Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 1979, Perspective, C1

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ion THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, P lis p ctiveMILTON, ONTARIO, pêf WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1979 pecs eTHIRD SECTION -- FEATURES If I had a million to spend at Christmas: What would you do wlth a million dollars to spsndth"sChristma? The Canadian Champion put the questi o several hundred public achool studonts ln the area. They have a lot of ideasasnd plansa shuld they ever have the opportunlty to spend a million. Thle followlng articles are juat a sample of the many replies Itie Champion recgvod. i REMEMBERED FMV FIRST WISM 5ly retin Lym Ti"p.78t Cabt lrad, MIR«.sW.l. DiMk Pblie lebss. Ose sigt juslt ers ainaris i saw a commercisl abot te sooding chiltdren that were starvimg and lssWey. N 1wolave smillion dolar's or eves leu 1 would give iato tle iClidres. Wlatario came on Oie air aith thetfirslsumit.vu,1lhad woosamlillion doilar's. 1 couldd't believe fi1Jumped op and stsrted ta gotshnovttho1citl sindc tn . y,1totslly for- hIe Dort esorsing t woke up and jumped loto my clotes gotle my car ssd wont la Toronoo where 1 would pick sp my million dollars and thon go os o sboppingbonnaza. Firit I1s'est tao e mink and siote compaoy, i bougtsaminât eat because I1s'antedtonbe big around town. Thau i went ta Peggie's and Piora la boy my mnm for Choistimas. Thon la the Sports Cenre ta boy my lava sisters downo but and crass coontry skies and paies. Titan I1aent ta the hardware store and bougbt my dad ail the eiectric tools, t1aent ta orteen dit- frent store's aller that. By dliti imne I gaI homo i still bitone0 bndred dollars letI1I asa going shopping tammras' ta boy tbing for mynei bt lI baes my litile Ihingo were big tiinga. Tite net mrniag 1 gaI op and wet ta ise stores. Wben i gaI home i rememhored s'bat i bad oid ust betre t1s'on aintaria I retarned ailtheit ings except a teapresenta fors'y tamiiy. t reaized i1s'as tinking ni myneif. i gave Oe money framt the stoff I retoraed ta the needing cbâidrea. FUN FOR MANOR RESIDENTS BY Aaibesy Gao". 578 Olatenua Cri., Miles WlI. Diek Publie Seoi. Last nlgt I dreamed that i toond on million dollars la my garbRge man sitb a note that snid, "if yen givethis mooey away betore Chrstmsas yn aili haveomeavisiagraoted." Wholmsoldî1doavith ibis maneY' Who coid t give il away ta' Who seeded iis money? t decided tint i1avoild give a big big Christmas parly et10 manar. i1 wold bave a boge cake, a roant beet dinner, and iota at trait. Ravit of the aid tlla wald receive a malarized s'beo chiar and a ban aI cbaclates. Thte enlerlaameal wnîld ho Tony Orlando, Law'rence Wel, and the casi aI esery soap apera. Theparlys'ouldlletbreedays. At Oie citrch i old gtve a gigantie parly for an arpitanage. The mmal aold la ALL yoo van eat fran MeDonaido alith ce cam, cake and donoto. Santa Clans, Captain Kangaron, M. Drens-ap avitis triend, and the Sesame Sreet coal mootd pt on a giant magic show'. Eacb cild s'ould receive atri selora campleteaset ot ariiedoiln. Jnltas t1itad ininbed speoding te money my sister olarled la play ber clarinel and t awoaie. INDOOR OWIMMING POOL HELPTHE NEEDY By LUsa Myers. la. Gr. 5. Perey W. Merry Ovitoi. Horsby It b ad a msilion dollars la give aavay Iis Christ- mas I1s'mld give a quarer ot a million dallars ta Caresitecasse il s'oldbhelp te poar people haventaer aaer tor drinbîng, tood, ciolhing. ans heller. Tben I s'oald gîve ball of tillaOie Sicit Children's Hnspital beanse