h 'Vis Tisa Canadian Champion, Wnd., Dec. 26, 19793 Earller de"ctIne Deadllneé for nont weaksis',saneonI Te Champion have hes ad- vanced, due te the Tises- day loday for New Year'n Day. Trhe paper wilI he innaad Wednea- day, Jan. 2 at the sal tuime. Display and claasified d'p laysdnmst ha r aevd a the ffice hy 5 p.m. Priday. Dec. 2. Newsn items ogll he ac- cepted ontil 10 arn. Mon day. Dec. 31 and claosi- ieds unil 12 neen, Mes- day, Be. 31. Tise Champion office taswu mstlo c nal snIes and offices, remains lrned on Nw Year's Dn Police yearbook The Haltoe Itagion Police Asociaien is planning ils first year- book. Tihe on is dueeInn ha released in May in con- juntcIoe willn Police Weeh and milI eatre articles, piclares and materiat ce the acivilien et police officers and social event. The pblication milI atm include anme hisori- cal fealres, accrding linn Bill GoI, association pre- sident. -Tise maie aim of lie projeet ilI ha let pre- serve lie isitry of lie Assciation and give s te npportnity t sare os and lise trce iithtie public e serve," an- plaine<$ Nrm Ryal ciairmon (f tise year-v bookiscmmittee. He said the Associaton plans In puaitisSo a copiesof theisookifurerrtroc disribuation thlreuglculc tise feginn Mtney mode thrcaglt lie sale id advertieg oilt go Inîarde l'e cnneuitty projets. Hall efthlie espected $4000 revenue mili ha gicen litlise Ontario tisciety for t'rnppledg Ciildeen. LOADING BOXES togo to37MeaIs on pckthe boxes fui]lof Wheels reciptents ta Ward Matby, a grade b MDHS students ori 13 student at Milton Ditrict Hiohh Sehool. donations. The boxes He was one of the tudents who helped day afternoon, Students made Christn2 àbrighter for Miltonians Meais on tOises ise stadesds cniiecied appie pie ram recipients racelved an reaghiy $30 worttn et Cideigh's Appte Farm, extra Christmas prenant, food and $5W in cash. Tie mufins rem Mms. cooteny et Milton money as aaed te hay Careey's cosieg classa Ditrict Higis Scho. more food. of nil read, margarine, Tisa siadents have haen Science eacier Paul jam, cerel, potalces, ce a fod-gaihering Crry as ose of thea iens, corrcis, caened campaign. Ad thanisa te organisera of tise eveni. vegetaistes, craniserry their effors, 37 pea)ple Ha said eacishaeoxcent' saoce, condimeets, joce, ii have a compieta aieed a chicisen frcm renînIfrit, seap, Chritmasndinner Mapie Lodge Frma, an macaroni. coniies, con- Dies in car crash A 22-year'eld Miltas mcman died eariy Satar' day monring, josl Ime days hatcre Christmas an a result nil injuries recenced in a car-bs crash losI Wednesday. Dead is Jaya Mac- millanonfil26 Mate St.. Milton. Mm .MacMillan mas a passner iv aca driven isy 22-year'inld Sherry Sim ct 6472 Trafalgar Rd., Hnby. Mies Sim is reported ie gond condition aI Hamiltn General Hospili. Acrnrding Inn Haleen Regionai Police tise tragedy occrred Wednsday cf ap' preimatly 4.30 p.m. on Apptaisy Lina matis ot Feur Sideaead, misen Mies Sim test central nil ier cr aed suidinIe lise paholifnla scismt hon driven hy Nra Pyhe f Buringien. Tise Imînveiicles ere travelling in opposite direactions. Theeibs driver and Imîn Brlington yoaegsters Don 't miss ring-in The spa year will be rang in by Ail persn n w awn are invted te Milon Librarian Sheagh Cnway. corne te town hall at Ihat ime te Mms. Conway wi be aItewn hall an ceebrate the coming oftIhe new year. Dec. 31 as part ot Miton