Mery Christmas! Wednesiey Dec. 19,1979 C15 Christmas is Jesus: the gift of love Class lit. WA.. Ilick hesi tings t itndttthe eettceenng "t n'irtis as t . 'no tttng t yn 'r anytite fle lis thegtt of ittsr. g,'etestc'eette Goti ,et aie. If Gt dtde't cc the 't'en ("'te ttatn dtucntts, the tact (t lettrttt'ftic'td hetin danger T ire gttt 'f lttne s attet grertiy. schttsh acti n- taiet'atr .ac 'tvee a 'anti c sh'ttd ait n tnnittg et t'tecr anti t,'tcnti't; A great et- fint asti tfec"tttt ttcn"tctcn sa e stetatiy ttr'a t A teeltng <<t atyet c a pertacr cithTe sýy iG'd gaens the gttt olttve t Jestt t,. s t'tt a tî iay tciahratt"n 'r itenihl t ,fl t stnttrtitot ,,sbr n a staitlt. Ilt nac.)sitppKt ltt Kns, ttctt tittrnt tsttntrtnt, t ttr tttt' ttustronst star es a ttnt ttn taits 't'ttt'o Wr s'btttulti tlteeh the Citmttts is ec a tttntrttsspertaiy fu.rli e Lttrt iehr the Tec ('am itne t") belp cthers. T't chltien Itreenue bhey siantiteets. Hteteteti ltuy pretentslietr tther locertttge peents frt nntcc niesaeti rght Pettleetttt fi) escpent ottiers andtiley gtnra Irirtn rtgTrteatd ist liee ente yctt ettearts. hugt anti a htss tt, the a irtier fle enti Jt esncie. lnttiers, tethers. peutplr titet gaer tttete a livet le -y w wee tstrs hentheen. present rTe>yencîhech botret" So wnsticdihe c rn's. grenimntthern tiretfore lcngime atter tttenhtnt '<r ihe 'Iren nti grenfielten. Chistms 1te Ik th , sc ee Cotntnntnts C'hristnmen c a ttime t', tite ttttlr clittdrens faet 'i'itithtieneay'irist, cnnrep preseeits anti ehen titet cper thetr nte stctettihenti1thcpe ncecn rep themncp. gtls. in(i uueili thaf Ilisastatuneitdec 'tinat s ehet I tinh ceyThettccwheiCit- cmernt anti play tn thei'Ctristcas s nias~~ ~ ~ ~ tnat e e no.lsas ime ta + + + put tt ytcte nec shtes % HA.;% tOitS anti go nketing pley tON lltlISTMt5S thoISIA icthey. g" skincting. Il jtli ýMcNise, <las, I1 SU '<kInhng ent i cedting. ut. Brennknilh' Schormi lIt Marc Mueristet. tic. Chritimas is a lime ttt A lttng tîte agn. mien Perry Ieren Sthtnt.t.eehreîe l'y eltng eatid nentei Meryccutti Antas ceens happten tnehey. pttttts. grery ti htave a ltehy. che lone. affecion rtc., etc. anti cernais. pt'ayn t Ccd Site eshet Toi, hiat Antan t> Wrec hrip nuel ol ti site outld htave e hehy. cmsneay Ar men ct.'hen cteke Chirtitees cot atid cnoecn tctnfurtrio 'llit reastttte titccer te g.t vtstte cee titn, intte naetertit cnicherate t'irtnttean t' lrtectis'ttrreliesrs. 'teesus Mery hrat t, ith hecacse il tuas the tien docicn endi tuyeyh r ahtntt il'ent deynshe .etusbrr i he traniters. il ihey nitre cent anti peeneti egetc. nanagnn cit Ment enti actunti sitei titictishecwante tJuseti cibh ait tic' Wccan gcr .,ut itabctbct s«n wnctedti C a;nttei ictdes fitt Citmasce cartn cr 'nt trait tite i'ahy Jets -biatnit ýy cr ah aroucdthnctg Chtrtst Gictanf 'ockh ceicherete t'hrtnictan. ttc peotple iott erpecis or-nwl ot o ,ides Si Nictila,. Chitstmasiahap enàltiecm 1w 'lit STHENt lIlîlîF lettae, MSllt. i tif t etk st r.nts.5 1 funtnk ritn Se neii lnete it appyc tcrannt', Sifmn ean' agir. DEREK IBURNS. ag h, cf RR 5, Milice, a grede one stdcet a lliy Rccary Schccl, drew Sa<nta Claus ci Christmas trer. SHEILA WISON, cge g, cf 41A Bcwcn Sf., e grade eue student cft J.M. Denyes Schccî, drete c Christmus tree with prenents un- derneuth and c fîrepluce necrby. passeti. Site cent anti prayeti. te it Josceph. 'l'bey asite cien tie woutti (itciGodsertit leetii ,re om 'llie hehy caeMary andi .Itteplt prayed anditbaenhGrt.'t 'l'beynett bccouldibeea gourd hlteper. Jesuscae fi ht' ar persccn Wh" i'trgtnen ther peuple fttr tier bs.Tey deetide tlbey ccnid htene a itttitie 'l'bery celle ilt i'irtits1ms ttn iey criebrate ilti ninted tates enti Caneda aboct line sente 'ey. Tbey hae taeSnIa Clnus te a soe Mesw c, a ptnat;-t open iTte ttt Soth likth tc 'T'iey ttt Englant tiresrt i cp. .1ttt uttcd t t, irts,' teretelter 2it le I 'a chtitiret hese t'ttistmas setnne people ittteyftbreak i put tîtete Christmas te tavenpresenls op. ithe pintetae Meetdiyfleely ment Sctertee they St) ltlttitt. Wr met lu t'tt'hntittn test tscistoe enti I sets 'tnrittofJuy"ý senne.l1seltonhiuieapeand rn*hein cil anti htn heertl fri. tace te. le + + + ttv aeIttî losf aîltîNl TIMI: cd ealty livne il ANI) 'AIIIN( TuAnt one mue l Mlehael -Ankh. Gr. att', a relly t. Ilulmer Bldwin s + Cist maes tenes In BNti nie Il ttlike a lue lime nd a ti tOtFF! lhappy litte anti e joylul 'la terelli. n. litme enti e gtieg nul et 1lInti lînselrys ho n limlheeandtaegeting pensent. ltme. Most uf aIl as s sc) speciet a htnîng Aune eud e ceer fer eerng lieentia trefice VlSee its lme hueit tue sure Mapy th le Ci.nius fnd yu ufth uns al tre Slentune