r 2 Fire fund needs boa, over $8,000 *6,000 *4,000 I$2,000 $1,000 top' Tis oee's loal is $7320. rganiiecsof Mlon Fire Deparl- meei, recrue tolfucil repe .Il noeils a big iosii 111 oblareaci ils goal oi Fire Clief Jici Coimses. Dîners Iis oeeinl- clole Moly Rccary Parisi Cathîlir Wmens Leagne and Milles lire- lilers SI. 2 (Camp- bellsilleL Balîlgroupo doalel $100. Furlier donations cas ta made aI The Champ- on or al eîlher irancclîof lic Ban of Monreal ie Mlon. ANOjRri $100nouwcs uuiateu w ilo Fire Department'c reacue tool fund thia week, courtes y thse Catholii Women's League of Hoiy Rosary Parish, Milton. President Maove Jahnston, ief t, turned over the cheque on Manday, ta, Firefighter Harod Penson. Mrs. Johoston aaid ohe hoped ber groilpo donation wosaid be an inspiration ta oter omaIl groupa in town, ta ge behind the fund. Jelinek will have a challenger Alîbeaf 5 Geral proposed Casadian Knapp dlus cal expeel lu embassy move l0 beal (Otto Jelînk mien .erosalem asd lie cale aI lie Cservalivs ol PeraCan as esamples. llîeiinoaminationleing I nt xlet o f be leels lie allan M P iim- i s i "sal shoul not gounopslsedlmte ftc o' Knapp. a 3-year ld lalersi bld ichn mareinf maafer sn îeî. îî ises Otto thle illl heOtawa area. opprlssily alsoi liex Jul. ed e reiol in pon aî is plaform a desire and see tolhobe nomiaionlmeeing blas Ibhrosti n h s so ecras ail hesacîîy liie os ek heTory aliaI uis vesîron îitle nominationon ieJan. 9 ssues arr. 1ldiîsl 00111 l because aofccci. basic mae k bt orelcfla disnrinîmsi iliIbelui)( ofpuîiciîy oser il bul parlýy i really dl eldlie ooul I eel as a lesgtime l etenominationsby Ciiseraise liere are a acclamation. les- iingo le lie parly liai i asenI esartlîs Hoeer. alosg bIth afreel ili - saià imply ciisesist Jelineb Knapp. l dosilitinblthe lr lie anomnation, parly lis ile sîithlie Kappliîassomr virws of grassroas enouf i - his 001. whbc r opes Ksapp added tbe parly lii expand us Jac. 9O liasal been lisîrngt;) -Vsrve eii lirealesisg lie peaple and cîled 1,e (I raslfor orars but iis Doug Black ... (~Coninued front Pg. One) running a campais lasI înf le us rsm lie sprint obih locuord beisiet ooflbhe ram- vriclly an lie issues asd pags as a crelible and lie relaseli la gel insolseli leasnale alternative." ithte infigbist bel- laci recrîvel lihe ores Pilirosh asndJe- IDtP ,snmnation by isci, acclamation for lie lasI e saîi be soslcon- relioanad 10 assure liscl lhe same type af obeber or nosa wliou ampaîts ibis ime ta lie rasç again on Jas. arosnd il i. gels lie sali 3oihesthe NlP selectla ram lic NDP srsl candidate. motl -Tiere ase ies - Ill'olie casdidate sîbees woohase ex- my approarh ill lI tI pressed ileresl irb simply lay ou aur guas saîd. Wlelier liey sîlI adsayiere il isonsthe be coelesling lie table se Ibikil's a good nomination or sol i dosI approaci, or Ibikil's bnoas reasosaile and il s dit- "i bnoo aI leasl one eresl lias lie olirr Iwvo canddate bas inlîralei paries."be saîl. oies oillisg la su.pprl-ur approaci silI ta me asd i Iin liaI's rar la shaw liaI lie olier 100 ai a seondupeeses -- pries arr ose andi lie Mr. Blac oas soleil for sasse.