Holiday plans for, "Y Ltisdi Kirisy espeeled tu slay sn the the rounds Sunday al- Chrismas is a lime for hospitai during Christ- teenoon tu enertais familles, butnot al wili mas. hie said. Thse oho patients with a seleriion have tie îpprtaily to are ahle te) ravel home of Chrismas rarols. ho ai home fr tie day wiii ho A special Christmas Patients ai Milon eleased. loy dinnsr is planned District Hlospial how- Fesivilies for the sea- and relatives utfiospital eecas lois forward tri sos heganls bt eois shen patients are tnird tsi a visîs rtts Sasta Christ- tise Milon Clansonetm in in saîd Me. Brady. mas msrnîng arcording and Choristers paid the Ail siodensoai Ernest t, istspital admînisrator tîsptal a vint. C Drury Scisont wdt Bras Brady. The Mlon Sesior spend lhrstmas oit M leas 50paenssareCt zens Clubhs.ll mahe hertamilesacrding Spot checks ruled out for drivers Police iii not hoconducing spot set op aîseficienst esodisscisspoti checis chsechsoin thîs area over tise holidays. pescedore. sîmlar lei)tiai suiv teiiîg 'h'ut deîshisg drivese oare. ussd ni Moins Tion. hne aîd -lDespite tise lacis ni roadlochs, police Ttsee siiceen are requiuted tisr tise wiii heon otie aberitor the ininsicaled procedure. driver dsing lise holiday season. 'ritestaft ergeant said Miltos -We wiii iave preveniatîve contrai poplatioin hors ltile ciimpaeios lis sunis." said Sai Sergeant Pasl tisai ilioriot ond tierefîser, ssoldsin t'tipmasiof tise Milton detacismesît oc heoîsdocîve t) ain efectiveeotsciseck, ialissîs legisinal Police. Mlisn iiPP o ii ie lsillosiig s 'ifiicerisit[ hoenstescted tlis isei nnslar rutesîtt ist iiilaissîs tegissi fe lsirii*pateed drivers. Polisce. "ltttiey haveithe stigisesi suspicion. Ne radlsck are platttesl. saut a se wiii sptie car.polisce spisiesian. issi ssttset, sitl]ie Miton lchs tie plice manpomec t) pairslltng otishie desîîsissî drver. A TOW OPERATOR ADJUSTS A CABLE Reginnal Detective Malcolm Gnosve, 38, of prior to moving thse burned remuins of a Milton. An investigation by local police tractor traiter on Higbouy 25 The fiery found the officer oas speeding ut tise ime truck-car accident Srpt. 6 kilîrd Pool of the accident. 'Speeding' said cause of policemnan's death ifftiulis-egialtoice (ho- . i 5: deatissu lus t istîuuOia POsice ttissssMal-f0 com Greee. 38. ai A pitcemsanti lii22 yas evie ie ho as iilird sus a ire crash Sept *f6aithetisersectio ai Oninos St. and Laurier Ase, n Milton. Investigaltionisy allon Polce aller tie accident reveaird tie seuOiily squad sttcer %a "speeding excssivriy" t thesf' ise sut titi' t Hasrdng, tiere s sus need liroan inq005 and ho plans Is recosend ta tie tOntarioi coronr tise Deetive Grieve died nsbanbby ahon hsuion- mareod croser siased lsad on0 nto a tracine- trailr atler iitting un unlisi oad ioand uit 3:14 asm.Sept. 6. Trattie ligisis haie s1cr heos intaled. Tise Peollsuticer as on tissusavu louath 't ssi ,sis d 'iii i Pltice investigat it-ut tlis e isr!