,wyears miarmage for c Fredsada Bthhave he.u active Chas-cii on TtaaRd'a laSkida ntecemnaty orgnt- yeass rhswe oadsa tlrdMWlzatons, altsaqh il and car aboyer cs t- loa teddKIs-d oIe halhl eetyaac R ws on John anL'acte ac-ad Watos-dênîm EDg s tu tcailed their adti- three Milan. wha cslehsated Sehoola. Mca. MacMillan, vty. He ba een a MWtian's theis- Mht weddtng anat- the formes- Mas-le Ste»c member of St. Clair in atte, vesrsy on Monday. of Bronte, met htm when Maaonc Lodge sioce 1914 verna-> nse couple hoated a SIevas worktng at Kil- and St. Clair Chapter Ida Bel diner orfamly ndbrde store and tlsey ms-ce snce 1915. Joyce, dinrfors s-.yand macs-ted Dec 10 1919 ai Flumme closeine s- on und bs-s-pasenta' home it Mss. MacMillan hans hsothes- eventng, then an open Bot.Te pn 2be ciei atr ido tousme whtch was largey rue hyset3 en cts aKseo Wns attendeil on Monday yens on the tas-m Star Ledge and Knox camte foi night, Hatton MP Otto Jeti- nek . MPP Juttîn Rend and Mayos- Donald Gos-don att vtoted with offtctal greetioga from s-ca repestives- aies--.eaaa mento and the couple F.W.B. FITZGERALD îINSURNCe~E wsre rectpients of many 216 Main St., Milton, Ont. gs-estmng carda. Thie MacMillin have ics-d inMitîons-est5 ohen lis-y s-sts-sd fto fas-ming in the Kîhtrde YOUR INDEPENDIENT AGENT as-s-a. Tisyo's--ewett StNCE 1934 bnoom for theis- ps-tc 878-2326 sutoning fsuit and vege- tablsn at many as-ca tais. dosing tis-is ysas 225 MAIN S- E. SUITE 5 MIL.TON. ONT LOT 155 on the fis-m. R@W t(Fe) La 1k Ufe humus. fig. -Lucensd altO Mas-aLit ~ Assitof nnWtyAcottitiamp (M1) 878-5786 hmesandoffmSa a DisSStyIntmas- - Go-ms- Annuls-.. Buontnu 878-I616 ltestdsaca 877.645 Frcm Eins Horsuno Waal Inaurctnca Ltd. taSA me.at 81o Mil-p.tosna- COaion- L9T 117 )uple in lave howltng s-Bng. ras unique that ail Of Ms. Mas- 'staitecamwere al- md Ssmday'o anni- i dtnner. They as-s rlyea, 87; Edittt 91, ndLita nefs-lt, 9. Bs-s rCharles, 83, of TwVo pisy-s sudenti of Paccy W. Mes-sy Schoul wtllps-e-1 sent Hansel and Greteli Dec. 19 and 20. 9 The Dec. l9 ps-gram i wdl ho ai 1 p.m. and thee Dec. 2B performance mtl b ai 7:30 p. m. npar-ents can cnme est and ses-thes- musical pay. The actorsanmd as-- Irenses and muictans are made up from thes- kinds-rgas-ten ta Grade 6M Jr. Farmers aid children Esacssttve moushers et Hiton Junies- Facmes met Nov, 20 aI the ag-- cultural office ha Milon, andt - mbdseves-al faiure s-venta. They are a Chustmaa dance Dec. 7 at Actas Band Hall, mita Santa Claus in attendance; a Dec. 15 volleyball taurs- mntaI Druss-vSchool in v(ua{* INSURINCE 208 Mas- Sts-s- E.,Milon L91 Ns a782894 Mât9çb 1, 1lin taGrave Chwesh MaIl.Milnes mh a dance lats-yard at the UAW Cents-e. Halaan Juisarase holding a raffe. ilh praceeds te aid the ohild- sena as-d ai ilioa Hoaptal. The mtnneca mill be named aithte banquet tn Mas-oh. Ps-ien haclade a tood tare couche, a Ca-Op- twe ai a rstiaurlant. ahuIp Agm gove a repas-t ou the Uvsstilch MaangmentTous-. when he vtsted tas-ms ta. Hastings, Vtcta-ta Necthsmherland, Pétes- bos-eagh Ps-tocs-Kdward asan. Ibewme-hcon- claded ita a day at ths- Royal Wtter Fats-. M[enhers cengratui- sied BillBSroha on hha CLEMENTS Et NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 8M17217 WESELL