88 Tise Coaduan ChampoWnd. Dec. 26,1979 Fellowship the key to the Kinsmen- Tise Milon immon Club is tace of lie newer ervice clubs la ou. Il iriginlly sluvlcd lanlise ealy 19M05bal the irai club disbunded, iînly la s. rerhuvrtecd in 174 CELEBRATING THE COMPLETION of unother project or- compliuhed by the Milton Kinsmen Club are six club members. The new frame for the swings aI St. Pefers Separale Scbool was dune by club memnbers who donaled Iheir ime and money. The membe_ fr..mtop tb bollom, lefI 10 right, are Carl Jenuen, Jim Rae, Lorne Greenwood, Dave Barry, Bob Winder and Raymond Charette. ParticiPark project is next for1 MifIoions o ii soin ise able iii cvercctse Eurtipeuv style if tise Mit on Ktsmrtt Club iris ifs u'ay Tishe 22-menitier service club bas srosvcîîsîdered tise ptssibtiti iof addtntt seseraf xriesttost Kîvvmro Paris. nderoiiig tfisc cst" tietiseve'.oviifonneiseip from a fistolrto front. Tie stt5i,-itiitdr spots o tif tadders for ifimiit. pusboups ond tier vaicd eserccîes aouund oginf rackvisîîcb cîoiti bc made ociabirtIo te etire comt " nîtho tiis fer Te profeci is brîsg istiird iy tise vnttioalKtsmevcccvcutisro'wtnch iopevttoocvlt )ParticuParissftucated aroovd fisc cotry, Thetiutoaleecuîîcr receîcedvsomne Kinsmen paris kits uviluble tlise local clubs. ,f e focal clubs mus secis cal suer f lnor[unciaf assistance. fiîd lie iiîîtdI cîostruci te statilons iem ittl estimuates place tie rosi at aoîusd $10.000. So fair. tise Mlon club liasirutîficîlty approacisti courii but resadenitromrne reeoosd said iiey wlscion The plus colts for about o dozen staftins. tltisoOtis uy sumber iof tattivons fi"b.,ddrd t a luieredole 'lite pavbv idea geeminuird ils Particîl'ucttoS fiscsome urne iscore tie Kismen Club broogistishe deam 010o raiywtisv r onstvocied acvoss Canada. NflC LEARA FEATURINO ~4oNH~2$NoWS, PLUS OTHER FRAMES FROM 9.95 FRAAEUEO0LY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ~ ~ &meij 4) Tii oplild con- oilalionai ahbovty; 5f To fonler apiri of ta' " Somebady jons e club ils lise alai for self- deveopaical" addo Gvcenomd. "00e lers self expresson. Bol mc muet upply tibas10 lise communily. "Our mollo a arviag lie communiys grat' eil nccds, micb mc base on muatib1is0aveu neede lise mmit." Tbul muy aican serv- ne bambrgers ai a boib, spnsoring sports tem. providine tis libvury wib a ocai aune pvijerlov.or coco con- verin KinsmnOParis i"fi a Europeunstyle enecise paris (Pur- fli Kiaamon par- icipale la aumevoan club civilies iclodag 1>1' meekly meetiags ai lthe er Rag Roam in lise Ciarles Holel, fotbal gamtes, and on aunual boul race dama the Credil River la SrelavIle. Rocals are licd up and ibeve 10sldom difficully geline members itu attend. One of lise projerîs lise club is comsidering can- cerraslise ae omenas iosici. A gvuip frontlise bosiel upproacbed the club wiis the aitof don' uing moncy lomardo a ncm building. "We muf jumi lattea vasai und lis il up ils furnilurus wmclias givingt hem a sivaigisi Kin club organized in Hamilton in 1920 Tise irai Rînsmen Club fer plusa $30unnul tee. ms fovmcd io Februavy Tise annauféfer goan 1920 in Hamiltoni mben tfard national proecrin Hurold Rgers relared and expenditeures miile lvom lie Firsi Wovld Wuv loclly rair d mîny and muanled 10 jina aclub, ties bcb 101" lise Hs fbiser oas a commonilles. member f lise Riiiuy Ni esfisan a5 pcv ceai Club miicli meuni Youngfof mîîney asadisf Roîgers (iben in fils euly divecil'y reinvned iii lie 20s) coldn'f loin. iimmunify [1mi îcb f Wthf some nmoral is raiseil Tise club in support frîîm iss biser. resicied by laie roni Rogetrs cent otOa nd prndiîig more iban 15 fovned lise irsi Kinsmen pcvrcnt of mîîney rised cois wiicisoas iniendcd fir gevevaf enpendilaves. îînly lîr Yon men. Loni ycr. lise clubs Tfhe clubs spveud lise biggesi copendifare wus cildilve and nom numbor ifs doînationîo lucynir 6it acetsi Canada.Tiere fîbvîsîs ai 11.000 Tise are 0000 Rt insmen îaged cluboînti cîioribuied $700 20-40t and tver 40.000)hicrmîsîîv sports, 500 Ifît membevo ionce insmen liraliScotfrioop. l$400 for eucis 40 yeavs iif ufe. filie Herîfage Day enay- bhey are alttced tlit nay tiiiiiciiniesiand $100 inthe cluasunK-40 em utforiernatioînal pro bers bof cuonof bold uoy eins. Tîere steve also execuise office 1ite nom erîîuo