-ttieaccidenti slsssed Me. tieleemas nsssthound sn Ofa St. mh isescSsreefSt te larrier at LaurierAve, Tise vehicie husned oit tise street istand. spus iou tise grave] and l fru ttu the pals sut o soobhbuod teocine trouleruasti Tise truck driver eocapeduinjuet. Tise Multine resudent -ssurvvedby hti ite, U.C G. challenges igl yffl sltaas Ntosai Enssgy Board NBRcmn- Tise te ledCii nmGrsup ICG) crs ag the o koW lafinehoagis Ballon ta aitemptietu ptllishe plag on Dtasio B lIg. Bydoeea sales hy appealisg oulise Tise ICG appealed o tho ioderaI Tr stees iron out bot ndary problemns Mlton ed Dakislle changes ers preoeaied ils as amondmotnt trom trustees ioited torces tii and passed. tinsof tise Mlton Oasds i and 2 onsasseanlormin soral prosenird recommena- Truster Ivas Armstrong, nient ofIsai onts caugisi ionss oas tsred down, seonded isy GOaisles n a Hallaln Board ot ioever, Al tise Jachie Colmore, ta is Educalios scisol recommrndationsmwould tise situation. houndary cl lange. hoettfective 0501 Sep- Titurday's misse About 90 Atodents trom teser -means isai ortsi hptese- White lOais and L.R. 'rite rosli, thadltise hr studonts won ise Paànhi h scisools in hord taiesnoiom uw p bhoimmoStolen tijusi 1) i e eslaied 10 action. wosuld se tise sris f tise Liser Base taise clases ai Milton hoard teatîng one ger- Line andom'st otthe Peel Iigis Scoi i n Sep- graphic area se groap hordes sîho use goîng tsi -temhos. B eer, h- dîttreniiy hian anniher, Whte tiaisoandtd-LB casse f action hy accsîcding tu Milon Wued Person. may romain in trustees lhursday ut 2 trustee Bill Luwon. ihse scisuls instead of Rurlingion tise stodentsontie implication of tiese hîtisg tasi Mlton Hîgis hase tho chître ni either Julie action masoa Scismit. Tise hord's « 0s'> going lu Mlton île commîlment is provide actonioeserdites not -. eoseuîing tir tise rosi ni irunsporation fbe guarantor transporta- ol adninistrator Dr. ihoîr seillatfito ai ais- students nt White tiaho. lion. accosding In tft. Thse Oakville artigt ville. nstead ufthtis io yoaro Truster Armstrong, th col Trusteesnlanceras date as oas prisposrd. saisi A citîn -Es qioeili ng sihelpîng te isoo ack i) tsiJ e 14 misso i.ausun.Truster Betty Fisher ïk. seserai tecommonda Tise oard (lou is ltsdetermsned trainait ltins tue houndary mîotioîn and cssmined il tisai flie ettors us stud- a a ento stuysog ai Whte patients, înma tes ivmbif the ei i Rtsy Woillaston. ad- tuicisnai"- said tain Manoir staft arr ali orîgînabit uvasted them Il sistratuir for tiesellchou. Letisead. depoiy planing a day iif Chist-sidi Miltoni. Trse 1 Acudeseic aciitios uperntndnmt if oias sngng as mrlias Bringoi rse breakuiop Friday foetise Mapleisrsi sîesers of tise Saivation Case Jackson said lie mas s loliday. Wsseh us ing dune sa Aenuy tense liakiose. terysif maing decisionn 1 Bustishe sellant ias hors repaie tise gyns s a Bec tiGordon Tusers iaseod ssbeby an saite 1 invtived in anumheoft resiait ofia prison rnul miii csssdoci Chrisstmas iof grade anerand i10 fstive cetehrations. îsvsivng iv tomates Ese ctioet-hservice onsussudenss 'Secesty per Tusigisi iWedsesdoyi seariy 0sixmerisoago. Der. 24 aIi 30 p.m. cent iiilisee hîdodont t e sellant iii faioldo A specuai ebuigiusosr- Whitie niany eoidestoreai-iiGradei13tfrueiOr ( trsimos îurhey dioser sce is pia ted ai tise tui] saie tisetrip hisser dîpiunsas lus tisere tus tour tise ait otadonts lus o sinstuion Crsmas lusl -bi lto teirtaib. yars Ititrer asi ho itord iy a student Ese and Sa vattsn Arany Ise Mansr s suil o-sisgniicantlt bss csocit danc. caîpbete collrsirruihbetohood pectedssslhave m.sysofst sdents i u sio. uitsli a nd.tasosd tiso n e. i 10rs ent Jaon td, Parents, tumltes and Che Ow a il n tise generai pubiei are cude the trdiios ilîvsird tusIllei' scit s u arise% if-al f Chisma cncrt[rma. iVVdleW ter - sewer 'ilsday esrstsf ieerattChristslseon-us "bise performaence asil svrts love île ady hmon c m t toi lt' flis leuse sot tages ai H itis i essieu-b l o m f u lrsta n many sialt Massue Atiegusunai ifrRteswe ili s luds esidenatos hbn ors tussmutteer i b lt Th mittewiv b A sers sutsporso reraid tus tise muoscalpaceiy Jan. . 