IY ý JENNIFER CHEEVERS bas Secte and a reîndeer, snowmen and a tree in her Cl!ristmas drawing. Jennifer is 6, of 606 Moorelande Cresc., and a grade 1 studeet et Martin St. Sehool. Mo%" Chootrlif Wedvesday, D«. 19, 19M Gitof Love RFEST GIFr ls O;IIhTOC L4OVl lly Wendy Mlelameo. le, of1î27 Churchill Ave.. li. S, %,it. Peter's 8cb"o. Christmas iv a limne le give flot lat rereive. You shoWdi vol talle preseole for graaled. Il iv 'a lime t0 shaee wilb othere, nol osly at Christmas bolt the whair year throogh. Christmas vsa lime lo be happy andf a lime 10 love ollers You shoalif ha -thoollfu for the gillv yoa grl. and vhare lbem, Christmas iv no( just bougbl gifts. The beol gifns yoo moud give are gifle of love or laughler. This is wbat Christmoas. WONIIERFIJLTIMFE FOaR P¶IOR. IUNURY Ily Melaae lIoIldge. 11, of 438 Kingslelgh Cl.. Gr. 6. IIdy Roara. liebool. Christmas metans a lime shariWwad giving. Christmas is a lime for laughiog and siogiog. Christmas is a lime for beiog loviog andf criag. remesober jeswo lbie- lllday. Christmas is a familytinte. Christmas la a lave le remeber the poor aad lMe looy. If 1 baif a wish il wivili be sol bhal ail lbe husgry and poor woold have eaiaagb ta eat and ooad have a seoadeeful Christmas. Chritmas iv a happy lime. Christmas iv sittiag aeouod the fireplace and telliog slonies of aId St. Nids. Christmas os goiog le Midnigbl Maso anad lîearng the word of Goif. L RAINBOW N s M ~ Holidaywith cma P ý'flla 'r n-i fi..I - .il .v G Paul Loneirgen A Chistmas Wislihf9 q W wish ureds adpatrons he err-t osî.., Clestvas ever and a holiday seass fliled wgo nd l Liaaodugbo 1~ cheer Our graleflllhavks tuall. siaieFarmoîheren---