%Wed.. Dec, 19, 1979 NVew book highlights Es MRS. ALIX HOUSTON haida te book hfer tata huaband J. Richard Hustoa wrete tracing the Slandish famity cf Esquesing Tawnship back ta ils eartiest recta la Ire- tand. The 351-page beek slie fr $20 and part of the meaey gees te a speciat fund set Up te praduce future books cf geneatogcat ignificance. Jet le ime for Christ- mes, e sew beo atles coeneoat whlcts le e "Reuta" stryoaiosec lemity ehicli emigreled la. ihen psputed, the aresaifHattasformerty keawnaseaEsqusang. mhe boki waa puitisted paetsumausly ity J. Rchard Huson mie> died ihree yers ega in a pisse craah white takisg perinleasgovers- ment cammissiaon. A lsmyer. Mr. Heusies as se amaer geeee- logist af same repaie wha stsried more tes t10 yeass ga tu die itohis onrats and ms abe ta iottow the Esqesisa isuading Stssdlsh ismiiy iaci tul a remte part af Iretand la the mid-t7a's. His welils, ai Georgetown, la carreesiy inrodacisg boak setiers of Hatian ta the cee 350- THE LIDO RESTAURANT re-opens today îWednesday I with new owners H. K. Yung (leftt and his son Robin Yung ia charge. The father-son leam lias purcbased the Lido tram ita frmer awners and ciosed it for two weekî for renavalicas. They wiit ffer Cantonese and Canadian-stvle Chinese faod as watt as western food ta the Main St. restaurant.H. K. and Robin ara pictured with some of lise dshes served at a pre-opening party Suadlay evenng. Father, son opening 'new' Lido 'lce s u a I 1' i a itn -ge ] "(i 11 i , i k- t. i Nrlsc,ii,Main i rcpi:ii.elarnlI Rtek s ah , n( iha,, Yunand e eilc lca5~V psiscn ný;tirnttodviallr - veksîlî ifi '1le l ie purchlased m e po,îi lîîîid i litan- train C han,, nd l,îcd,- pate)h lai I.- and -n haveiî ext i s%(ýrelacan epeience and, i îîîgH ii.c,,,îc c , ca he i 1, r î cii .cc i,.lec ndClh ,,l,, . rlckse, c t- m(.l lii [li li li ic Restaurant curseiersed 1,, about 40 toasts ai a pre ipehing parly in fle Lido Ssiday ilîlîl. Il k lsung operated a scall restau- ra ns[loîng Kon anddfleropened hii Iliesarattere He came tu (l'anada inIF i, aod has ias ciiiked in resauan - i Trotoever sceAt presen lit i as a total foi 25 yeaes' ax- tnsîsoîRoin.hî.o,,came i Canada in 1%0,1 icrked ia restaurantl iowed fi, lie, brher.heniias a pinter He i i-ntcly mnanaerd a resaurant ia Toniiîîiirli1elmiinths lii-aiîiilns ailie Lido inclade nam ziblelî an chairs eplaiclig te frer 'l'lice e, sînbplan la keep Ii- naniiand the rami trieraI ayosl ,rîide 'liii> als.i expesl liiapply fInaa liecet erne eer aid ine silh nccai-, anI hipe III hase this additiiinal .crice bî,,î*(surmnier. Milton owes $140 per ThS'it i )1i oi ha> li lrecim lenithe retional the secoind IilîestIliiper îpîla dehlilf5$39 sI pr capîla miitheii' lniiî idilî ol Ha Iiîîîî i cinl 1,, TheIl rego is$ figare- îîrriîeil c i Islam 16,00 n otslandrg Brintlonc Saccin- 10Y 1 lilentures aid a pop,- tord latlîîî il 24,8. m Mayor Bird aidil1a, Thi îîe î ipr naplla Carollers out Ahbil of old ntgiaid l akiiid partin tae nilltgrae the sreof sir.ging %Wicl he ien domolîoi Nlton îlis Sieees. lia Bine. Jim Friday rîîm 711,09 pm. ,and Penny Carlos. mitnab sot a dîzn e ierdrr IO'Hggins, Avril carodiers tnia l'ieîr Winchester, Nevile Mliii Players. dressed .lîîlîîclîîîand Aine Lice. ln costume, oiline Crismas caroti as they A eeaa prormance strii atace hae street. n il he gîvea ils Saierdey Tite cosumoes area aiernomn. Dec. 23frttam 2 ieicg madie iyeaeh ofIni 4 pmiiîey eutlle titgqiotters aid prîomice giad t have yas jets la la liaorFIot.acciediof tapm. sitouid te spirit la Deirre O'ibtgins. maie ouý liahnîte is the second hîlliest ai $127 par capîla. not ncudae tae $39. lîakniie has $8851,(«Bio deienturas aid a poplation af L quesqing founders Houston sid te Tieitook css $2and canenldit cinesook s oa e rnie a spartaoflise revecue goe stoaee cas conactete re cf Hellas ares niteeaistfrnd. Hustonu b Plicalesn tores it eiees- Aspacae ichingtic Trrnt,.85ilStencesir thits le incresse. prciase litheaooksad Ave., Tronta. MR 5M3. THE LIDO "WirUAITUIANrTT woln _ar The Assessment Act NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNEAS AND TENANTS Pursuent ta section 46 cf The Aeeemeflt At, t1lerebygeeend ta the 22nd deycfJuey 190 the dey upcn wth the es lsem ft r of a r .er199lerequlred ta b. retumed line munlclpelîties ln the Reglcnet Mualcipeites of Hettcaendi Peel except mhe Town cf Mltan, witere the day upais ehich thte eeeeeeasett rall le requireli la be retumeli le extended ta the 1 5mh dey cf Februery, 1980. And turther teke notice t m te time far iadglag e campleint wlth te Aseesement Revie Cocurt la respect cf eny eeeessmeat canieiaed ln the esseesmeat railee met ere required ta be retumeli an mhe 22ad dey cf Jauery, 1980, le extended ta the 1 2th dey cf Februery, 1980, ad ln respect cf eny essesement canteined la the assessmeni rail tisai l required la be retamel an tme 1i th dey ai Februery, 1980, sa etended ta te 71h dey ai Mrch, 1980. liii L oià h ilâiloi