The Canadien Champion. Wed.. Dec. 19, 1979 B7 ~B~J 7. THE SPIRIT 0F CHRISTMAS caught On of toye tisl week, fromj with McDonaldes Restaurant customere Tom Bishey of MaDor this December, after the restaurant ap- gifta would g o ta needy pealed tashoppers todoflateflew toys tobe and Oakville areas. h turned over to needy children an Dec. 25. acoepted t McDonald's Captain Dave Moulton of Miltons Salva- 24. ion Army Corpe accepted thse irt batch Teaching o verseas illus TMe Deceesher meeting eespluynd s a lacbec-li- quesi. Fity are si rues of Moutis Unont Wl. brrian by the Heilton Cauada eacb sueseer cas held ai the Sasse ai Bord ai Edaration. Her aîtb Ibeir tare und living M. Pncys. Mil iSt. sides and movies cernespenses paid but tbey Milaon. Thirteen acesespanind by iapnd dunale their tisse and ns- members and eigbt mulecutfebidren frues perise. visitors, cern welcomed variu coseiries around Se showed sebeci hy tbe preideni.M. the worid. During then70's eilidren in Guyana in Powys, an nwerthie ste servnd esuny sues- South America, Gana in ra1 il t'i cll Crinieanmers tue Canadian Arica. ibes Java in tradition. Tearbers Prjeci Over- Souieasi Asia, Rusia, Mrs. Anse Drec linrs- aas ahece staff go 10 China. and varisus ducnd te speaker, Mrs. lîeip eaciters in deveiop- censtres ib e Caribbean. ris Berrysas. chu is seg coustines ai ibeir re- Mms Franki Hadtey Hilcrest women spread cheer Hiltiereni Unied Cburcli Wîîeen met Dec. il in te hreitleloa shp monts ciii 15 on hand lacr te Crismas cee. Miltred Back- e.,lie presîdent. opesed ciii a Cirismas paen toltoced by Sulent Nigit. ils hstry and a prayer lliterlcai u as lta ring Clristmsas ireals tor situt-ins asd place tem under the rne. Il cav deided ta taie ihese t ARC Residence Margarel esiggtes corili ead the Minutes aurdt lthe tressat repart cas glvenn hy Ms. il. Robs. Members cere asbed ti bring Canada Puehers labels to te January tmeeting, and rave ueS staesuflit te leper misioninO 1 il as reporteS 29 toises and sils bags ofi eltitng had bees packed for te aie. A sec eecirie tea ketle had hees purchasetifortoche eliaret biieben. Il cas agreed te ICW ciii puy toc sec choir gocos Doris MeNabb reported the chureh roms raies have bees snec eased and that esîîney lias becs attoeaied for fans flacthbeeburclisane- isacy. Il cas also agreeti t tors avec $2.0001 iiithe citrci trIeasurer. HIienI cii1caer fta Mlerpcdli'banquet Jan. 16. ais thlie Miik Pcodseers banquet in Fehcsacî and tbe Piticeso Blaquet Sept, 13. Tieen ttus weesubmîlted by Ms. Rtîy Wison toc the Dis- trict Aosual ai Hîteresi ini Mhay Mrs. E Wilknson ceret n carge f te progrues. Mes. MeNabit gave ihouglîls by Henry Van Dykse, fuloed by Cbrist- mas lymns cit Mc. J. Carney as pianîsi The sriplare and Cristmsas sîorywerread by Mcs Wilkiso and Ms. MeNabh closeS cit a9 gitis(i bal ciii cosi you soting. il incitded lrotitecbuîd, a rendiy gredting, assistance. patience. coesiorliiug curds. haîse under standing an teactîlse isiiependence i yaur chitldeen. A cotesi fololied, his J. Betihaddy gave te ctutesti, and tbe pesident closeS the mîeeting. Mrs, Claude Pike ad Mrs. J.Nec- lands serveS luncht. Drumquin Advent candie is lit By Ms. Ceeil Pattersons tables in play. B (Intended for lust week) There cas a large P The ceekly ecre c rgainfor coeship Party tield at Hornby ai Bethel Unted Churclig Centre on Saturday on Suniiay, Dec. 9. Thew Bethel as Dec. 24 at 7 Speetat birthday greetings and good wtshes 10 Mes. Perey eveiof Dec O aI l it ei enee pn A ,,M I,,y Ile hl, tottocîsg prîne cîssers: sambees and Rev, Jolin speciat day Dec. 12 chen Hornb y gift exchange> Grees, Netie Lase, Vt saliliti the second candie aloi yeae. We cish lier Hrnby Womens insi- chair fue the business tbanked te hostess and Prestos. Marte Murray, oi Advent- many more. tale Deceesher meeting part af the meeting. She ait lto took part site Marte PeacocktHarvey There will heaa had a Christmsn theme. read a puem, The Spirit prograes Duos, There oece Il Chitmas Eve service ai Une Champion cianiieda. Il was held al tbe home ot il Chrismas. Roll caIt Ms. Barbara Busei cas a Christesas dessert wilh 12 eembers and two recipe and a number visitors present. wece handed in. Ms. H.OConnor cas Seretary Ms. R. is charge af tbe prugrues MePhersan cnsd the an cpee ith a paes minutes. The 4-H proect andispnedFood for Friends owas Lave lo.She renduan anntîuned n b article on taeming ontheia gaith Dundas Higltcuy. 