Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 1979, Sports, B1

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CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER 12, 1979 S~ rts _ SECOND SECTION SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEOS Goes to nationals Parker second Cantpellslle figure That part peased hnt progrant as "heis lc. h ad"hsf5s skater Kes nParkerwsas Bs ever, he 1t year- na 4 ipossibyd. yfrtlm rudi bth pieasrd and un- od stdent aiAcon Hgh Bs perfomane eiran i h ges happy o h hlis per-Scison sadhe fel hat f entte Parkert dac hveoseyubfr.1 formance lussteie could have sared o the Canada hm jutomylresan heh gave hm second bter inthe long pro- ponshps Jan19i ewhtapns place in the Central grarnlie cootd have wton Kitcener.Te Cnda Dvsinnchampaonspa iHossever, ei se h ammpinhp e p a n Sudbury. htcocred wt th ie saturai rtsairy for Par- t He narrnwiy ntssed pins bh it r h pora i orisagainss Peneangishenes Brion rlaming the top spat nshsort progra, nt o.hi.Thsisjsf his rsit rsero laiîned tise hs firtyearinsenior "fli t ed mi bs n eir conparrd national junior chant cnntpetitoniy a 9674 to cool aen ad soth ie s ofichs. pioosip ottisa spect- 95.92 ntargin to setcran clw .-o don' go ftise acufar ftnal perfor- KevnHikobs niWndsor, Be dsrieise sor meswryng litîto msance Panser added ihai Ingli in;Sones out od' atisoghli e fris Inglis ..~, ones iser otigiti hase tise edge inttttie judges'mntds It's onitiai. Gerry pcse i e ierîsos ri, eore 1t isetnais, ises ingli s Milions Fyern btsadlefel1t i lad otiftssvistory ist year as nentcoach. isen o ifor atloog îrsIis stsrong Europ- Ingis replaces Scotttmr aît perormances oser usoes whn tonis oser the Thtshe pre you tise suomer. reins nifishe riaisamid py te os coachs Parberisadiseensit dissension on fise fearntjunirhobey:"saisi ta peritientfour tre aller tise rst gante. oes, h orisois tise ontps ttt Sodbory bo Inglis erontes tefis fie s Goodisg. sade tlisntiso dous Fiyers' ihird coachs and B i t eretilttule ise oas siatingie the toortit nan tstsand at apen 'idhavbals iocontpieted tie behisnd the hennhisis m peredIsoie tdoule ases anduavr seasOn. Owoee Vers ttre t ii FIortda ltisofiîtier ntoves. Gooding liadt sersed in nt sapptsted Itt cosirast i k- KEVIN PARKER was nudged from the the cnachisng capariiy epectedi.Buf irits atrntpted tirer tripe t siu Bss a o acrdsandfrei]osisso. romts op spot atSudbury astweek. Heheuds to iree-steri sacation i îttrs ig st fore ucp. Fiurîda receniiy. Sones iad repiaced Doug Vaug- Inli* ecsin oFifth Wheel bantams roorntprise to a pacitce IcavSilveriStick titiee uni Wednsday. ts i c pture S le tc il BothGooina nd aii i- e f0 tir ogantestî RON SHANNON gels ready to fire the Turkey Shoot ai the Halton Sporta- then... .WOW that smarta. The efty menas Clu b Saturday ai the Steeles Ave. inadvertently hurt his nase when he fired clubhouae. is shogun in the target shooing part of Optmists terrific Playîsg sitisaul doubaisstl every gante unil tise "Tie ourantent iad Ctharines* suntrofltheisest hockey in final stien tie trant sas jusî abouieverylising ynu Mlonswonu1 tiseir ises, MiltonnOp entonally drised front vouid as for," saîd oserlinte is timist ntînor peentres lise seni-final ntatris-up. Dasndsnn. ' We ieul lsere sisol Si. Ki adsanced lulise isais onia Tisey did sol play ils as escellent hokey trssmieliser lean Leantinglon tornamntn fine an edge as liey iad aionglsentay.. goal. ons thenteehend. earier alisougis tieir Optintinlo sere piaced Tise contes Optinistustrie downns tadard of play tosvery os a sis-leant diision f is e mstnt e 3- islieciampionnsip iig. lie in sqaad iourney. rrnnued Duv gante iy nearisy Essex Tie sqaad wontaniere In lie firol gante, iad ever senr bt tise sqads play gantes en reste 15 lise Mitnn donterd Niagara- For start iln.esgist lie torsey final stiicis iad coach os lie-Luise 8-3. Tise leant tearnt snl sasesceptional. Buis Dasidson irintning caste nul flying an o le outsalistise re Otioais et eaiina tits pride. content niflise gante puord sis-minute MUSCULAR Chris Snowden, 14, placed second at the Norlsern Ontario powerîift- ng mot on the weekend in Krkland Lake. Trillium studient places second A 14-year-old Tilliont novice divsion ni tise 114- Bubool stadent lifîrd iis li. seigisi