- Wu se hm à a" " d b.al a, an" O Bt JETUNER LUGGAGE SALE Up îo 35% OFF tome pieces F o r V iw C M e w n P a r d A g Me o Great Selectian aof ATTACHELCsES BOOKS TCHA GAMES $10. OFF reg. price JIGSAWS DESI< CALENDARS SCI4EAFFER PEN Pr tie Stclioi: SETS feom $5.95 DESK LAMPS WALLETS SCHOOL BAGS KEY CASES Specaal Gits Jcst forMHer 'rOTES -FRENCH PURSES in tie Lalest Styles BOX STATIONERY- CANDIES PLAQUES Fast ae caceSieg- Fieledi A lmspee <534oIktg tatiûsith Llmited 182 Main Street. Milton 878496 Cisanes Annposl Open Eocnilesu p.c I ~l El s my frt crak. said dive lii lie neels of is Knapp Ter erne liaI consoiliiesîts.e cancel lIII be espasdibseos s remais alool. 1 Iici i a alocal pliicias. poiiriansoie lie pasI surlier he be runnisg have ies gellîeg aoay for dog racher or Prime fi îîii their consiludIlîs Mniser. mustie sOens- desîres.- Liberas ... (Cocicael fnem Pg On.> lic May 22relrdliîoibtai deiraird Pierre Trudeas. -Wr aciy balia mailng lîsI of 200 olîec liaI campaignstsarled. be said. but sio or ase 200 meotrs.- Fnlîst a casddate may ta lie mîsl dîlirslslep fsr lie parly. Local coanc- llîr Res Plance lias espressed i s eresl. provilird Dr. Frank Plilirooi îiîîrssl ruo gais. Mr.Philbroîîb. vhlllooki lie Hallîîî let or lie Lîtarals ini lie 1974 elecian and tlislosins 1979. is piayint is yards close lii us riesi, - -1ras sîiabe any slalemnes ons bal rîgltsas. -Mc. Phliiicubsid mies cooaclel. "as you cas appreciale me diisl hase an average siuaion er. Sîsce lîsng is seul on Parliamenl. M. Phlîlrîss lias accepel a position îîîllî Wyellî Laburalories ini Doms- On iMiisday allersoîs. Mr. Piibruik mas sl oodecided. "Thank God for Sorels.' iliai l ie ceaSo la lis eteniiad ub5nidcomettait ,hi ho dei i ed onindn oiper ihisaiol nilline. eil ýz l ut] c o Li e1 inciy Se sumd, m ci ra l e hael bs'o moa snbn, il the ounsas, ikeiy tu ma Ne he .-tai s me O s i ,51 Opsiy Lrader, «apilifli 1 iacsiila0000lmaden orsi sasrnsbu posbe s iqsiu bosdsd "Ai MFrquioicnlecaile -- The ideal Christmnas gift A tc Mesauid Preoao .Mns sud Robert Newman Shoes tnm 6 F& 184 Main Street, Milton 878-987 . et IOFMlTciiUifWOl00 ~ a lseCanelenChwmplun, Wed.. Dec. 19,1979 NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB. 1, 1980 SAVE ON USED CARS & TRUCKS SAVE ON 1980's TELEPHONE MILTON 878-2883 SMISSISSAUGA 826-1434 STORONTO 925-088 DIRECT PARTS LINE 878-8196 MTORS L MIîTED 1-M LTO NiiONTA RilO 'reoiac~elasc'as-g~cgOog is. o Under' by Cou uy Peser Mill Milcc Comac hmi epprcvid lb. ccp- alepacaaoci=a ly1, Approvul c-igiven .ccday rig'intle .fical meeing of lie ear' Public Wccis Dieclr Joe Pilimiba tbld coucc ilors lie had ield pabli meeints earier in lie year lii espiaio lie un- derpaso propoas. e said lb. ccmmecls allihe meeing oece cisol fasorable. Tule geseral respocof oas