1tousa campssed i Begiotnai tiuesanietsisusplaoseul iaIest ist1suupsufarsilbOrs isodî tlise rahosit titi mas lais Bafttu tisr int-naleso sisai le ius ulJont andtompiaiits file regton andai ereertatioei speutilflits'lislidt orassssu us.siuîhaitsdotfthe t pot sitre reiucnder cacs as-ustostu isode Sapehuss.tiraemiees. tie ses es1ased isoler stutiplilies l'steeetinl('etrser Subhecitus o ppessal tise iipp.xiiitleie55 a a saessisero ai-eMiton. muates hase esen rs geud l fBll Jlation wus iil Ias 1pee5lli tusea . t n o lusosias alteeste. [tue tusuidav sis lisurHussenEd Woiad. tuais tisemilles. gî( site. Loorse Sisîel tsssenecuof sis issus 'itferry Maritntas tiresrodllie testrer si otersute, and s usîsi ceduli-t. ii Oho ilbcMilo iie f(i eifi19797 iiurhnton . otiais tisuresais nis s oeri-sg MiltnCi oero omrc au esudents ai Alngians siuflut5rt'd. reping.tise tol asso lip tesdeaissîsesîtii-ises tise tlle. 2iivsypersanso isg te bllsiiars.ioouksuser ,auus Sponsoreda'îîuîî,îiuiy th in.usthe esarc-star ssaise s brigOslOsttt issuciie iii cn e-isktise 1979 Ctizen ut tise ear bieguos isdas astis ssesil d itilder Ise ,sîIsîde itlhi't- ilse pubicatonsîisasblsltalisthbsssspsspee Asycitizen et100lizaluisis stesissuil re ut i ictd tease l isît u ielîsase tt lt siuoutan d maililsssist'lie ivier ai bnle tItis ii lpýJfi c ts etiiBoxa52saMissliu-uiueliite lsuuunominiatsi s itnigisi cususs isissu s f ta aing main_________i>__n___ Feday. Jas. il.180 dtssu Theperoiuserpesnsotimeil'tisC itizfr17 itla Thei 'ti-spîcasîs oui ii-c be honoer!:sita relebraliaiddatuer ansd ancei te setied tsutsisg in itsior bins Ctbiais 101(issu Tismpsoas bd, Fris2.1 te:« osus ousrtadt(iis 'uiel. a il uperssus. aues' osabl t busogisait cati btune inthîa Mi -anki'ii.sTraoelztnd localttese'papes cnutt Chaseher eci-esty Kathy Hawlet"isd peups __________ nsm sole on1' ess'u r gi-r ue i:flie hno.tisa co ntrbutonaiute lis llsuv nors ulha-si-ta b i years.Put Co NEC workshop LTO this Thursday ITN l'csecon oftwinfitormation worisshisin Milau s- leheld tomorow aut'ssrdatulitMitonPobi Theorsîhop s eing pesestid iy tise Noagaro h çaps-il roCsssmîsssn and ssamdt acqain lg the opiie utitstise'p'roedrplanfor theisror et-tlisplanning an pblietinormatonpeopeE is auis snsdsetstcp.iieoa 'l'hoissisisstsaplssgtsaatal susandooit ronountiS 1) tise Jrt unt so asoheld yen erday 1 fusa lth iti' y 7 ýýEICmCSERVICEO& MIS5iREPLAEMEN 1MlJLiTOANA tS1ittlsss.andiuuu chlilees. Fil li' lsesc itou' as oeil kiusaiiinusMiltnfortise u insuveourîu in50sports. [lie uas coachs su Miiasîs Maris IV Auo Clisiotin ssquita socer Deecluve Grevo iegan is splice carser at ho age iiof 6 a acadet soubhstise Liverpool Cty Putilerin Esgland. He sesved ibtishisi taselit tusCanada ix yerao0 Tise Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 19,1979 3 Iht to corir 1- sgescy for four ordees Tsesdayin Otitawa. Tise applicaion asised for a puhlic harisa "ta delermise tise pro- sent asd ftisespshlic convneîsesand seeessity" and eniromentl impact suthlie intersational power lise. etors tise hearisg the ICG asised NEB to stop Otnario Hydros construc- ion ni tise une. Aisn eqoesied are srdro compellisg Onario isydro lu apply for permission tloconstraci tise ise and assrdorr evokisîg se ssspending an Ointarioi Hydro licence. Wîtis tise 1CG aua presos conlerence ai Queens Paris ere reprementatîses ruse tise Otnario Federation of Ages- culture, tise provincial Lihorai party and Ensrgy Prno. aresearchsgroup. 