Merey Choistmas! Wedrmm*y, Dec. 19, 1979 C3 Christmas* means to imraaax*5 What iIFTSSIOW LOVE:. RESPECT By Keista L.. Marks, 10. of 600 .9nyce RIsd.. (W. 5. NI. Peter*, Schoel. Chrstmas 000000 a lot ta moe. The reason why is hecaose il os oshen ysu gove golîs ta people hecause you lave and respect them. i thiok 1h01 000060 a lot a m itecaose eseryooe gels ang. Chiomas stooldolt ho here lfoi wasn01 for respect, Ioiig. shorong. and peace Sol I Ihoolo the lloog Chrisitas vs loving chit. Thal is what0 Christmas meons ta me. NIo thal os the 00001 imlportant tiîg lta îhîok ahboot. Nol oniy Gad and Jesos butleveyooe ese Chitsmas meaos qoile a lot t00me hecaaoethal os the mosI iaportant ihing oist ove ad respet ailher people oiltIhe lime. Now 1ha1 is 00h01 Christ- .10) TO SOORLII B> Sotie Shonsis Io, HAL1. 0Milton, Oie, 5, Preys l5ie- Schooi. i Ihoolo Christmoas os a lime for sariog. gi.votg andreceing lime ofyear, i enjoy il heoauso thOe 1000 aod ail lthe hright fle eheerlul people aod citdren i hepars and piayvg lo tIhe soO. tithootgtttt il lthe tiotgs in otoete stosktgs anthe ne tltle gits in0 lte exsellenot oitctppttg ta pee. Bai flie joy os eseey boy anod girlis "see Snta iloau slid dotot lthe titttey anditeîg jsy lta t0lie ascid aond etre lies lotose aetvd the gloheý But chat o, seetils lie lime lotr shiteg. But te seal nieastsg tofinîos joyfui dao s os is' totelidai lThe day ltai Ose tteigti star shone and îlot toord lot aesouod liat Chitimtslf sas kintg oi the lteaseos. Ho os loeto lot day loo the like toi 00000htd. Esey ma itooaid itootre toi ltai Butiîlt iste leaders ihai linthe coutrty itut Gad anod Jetas moie the lteasens and esery mon atlime orshaoog and ooojaytof the wootdeotod toys antd alliee 0000 tiogs atde te 0000, Bui ai fli top nI eaeit 0000 ohr s a bitegit sotae o g loto s tg totgel. do ot togooto dl000iat doistms is ga litaifo rceioingan giinoand ottosl o li lotus ltitos o tlhday t ieho, O5oshli;tt. tit Chiristosas i leel tot% aotd i tosdeo.iosd 110,à Jess, a., itseso. ltesemitoo 25 aond me Icae out Hoos He died 19di6iteaestogo. He tots barentto Betlteem lie aonts lta bitos aitot f1000 dites I iteliee tin Iotli n 1[elserylappy ani d ose ar uck iiti ne liave Hatn. He os ooaliy seynooodoerfl PEAi E TO ALL OIN EARTII Rit Choris Tait, Go. 3. J.M. lenvesl Sceel. Christmas eusses0 t0 me0 aihoimoid diamionds frnm ahovePeace and ail ta Earih. l'le mnomeot Christ mode joy on Earih Il misons0t0me ..smply everyything! Tise joy my heaols hegs for the spirit tif goving and lovig As i id il meano simpiy eiteeything 10 me6. O LIGIITO TURKEY. ON JEStIS' BIRTIIDAY Ry Joue Edwordu. 9. 1114 1,ueer Bose Line. Ilnruby. Gr. 4. Peey ~ ~~o Christmans ahbirlhday hut the whnie wori cele- hrates IL Whuii Jess ws boorn hemishing of moiy people. Sa ve ele- hoale il juil for huti. Christmas i s no lime of giving and reeoving The star on the top of the tree is tho star oIf Bethle- hem and theangelonithe top ofthe treeis ltse ongel O9, of Robert Baldwin 1h01 blid the shopherdo of Jmsus. Christmao is fin hon everyone a Merry voîlh lights and popeoSn edog is singing.. seîth candiem, presenta, lias apartinoit.We al torkeys. oronges, nota hih, doîog il. aond oys but alia Jess's O Titen Sant Claus irhdoy. Some people Y evmes in afler, aodgiitm thinh il is juil for lui, for out cady. Chitlmas day 0ting. oeoecilgesd.crr s is lthe itest day io the aig cude nd a er prmsenl but il isn'1 lihe 9 + + + Hit aI ail. 110 ls esos e TWOO NIEANINGS MisilelSe os a Christ- FOR HO(LIDAY mas herry josi Uske holly. s Be l achir Kvritmh, il yo waik thogh -a s 10. of 373 Wiismo Dr0., 6r. door mollo misletoe on0 il 5. S0. PetIr's Schuil. yo [love t0 hiss the i tinh Christmas is persan in the maonm Jesusoutmi Saiîn Il Tioatis wlot Christmas 000000 ling and moant(o me. slarng t ilhers. + + + .itsvg a gîfi tf oir o.I 00 C fARIN( SIARING, * ne itoagot. That is a BE1150 îRATEFIJL 00000000 Rong BLisa Sergeant. 6it * Tloere os alto a toit 1horchill Ase.. Clois 60. moaoovg. dee.orativg W . i 0 Schml. 