Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 1979, Perspective, C2

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* -~ -.-.. -. .,~ -. ~ -. C2 The. Conadlmn Champion, Wed., D«c. 12, 197 Wedfding O'Connor -Ross Prnad parents Bob and Cuiter, iter of the Deanna Nrton. Doug groom. arrived rues and Joan OConnor Vancouver, B.C. watcked witb pride an Ailer the cbarck ibeir ebtîdren Leslie and ceremuony ail enjoyed a Pal were jined in mar- roasI beef dhsner aI Ue niage aI Holy Rosary Rama Hall ou Steelen Cburcb in Milton on Ave. Laler otber guets Salsrday, Nov. 3 by arrived for lie wedding Faîber Isobelle. dance witb muical Tbe preîly brides arrangemens by dis atendants were Ena jockey Mike Hall and a Gooding and Cerie Col- wel-orgauized bar gan. Tbe grooms 0- served by Bruît Gadd and tendants were Terry Maniette Srbuuten. Wed- Powers and Hem-y ding picturen were taken Brinke. by Mibe Priinok, photo- Stsuwers for the bride grapber. were lîoted, ane by the Tewdigbse twa bridesmaidu Cherie Tewdigbse O and Ena, and the second ws raugbt by Grace Mc- by tbe grnnms sister Neil and the brides Sandy Sargent. AnnUer garter kv Henry Brinke. sbower was beld it Corn- The bride and groom wall by Lesies frienda mîft tbe weddlng dance and ro-workers. for a boneymnoon nigbt aI OuI ai iawri tamily and tbe Holiday Inn, Oubville friendu came fromn Win- and are nuw rsiding in chester. Si Caharines, Crnwal. Pt lu Misoîsauga, Georget- manager of the iftb own, len Wdlliamu, Wbeel Restaurant in Cornwall. Barrie, Oak- Crnwall and Leslie ville and Hamilton. As a worbs tor Lent Strauss special surprise Karen and C. LESLIE DENISE ROSS and Patrick D. OConnor exchanged vows in loIy Rosary Churrh. The newlyweds use living in Corn- wall. WEST INSURANCE LTD. Befcva you buy or reew your auto E& homoeisurance . CALL USI 878-1616 QUOTATION WITH NO OBLIGATIONI Breakfast Saufage lb .1.39 Pricle cf Canada W.eners $1.09 Cod Fllets 5 lb. boa *830 rFresinG-gud Basf *1.19 lb. WHOLESALE FREEZER SERVICE Strip Loin 6ac1aa 5 lb. box Rib Eye Steak 6.,c 10-a 5 lb. box Junior Filen Mignon 4., 6 lb. bau Breaded Veal Canlet 4 10 lha boa Voat Steabette 1 10 lb boa Boa! Steakette 4 10 lb. boa Burns Wieners 10 lb box Economny Bacon - End 10 lb. box Unk - Fam Sausage 20 lb. box Turkey Druameicks 10 lb. box Ground Basf - Frozen 5 lb. baga Loin Poek - Cut & Wrapped VMLOAIE RSH Haddock 5lb, box Cod .:5lb. box Peecli B lb. box Sols B b. box B0Ogn Bita. Rs B lb. box TegIft 04sMee B lb. box 1b~nOfp..d65Ie.box Seniors' plays in Milton Senior Citizens' Orchestra juurneyed lu Ern Mils Senior Ciizenso, Lndge srbere tbey pot on Ibeir 461k pro- gram for tim yenr, Dec. This wassone of thbe et senor cilizens' prjecs Use orceetra ban viited. ise cruwd was in a recepive moud and as the numbeen were ptayed, renpondod wiUs enlsoiasllc applause.1 The program comsisted of1 jign, wallnen, etls and 1 Cristmasu rmIs cen- dered by the cboral group ai the orchestra. à Arbic, Fay wedding Mary Lynne Fay, as ring-bearer and llower many miscellaneous daughter of M. and Mrs girl, show ers were given for Keitb Fay of Milon, ex- An evening receplion the couple holed by cbanged vows wilb David was held ai the Lions Dorolhy Green and Para James Arbie, son of Mr. Hall. tollowed by a dance Preston. Margaret Fay. and Mrs. Lawrence Arbic udlh the masic provided Gleona Fay aod ol Milton in a double-ring by the groomns grand- Margaret Ilextos: ceremany ai St. Pouls ftîer Henry Arbic of Tescsa DeBi sys. Car- UinitedI Cburrb on Oct. 6. Arlon. The wedding cake men Heroux. Chris Rev. Jack Birlrh of- was made by Mrs. [layes and Pal Diso ficialed aI the wedding Chîarles Fay. srtof aite Pa( Guno and Sandy -Àail Mrs. Judy Huner as bride. Bridgman. guest soloist. arcom- The couple panied by Ran Break and honeyntoaned in Florida A slîawer was aino Elizabelt Brown. aod are 00W residing in given by the narses of The bride was gîven in Milton. Humber Hoptl where marriage by ber faîber. Prior la the wedding the bride is emplayed. Lais Tbompnon, 010er oîf tbe bride, wan maIson rifle cone uecorations o omomua cod Corra- Thof Chrismas meeting Association patients. groonsmn Tdd