NICOLE BATIKA (Left) gets neme help from Kim McDcnald in crenting n Chritmas wreath cf green and red crepe paper. The wreath ocan port cf thse Christmas decorationo in St. Petcr's School's Joy Day. Christmas arrives at St, Peter's School lus PeeMilis Il louis a wuisle day iii do il. hut tise spirtlofiChrismsa s trsly estabisiieit ai Sit Petee's suisout. Tire scisset saspended classes on Pet- day. divided lise stadent population min teltthese ose ta decrate te scisuotiinlise Chrsmas moti. Weepreparing tise stadents toc ttlreistmas." sai principal Kevîn Finsegan Tise day ttas caied -ily Dov. 'Trtday. theyre esporiencivg tise joy ut Christmas; ont taler. seitgel tiet tri recoine tise lacis oti Pn Crismas A WINKING SANTA ta painted on one of the windows at St. tidfriltaier. les tutnate metuors Peters School by Valerie St. Denis. Valerie oas heping decorote ti torcicely. the school inthe Christmas spirit. . Thatv awhat v-iarty is att abot." Environmental guidelines are sent ilaitîttuRegîtîvat toras No 17 . the preprionts 'ltire gartetrvev rticti[lite proinctrse. ilo cittritiieasedtrrpasva envrrrrarrtertat asvess tir.tir Regîrruat Cauncît tiegirrir Cnservatin er rît evten% ro evlatment) asi anr etn- rrtay \%ere prepaeed ,Aulttrierand sdvea gui ners ich ir r onrrrrrtrietlstudv \titi, suatestin rtrrr tcrtrtttiiageacres nThe main ingredients. in our recipe for holiday happiness. are oversized nu portions or friendship, seasoned with S faitis and trust. Our thanks to al. Chalet Restaurant Ad a very pnal Thavisou tuatt eordhbeahvdgynat lithas been oOt piauei e newinvO0d Acuaitvances avitmains nmno nae onesl (Ht MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF JACK RICHARDSON CHEV.- OLDS. LT. 671n IIM AI25 SOUINMILTONI decoealîug ai tire scisaul. inctoding bruilding, painting and asseming lise decorations. and puttrîtg tisesein place intte variou artspOofOthlie sol. Tise allerusen iuclauded a mass and vînnguofertCitmîsas carats 'l'ite geaaps otf studenla decoraling tise vettîtut ncluded uretulters rot ait grades andt classes. sit a crassvveriittuas pre- sent in eachtgraltp. Mit.iuvegatrsattleaCt gruapsuas pal rînder lte supervtisivnitf a statf ruemiser. -TiratntI aIcacisers. tisatin- triades itîvart. lte secretay . (lite coce- aier...everyttrdy.- Pre Ftnegav satd. AUAE~~ MAV VOUR AND VOUR NEW VEAR BE FILLED WITH JOY! THANK YOU BILL McDONALD 0849781 NORTH END DATSUN LTD. MILTON as a main se' 0< tis abci major Ismme cas be dmcibed as eaa- facing Hatons Board of sonaisle, responusie and Educationsin the nt professionat, tiere ia no decade, ecoxomics rates doui that the pre- as thse mot important occupation witls issue. -seglotistions and tihe 'tie raising and spend- expenditure of fne. ing of money was es- umait reooueces anod ptained iy Edocation money in negotiating and Drector Em Lavender imptementing tise dring tis progeeso collective agreements report ufthtie ioudo have diverted oar t- Long Termi Plan. tention fromt other im- Theotiser ioues named portant educationat n tise report. tahled atuatters.- Thusdays hourd meut- Tise edocation dirc- ing in Bortington. were tors report 81so hinted at emptuyer-emptoyee pop- disoppointmentu with lation and declining respect lu rising ex- enrotment. pectat ios ottiseioard in With tise Lo)ng Terse speciat edîction. tietter Ptan tise buard hopes to pragramt or tise giteit. î-tart as steatly a course earty indetitication iti enlto tise titis. programu. seaximose tatton educators and clouss ines are some statf started o'orison tise tings tise board oilt hoe plan. wlttcis is ta hoeexpected Iluondertaise conmpleted hy lIctohor. It toltowiug retase uttise nintisu agi). provinces revisionsoin lt tio report Lavender speciat education. "Il predicted a nuIt rate eemsestear also tisai mnceaneofu 55 pr cent iy caretot ptanning impies ton5 il eistiug Ministry the coseptetion ol a set ut ol Edocallir tuding a prtrities. And il continues al tise peesent voggests isalflot att gond levet and if tiseioard thisigs ca.on, il]t. gel pemitstforanvuat satory doue. itreasen issed ru pre- HaItons population is v'taanaverageo rnitadit growivg rder tutile i nomore progroot rshirfttstfromnt(ire ostr t safl. rlite rte. according tri Lioder tiseieadîng of tise report.Tire drift cmplîîyer-emptoyee n tîtte lîseaving bhisni reelatiotns Lavender noîtutotiilite scistît buitd- ofgofain nHal pose iaypro isfo Thlnking cf dae Mainda ai ccnd naw. cnd wstn thaem cal cauc6ofi snaring. ld f"chinad daligistai Speod (ueun Laundront E& Dry Clooning Joan- Murray - Hatrold 26 Main St. East, Milton itsdoIIk~ iue inl9h~ a-planeei ess ttielhoesma issuinetise id uBard ,iýsu or !isureegonn'W 10 Ho fse t ue Inn t u tn is nyeta0 eleonentary e-transport a pupil? and sol pupb compoine tîther queutions are lu, ho 12.02 per fth ie le taisen ap in tise tong terse popndation 11;120,240 e.plan. selîle isigi scisuolers id amouni lii 8.8n per cent. Id Decllning enrulment in By lU4 tise popution in Halton lîad implications peedicted lu reacs 240,00 tuefo peograse. stafflng. and the percesiages fer 1-suhoni tacilities sud scisoni cidren is ex- admeinistration. Hume- pected in slip tu 10.45 in ver, tise directur supu tise elementary and 0.50 for change in eseolment is secondar. coua Rob Cros D Doc Gowland Here s the nierriment of Santa aud his happy hel1pers lvII keep you stepphsg «through ýa hiWflfoIions holiday. Cheers and thanks. Vour èrgnaiîau ïampiou Carriers >.Iv aI. esldsd7nai5-&.25-3 2 Show Tinta: SusâyTlWsdmy8 m Mdaey 9 Sh1ude 7 b9