4 lhCaadien ChampionWed.,Dec191979 i hhARN COUL8ON il1a4cotan1SalmoF313 .3 laie 11331 year baltlie spa% nÎng run oCthese silveey beaul es up 2 Mile Cre123 asexcelent.Tihe ruti peaked duc 354 tie 321721.111113in03171131131 ffl catches wee ieing made using r3331, 330 ehmatlows, 3411311F 5440334and even parkF13121 wil 3333 oe1the ishbehing laken wilb 33111in a 3133 Il sak. ar, there bas 1111113no3pabli outry about 12-131 33h34 isheFoen. Lel's hope il says his wyTisese fish are ires and the 331133la edible fr adltu acoupfte3C 11.3a3 ek. te was wilis regret 1.31134331oCflise IFail che nical spill 333 Ithe Ganaraska River ai PoFt Hope, Ont. A 31131 ishermee are apset about tbe spil and hope adequate fines are leved against the CWenders. Me also bepe the Campbellville ma41 caught ced handed dumping lesic malerial in10 a dilcb will ho cbarged ils the clean-ap bill islead o a sli¶til sP n1the wrisl. L1verne Blackluck sure opes th1e GanaFasha River returnu 10onormal soun He caugbl a beautiCul l-lb. rainoom rou there a Shor lime ag. On 1the s311. strelcb o waler, Don Keacsey caght a t-brainbom 01121Jm Smib came up wil i is count of ealîng isb. N ilton sportsman aod ell-bnewo hunier 3ev Rej nods learoed a lessan tIm year ovhicb csl bîn is mose. T ie lesson is once you bave pcked your stand, 21331 leave il. B dweaher forced Bev lo leave his stand for a wh le and yoa guessed i1. mile 4evwas gone. an 032 mver s313 a large bull mose maI11 mîlbîn a f11 yardo of the spot Bev was standing. Ben1 Adercbeb aod hs tree sons eturned to is bomeis of Round Lake Centre rear Kilt- alo? aod ait returrted wilb a flt counoîol21er. Tfhe Hallon Spotsmens Assocation hetd eleîtnsast weeb and a fui]tsateueo ficers we -etecîrî foc 190. he oate in as fottows: Ëresiden, lielmar Coulson o Kîthcde. Vice presîdenl. Jimmie Coulson of Lowvile. PasI pcfsidenlAi Campbell; SecetaPAI Gwingt1 Assistat SecefayJimPeaon; e. casarer. Bob Wells; Bar carmao, Ron Marshall; luilu- iog chairman. Lorne Lyons. Enletaioro7îî ch iman, Sud Cheser.; Fshing cairman. Jîm Smil; Fund-raisîng chairman, Don Marshall. Guo chrman, Dick Tcb. Horsesboe aod shfleboacu, Joe Marshall; 1.Huning îhacman. R. k'Ma irs; OFAH. MauFice Coulson. Puble re lon,Ted Moore;Sick and benrsoIent. Jack P...Wildifechaicman Doug Jones. Te Haton Spotsme's Club amtuaa Tuehey Shot 1.40 beld a u'eeh go Stîîrduny aif Seclub- house Atoltof 783ur7y w7e73won y contestl ans. Brian Mortmer ssoatd tîhe 10 tbank att 111 se wbo made thesh33l a slcess. Amongîthe 7amnners were George Bekon of 3r nte. Jimmie Coulsori. Briaoî Mortmer, Don Wyatof Hamlon, Harry Marîcîni o Hamilon, Bill Mountain. Diane Pearson. Don K7eneyJim SmithRonMarsbatt. tI Campbell andl son Robbie. Bill Fînoîgan. Da ve Tuîh. Larry Gîtîbet. Vic Tomtîsoo, Sher- mE nTalbot Ted Lye uck Lewissand more. Ail other lurkey shos in 11e area ave aîsed thN r prîces Il $1.501 andl $2 pr chance. The 3351 exécutive decided o go f0 a Gade a tîtty hrd 10 brep their prîces t0 $1 per chance, We hopo m mbers undersland and bear witlthe