AU CLASSES OFINSURANCE- GETTING READY for the annual Christmas music presentution at St. Paut's United Church Sunday are Caroline Brodie, flautist, and her mother, Dawn Rrodie, at the piano. The pair ars- members of the Mlton Chansnrettes and performed at the choirs Sundav atternoon rec"j i b l (-wu. GREA T GIFT IDEA S A tFan tas tic Seavings C/0PRICE IW~ WHILESTOCKLASTS. Gourmet Ware by Johnson Bros. IlAMEKINS.90CSEOS Cstari Dinh sre. 195 .9 -C SEO S r UVAL BAKERS SrIlls-M½1' set. 1995 99 Ss-s-ii reg. 19.95 9.75 torge 2 , lts-s reg. 26513.25 Loerg--. 21.95 10-95 SOUFFLE ISH meg.795 3.95 TEIEWOOD OPANISt I stRSH 1iBPO1LEON1 7 yic. Salad Bitai Set Gaffet classs IBrandy Set R9ý$4.0- 14 G11Bn,-l 4 SnferS-is aisg ., S-t6.50Sas- Gis-i Bics $29 iS $1i29s eag. S2600$29 OLt FS -aNED J IUERAVT BOT Up. rbgSet .111TUMLRS Sîui i- tLdeti,,- 1i3, AsRos-dSevei 6 akae ha Ladei tiaiisn 8 6, IsdcdîaSers q ty s-5 Rakg i-sy Os.OA u e ns-s-.9 Reg $000 $49-5 $29)sgn3.a FUIESmmua MATCHINO OUaUICNiau 7 ipa. Salait MEUlA STAINLESS China Plats saf Set Sas-a $6 to S8 on- Reng.$21.98$ 1498 Reg. $40.0$t 2s placs-ses-rngs ebîsPe-tis- r$10953n 12 1 0.j 05 is- s-Ilo31 ' --t casaus- iv s- en Da nishGravylSauce Bowli Reg. $22.00 15 4 Ri-Si s- Nwimpatten s 1 ma Hi- ~ WITH THIS COUPON$ 1 Reg. 83200 23 t WILE STOCK LASTS 7 0 Our Christmas Gif t to you. Samings î âe éonabiau ehampigon meeting the changing needs of Our Community LORNE D. GREENWOOD- Basiter and Solicitor- 165 Main Street Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 878-7279 HUTCHINSON, THOMPSON, HENDERSON BARRISTERS t& SOLICITORS GENERAL PRACTICE 264 Main St. E. Milson, Ontas-io 878-2841 L9T 1B2 8iL Hes-d.-ns- OC., L[L8 Howarsd Mn L L. GUS MOWBRAY LTD. Furnace Installation Repairing and Cleaning Gas or 011 478 Ontarlo St. IL 878&2381 DEREK-J. PRESSE BA.,MA .,LL.SB Barrsiter là Solicitor- 158 Matn Street Milton, Ontario 878-5432 NICHOLS & SER VOS Barristes-s, Solicitors, Notaries Public 207 Mary Street Milton, Ontario 878-4149 MR ALLAN NICHOLS O.C. MR. JOSEPH P. SERVOS B.A., 1..B. LAWN t& GARDEN EQUIPMENT t& SUPPLIES PET &a BIRD FEED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE WORK CLOTHING PAINT 878-2391 n8 IRONIE. MILTON (CAS WEI COMPL *INSULA *CARPE1 *ALUMIF *STORM AND WINTEF RONALD FLANNAGAN BA,L.LB Baistes-t&Soticito- Genes-at Practîce 13 CHARLES STREET MILTON, ONT. L9T2G5 878-28W6 S9a.mto5p.m.MondaycoFnidayorbyppoimntn F -RLENGY& FINK Barristers & Solicitors RICHARD FURLONG, BA., LL.B. Real Etate and Landiord and Tenons- BusivnssLaw, Deblos-and Creditors Rights Etates, Witln and Trus HAROLD FINK, BA., LL.B. Civil Litigation Criminet Law Eamily Liesand Divorce Suite 27 Miton Mal Ontario St., Milton 878-8123 Homo li Chi E] Aditan n Eloctica U] C~ ffWor n CinmtuC»ontr Il Pkmshhl E Pa"in U Kftchon mprovement leck List Eaves Storm W.îmdows P*-lu Roeri adveiwmt fore .wu*kyow wt îHWAY ,aeTh ~ Like ft 'CARRY AFREITALAIO -FESRVC bLETE UNE 0F citBill McOonald ER 84d4-9781 fTION TING R WINDOWS atin BING EQUIPMENT 78-8487 0" Ae..mmm878-2341 JOHN AND MARIE Mas-MILLAN celebrated their ilth wedding anniversary wttl a famity dinner Sunty and open hous- Monday. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MEETING THE NEED 0F OUR COMMUNITY Nom 1