Oiey vould nse il foac tler eqalp- mont tla mabe Oie sîcit iido a bit btler. Tien i1s'ooid give the test quarter lo tte Perey W. Merry Scbnol lac btler eqipeseotlie tler film prjeclars and tingo like that and n mwe cao have a iigger sviton for mare ido teovame to it and titen yo could have btler gym equipment and ouldoor equipmenl. Thon scitool w'old ave an indoor oimmîne pool and te gradra old go up iigier. We s'oild ave a uptairs in Oe cool and bave a bigger safol mn lac Oe tractera and tati s is'oold do aI Ciritmas mita million dollars. A TRIP TO AFRICA would ho one Mf the flrst thinga Patricia Rowley would spend ber Mllion dollar win on, for her parents. For herself, steplans to boy n horme farm. A MINK STOLE wan traded in for money to givo la needy clsildren by Tracy Lyn Tripp. The million dollar winner decided ohe dido't need aIl the expenaive gifts ahe bought for herseif and gave away the motiey. A DREAM COME TOUE Oy Laurie Rioiey. aao Campbell Ave., Milton, W.. Dicit Publie Stcheel. il's nol loir! Wity cant lte poor lamily's and lte needy bave Chtristmas? I mml s'e are no lucby and gratfles m a wIjsldoni realize ins' iorionala me laai are. Thépre Oie onesa t nead il, sol os! I'd give ap mp Christimas aoydoy for ltes'. I don't Ibsit they evon have a eharv t taggala. I'd do anything tac Ihon la have a Chitamas, anyOiing! And i sure hope ap af yen people Ithal con aflord l t 1ltere s'osld gisesa li111e bu i of .oltiag, aayOiing' We base no mach! WeIl il's 501 going la do any gond morcyiag about il, I1s'ay us s'eu go to bed. All aigit I joat bepl itoplag and misiting, but I didal litinit il mauld do any gond! Witen i amobo lte foot msrning i moal ast ta gel lte mai. Heybheresa lolierifor me! I opened il as qssictley os I cold, I josi slared. Rigit tatore s'y very oye's mas i million dollars! I didol btltr ls'bing la sec isio liatudsent ilt boome eoaclly wmitII'mtoise la do mîith il. t ras i Oie bilviten and 001 a envelope qsicitley t placedthlie stamp on il, pot lte million dollars in lteeonsolope. ra opotairs, gol lte address, ras dois o lte post office, and mailed il list clussi Vipeol t did il! Nos' loi's and lot's of pour lumilys s'ill ta able in base a vory Merry Chtristmas. Aad I1itope oserytady reoding s'y bIter milI also bave a very Merry Chtristmas!! TIHE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM Oy Audrea Godi. 9,1594 Brilannia Rd.. MultontGc. 4, Percy W. Merry Ochoni. One day savar Chtristmas I taugitt a miataria ticket. The neal moalthI1s'on a million dollars! I decided ltaI I wosidat ta as greedy as some people und guve il la CAltE. Iltougit ltaI lte poor sitoald huve o monder- lui Chtristmas tikeors. t arole a tler. Wben Oie people iras' Cure gaI il, Oiey mroio me bucit. They naid lto ttey ltanited mso samach ltaI lboy oese bougbt mc a presoni. Il mus a bookit lita persan iscaoeand il s'as cailed "Theo Wonderful Girl Who Caose os Chitsmus." t read il und il s'as reully gond Eseryitady saîd il s'as dom t liaIt 1guse il as'ay. bot i titougittilimas nice lac mo to do ltaI. und so did my molter. The onI OsCistmas lte people iron as'Cue 'rale me a lter and said lbey esca itad essougit ta bave anaîher Chtristmus und boy penivillîn for ltoeir bon- pilais, and st5hbuava re! Thot mus ltee tasi lime I oser itud and over cssId bave. AFRICAN SAFARIHORSE FARMI By Palcrila Raaioy, 544 Monrelands Cres., Multas. Wl. Divi Puitlie Oviton. One nigit Rachtel, Nancy and i decided tala tthOe Miltan Mail. Wes'enlta Oie maIllut Sevon. Wo ment la boy a ioitary tickt. We s'ere lna o iurry so me mostidot