HS in tseffortst10 bepprîces down. Ifembors of our club send scere sympatby to thtN famity of the oIte Irmun Sheppard mbose unoimely dclh shocked us att. Sep, as he oas known 13 is flelom sports- men, as an1 ardent ouldoosman and a eit- honomn rap shooter front the Applehy club. We w. laittmiss him fetsises 40u07'rom leeds 10 Norm Rcadsls.hh'o.toreturn% frcothe hospital. W arbe sure .1 il boys from your parent clu0h. Alpebywoilbe rootîng or you aswae D3001 torgt 1the Appteby Guo Clts bg Chbrismas Torkev Shoot on oing Dol. ai ther ctîhbos on Walers Une, il ould lte1obe Iis opporloniy 10o sh 3My rgader ell tiom sportomulf a vecy Mercs C rstma wi,,a prospel uuul New Yer and to tlank those h have phone1d in reports 10 me aboutotdoc events, fis ai agb t.1 May the lsb you catch 0701 year mai h1e fisb yîou caugt las( year lob like 771700117 oeakaway marker gives Aggies win [J®' L )['1]I]J th1e winaing goal on a breaka1.ay 13 giee Milton DalCerin Aggregates minar midgets a 2-1 min oser Guelph in TIri- coualy 1hockey17action Monday nigbî aI Memorial Aresa. Kirk Moreau caaghl th1e Guelph defesce nue- ping as 11e liCled a pas paî fw eenders o1330 Chme st ick whîî raced in alone îrom centre ice and scored wilb a lîigb sbot as t11e goalie bit 111e ice. Neither team em- ployed mucb 1in1the may of poistional hsckey. At Crsi. Guelph sent a floaler out 1beouml the blae linos but 111e allempl didn't warrant 31317goml scîîFing opparlunilies. Milton counlered m2111 111e same strategy laler ecly cenribated le 1the Ater Guetph a laken a 1-0 tead tbe 111e of Tom Houson, Moreau an3d Champaux tied 11e score ib a minutelatCino the upening peried. Moreau Cund tbe range with assista 10 escb îof bs line- Champoux Ibes it or he1 winning goal witb 4:07 teplay in the middle rame. Boi l easn bd good scoing chances in tbe Iird period allhoagh neilher was abe 10 captalite. The Aggies ave com- pleled their schedle to the Cristmas break and now ready lemsetves f the Beaver tourney nent eb a( Memorial Arena. Figure skating run-off resuits Thr Miltonl Figure Sbating Cuh field their tntercloh Run-OfIF111c estly oith Ie folloming Natioal Badge Test- Paîge Speck. Beginner Free Oate-Shanoon FasecýSiniilarfDance- 11,0111 t1tcLeod and Nancy McDooell. Pre-Juvesîle Giirls- Trracy Eoghislî; Juveoile Gilrs- Lsa Sîlcos: Girls Inlerpretive-Mary-Loo Lîiut Pre-Nîlvice Girls- Mchelle Hebhard. Novce Grîs Celia Russell; Junior Grls- Kir0i Paîcîîeson and 34oys F.-7e Sal-Iîoy vZîlaý 1lsoults ofI ner- medae and Senior lest îlays field recenîly are as Prelîmîoory dances- OutIl, alIî. Paîge Specb. Vîkkh Lcrmîot and Krso Elioît. CanasIa-Laura Mearîl s: Smiog-Miclelle Iladley. Sarah Slcox aod Diane hWatson. Junor Broînze dan- ces-Ken Fox. lson tdaoLeod, Fiesla-Sh- 030031 Fraser. Tina lleoneberry and Sylvia Mufa. Willoo Mary Nash, Debra Jacbman, Lisa Silcos and Judy Clîeoey. Junior Brîoze free skate-Leann DîlîFon. The club uilt holt ibr anoual compelition Sun- day. Jan. 6, a( the Sports Cjentre [rom :3-8p-m- Eseryîor 111 eoe toî I attend. 