a oumbor of oulelu througobuiHalion Region. Mes. Slioriaed feein the magazine wcul ssiI oeil bCaure il lias cume oul MIXING ENGLISH, history, journaliim Htgh Schooi. Teacher Mns. Maggie lanl bolore Christmau and marketing is tihe idea behind a Shariand, isît, of Milton is ShoSFSS Wth luiS and -il lu îxierening 10 maazine calied Brass Tecks ýpubiihed by of the mgzn htgahrwie Bsn real. a eaI bsorcal Drumgluin Christmas changes from 1800s to today By Ms. CeciliPatesIs Tbe reglar meetng ni Belliel United Chrch iJCW cas eld un Dec. 5 ta tbe charcli. egesiog ,yib o pot lcloncheli aa oc. Niosteisaladis and Ilree chlden en- joyed lb. meai. Mms. Piclieti. presideni. openel the meeing cîlli Chrintmas canins Tii. cîrohip fwogate cou in chargeofutMs. Emly Feolberniun and lb. Ibeme wgs Wboi Maken Christmas?" Hec message steseud thai lii gel love tee muni irt gise luxe and indeesu lu tor feiiow mon The membrs mode a cash donation 4u the Si. Michaei's Aglican Sises.talille. and alut ltu MisAudey Laurench. whîî n a mînniusary eacher in Taiwan China. Pans tere made for tbe cogregalinnal Chrirsmas Pary Be. 16, andforcwhite gif ilod and cithîu l a nnt li the Fred VctFMinnion fulcciug thc119 5wor- shîp Mrs. Margaret Warh aud Mrs. EBaIll iad the prîîgramn and gave cutocms ai Criutmau irom tlie Inuits up lii dole. In le early day, food cas ery scarce and lianies showc liai bolid eggs cere olîx i on the menu. Aller ,onfedera- ion in16.foolud and relebratioxucwere mire elabrtoe. Gits cere usualy homnemade such as mitîs. soclis. toqau. and land madeor namextu Tiday in 1979 we are blessed cîlh a abondance il everything lie tamdly desices ctcx lbo muh-and Christ- mau c geting cery cîîîîmercialized Wiiiî aicohol. food axd pleasures. many forge h ruc spritil Chist- Ms. Ada McCaxo cas guesi peer aod deniîcs sleated making Christ- max decoeatiinu. or sages table centres and door ucags The concrt and cii lucb dinner held on Dec. 16 oloing churcli. cih a fixe pcîgram 01 shîls axdilmusical ictebers. Tii our masy rîeods of lic Drumquiu secs. exlend a noo si sîcer e cihiliat a il cl lave a happy and joyoas day cih riendu and lîîced oe.Mrry Chrismas lii The ceelly uchre at Hoiieby - uuuiy Cextre cas ii Salue. A5T5RITISC'URE Many penple cti arîbrtîs lok for some pli. injection or liqud medicixe chîch cilI cure Iheir dîsease. A cure dors nttexist Artritis rus- tro may bcachieced by a combnatiuri f ret. esercse and drugs, but oly under supervision ut a dotue day Dec. 5 ihne tables on play Prize c iecers mere Mrs. Ethel Martin. Ms Myrie Cunningham. Miss Ethel Brtocnridge. Harvey. [iann. Muellia Richard- son. Vi Preston. Mes. V Sinclair received theflîccers ilciaied by Flash Taxi asd Wilmer Masiin won te Chrismiasflîccers gîceîî by Keitit Webb. florisi N1et pary isDec. 22. MOWBRAY INSULATION Blown In Cellulose Installation TA KEAD VANlv TGE 0F GOVERAOMENTGRANTS 475 Ontario St. S. A78-2381nAy Our Very Good Friends Best Wishes for a HiAPPFY NEW YEAR! ross banie 220 Main St.,. Hilton 878-6341 -Renowncd for Qualiiy- L'l lji I ici p"i i1i 56IW -Y k4 ij pr'n i tbey olistruci snwpinwirg Et cleasîog oporatns. nf' (ir jFOUR EXTRA (J OUCHm FcOlRIST.. PROPER1Y OWNERS p4.s f ORETATOCIFOITIiat our co operaton in clearixg sow Irotem the sidemalli ix front of your U Y o ~ L N M W property is euse.M «O Î bb bsen ctearixig snoor please co-operate by sot piommxa or shooellitgSh p i g C n r el onw from your property o to the road. Beides eig dangerou if luS o p ng C n r Berry Megal and offenders cas lie charged. FOE& IFT SHOP . . . . . . . .55 Ontari~o St. South ACE MALL5IOURO AND 228 MAIN ST. S78-9301 Vour co-operatios in oliuervng thene regulations miii asuint grealinl MONDAYT5IROUGH FRIDAY OF FRI i th ie minier cunirol programme and lie to tbe adoantage of ail citizenu. 100A.M. TO 9.310P.M. BATURDAS B:30 ^M. TOSOOP.M. PARKING The Corporation of the Town of Mikton PUBLIC NOTICE SNOW PLVWING &r SNOW REMOVAL Piase co-oprato in kepîng pa led vehices in driveways and OFF streets in the Tows of MîItox to allow for prompt Snow Plowîxg E Snow Remccal. On cul-de-sac streets the prsoxiceocf ecex ose parlind car pncexts car sccw picwîog oqcîpmext froor plowing any part cf that street because of tîîîsîsg area requiced fthelnsnwpicws. v v r cand ire. t iupakW d eics hU mm- - ý ý - 1 --------------- - -