ait anriouned Ceteel»Mi«ctMW""nlt.ramieSce~ nWeo"ai-se a mwtewe "ele Uer.the u e »w neeneM ra Ie$t4Mp ?ise seesy ecese fi» e preeu. VUM Set Tke apffoval ln pieciple et N MIISs UA kieg tel 1 is * a n ise ofgrate peedeg tui à totl et Police consider auction sale Typeutitere. deeku and lel police ceeu wltl mm00be senlie auctien iblck, if te lWctes Reglon Police coemissio geltcwey. Tise cosmicln l ooislg for a metisod t0 dsposee o l&culd cruisers. 'lhe veilesu are now traded ln for SM90osetie porce»eof new cee. Tise Comsnas u nvstgated salîtauctin peoceondre crrled out by Oive aller reglocl plice forésanedfMaisthe police depcrtmsent cocld ge me dmsc$Mlpar car on the action blocks. Aceordlng te Ray Bggies, reginsal purctsnsg agent, tise saeecould ise tmproced hy maoilng i e regleccl auccUse 50 inidude ises ram ram cIl ÎdeL1n ommission memier fDan Cordon saêtoday Tie eatchs fr MîlensCitlnsfuthOe Year mut ibe cllmesed Sclsrday' P'b. 23 in tise Lians Club Hall on Tisampse Rd. Tise Citinsfuthls Year Commitîce lbas onnounced o tlle eeing bau bees planned whch mili include dlnlng., dancing, and of course, te noming of Mltons manaor woran of the year. Tickets for tise disser and dance hune alreody gone onsamIe. Tbey are uvailable uS the Royal Bank,. Trante-Dominion Banis. Cuoudian Imperial Sako Commerce. Sonk of Nona Scoia, Cn-Trunel. Milto Ciamber of Commerce information cetre, Milton Tribne and The Canadien Campion. Tise Ciamber o Commerce repors tickets are $15 per peruon. Tise inner is scheduled 10 ein t 7:15 p.m. is dancing from 9 p.m. unil I a.m. Tie committee bas announced ballots wit 6ec ap peariog nesîmwenin Miltons So nempapers. Residentsu miIbceallowed 10 nominale Ibeir choice for citizen of the yeor ith csmpleted ballots eing accepted eaIauceniralized Mlon locaion. ONTAMfO, WEDNESDAV, DCME 12, 1979 4PAE -- 20 CENTS We re equal wi tax terms SANTA CLAUS, that jolly aid symbol of Christmas, has made a number of appearancea in Milton Baggetta were amongU during the pre-Christma seaaon and the excite- Christmas at Milton ment lais ding up as the holiday appraches. "holding court" daily Ic Admirera Amy Sbulist, Nikki St. John and Diane are only 13 days untilt 'We cntpay . ..1 Fund decision heavy blow A regional mose locral- îooliee social service fsnding cold have th indirect effet if anh- rapling 1e Townofi Milon. I come ai the end o a long dehole hîch a moions iti amended. amendmenln lii amend- Guarc isy Lindo Krby g Mpleh urnslt C or- rectionul Centre guards s are opîng they hase provenlieir pinlithua lhree-dy illegal strike i tant ee. h "!lt 16m me hasea proven our point. ".We ere frustraledv and anted chanfes." staîrd OB oi ing hie[l1 itsmî,rd ,ut h,'!tiit meseher Mtap,,hutrst local o tIPSICU and represenlalîve of the Comm unications Coin- mnittee. '.l tiinis te member- sisip lu agreed Ial e did t lihe breaing lieta ouw. "Sut e ad te mabeC our poit," e said. c M. Eing iu confidentP 3,0u0joilI gssrde acrost lise province 'ill in liseir coue for e eparofeS bargining unit. Mapleiusrt oticere voted a6 pr cenf in t tavour Wedneudop 10 cecepltishe provincial7 ments and no less thon mii challeoges on rulîngs nmade hy egionl chair- man Jack Rafis. The issue for coun- cillors 10 decîde on asoa fise-pari recommenda- tiîon he Regsooal flealîli and Social 5Se rires tommilîce on Is hîodingi settle theor A pr te iver las een i .arhîlralor and the Ct rive Comir The dis1 tI lie sell appacîîoning the 1t8a regional fond support 10 chariable agencies and irgonizaliooo. Sefore they coildd e evieued. Concillor Walher Midkeich. chairmon of the commit- tee. întriîduced o number f changes lu is omo commilees recomm- endations. he lSt prt. mich mon o new recommenda- ion and mon frber ollered by amesdmnents from Sulinglon Mayor Roly ird, called for al agencien 10 apply dîr- ectly 10 the engion for fundiog. Tîtere as a portion of this recommendolion mlich sid al atencies "eocepl hosing" opply direcly. Sut mîSh 1he hossing part soled ouI. the trooble baon. hope point proven nî's offer of arhilralion tn ýr dispute. ifensor milb Lawe School ai ersityof Toronto chosen lui act as Sby tise usin