otbev smller 40.000( figure includes proeciS. Kinelenolsves of'iRns' Rgrs recelved lise lieder if Canada for lis %ourk luniyeav 1. lit tie six service club, in Mltn. Knsmen is tise sole ail i.anadiuv club allbiiugb if fias fies f10 several uoiildclde clus c fotr speciai prulecis a î lacl f te tsild clobs shaves sîmlar ideals uvd standards f tise Kîns ifTseoiutîcid itie t ir tise club ave frsi t ~ 1 .I ioirtducedisv a mmrs atameeinfg. tmetimeS IE~. aJ , bhey wîîuid pritipate ini U a~ stme soial events It gel lite feioftiflie club Greeitood stresses lucre is ot itiusife tr pres-a sure on anyone i) fois EDGAR HOWDE and is sîîly baurd o lhi cîretninesitiibe ANDO pari f tise cfub. 'ibere is a $6 initiatin Greenwoad. camera bail in lise club Thai projeet la 811H la diacovered lise need for tise drawing board oe. staies Drlag lise year, lise other projecla lise club club sponsors an esaay- sponsoars iclude tbe wriflng contet i the anasal Commaeity Day elemenlary scisuols. aoap'bon derby doue Aisealise clab bau made Man Sl. wicb draien waitlng for a ban ai tbe competiiors fromn arrosa corner o Main and lise province during the Martin sreela a lUe july i celebralion. armer by donaing a Te club aiea dasated a boa ebelter. movie projeclor la the f'ic pet proiecc of ail Rezoning of land makes lawsuit possible Milon Couaril bs inventigation imb lthe been lbvatesed wcii a mater" and tisat "a lawuit over lise enama miolake bas nol beea Of properiy but il me made." ualiely tise matter 'ciii.Counillors were besil- ever gel 10 col,. unin,0 decaso te mater AI issue la tise p lad i greai delail becaune of rcnonmng nof (and on mbal liscy called ils Branle Si. senahh f Derry "lliligios nature." Rd. from ladiatrial 10 Discusion cenlrcd on agrirslluval. Thic land 1 istechcronology of evenlo omncd by Juoma bovesi- of riten applications ments, and lise company versas expresocd la- mante 1n relain tise in- tentionsaaf bols an ap- danîrial veznng. plcation 10 devclop and a A lomyer for Jaasa, plan in rezonc. David Smith, appearcd before cooncil 10 copiainI is posîion. M. Smiths quoold a scries of daem and meel- ings, sggeoting an J honsmi mislake as made by a member oi mien staff, and lise rznn hudntbc pvocccdcd mîlb because Jasmas application la dalia thly'anmdcbn- dcvriopliws mande ai-4 fore couard expvcaocd b intention 10 vecone Oie land. M. Smiths citcd a couvt case decision lanmiicis a tomo employer gave information in a developer, miso bil is ani iliegai aveu becuase nI lise information.Tise court fond Oielaies luabie fr damages.Th Former riens CampbellTh Tbompson said be badl conducted "a ibovough .d Kinsmen ClUbs acrnOI the conry la cynlie fi- ranis. Each member club donalen a canula amult ai lia fonde towarda lise national pledge. Milans sisave let year wua Oliser national peojerîs inclade lise construction and mantenance nf an tirpiionage in Malaysaa " il i-ks lime," n-id Gveenmood aI the fond' vaiiag and cdaiseac liiium. "Bal moal of lise goys arc commilled. Wilisoo lise support (f lise Kimmea ivm and Kinelina. lots of Iiaga mould'l gel don."*_ FRi -151 Nipisa Happy HoIidays eStaff at Milton Drug Mat 0 -~ f%~~1 Christmas Wrap More Christmas Clearance Items Decorations Too Numerous 1/2 PRICIE To Mention Milton Drug Mart- Milton Mail 878-4521 - 878-7122 "Weil Worth Looking For' ____ im IF VOLJRE CUT OUT FOR US WE'LL CUT OUT THE COST OF GOINGTMOCOLEGE. Tise Cnadien Forces Regl Oier Ttanng Planfrnmoirlugh schol udesn csc hhase conespn 'ais ishwalt i to uito Ide. IfyOu lel you0i00Oll0oui fSo fexatmen eurt nd satifactint 'cisis.heCanadin Forces vri pay ynassuiinaandpany onuise yu k a doegre inanv ro.f more îhan 40disciplins ta CsodonForccolage m uanninty of yourchicce. Wisospoo graduais, pou1 sép nghtuauf interosngancd well.paidpotnastan oicer is e Ciadia Forma. For mre fomatocoatnu mr an0 adieFoc icoata0 Contr,uder lin asagin theYello'c Pagen, occomplead retiletitie coupon sbawes I Canadian Forces RecruitIng Centre I 150 Man tSieet West IHamiton Osiarto LBP IH8 Ctty Poo PostaCWOe Soisoofsntanode L-------------------------------- 'i .M.r 9ili B.,ecome a tax collect>r. Clme. ucoaiainulnsinctio n o uPl.. Simna sse'a u naoapoi nai anebmO n"SOCuniaimeain in "i's oneianme tunmighei " punism eeiouan Ce ai eig d itounUiniCt@ 4&