miss Oie drus' on lelesisan. We gotoa ickt und wenî home. We gat bavb juatina ime for te drus' We s'aiched, my number mus 50075 lte numera coco dropping. Thte irsI la dcopp mas '5 Iben a ' ben aaolbec6îthe7 and lout 1s'as so ected 1lbad won one miîlîlotoos d ltit lise lasr(Chrst sas. 1ldevided togoibhoppingte very nesldayrTe sexi day mould ta Salurday. Tite seat day came sios'iy, libe il dan mites pour eacsled. But fisaiiy il i gai s'y bonsy minter conta and koala, millena it and sysilion dollars. FIcel I stopped ai Oie travell agoacy, I decided I needed a 3 monOit vacation. i decidoti I mauid gaitn Afriva.lia bot s' y mas' van gel a untan. Facrs'y lad theres animais ho van go on itonta milh the salives. Aller lte Iravel agency 1 m oalthOe ceai iEstate la bye a savail htorse lorm, thal aauid ho s'y scoueni. Thon t hougit 4 itorson, and their tact. t boughl fittle things forhe ose. I decided to anvo the tes for future pcebiers. Thnts hat I'd doalith one million dollars. MILLION DOLLAR WINNER By Ciady 8Sith, 381 MeNabit Cres., Milton, WAl Dinh Publie Scoes Ilts'as Oie nigit aI Dec. ls'eaty liratI e my maie and t1avore ai the championsitip of lte Joker's sild. i anop agaiml a lougit vompolilor, and t1s'as aiming for Oie million dollars la Oie sale la frontloaime. t bad made the finalsand aas lmading tour bndodla oeo Il avas my spin Joker, Joker, Joker! i bad lbree jokers! iitad avon ltevitampiomitip. When ave gaI home my onketi me abat s'as i gaing la do with amilion dallara? 1decided tolthiak about il in bed. t thoogitt. Mayho I sitmdd go la mollage. I had finiohed itighochnol and avanted anotiter jao.Collage omddho agond ides. Whal abtout Chitamas? Titeres'ao ne preseats thal I gave la anyaoo. My mother avants jeavlery. TMy dod likes mamera'a. My irtrahor la eigitoon and needo mome ponta. Since be la nal marrioti heo n nal gel la avifo ta 50w thon. My grandporeats lave dogn and cala, bol there oa suit my friendo. They iiked new cinthes, like velvel dresaes and ail ltaI. lavas starline la drean about an aId itone. i coaid boy il and lile al] atone, it yseli. It would ta laneiy and lis notioun hoiag atone, t1old gel a voltage and spond a vacation ithOe lobe mith nmano amimming al]araond, the iteautifl unnooljus t ave lte Iran. Sitting ity lte ireplave reading. Soon 1iaos asleep. i WOULD USENIT WISELY By Sotat Edavards, 10, 3108 Olath Lino. Dabville. Gr. 5, Perey Meccy Ovbmi. Ii itad a million dollars, i mould give $M010ta Unicef, itovooso t thin t liaIttey itave a gaad canse. t WooId give $10110 la lie cancer soviely, $1000la Sicit Ciidren itovanse trealiy wmiti laheip ltes' ievoune il's nat lteir laulI Oiey're sivit. i aould give $1500 ta lte Inter porents. $0000 ta save the citildren, tIssootd t give $6W tothe marines,$MWlo M.D. researcht, $5000 la goodwill. $2000 la medival scienve, and t mouid save $Mlifor myself. To some people a million dollars la do anylthing yoo waol muth, WOW! Bult 1'ootd une il mioely, and gise la people mita aeed il mare Oien i do. Titnitynu loc readmng my slory. DAD GETS A "NE WMOBILE' Oy Caca bocage. 