1.1113.0.024 0 4 1' 5 J2 M- 3W«3 3 Il la i, D. 0ri,3 3 2 1211 8 SI'-,11 21 1 I l1 SI Clair 14. 1 2Il0I. Litle F12113133. l31,3112110, . 2. j19:M3o'. Wold 0. White, 0.. Fid,2.3.0 pn -Littho S.C.1d.y, Il * 1.cir, Il 55 *..-Mf.'. 13.112 J. D2. _.-11304 17111 L1133FWhite3Oak. Little 33F17313133142 11171 Fîuoblîy.oc,173s. G.] - for tri.11111332 1733 Cartes3and Ad- S11. 1111 W1hi 11.k11t1,Z1J. D311118 Jea. 11h.3c31721d bah13111111 u412.234.34 4 e 1 1 34003187 4 4 0303 il lto«1.y 4 4 1 0 22 23 373321210F 0 Iml W b 73. 340112t 2.34831211M coael 1 6 1 4 334. gan. 0.2133 32324 3 3127433 J8aP3,.748325112WI313312078 11321 211111133 11111 OFF 11128 .347 31211022133. - 0,dm>. bs 252128.- 3211n3bc 3324.33 21p«dQ-df P 0421313333a 31of 4-1 aý ,,etGS 213032. ItO33274 02.3oa22114 ith M 53243 n..31un2. Th.3 18k212 .9 0.1 12008 378211233213211d33811Club. They .. # 42144 3043 0411 1. g04f11422221«411.-2 thewp3 .pla3y 21f3Dm*4 Cari«, Wins easily cbampionsliip ioC Hallon Junior Farmers Invitational -VolleYbalt loucney Salarday with an uadefealed record ofC eigblin. in 11e final. Vellore downed 11e top Haltoi team 15-0, 15-13 tb daim 11e hile. Vellore is a club wilin Yrk Couny. The Halon branch oC the Junior Farmers iniiated t111 re 311y micb drew 14 11131331 Eaclî leam played a round-robin of six gamnes to Il points bhore31e top 13ouro'ere selecled for lise playoîîs. Vellore deeated Waerlo 21-9 in one semi-inal while Hallon 1 slipped by Yrk 21-10 10 meel or 1the champion- sbip. The t033307 raised $233 mhiclî 3he Junior Far- mers denaed 13 1the clî3dre's ard oC Milon Disrict Hoispial. The leauls micb came frîîm mosl parIs of souIbeFo Onario wl meel agaîn ile ne 03 inals Satucday Jac. 263in Barrie. Nancy Townsend, Paal Laidlaw. Ban Harris, Cecil Patterson and Tony Beckman oCf1the loal club oganized tbe tournament. Na da lin upsets Firefighters..4 (Continued from Pg BI) te wor on Nadains IîîurIb goal diggiog 1the puck out fcum behind the net andcenteenga pass tleney Nadallri n front iuuse quîch orîsl 0h01 stîppedulti.ruuglu BOtey's legsrePirsoe the pectiest goal ofl the eveing onîa solo effort fum is 115 bise fine Aeros win 2-1... (Co1tnued f7333 Page DI) mals .oîing a consstat atac and AeroS held on t Agaiost Rockton, Real MoCoys bul ap a 6-3 secofdpeiod lad and 31173 117121o th1e esî 3of1the wayto gel the violory. Aeros pressedin thethird period wth a spirited effort bolt1the ra lty lelishort hy one. Mltoo's goals were scored by Barry Musseman, Pete Chuchmnach. BlIIMcGllolay. Ray Evans andPenwarden, Rockets scored three quck goals in the final perod 10 give Ayr the 1113 Tuesday. Bolh leamns traded ssgle goals 13in he opeoîng period and aller a score less middle frame, Ayr Junped ahead 4-1 wth three hy the mdway point 0f1the final period. Merry and Sed fred Aero'goal5 Arroms: AFos sow have a 13,0 week lay-oll whch wilallow the 77371o1 the îeams sn1the league 10 catch UP i he games-played deparîmeol. The leading scorer in 1the league last 7721, 07411 Heinb1111k as joned Ayr. He played wlh Paris