oturio, Civil Ser- nisnion. spt s expecled led bythe firstof Jonuary, aid Mr. Ewing. Procedureu isave ret- urned to normal aI tise medium-security in- ntitution, accrdisg f0 Mpeharst naper- intendent Allas Roberts. The centre ron "nery melr' despite tie absence o nerly 150 correciosol officero. aid Me. Robers. He priaod ismts for being "sensible" and "reoponuible" for lise duration otteistribe. b.r. Roiertus sid 6e plans nu diciplinory acion aga nteff memn bars wisstonis prt lu tise strike, as parI ot tise settlementoagreement. "One of te termu of seulement ai tht Ibere are 10 6e nu diuminuotn. no rasanes nor terma nation of ony staff member," benoid. Approimotely 70 management staff and employeen tram tise head office othtie mînitry of correctiosol services monnedtleinsitution during the athot hy orkinfgurds. By Peter Mille ~5 - Christmas came a ltille early for some Mltonians. but onlers may cast Milton Councît n the rote of Eheneuer crooge. Couneil gave iSu ap- provat Mody nigbt 10 equalized asueusmeot under Section 8t of the Assesoment Art in possibly the mot con- troversialoel oftreceot yeurs. Approval puons the wuy tor a radicully dît- t errol syolcm i ot usoessiot property toc municipal lito purpmses. Th6e assesomeot. ai- cording to Miton Muyoc >_ Don Cordon. milI be a pecentage oth1e market value ofthe property. Thot perrentage mîlI noomea constanttaactor thcougliout the monicipalîty for the different classes of pcopecty: resîdential. commercial, industrial. and soon. A pp coolmatrl y 30 people attended the meei- «j ing aod ere învitcd 10 S ailtress cosrdon the 'i matter. taking part in te stormy and cinoliosol debte ihat lasted tor *more thun tmo tours aitd 20miiutes. Oneof them.,A Pen- Éland of Saloli Cres - said the present systcm -is grmssly unarHe said tomohouses are taoed trio high, aid said homes should bc ssessedhbased on their marke value speaise agaunol 0Sec.6 as it tas comneto lic know. said thercmwerenoo serrvices sehen ohe came to toml26hyears ago. There mere no arc nos nosports programs.n roads itîh sorti and goiter aod ao ne-or school. She saîd the groolli of the toms and the sub- divisionslas catrd a ns erd forhbustranst. a ncm ire hall, rger sohols. andso ý-Ru Doasa.Mecocai. l tohîecot 10possihly has'g mv assrssmeîii thoae freeting the patron of rasrd for Ihese sew 1Mal ohere hen been lhigst1soos happy for is young friends. There Îtout001(hlem said Mes thse BIG day arrives! Ferrier Milton Mayor says to town Il meaos 1601 houing utences soch as senior ciizens' homes can nom apply drecly 10 1he reglon to mahe sp 7.5 sec cent o opruluot deficils. Secause Mlon puys for 10 pr cent of lie deî- cils under such a pro- vision. il meuoo Milton milI liave 10 pay fromn lomn coffers for regional tidermriting, Milon Mayor Don Gsr- don aîd l6e eopocled 1e opraling deficil ai 7.5 pr cen, of 1he senior ciliSens' homes "in Sac- lingon and abille alone mould 6e about "00,0.m. Ten pr cenS (the lomno pporiont wold umoustlo 0,0uo00eand M. Cordon aid "Shere is juol no may Milton cao attord (o puy Ihal -- Sants's Christmas Ietteà's pour in Leilers 10 Sntoaoonaus oie,peple bseondeeed cas onswer thiomal. but namiser o commonity are slrting te pour is ta Milton Ciamiser of mY. mm e ie lettons we are ammoering mome Organnations itI the Milton Joyceos Commerce ns aise for- te Sana are poated os tise f lhem" be said. receive tietse e 0hosd Chrismas ooli, c- mrding lettera il mlle lntecd o te ie Te Jace i oullo needy familles Iis cording 10 Jaycee poul ,'civeu ta sente in caen Norths Pole. Te Jyee ie Cistlmas. pemideni Dove Tion- of the Joyceo. It emse c hi iae report the drive lu get sud tise Jayceeu are also ton. Mr. Tiorntan u$Md tise ave tailed te incliele a and oed toyu lu gosng rannisg o ttent-a-Santo The both, sot up au leteen are balug rond isy relues oddrese. vmay ell.rgoninotios for Chiste- Santons Worbuhop lu MUl- Sante and recordesi, se Hoe aid mome lettere li'fs almot ai tise mas parties, ins misch an Mal nor Zolle, lu tbey can seet bock 1 contais reters addresee s i nm ire wmore Sanaa ml appoar aS a accepiing bItte tu Milton and pete inlutlie and tise