Crra of tbe Campbellville Mrss Phiip Mayes ai detti. Bridesmaido were Womenn lonstitute was Broobvîlle Iben con- Tereso DeBrnyn, Car- lîeld in tbe Mamonir Hall, ducted a wrkshop las men erox, Cris commenring wilh a pot- making Christmas layes and Pal Dinon. aIl tuck supper enjoyed by 17 wreaths ai pine canes, ail triends of the bride. members and guests. ladies busily worisg Jing Prestos. Dave witb a backgrondai Galîpeas, John lbsskam Mrs J. Wbeetiban Cthrstmas music. Elevea and Stan Fay, riendsof< presided for a briet ladies completcd ai- the groom. were tbe business meeting, and tractive wreaths ai a sabers. roil rail by Mrss L. arîely af pîse canes. yiepbew and niece of Andrews was answered auts and fruits. the groom, Rcky Cle wth a Chrintmas guIftaco shellacked las per- and Amanda Cle nerved Mental Heatth îoaaency. FOR THE SOFTEST WATER IN TOWN " FREE INSTALLATION " FREE SERVICE " LOWEST MONTHLY RENT RATES ACTNVOWI IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE VOUR AQUAFINE SERVICE INSTALLED BY CH-RISTMAS CAIL NOW A RUM [P W, l BILL McDONALD 844-9781 ReaIIy mÎid ... surpnisingly satisfying Ma1~tifle - 1h d - 1W ..li i cOa i. d ,i , 14i 1 iOII. . ,,l ,dh i , i - Wus .-- ýNs 'orchestra Erin Mil/s At the conclusion ufthUe Tiny Hopkinu, Jack une and a half bouc pro- Bennett; wilb tHoward gram, the staff nerved so Wilson nn clarinette and asrîmeni ut bome emcee. made Cristmas cake Tbe ride bomne un the and conkies wllb tes and buso wau atmo enjoyable an cotfee. Orcesetra memn- everyose engaged in a bers were tbanked by one lively ing song. ufthIe renidenîn w-bu wan igbty praineworlby. l . Tkoue laking port were LIi[htLUp Mae Crawford, piano; D Dorulby Willoon, Bab Actun and Georgetnwn Demnmrk, banjos; wiit be lit for Christmas. Margaret Biggar, Jack Hattn Hilîn cosocgl Bennett, tilt Thomson, agreed Monday evenbng Ivan Ctarridge, Jim o t auttiorize the two Sorennen, Jim Baillie and Iydrîl cammissonn la Tam Bradley, ilins, ara lin tbe Christmas upouns and buses, Tiny liglîts an December I Hopkins, Bob Laking, a lbh h normal cbarge drums. to bu aboorbed in the The chorat group in- rban area. cluded Osace Bradley, Tbe ligbts will bu Oorotby Wllsan, larned 1o11 on tbe firnl Margaret Biggar, Anne wrking day following Denmark, Bob Laking, Januury 1, 1980. 5otb ANNIVERSARY: Mr. and Mmra Nathan Ward cf Columbia, South Carclina are pictured witb their son Frank, fcllowtng a reeton f0 celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary. About 75 faml members anti friends attendeti, Mra, Word la the former Minme Devlin of ths aarea. Karen Doherty I S~lg I ENGAGED: Rick McFadzean and Karen Doherty. engaged to wed Mr. and Mrss Wiisam Mssaaaga tur tbe Doberly of Mdlton are Hallun and Peet ares. pleased 10 annousce tbe Rirk bas completed engagement of tbeir one yenr ilS tbe CNut in eldest daugkler Karen Toronto, pruduciug Gay, la Richard David talbisg books in the MrPadzean, eldeul son ot recording studio. He is Ms. and Mss. Paul Me- naw emplnyed as an Fadaean, Etora. innpoclur ai Orenda Karen is a rebabiti- Engines Lld., a diviuin latian teacber employed ofi Han-ber Siddely of by tbe Canadian National Canada Ltd. Institule las tbe Blind Tîefir marriage wl and bas acrepted a iabc place on May 31, learbing pont Jan. 1, 1980 19810 ut St. Pau's tUnited ai tbe CNIB office in Cbsrrt in Miltas. I îî.otibe 1 ReIgional Healfb and Social Services Comn- miftee fbau recummended a ligbl inereaSe in Use houoly fee paidto the Red Crosn bumemaker ses- In a recummendatlun for appruval to conseil, tbe rommitten asked Use rate rdue tram $4.85 per buur to$4.95 lier bouc and ibat live-mn or 24-bnur service bu ralralated ut 12 imes the boocly Ise. This service wmtdd bu prccbaued tram Use MiltonnBraucb ofthIe Canadian Red Cross. oOWNSoIcW UMIStsAUGA SCARWUOAOIMRiCIIDMLOCL WIT.v-eASw ..inous5 OSES 1017 FINCO AVc 140 E00ST 139EOLKENNEDY RD, 10720 TONGE ST Ntata1ousAsS TE ai oAST OUFFEfil( N 'y OT FISifRD AT EILESVERE AT ELGIN MILLS 80 EAST OF THtCg000l RD Sais a a c 53-aou 2a-Gng 752-W0I0 83-1723 576-SMO H«n OOumrimiuist uoflcm9a0ISniiN z 1

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