120sponsr yWolubs. yesrs agit, on a - farm rpt n theclubs. wbicb now as a caeptes eata iei tor seniors on tbe ladSA ardeniog course cas Asitant Manager story ofi cuttîsg itee ostbe gises. Nine camen tssh . nalds. He said the Credit Riser cas aisît 1ie course. o ii famifen i Milon rad. as held and during tbe Mtore toys wtiI be Mrs. Grace May gave a sorti tour Ms Perry a until faon on Dec. dtinesssratton titn hierry cas asbed t10 bloc niaiof Crstmas oui the cundies on a . decoatios. Mrs R. brtlîday cahe ioliasse af ________________ Wilson ibatiketi MsMay hec Osi hrttîday. tac lier demonstratton. Lunch c as sersed by Peesidesi Mes. cMrs.lW. Ford and Ms. Wriglescîîtttcastnnlhe iRussel.Mrs. RWison '- oicnd tbe sincere ibanlis Life membership nd uppreciationsai ait reseni and tbanked Ms. terma oc ber tasciti to Mari uverena tise esterials and brlJ iant preseslatian. The Chrsmas meetng Woesen's Place. A repart aus gises in a il Si. Pauais United Crismas hases of bah- THE ANNUAL teu ut te Hlton Museum Fred Edwurds, Dnrothy Edwards, Eurla question and anscer Clircli Woesen cas held inecilii ha pacbed toc dreW large crowds over the weekeiod. Brillais. the museumo couralar. and Irene fores by delegates Winie Mîîsday. Dec. 10 in te out-tos Joining in With the fus are (lefIta righl i Saunders. lachttie tand Marjorte ettocsbip esses cilli40 Powys, abo attended tbe memehrs present. Mari onelion ai Bingecas veresd cas presenied Pari, Kicbener, the cîlli a lie meebershp7 eese being "t am a pnisappecatonisoral Canadan.- lier cccli Indoor gardesfing cus Kay Foi er peses ed a TLU discsssedl and plans candlettght c rsb p sec-T made oc a macrasse vcewireci tebefour workhbop. Il cas decided parts ofthle G C W. lui doste thie bases sofn purpose Nere depcmii- stitute caps ta Halios ciîness, study, Womenss Place. Mrs leloshp indlservce Lîtese Dîson gave a Jean Cansinghams reprlasn CitizesshiP and lavuteed lic grop wc ha Wtrtd Afairs. voîcal solo A deligb ai Ltte Sîîmetisg i1Save Ciahbtee' cas esîoyed hy Made' cas olloced by aitAto place lu the.first place where yo0l houlàhop for brand nom ires. W Chrisesas cabe and The Chrismas lave of AUleto f bafdsaa- ~ 4--Ii coobes served hy Mabet alterisg ciii he toc- f«yo fl e o fait the b flmiiiSties uw nai h o fladiey and Ane Dccc tiarded Ia ballon prices you like to pay. Take a clouer look aitheme brand name tire prices' 1980 . HONDA CI MA 1 a VVekn w itathnfor a 4-pe acbk W eeken wait- -thonplus P.DO t tenight. tasEr&iînense aids hospital children BAZ MDTORS LTD. Toenterpctstsg cooki They'il start Saiucday cooka a-hn for te eek- ai Country Rîtitces ai 3 pes and serve ailte end bt cere persuadeS "es ammd Service Resiaurantin Miltas are lubies in Station 7, cîh-th iai esîgb be a litle sGupiS.Gogton scîiof als uaS (aistappîng eseepitacorangerous. so leyG 81-20 e7O11 ctîrkîng as wauters iis te urastasal resi sciebed tthe "aita-87752276S 87e118l3 cebkend in lhe resau- breaki seul Chrstesas than idea. rani ai Fit Wleel Tuck lisng tiese Monday Stop. Chsboies Dr Dcc24 ai 6 p es * And they plan 1 torb lek r an ps D~it lI( horst-a aChrist- soeed ai atsucb as W lym l . urp sn l aifn . itourity rîends anticor mas proleci iii cuise cces $nu 90 = enot aeChilt. 'Spledgeed sut a. Ailtilps h Itînitl eceîvedduriof te 52- Coalis'Laciasut"Lue' houe corhtof aeliend Vaseollo. 19 asd Ties il alsa goinia te pt Powrs,16,deide t lac or the eidrens sosthisg Sifferent iis Chita f. Chrismas, an ihey it Witen aslied ahy. Mr. apas te idea ofi sagisg a Vascîtit lusi slrugged 'cuita thon" s in he andsait,'iy sol?' Tbe resauranitfoc 52 houes. paie cere panning a ........ (3r~ctain- alou Frends 0x5uW M in Mlton and 25l-W M ares a very 2x5-W M Merry Christmas and a Hiappy New Year 2 a Cl~5 tIVOa SI IFVERLEIGH CON'STRUCTICiIN uMn,ng Mia i t s u nCannda a is hi ini utn nt n ac in nca li LIMITED k4,cIOO5ng .1 a Peter andi Eva Schmdt w' -7- 7 VI ai Pl B a li q fg