last seasos hu an ,Iloess kepl hlm out o action for much of thîs year. Paris ddol mwant hm ach and aller a rel slay in Rocklon, Henhuch sgoed wth Rochels and played hs frst game latweeh. lochîoo mon 1the alle for icol place Moday oîght heatng Paris 29ers 4-1right in Paris. Aerm s esl game is Thusday Jan. 3 in Roohîon. A game schcduled for tibs Priday in Plattsville a posponed to Peh 13 Denur .4rp Cii Gare Sz:i s Pruor raced around a battu teams matcheul ton Ctrysler-Dodge 1,1(lie coopte uf Fîrefghlers goat-tur-gîîat focr1the icol vicfîry paît a fIai Peu delendees aod pal a g0021 Iss pertods bolore Clean Shiner Hogs 17431 dette n aley belore bacec's Edge alied for Ciryolee led 3-t ate. flppuog te pîîcb nI,. a two.goals lu. register 11e tthe tirs( period beCore vacated net. oin and muveîintolfirs1 enendng il tuî4-1afteI Firetîghers fînally place past Fleefiglters. fOu. peods. bruihe lrnugh consecing Bill Chapman scored aiI 'rite game was iigh- ona Imo-on-one mîlîl 11e 8:4840machkoor1the inal igled hy a lîgbt bot- 0.04 Bennett poling peîod and Wilson tallied m een Hugs Wallt Dave Arbics pass inolîtoi seconds later lu sec Malînke and ChrysteF:s thoe.treithemîn. Marty Cairns. The scrap Pîrefighlers captais At arier n 1the contesf. dreo, blood from Joes oas bcked ouI ofl Ruîee Wifr COF.)ck- Mabnbe. Tlîe lanky Hogsl the1 gme oittî louer3min- o"e iah ii Wlls o31 3r 3lhgëree 1-emIlminutes ut es lu, play. Assessed a Racers Edge traded in penalties mlule Cairns munur for rooginf in firnl-period goa ls. as saddled olîl, 10 min- fruot 1l te Nadain ne. Reîtard Murray pot tes. Jouses gave a mucb spoar Racers Edge UP 2-1taller Garry Naylor 31,11D4uu tu le referee and oas lust 17 seconds of the Neelands put Clryster peuoptty reotoved rom middle trame. Gacy alîead 2-fl qatckly belore t lie cuontest. Hudson t ed the score t0uiCarence Haringa dre. mieR 1/12 înutes ratec. logo ifhiui une otti626 Ttl ttON 2RIsWELI. remaioîng 3in11e perit. Les Wilson 1fred two 128 11,01 DDGE Naytîur notched hbs :7 goualus and adde21 an assusu F8ATIETtSHOGS o321 uf flue nighf just 34 lu. pace acers Edge 17 Marty Farrell scoreul seconds laler and the1 v.110ev pasi a nce aod assîsteul on Clrysle ee n their stobboun Rucsellt ram. three thers fuI ead Mit- oay tuî 11e iciory. Correction Zellers Circular Decen*er 19,1979 Page 7 - BnStol Porm eRado DigitalC"okRoO These items are not available. Other items available at suitable prie. SORRYFORANY INCONVENIENCE TRUCK STOPS STORE 40CHI3SHOLM DR IVE- MILTON WESTERN BOOTS -'*5995 an#79.95 SIX STYLES TO CHOOSE PROM "MILTONS WESTERN WEAR SPUCIALISTS" -You headupae fo nedijpied quaItlhouý Aiso avilable inaOur $tom:1 FIf? QUALITI WESTERN SHIRUS ad STTSONS 0 Al Canaudieni Moe 3131 5~41134,- - ~'1 This Winter Rest INSURED s ready to annwer any questions you may have- regarding insurance for pour home. Cali/us. 208 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2894 BOOKS FOR THE WIIOLE rAMILY on a WIDE RANGE OF SUBJECTS tlnd them ail at: si NAI MWK IOPPU Now OPEN Mondays 10 ..4. to 8 p. 878-3020 Decernber OnIy DANCE WEAR CENTRE 98 Main St., Milton 878-1303 1DANSK(IN CHRISTMAS GIFlE SELECTIONS Not.jîst for dancing - Checks our LOWER prîces on ail the latest vaawIIRWEAR HOUDAY Et EVEING VACATION WEAR UNDEIIOARMENTS SwatrsWER Smîm Suts- Adks Pusty-Hose weiatrs Dese, h s, &Chldroo's Seamed, Pttrted Hats, Scarves, Pnts oeupRhnsn Ti Gloves, Mtts CEs rdnates Terty Robes LaceTrîm Bra hLeg-Warmers Sels fi CamisolesA Sktn rseSitTgt e amr Gynsi etrd n 1pr ]FREE GIPT WRAPPING Ope)In çvery ShRopping Dey tIl ChuItmaa 10 a.nî. -9 p.in. 111.3333430oral W_ W 3l11M 1 Goal 381etrer3for25P1 -1 J1n21.1k1.3.2 rn323 Bk. Cab. 3,33 31 fth3bu#. guida. ornait Vl2Wtrieyde131112 Goal Morena Onan ..2l ab .1 . .21 311034,10mm33Wear.8324à4-1.1104Of 321Pnrdtet3 crtsan Ge 3 godl1 ya e7 eof4 2 1.11oal sonfo r 131 32410 3 H 14113331.23 .1333 031414.2133341104434s vrai,1Ove 3 guis3and In g l fo ab.Cab . suve Get acrer ferM.23118 vW23 213 f031 211331 1. 314,18 333.03331310 34 11i13 and0Bra2 1 . Ils ih Gol 311.11W1.32. s w 3411421381t 3 13233 1. goal3or1333 SlwuTM 1.33b211314 03121. . ;t of th. P.. 121 - Hill. 1,23 23231 fer3. 31's Auto th. a 311 1132103 of 13. 3 ei eehles~~ud 03î1.y 33212 1y a 3434vao2Bea1 127 ab131a 332231121707134113433a 33 ay.07pair,30 and11 03311 31343411311. Gu1. 1 ono31 la, debal A11211 r , Mar B11rand «4w 01 .1 reeu11 13 0.1.3 1o. 0.1 o, i3138, 3i.1 Sa.. nes p3yeda. exe11331 The Milton IndustFlal doubles and 11 fun1Bil- 32312142333333748111211 Drt Leag311 33111111 aFli 313033wth pizen. F11'71111 1 Mody night.iî8p.. ai The Ladies Dar1 34143912 3 083 2z14 the Royal Canadian League 3132 31111133Mon- Bruo3 9 o 2 13 Io Legion. days ai 8 p.m. President 33112 9 5 2 28 l TheFe are six îeanis of 3ev McNeil 3073 3the 20110.1443 a1 36457 Cve 3Men11each. Spirit andleg3 sFge5ig 343.7 34 2 5 2 26 34 6 1 e334111 are staFti31g 13 well and Fe1dy 111 chaI- OPF 9 2 5 2 22 34 fi31Mount7as prizes are lenge the men. Re3e1ah!) 1 6 2 21 45 4awarded eveFy year 3on NIFN S21TANIOINLI3 3131411141-8-m43 Awards Plîght whicl7 is rdis 9 lF87434103414 4 followed by a dance. Kanz Fuels 811 R31121h 3-38111y 3 Prizes and IFophies are PFo Hardware 83 3.332-13077 .. awvarded for team 011n- Trafalgar Mtr. 80 Frd.y7113434112ka vs neFs. highi score, hg hrpatr 7 3012181.2 .4111133 ,va.ly; staFI and iliîgh finish. Legion 77 9438-.312=1 7 S.MCug101. 3Presidenî 31Bill 241 DI ESTANI3INC.3 .... F87oFF p. Tîompson 15 oorkisg on 1Knights 42 1-stb. 131120F121711Saurday afternoos Scanneli 29 7.12131-33for373.318 1101 events such as msed Rusproofing 25 Gent l.432111and210311W433lk drac, doubles, draw llarbs Ieauty 20 Christmas Special eHILDREN'S TIGHTS by Phantom for Dancing, Skating. Gymnastics or Everyday Waar ON 1LY *2.25pr the DANCEWEAR CENTRE 198 Main St, Milton 878-1303 open EveY sJOppkngDav taPirndari1 Oa.m. C4JS fl1 ANCHOlI 'S AUTO COLLISION 'n A-ý-A878-8424 si 4*-be 0Custom Painting c 0 Frame Straightenig r e Colision Repair 26 FREE ESTIMA TES 1' 151 Nipiingff Rd., Milton Units 4 & 5 34 id 4r p -i-ýj