'tOntarioi Hydriso is roaiing tise rotes y construcStionofi siis:ne ivitot clearance rom tise NEB," Norm lloins. ifEnergy Proho said "Titis lias nisheetidone pripeely. I hsnoi been îuntiiied"- -We intend tssprsoe tisecivilesigis tisai lhavehoeen deniedsi ntieo,- ."said tise ICG's Jolis Mtens. 'lise NEIO may examine tise fisanctai teasiiity. environ mentaliipact ond svoiaisi ateesaieroesuaes. Energy Proho lent ilsvexpeetise and too'yer listise ICG. Tise ICG i i dieecling tise tedetol .igency to examine thsecoit of eletical pisuer lis tntaiti ratopayers and tise pesce tiatsi hgocli.rged Il, tiS Il te NEB fronts a iîeaing thse CG ntends lis preseni evideisce tisai O ntario rotepayers re sosisdiziof tise cos iif pouer espurted ltise US. Tise ICG charges Anericanoutilities asitis maiing consideraie profits rons Oniosesstaspateestintants.tise ICG clisms,. poys lus isild gc'neratoes oand linon, oeils pomer lstiste US, ai a rnvenience under your P'istmas Tree with a i/MOFFAT MICROWAVE OVEN Features ... - - is ilysize L u Latso Il i iraitae t lus' uteesue stiih saied iun ceeamsc shel \ a is -Cl'isuk ariable oe "MIr ttisi oi es ais lu higis. drt(i ui sesSelect tise i-tf i aseioont 4 poe ors tise isesing e- 153 * l'esup auomaticutemp- etrastore sasueol (tond i 'ocuahi Inadsintatise i-sacs il dgree aidonenosi tVoitudesu re *E.soyiueead 9Sîseuoe fIn addition.. ýe *~~ý BnargySaverOn/Offsouci " Cirur butone '" Minute Timer, whicis operates as a conven- lionai kitcen timer for a delay/cook or as a cook/rrsl imer. PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL "599 to $579 (Other Modela rom '539 to 1699) A very Merry Christmas and Ail the Best in 1980 - Roger Kee A.. the Il L48MI 78-02 UrIN. marginal profit whiie lise Ameelcan alîiliiseincrease tise prices 10 heir cusismers. Ointario Hydro. alaieseMinm. sella eloctrical power tiUS stililieseaI 1.9 cents per iomwat tiou. Poweer in tistartî s sgenerated in sartoas maya: tîslear goseratton rosis 113 per hila- malt and tossil fuois average ai 2.355 cents. Sime f te pawer s shing sold The ICG says ildoesn' qaelitih OnaioîsHydesicstcerntng international expits as long as tisere i0 sufficient soppit ard tisai Ontarîi taspayers are ssii pOs'ng for the espars. il tise NER groom sai lise ICi waiconstruction of tise 14 mile sect isu tissogis albo is us ould stop sots Mnnso ntitoalternativeroutesare enanssned. 'l'ise CG complaîns tisaitiOntaioi Ityiris lias ieguni construction of an internationaipoerfinesthroogh Hatos Iluis tise[lite pposse 51ofspetto eleetitix aier sj(hîsot a certiticale as resîiedsy tse natisoal Energy Bourd ici. Alto tise iii cssmpiainOd tOntario Ili*ydrssssstends is upetate thise ise - ,utii-etisiscateso eqiredisytfederai tishe IC clsis Otnarîi Itydein- tends lis espors pior ni contravention Jt ils licence miter EL-s5 and te cnrvn ion tise reglations mode ms tise ct si sîîsos regord mefoitlldis- Aissresstsiiston provsded for alis an lise act lilsînBringtis' Lt MPP blian iieedteegeetledlisecioid sot attend tise 'sssttleencî' iecause oft linsss IsIoeeasiottement mas read de- aslingltssupporet ftishie ICG. Asithe Lihoer eegy crisc lie stressedisi ie ssciil sfoli th isse lias liti hor osablishied, il w 1 w