398 Valley Viea Crene.. Ciana 62, W. 1. Oint Orboni Il s'as the nigit tatore Christmas and itoy s'as l in a hi m Von see i iad wavoanpeonaebolîner mliag van test and tirai prise s'as a million dollars plus 100 jars oflpoaaslboleritbut 1itoew 1tcouldanever ea peanul itleragala ons'y s'iolefile. The stores mere sopposed la ta spen tale. Sa t graitied 100,000 dollars Iros' sy drosser and storled lss'ali tsthestore. Witos1st ahdire t1itoogit sy dadaar.osHo seeded one ceai tad 'cause lte ose is bave sos' s on Olda- mobile and i sure do basa' siy lthey csilîd il ltaI. Il ms(lbtclte oldeal car stiI rassisg. OuItlte roiscor ltaI 1 utabugit isoa ses'Rino called o Newsmoitile. Il is itîse and doesa 'I catIe. Tites t taugit sy mos' o ses'cool (fu) n a dis'ond risse My s'as'said ltaI siteitad 'anled o fur coatoand adimond ring even eforenite sor. One ois said ltaI site souîd loit more dislingoisited. Witever ltaImeons Tites t boogit o bouse flaallai us. Yoo sitould sec suo ad bosse il loo lite o citeese graler graled il Tbings slarlt hppiniogoassoos as yoo s'aIt sinthe Iront doar somelimes 5000ev. Titens'bont1golthomiel1'rppedl]iy prsenls. Olcoorse il s'as bord, bave yoo ever ried o'ropping a bouse. HELP MY PARENTS Os Patrcia Sailituba, 0,a582ElgititLise. iornby. Gr. 5, Perey W. MereyS Oviool IfI hiad a million dollars 10 euve awy ai Citristmas, t s'old gise sone ai il 10 lite less lorlunale cbildross 50 ltey could base a btler Chitsmas and a btler life la lise, ansOiher part of lte monos ssoold go 10 cures for diseuses. so lte pople sito base ibese diseuses base a joylol Chitsmas 100. Thte rosI ai il sbould go la s'y mos' and dod. iecause ltoey bave seven cbîldcev. ond lbey do'lgoaîîys'iere os Chit- masitecoosews"reals'oys drogfing alose miitltes' THEGfOOD LIFE AND NOTHîNG LESS! Oy Oilly Tornitaîl. 859 Syor Cros.. Milton. Wl. Divb Pubtli c Ovton. Uvar Sic. One sieb s'bîle t1s'as s'alciing lte lllocy a n TV loa amillion dollors.,ite called s'y ticitet oostar. t itorried dos'ela lte studio sns'y aId jalopy and collecled lte million dollars. Thte irsl iîg It s going la do s'as boy a ig cor, ltes a btig bouse. and clolthes for s'y lumily. Theo mls' ould spend on Chitsmas proients. Idroso my oldvcarithere.lmas oldund rsed Tite licenne plaie bad iallenoffsiiand iitadlo pulta inte bacit mindoss. The gai tanit cap wm oo snyton. i lraded lte jalopy for lise itundred dollars and bougitt a btig car lac lilloon ltonand dollars. t drose tOeiews car banc and stos'ed s'y mile. Lalor 1tld ber ishai iapponod. The nosi doy i laid ber Oial i1s'as gaine 10 boy a igger bosîrTheton0e sy oe ave iscweoit il bas neo itiess No 1 s'dlt odoonrboad tltouoglit dallarsetoittao pesd. i btasitilve suils, lilleco sits. 105 pairs aI punIs and lise pairs ai situes toc myseif. i boogit sit, ponts and shans for my miteand tado. We loitofilor aid, raggy clothmsand paltoaur new aon. Nos' I ind four bondred and fourly neyes Oiouand dollars lefI. t1aveni shopping asd boogit Christmas presonts tor everpone t koos'. Thora are Oiirly people I bos. i boogittail ofthees cars andmyavife to. The carat1 boughi thee s matas tOisand dollars oncit. I only tad one hndred and flOp ltron houand dollars ns'. Thon I rememhoered Oie tido. i bougt Oies' so manp toys and games. i bopi Oie restaiofte monoy for spendiog. Aller Christmas everyhody la aur family an happy and espociaily ns Il s'as Oie itesi Christmas present ever. PAIGE SEAI.V dreums of spending a million dollars on sick childrcn. and bouses und cars for her relatives. The S1CR CHiLISEN & FAMILYGIFTS By Kistina Diaovski. 19). lGc. 5. Per",Noes itvbml. Il i bad a million dollars in gise ao'aofibis Chit- s'as.i1s'ouldiuy eac my parens apreient ands'y sislesltonts1'aulditidr sobrey cooidlsndlbhes' And te rosIt 1mould gise lo tte Sîcit Cildrrn's Hosptal. I s'old sendlte oney instead ofgoing to the ospita tacauseîifltsendil tolbosîil would be a surprise. Ttey milI ihavr moncy lac bols. loys. chting. s'edeine.oandfood and athomes'en tey gel ost of lte bsspîlal. tom gising Ibis la tem lv o lp tes' ire longer and belp tes' lise lite me do. Onr day t mill go and visil Oes' and 500 bois Ibeir doing and isial Iitoy buse used ttc manoy lac. aad il lhior usine il carelolly ors'isely. SENO MONEY AWAY FO IIELP THSE POOR 5y Rusil MeCoy. 