Kinsmens Rereshments willisenserved. annual Nw ears Ring-l. The ring-in has evotved inIe a trad- At midnlghl on New Year's Ev, iienine Milton wth a lcal celeirity Mrs. Cnway wili ring the els te inviled annuallyt edelie honors et signity the end et 1979 and the begin- ringmng ot tise aId year and ringing ie ningn of 98. tise nena aîîndtais cjcan'ial -Thk You" Tocatlor ciaomeror making 1978 înnteearecord ireoking yaar. Il hec ieen a pleasre le receo'îvg etd Aquaint onces and makicg sce ney nes' onec.1 THE MANAGEMENT AN) StiAF JACK RICHARDSON CHEV. _ ()LOS. LTD. 6791 HIGHWAY 255S. MILTON 8782393 received mner injoctes. Miltinepolice cîficers attrihoîrd stppry aed snwcevered read condi- in tie collision. 'risa MilIce Fira Deparîmnent 'cas caled Inn assisl îl ithte rescar nilth lIwo victime. Ste icsurvedisyhler tusiscnd, Jacks. Escapee returned Trhe ast of 10 esoapees mine led tn Mapieiursl drieg a prsonînitvrarly in weeiss agi as oppre' liendrd ine Torntoearly Wrdeesday mnrning. De. 19. Kevîni Poirer, 17. et 'Torocno cas pcied ap y Meirni Police. Policer deprîmnento aerosv oittliestrrtî Oîîntrioncondrd op I5 esai.prr e itini dayv of he prisonn break. ) food either donsted bought through cash sware delivered Fni lois ned Irait aed'o Chrîsîmnas card. MDHS oladants deiivared tise boees et tend Friday afttroe tii Meats ce Wiseeis recip' ients. Aflermards, Mr. Curry ireated lise students Inn a tockey dinner. Raglonai cosscllers con attend staff meetings c hut thay sholdalt expert 10 taise part r vote on recommandations. MiltnsCueniitr Bilt Johson vias tlid tiais ail ha cao expeci Io doa(a lise staff levai; evee ihosigiha ecompiained la ceancil tisai ha had heen bold ha "mont invted" ta a recent meeting et the tecisicat staff of tisa Soid Wanle Management Cemmiltee. TisaI cemmittea as recestiy ra-organized etensiveiy afler Mr. Johsnson campiained lise igit staff memisrs ce il nere olceling tise iiree regionai couneiliors. Tise cemmiitee, miicis s ciarged wilis mapping tise foIuraetofHate's manie disposai pro' grams, was cianged se tisaI staff memhars lest tiseir ceing privitages and twe mare cane' cillers, Iton Ptancheanad Mise Armsrong. mre added. Mr Johsnon tld regioal ceancit last weci ha iad te drive 40 mides te atend a lacis' olcat meeting and had isee tld le leace. Se said ie fit il 'cas tis rigit as a regiceat ccge tolaateed any sary as part et his regienai responsihility. Ha mas tld, isemevet. tisaI saff meeting ore designed te iring a staff 1 Burlngton Mail, Burlngton lis Y. lr. re iff They threw Bill out consensus te standing Altiseagis tiss o lie Barrett said tisaI cny cemimilteax and cooncit regi<neal iao' on staff staff memiser atO tîilla miera regnenat memhars cemmîllee meetiegs, as %hoe bld hlm ole tace cas tise diocusste issue eapcecsed isy Chirman wmcentd j e e a ld 10 and accepl, ameed, or Jacis Raflîs. Ma. Johison [cace tlois isy Ma. cote dean tise did gel ose suppert. Barrett. suggestions.Itakicite Mayor Harry Otîcicîta Cosnciller tccrta Monnatt said ha c thought mamisers eheetd leg tumeetiegs secoose it is the oety o ay le keep a grasp oninetermation whcnnvrrsste the I." O 6't) e . S ' L 10 Ç~,I. m5~8 . orçER vp t.L.l M Ci IOUV4 11 o. N beslro ffops af.s .1R- pu rm*d 11 o twgtsr aRM blwg w vw aHopedale Mail, Oakvile -I a Milton Mail, Milton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w 1 a