1ynae Cree mollo candy- Wit does Christmos cae icei and Christ- 00000? Sure il os noee ta d mas tîgloîs. paloovo casdy gise aod reciese hut n and preseots invstock- llere mushe moreltnil e ivgsloangoof amweollon titan liitI1 ikIe tv open p ynoo dyner and liogitiog a prmeOlts. sen my stockh -00v 00 ï SiinUw-artBch-aIth6s-e y Chirstmas os Jeitus Choristmas opentais on y dyiog on lte cemss foe leleso loot Ihere are e manhond aoîd sioping oser a moilooto people in dealloanddnpeotoglthe ilostwortod ho are not o gaies ofileaven. Titalos fotetmte tonof v my opinion t00 the00 t iit. Sonne imesl1nsod d 0000000 toI Chitsmas. loe lta vend otie ChrisI- s + + + mastdoverltoailithe people 1h01 con n01 eojoy a Christmas dinner he- camse llbey are ton plier. Soometimes i like ta lry tand figure ot whatiom gettoog toc Chitsmas. i hlhe tn hoe ahle tomue my toto mtooey t0 huy pro- seontv. le goivg tnthe sieres mollo my lotends and seoing ail the fosoy desoraoons. lin the noght hofoco Chitsmas i coolt gel t sieep and het 1 de gel t0 sieepl1ooaheop about six s. tclo n hle monog ta scail my preseols aod gamoit i liste tn open my .2presens andsee loti1 hoase alosavs wanled lohe a oaea ) adio. Bal flieini oooon Christ- ioas motevovg os iteeoog ail thte ting tail hase heen sialiod in 00 sinehoof. Beitore Chrcistmasit ilo fun t0 wtoael specials 00n T.V lihe Fosly Rouidoit ort eoGroct 1hoonow almost ail] toi tem vft loy he bu 10 i s~tlittilenoy Mot peuple in tho mtold dnit caeaout titer pesple Olo0y 1001 bte Chorstmas (ne granted. t doot hno KEVIN NEWMAN, ugo 6, of 41 Muin St. E., a grade one student at HoIy Rgoeury School, depicts Sunta Ciaus by thse Christ- mas t roe oshal everyone Ihinks ahut on Christmas day but i thiik Christmas meaui , SbaIng ond being giraleful for prmenta and food hecoose mome people juil can't oifoed Christmas. JESU5 10 OUiR SAVIOUR By lion Tailer, Beook- vie Public Scheel Christmas is the lime nf yea0 when we cele- lorale [he hioth of Jesus Christ soho wos born ta the Vorgin Mory ond hms fotheoJJsepho and golf ho mos barninoamanger in o stahle heoouse there wos no rson in the inn. Wiuemen brnught hini giOs of goid, myoic aid iruiuheneme. He a borunder thuhly Mu. He Os Mhe 600000 of al] men oneurth.He died for usaid comnes back on Chrismas day for mei forgiving of sin. Jeun wil comle again t001 ai f us in heaoen wkenwe die. On Christmas moines me celekoole by giving ginis 10 people me love. 00e receive guIf. Sone people go (o mass0 t6 pray. Mhey pray for Use forgiving of Usier in. Hf you love lied hoe miii tee 5010us o his hliy hoine butl ifYon don't you imll 0010a heul tho Ilune of Mhe olevi. Jacos ion ur svier. Me on eocelye- heovady fuMe wi e widl a11 he wlii hâti ON TOPIIFIUZE By hUne P"ne. aile 7. of fil Bronie SIL. Gr. 3. llny Re-"r M ' Li On Clirisdu we are aivayi uiciied m Christmas avie. We ail lObe pullhig ii the Chroinon 100se. 1 s0n olwayi Use one 1hat lista 10 plutl Mhe star on the top uv the Christmas taie. Aid me nari Mer OU about Jasas injoby and sie a11 pray Sbnt Jeaus willhaooea nce bWudy Weoal pray 1h m no vil give us mibitmvo wontied. CIiRISTrAI Sy lcid imon., Gr. 3. Perey iOerry Scheel.. Cisîmas msesu a raid happy lime of joy. Il malins denoratig Mhe husse and Christina tire, glng (o bell ind Christmas m- Chbristmas lo fun. CELEDRATE JESUS, Ba0TMDAY By ichael Aniemmel. 8, 221 Bell St.. gr. t, Hioy Ruay- Cuikhmas0 la m for Jesaés bochda&y Jeon' kirikday lan od day. We oeleteale Jesus on the 25 ni Decembre. We gel prenenlson 60 30inIo- mas0 and have funs and we have a Holiday. lle End. JASON ASHDOWN School grade 4, WSej Christmas. Even th A L121KY MOSTHER io tecci Ilrgin, . O. 1114 Miii SI.. Oir. 3, Bol: Rosacit Scheel. Wioal Choristmas Mean t Mo. Chitvmas is lime for celehralîoî Jeoss hocllday. Macy t a v00y luchy lody (o h lthe mnthec of ims And Santa Clous hrtng pcosents ta ail] the gi aond boyv. TAKISOl I'OT IN II.URCII ClONCERT B, bise Ohillîps. 8, Oir 1. Rlobert Baldoit Whlat Chrcitmas 0000v lta me it ltasvg a gons lune. Sine yeacsa Christimait tome ouc cela tis gatiter iogeloec ont hatoe to featot toit lot toloon eiteoyhndyos thero itut ltaIs tac froOodsi part nt Clocooa 1lie ho n my tatol: goies iococio In Susda school ie ooadlthen'iol nIryo J0005 Christ Kox Pooshylociot ohrc s loasing soue Snnday Sclonni clos CHERYL FOWLER age 7 grade lo Hadosin Sehool PAUL HICKS, a grade toso student at Robert Baldwin Sehool, depicts tihe offering of gold, frankîncense and myrrh to tise baby Jesom, lying intho manger. HEIDI BACHMAYER, age 7, of Rit 3, Campbelivlle, a grade two studeut at Campheliville School, drese the nativity icone as animais and worshippori gathered around thse baby Jesus.