are ieing =udrn wbat me cen pociy and tend a litte Sanie, ced toelardlng mrbseop. cnswer.d. deoml ishteco al," smld Chisltmas spirit tolise Sies e i iim ai 1he Nortis M. Tiocton OId Tieree ceo mcy we M. Ttorton. Hoeelad a osent. recommendatîoo eol rîllors Gordon, Gtuiîski lhrough, niauchto the con- aod Johlnson. Traditional ring Thr New Yer's Siîîg-ln. or uonuailerdition i iliton. uilîlonce ugoi le beld as Milton Kiîsmrii gatiser to doetise onoro. Pratect CiairmoiPoul Louder said delaîls of the event bave nos been finliard. Faob year. on Dro. :11, insmneand crhumes covreonon bal tn ringf the beSIin the louer. thon ignifylogthie end of ose *leur and the siar ofta n n.Thiss ime. the hellso nîlIneiromea e decode. Road barricade is proposed The prolem otraffic on Mary St. millhbedisrossed belmeen resîdeots of thal nreet and the lomo«S planning deparîmeol. Milton Coonicil ashed Monday nîgti halt th meeting bc held toloiof an lppeare.itt'htti, - ,stiosuket soos Ms'm,1 il route t - points the resîdens aao esired lo htelp ii i 16e lcaffîc problem. le-lst, Mary St. shoold be barrîcaded immedialely westofBrown St. forcing weslboondltraffir on Mary St. 10 bead nortb 10 Main SI. Second, trucks raffic bc banned on Mary St. lrom Seunte S.lo Brown S., and siens bc pot ap noifying trucks. Tiird, siges urging motorints 10 atcb for children ployiag 6e put up. Foarlis, police speed leaps 6e seS Sp 10 cucb the problele of epeeding andraclng cors in ialorea. Coanceilleenseid an eseqaisocol "no" te lise firot requent, appraned the second and Iird. and agreed te auk the police tecomsiderlthe fosrlb requeut. Me. Dowdll epoke of otler poosible solutions 10 the preblen and counceil aeked a meeting 6e set ap betuteen Planning Direter bab Zodanyi ond Mr. Dowdell to discuss tbem. "fi tohes a lot of money 10 ru0 a 1tlyear-sld bose' Mr. Pentland saîd services in the er aeaoo theitomnmere already paid fsr. and MrsF erriers argument provided ail the services such as mater. sîdema lis etc. plus ihey paîd a capital levy of $2010 per lot initiation lie and me hlieve coiii-rcital ducs shoold he eqoîlable. Cososîllor Rose Harrison erîtîciord the provincial aocrrnmeoi, naying " il ddn't havse the guts or 16e' -Spheres. oen said. Voes. haai',sn.11, (Contioocd on Pg >2) i %IOUC5IEKD Toxic fumes fell waitress A 25-yeor-old Fil16 Wheel Restaurant employee mas tohen 10 Milto Distri tHospital lte SUnday eseniogf 011r ilsg p,iisuities The populor ras-h stop ri-liouraot mos es-cuaied ai approsîmaicît Il tOp o o'teîa mtureidDrano andhbleach producecitoi iîsin'îihekîirhes. Arrordiof imireistauantaagiiiîi.ierJohn lBlack, 16e prohîretegac îî eo tieur .iirlîssol red a kit- chensisnti ploggord oisî îîrîîl ranoolto i.Water aiready is tir pipes îîîîîîîî'ît i îontained somne The-combini tuiionreatc'st lsprouîdelose fumes. tiscome btIi' Ifumes, 'hi' îiiîress isas tai10 hospial. Mr. Blck soîd'.h-- is'i.îîd oseriight for lurhe tr'st. bu sîou.Itiii. uionii theo ihsno il] effecslfromltheomecd incident. Wîlhîo 45 mue siosî rs rst'sisttriicd 10 heir tohles Mltoîn Firt Dep.tinit respodrd Io procîde hepo wihproperetfl Song sheets inside i lhbel e , îîît g s- t t'Cy Champ- 'o ti tot oit i l 'iC'ecton.Addit- îînal copis are itilal iiinrt th advertisers. çh.i-mLl ha, .st-i p'ah1'd Pg. 2 vr reîscue arl fîîiîon r1, 2 Fîilitriogligtoiî-illwiet ,go tiihosptal atter ht aire Chisus' 3 CdliaI aît tiotl 4 Ouir r'iders u012' itîttolPuer hiiîu i.-î and a publie i-it iiti t clîats 7uîhuhs 55 uilts hgliplt hol re iîîîîIdîuug td cruiser il gh( tuslîpen hu- s12 th fil,,., t l5eidîgstuituotC2 ('olîîmnsssBsirsBRobinson îî C6 It's easy to place ai iisîuadidn Champion ctassified' tsst caIIl 87-2OI and afrieidly ad- taker mll assistyin ordi-dngyor ad, Toronto lice. 821-3837 is lso open luiservse vou nom NEXT WEEK The Champion wmdl publish ils anulsauet Christîmas, a special tabloid secton carryîng greettngs lromnbusiness con- cerno., and chldrns Chrstmas articoris and stories. Dont miss thîs spectal orasonut nosue. Speciat supplements loday: Real estate, inide -A- section: also the special Milton Gift Guide issue, Zellers. K-Mari and Brlinglon Mal.