TM TsCanadien Chamion, Wed., Dac. 26, 1M7 Thlrd-perlod rally stops Leglon atome Bramipten ased tres llite narker sSetel tintessite thitrilpertlolakesite estuffitis ouI of te tîseilMilles Legles te Milles altacit miicit ntajor alonts a 4-t sel- liailheen gaining maint- hacit test Taesily a> entu nte tefinal perieil. Memouriat Mrena. Brampton storntei te te altack it stIo qatit Bramouseei a 1-01 goals iefore Travis Cote tesdi m e tiril periuil bond te range for Mit- hefre coring anomuss- to n ite lest minue o tral sitortanleil goal te play. go tus, ap. Tite pucit mas Jason Newity rereiveil shot fronth>e corner and thie one anuis> on te ileflecteil off a leg mb lithe pay. Milon ne>. seuls ARN COULSON ~ Ite goyeroimeol is gong fuit elease aieadin lu fisit sleritog prograrnt iespte proittems mit fiuh isease. One of te proilerno is a mid conamination of IPN (infection paurreait oecrosi n n120,00 yenng salmus. These one-year-old salmon are ell ai a itciery near Uniridge, OsI. The fith are sti sale t0ea> despile te muid infection. A total of 130,000 salmon omolli; mre ilunped 0m iete CredililRiver laul fait wilt on kail resullu. Onario 15 commilleil t0 heeping tihe sainton fioitery goisg. Il itai one of is mos> successul years se fac itis seoson wilen 900,000 salmonw eggo were laiten front fini t a>Pur> Creditltas> faItý Salmton front>itio cllection are laleil for plenting iteoprief of 1981. Laite troul, rantowt Iou> andl brou'o trou> pentings are sciteduteilte go aiteail as planoed . Tony Taziar our energelîr pool assant presiden>, aoog <tit A> Camopbell, Cieser Mecomitanil pals Goril, Ken and Bob iagee forileertis fal withitow aodarrow. Tony we S teop man wit hehîiggesl bucit s A couple o <ecks ago, we trole about itowIl dogfisit iai L oien a large part o te finit and V chip markt erplacing te iigiter-priceil halihbut 2 and haddocit. Wel,. Canadiens are nom finding out Iha> q dugfisit. or ingeas i15 commooly clleil, s really gooees.loca Fisiternten are urnlng be dogfisi te> sup- pleentoltieir nconte. Doglîsit are iriog $150 pet S ton. JusI out ront Vncouver in the Gufif of Ieorgia, ('e esimoleil fisiteresen coulfakte fiveG million pounils annoatly. Titese fisit mre loiteo i ty te million doring te lest mur for teir iigit * itantin content. A sese plant te iteing b6101in1se *Vancouvercreaing 280jobs. v - Mr. Armstrongiteoil of te operalion. saye o tere are nom initermen mito gn ou> lot dogfisit yeor-round andl heecaliy fisit for nohing, csc <e earing agood se as we have soggesled hefore in >its 1 rolutein, brsg une home, ou> i it 010 llels one An inchiticit,rot> in cracier cromiteanoeilklhandsi fry for aiota five mnutes on each sie, Remove o frontte pan oend put tentimmeilia>ely o00>08le pasnit paper napkitis. 0e tinit you wili enjoy e tem. D * Joi Dy yo Onlrios 80,000 musse and their future <tiI> 6e zo dîscusse in oopen iouse meetings ho wner ino oser 7 ctien and ons cross the provinîc. Aoi Coerary te soute huilers' heliets, sur moose bar herdis lin seroos trouble..1 Ju> 15 yeoro ago, Ontario hat 125,000 moose ing miicit han declineil hy 40,000. Ils qui>e apparent ',n somelhing has >o e don in o hurry. Tite pet- centoge of hunIers it moose kitlîs was down 22 per cen>. Sporsmen con itame il on somteone else if tey teant telisre onoaireant <orl bt accoriing>oeJamesAulil, Iheprovincial minieler of Natural Resources. huoliog, preilalors ondl peeciters iaveall lahen teir toi]. if Ihere je o moose management meeing witîin a hunitroi miles of you tis wîO>ter. oc urge moose honlersltogo aoilpricipo>c. Mr. Aulisays amoosc management>opeciolisl wilt attend eoch meting >0 rsr questions. A film enlîlleil Monarch o> the Nort' <iI> 6e sitomo Wil yo par>îripae OR jus> sitome and heef aboutlt A very happy andprosperous New Year teoil andl may the fsh os catch moite you c>gitie for te Liars Cub. GETTING 1tEADY TO umother the puck, ttmes n t th ird period ta wio 4-1 tant Milton major atoni goalie Dennis Poulie Tueuday. goes ta î knees. Brampton scored three Legion foursomne mnoves to finals Hîs>îîry ses moade o-i Milton Legioo Branch IX 36cap>urcil (he Springers do weII in meet Dseerai Milton <iptingers 01<1 oIf <o giim ltrsiteir oi>emp>s (<i advance t <it<licprovincial mec> 005> Aprîl. 