escellen," lbe sail. "Peope teceraliy oece pleaseli oe oere geliof os cili the un- 'aime peope 508- geteîd il sie b.a btler ilea lo ds Mais Si. lihe propoel sclerpass liee) ico, bol lbey oece is fasr aI goint abead. " Mr. _ilusiba sail lb. maller ii gssernmenl lsslîsf made il import- ant lie prjecita epro pou Kids, eedmace spoil unciI Vule cedd iii 550w.after rima oui nilm, and"a deiay could lasecrilie. A sdy wulibe ander laien t0 deermne hoib e e mucc of lie $125M0 cciibl ccc belaien out of cap- LMr lyo itai leviez, a aproduscif m a r th grcwlb of lie 10c. clcý.d frcalret Tiie $i25.0<10 ePriecis loti ia th» e lie iccilSsabire,il0 Picdm oaMosM ceci, of lhe local ccci of buee enmy the land pcciaci acd Iice illsfi l ed.i. engineeing tiies for 1Mele «..est. proviccial govercmecis. Wedciday allieraint Two leters oncerfingies a bleue b.oeeout th. projeci ceci received l eic. iy Mr. Pilcihia. Aeeerdleg le Milie 'lie icol was frcnt Ire ('bief Jias Cci- Icternatioinal Coperage, jen. everal ehildrni an inddsry Icae eliccr oece playint clii the affecled ares. 'rie mairies shea a lied firm cao coccerceil raugii lire. abot lie posibein;cccof 'isie bed. bedridises lis rail sidicg dcricg aid crilîdrei's cliilîng conotruction, acd lie crre.deîirayed. possible derimenlal ire ffciraiso&les rîlel onf ils business. reporeld aler dam- Mc. Ptosiba sald thea11. lic Sof cir aid. piano cocl rasily b. - ehaute.I ief 550 cicec esie. isetir redcaoo te fiaccoci- ,. as celtalnidleh mîisllr li firc. Ripper portionicf lie Tir secnd oas lcom bihome. Bill Lawo. Millon's NEIGfIRORS COMFORT Danna Marie y of 141 Main St. E., Mii- 'Ibe Main *. dwci' rosIe oc lie aieon ton, after fiée caused more than $1,000) damage ta ber opartment ig is occed iy Biord of Edocation Wedneaday. The blaze cas tarted by children piaying with tiharfle estils of (Ont- rrprecenling lie urian matches., arlio ., Mlton. area iWard Twoa. * NOMINATION FORMI * FOR CITIZEN OfYTua YEAR 1 naminte as citizen cf the year fcr theyear 1979. Tii fllawlng are my ressorts frcihe nomination: I The avant lesîpanuared by Milton Chember cf Commerce ciii a view ta iaoncring a * ciizen or group of citizens, eaci yeer for outstending service tc tii ccmmcnity. Titi cntsrbution das sacheve ta be sn ccv specifin yeer but may heovoer sucerai years or * et anyimeinlte pest. Tiieiinner wl hi a guest asithe Ciambers annual meeting, * dinner and dence on Fîiruary 23, 1990, end wiul rîceive an apprapricie asserd. * Deadlisi for nominations se Januery 11, 1980. * Mail your intrues ta Ciizen af the Veur. Paît Office Bac 52, Milicn. Ontario. Signature ~>«~ Are Yàu Thinking of Buying a Car or Truck? Do it NOW Off or Starts . Dec. 12,1979 I 3 s INTEREST Ends Dec. 31 17 ýAl veicls A By spocia arrangement with 'Ford Motor Credit Company' 13.8% intareet on 1, 2 & 3 yoar aid Ceas E Trucks NO DOWN PAYMENT SAVE ON ÎIF OU UuAUFY) 1979 DEMONSTRATORS '7,7'ý - ý ý' ýl ýl ý ýý - ý"l--,' ý-: ',*',IVÏI,,' , - 'il ti 1