10, 6776 Higitsoe 25. Milton, Percy Mcrrey citoni, Harnity IlI1itad a million dollars la gise os'ay tiis Christ- mas, Is'osld boy bouses for s'y broters and sisier. I s'ould gemmom cars andtrucks and sose more tand.t1a'ould osed s'oney la blp people in the Thîrd World If 1lhad a muillon dollars la gise away tiis Chtrist- mail1s'ould bolp stop ail te taclorîe r iIspilîuting te Laites and air. IlfIitad a million dolars 10 gise a'ay for Chrstmas 1 ould lp save edaîgered MR. MONEY MIND, Billy Turnbuil hos il ail figured out how ho solîl diside bis milion dollars. The ambittous youngster haa dreaniaof fine motor cars, an exten- sive wardrobe snd Iota of Christmas gifts for ail. ysung W.1I Dit aludent wnssld ulso liiétn keep 5050v msney uside fsr her fuluire education. SI. SPIISE dMAIL sINUS CIiIEE 55 Paigo SeiraIs. :100 OWilson ils.. NMitis. W. .lck Public Ssitsl 1ijusiscame'omes'oroms'isl ad glaoced inlthe m'ailboxstîa'alelloî oddessed tosme. t loieogotliogletlois 1lopesed ilup andpulcd outla tler.Thte lttoc saîd: Yobavc becs selectod lîir a grand pvîao l1didanoicead avylurlbor, 1slavits'y bad invtheoocelspe andfelt arousd. 1pollod out ,notbor ibool (i pap- ài iocily oposot ifiis'uîi a cbeqoe loc ove imilltioadollars. t soarly laisted. intact t didý 1ltînalty asoitoins'yitcd. Mys'olbr was bys'y bedside. Dîd yoo soc te chequ1 oe fora one s'illion dollars mos'? 1gos îp and iearcitd or acil Vos s'ys'alter îaid. hou also badl btler go la îleep you nedlthe rest. Buts'oms'tece is'ry cheque t asited ansîooîly, hnsaur dcas'ec. sas'golsesme sloy (bGodonigtt1said. 1 wasltonooxitldto sloep. 1itoptbîitîags'itî1 could dos'itbonvsillioa dollars. FirsI o al1 ittos end sonne maosla ite .sk Chbldcens Hospital. bon Ibri' eouId gel aillte scd- ic ibcthy need Theosecondthigt1 would do is gi amne monel, la al ai s'y rlatives. Tien tYe oold ii hihobses andboy braid nioccars. Thsn 1a'ouldlîus esos's.v ilieyliýpaet cold get oorititcbo and baismentlroodlod Ttc socs ting t iii do is put sonin sy bîik accort.Thelast tiglcuc!ddiiis put wbalis lsti sueretoisa dis'yeducatias. Wetl Iadibetesegeltsleep noo l1as'i'eryitirod I iasrahbig dayitosorras' 1lam'coryesciled. AND II1S FRIENDS ny Pool Ilodon.i. G. 4. Pers-s SîerrsSvbî'l. Ilarnit, Il I had a millison dollars in lice amas ibis christ s'as, 1 would takeîte oney ansd gve il ina carsîy 1 s'outd'thaveossoogtlforai] vitarîlso t1s'ould gic- il la te Oatlasds Regiosal CeaIre lacrte Soiarîtod mtece s'y oncle is He bas a proities' Hesîin a shelcair andthevanltheur ton ell il, oncle baslfriendo Imosld probaitly givee icmose o belp tes'ton, Witite monoy t casîltiboy tai îr equiiyseillfor litossuchasiioariog aidos a h-l u'T'hiuui',s iheilîi'liîîcl liîk, 1 il proiecc tes bead il le fite. l as'giving te 'oaey as'ay itoause1las' lot gceedy. t lite iteipine people mit prableisan 1i tope yo onton. CHURCIIEO, BIBLES, AND SONG BOOKS By Luana Bentiny, flr. 3. J.M. Denyei Ps lic Schoni. Ii1bud a Million dollars la gise as'ay, t1s'ould five il toGd and Jesusto gise il tuOieir buses.o a s btoums are a eburvites. It mauid hiep the viturobes by geaingithe Bibes andsng books. (Continued on pg. C2) S:~ :i5 ' ' '* ~.i.. ~.'*'s~ ...I.'.5 .~5*~.a4î-5 s . 'a.. b n a a p e bi w a] w th w m ni si ci ai ni AJ dî na Pr ut r

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