'l'le lîrs> ;of <lîre m00>8 was <cld rccooly < iait ville sîlli appr«oioia>eiy 200 girls c«mpe>iof Thr top sixiSn ecdigroup qualily. ResutIts of Milton Spr<ogcrs are a o lws ,%r., t-Loura Scharhoct. 13>1< «sera> of34 ini lier lirt>lOtario Gymsasios Federa>ion Arifo t-Kerry Horn. seveell< «serait. tird o ooi<. Susaî< James. Nrgîî A-Paoto Geiilt, sisîji <votait. Tiro Bn Tcam loI hy ongela Gcnîoie sil< a sit nbarsoand sio>h ail coraIl. came secod i lemstandings. («ber am meo<6ers are Julie Dermo. secod n va su»t, onoa Scott, Cloire Dysoî. Chîristine V<sl<ida and Sîclonîr ippos. Juor005Cindy Riley Junior 5 C/uns Keal- fg. filfth <seral. lurutl invulandoolsr. s S A F B I - en iletcos o8 McPHAIL ELECTRIC LM0. 66Chsarit;l Miltes Onro> îDistrict B cor>- inf o-iampifoithip in Cinguaoîsy las> sech. Il moritellthefirs iie nii the D0-year listory o> lie itroocit. oMiltoîn rinit advaoced tiiithe pros- iocial finals alirit are sltel for Feh 14-1>2i The Milton r<nh mon tfli «le «ver >iiursomes fr«mi Niagara Falls. l<iioisiiiui, Sc Calh- arines. OOrlingbim. Bromoica andl Paris. The members o> lie rîok are >Oli<er Dennis Rlbusy sions Rîon Romley and Rîch Rllmey andl ReOg Crp. Corp wos sob siluling tir Bruce Kil- citen witîîsuffrel on io- lory in on accident and 0606 unailti icompete. Eariier in tie mont. Miltoîn woite zone B-7 iite user ise îter rinka iii move I-)ite district (mnai Kiiohen joineil te tbîîsey tomily for te The proîvinrial fnl i sa rîîuod-rîîin ffair <f 10 endls. Play <ilt continue tiroghîiui te <eciai te Carilon Heiglts Curling Cob. Tle wîners ill pay ini lie losoiin tinals Marc/i 9-14 iCamrose. Alera. fhe faff a ws li th icr frlesds a VEKY HIAPPY NEW VEAR 208 Matn St., Mltons 878-2894 TREATS& W mwmrhoikIav HEAT f* SERVE TRAYS OF: SURF a TURF foe*2 LawmTwo 4 O. Flo Two 4 oz. Cau CahingoRois tlubte Tai Ravie§ Slufd Green Pqtpsrs *10.00 S*H RIM P -Jumbo, peeled & deseineil, ready to cooit -3 lb. bag #29.75 SCALLOPS- 5 lb. bag #29.95 ÉLASKA KING CRAB LEGS lb. 6.50 (aSTi-r A/Ds iî/sod,r, 55aler AAantities) RESH QYSTERS AVAI LABLE 30NELESS CORNISH HENS stuffed ithiSwld rice CANAPE TRAVS 50 pioces $18.251 HOMSD'OEUVRES Citinese Food Steaks M4 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. UV lU ULK(AND SAVE 878-345 I. 1 DOWNSVIEW MISISSAUGA SCARBOROUGH RICOMONO IL WHITBY-OSHAWA OOR PN jiT 7F ISC,,AVETW J1458 DANSAS ST E 1399 KENNEDY FID 10720 YONSE ST N 16180 UDNAS ST F ]05 A <FTUýEi <1, UST EASTO0F 51SF R0 AT ELLESMERE AT ELGIN MILLS RD EFSO F FID ASOS FI( 630-8060 270 6600 752-6010 883-1723 576-1500 Sale ends Sel, December 29th. Up to Up to 50%of * Savings off the Factory Carpel Price eDeferred credit plan available. lifetime service guarantee. *Custom cutting while you wait. O Ç~ç~p!ÇaIpeQudet OuI,' Hloidng Up to CapadMoiy Remnai Up to 7%ff Parks offerlng winter fun Menteries of isater Ontarios tuPovinla cabtins, otiters simttiy a whitîîey B"si. Queess skts9 ailsstatlilg tarkta. tttsed parking ltiat ite Park. Toronto, MA 1103, ntaY%.e ewiegdie ial Sosie Petrts effert ittsetd 0f apritiette or cali (416) ses-.Ul tse crisp ister air greentdeicrnte-cesiry wosdertasil. Two plarka IBroate irings cetd-weater fusi ski or sSwoiie traits, Parksasnd recreation Creoit andl Wasaga sharpty it'to foms ai wax shacitu or warntup areas geareil up for wis- Beach)> mainlalo ar- ter tnie are descrikedin 10 ificiai ie riskuand rmay thuf e jo n s editi-On f have hiis fer tbg M cDufe joi s intr Ouldoors, Onario gantg. " Traits availaitte fres ai chargerd ai soine parka AHL Voyageurs e MiitofNtelbtS aies ReoreParka asnd vehite gaies are Milton residesi Peter andl the teortl Hsckey Recreatiostai Aceao cioeed ai sonne parka ite- McDuffe heu jintei te Associatios for 10 yeare. Brascit Reset 3MI, cauise ofuapiowei roeds. professionsa]rans eoe _____________________________ agais. McDaffe laut meek piayed itres gatom it - te Nova Sctia -- Voyagearu if te Antericen Hockey League os a entporary kasis. iyyuNe erb ihiAte Tihe 31-yeer-otl goatie Ia orN-lYa xrt i h hau heeo a memiter of gsîondoigs . ho-iarr> ho ltrh, meaonigiot Georgetown Raider§ in wîîrk. warm friendships and ahappy lolermediale A for te pas> 1 iv ueamons oeil home! PeaF 6-tii yio and 'ors! iodicationso nfar are lit !,e ise> >tonsure mitether >rsot lhe would ite 0t) mahe a cuntekackin > professionat hockey. McDuffe playedin 0thle s National Hochey League -1 1