class. nay ito secood place ut Tie susoular yo- lie Nortiers Ontario ugter anheemn i panerlifin develop- connpetition for abot ose mtental steel on lie year, training under lie steeend in Kirland guidance of Henry Lamt- LaIteiert in Hamilton. Alogetiser, aisnut 25 Chris notden, hostis uldents ront Queier iailn front Kiriland, and Onario comepelrd t Lakte, contpeled in lise the steet. *secosd teunt lishe ganteis isrslbhey out s 7-i althoagis ne egîstered a sît as oneof inleressini asd svidson saidise lers, neîlbee williig t10 conte e firsi Bilter a utll, officiais Al leansts l ohk ailise ostme 'lisarines fans h Ihent Jases d toitscois ls. The sound ig liseougisoul ms were tiedi1- ýon Pg. B4) Beusit. a firend o ttood- ingisito lias bsostv Isglîs for soet iste base beeti acisely searcing for toglîs for soinetiste nos Itîglîs refurno(lie club bcse fe ai fise end of te 17 7B esnt coaris Georgetont Raders is irenediafe A borheyý I nissed i ieti t sasoftcoaclisg. es- plains toglis. wo alt e saîd lie ianrd f0aluise a yeae off and spend store usmeas fssfr i-e arn. ldid'ttoasf(0 courit tferoîrdiale hoicey becaseifil]itlie trasellisg -I esjoy tise is. tsugit Mayhefie fi sglîl str iingis hockery gantes and îouybe or ifiot. fit tie en lissiasci is certaisit' ilîrre Tise ors coacht faces a formiîdablie tasis atte- nting tif fabe a at place club up lise adder li lise playofis. Flyers' record ofi2-17-3 ceeainiy iasoitscaeedmnallier teants nnlie league aod tbey are rurrestly 14 pointissolt of a playofi pstion. -tiaen't sers the club ai]thuatiascii.- raid Inglîs. -Wr see n lavae a torlislasced ihockey club. I tinibis bhtere bhaslise Miltteasi1 lois oser iefore întid- isay ibrouglilise 197677 seasoot I do'tbsas wail tse boys Tisai s st bg- gesi prestn fiai -Al se see i s four or Rep teams now AA Hilton rephockey trams have)been pgddtaheAA level (from AI by a ruling by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association lasis Tueaday. The ruling which was expected means Hilton teams Wil be paying different teamos in the OMH A play- dawns as well as in Silver Stick tour- naments. Fifth Wheel major bantams showed no ilI efforts by the mass ishen they rapfured the regionai Silver Stick tournoy n Owten Sounîd osnithe isekend ta advance to the international championships in Port Huron, Michigan, in mid-January. The change will mean Milton Will play ither Georgetown or Dundao in the first round of lhes OMHA pay- doiens, instead of traditianal rivaIs Streetsville and Ancaster. Althaugh no criteria waa cited, il is believed Miltons expanded population registration and ils success in recent y-ears contributed ta the upgrading. tbe enid. tuit'il tbpllise idiiieed litirreediifv fia i, bie[lite underdîti aieii tliey tari a garnte loglis saîd lise trust tieeded*tste b iv onils pasotog. ils os-c mnesand ils detence but seented întpressed o ilt ithe quulty aiflise players ontet eant is'esve gai o mfid fbat fise ptayer ft-)lîgisi lie tere usuere lise guys fa get tisent goifg. Be sîgliti fie iostise trustnw. Ivgits' irt lest cm as( nitgitien lie iand- led ttte stîîîes ehisid tise fîrocli agufsst George- itn emîtît Fiyers' acqiatitaose o ith tuirsui rstdeof Frîday îsfîrîîFtyersisost tiritlia, bsoes' îîsst exactiy Weef Tuctbntaisnitlea'eebesdisisesiisey drnpped Bîriogias 74 ta staistise cianpînsbtp io theOweSounsdRegiîoat ittertick itournast. Tbe squad vois udvauvres thie iernatioaSufilîter Suik astpîoîsitps ini Port iHuron. Michigan, Jutt 2327. Coach GaryisHudsouand is ssstns were elated wtustlie isuroasteot itraritritîsg lise ille I suisfusdîsg eftorts front erev ant sester In lise isai garn. ifytiisWtti-c-s iset Barliigios. tieir soutisers leau al.su tTiestage Oas srttfoc a cealibarnisurser. Thirîis ad ttrdt11invtbeîî oîtty lauecutrIoidate, Mutas tjumped abeadribi t fthtirbat uoientMaris Seoyoad thecmark aittitjustfour seconds rose in tise s-oiesl Buriîsgfoît saise ict sfas-k itinthtie twoastsate markslobvnotithiscore Twosmoretîirst-peid galsirostJohnsTturnertnd Rab McCaiogis yal i t ltos ifead:3t1fat tif rno ttte opening perîad MrCuiioug agi itid iagafocri1i't in tiesecond pertott bul Burintoiosocsidiasilhtiigoals tcasDanoy iStoreeasd Rihard Basta~siii suenrais thegapIto4-3, Bastasicb and Miliansa Mise Melittiutisteded Tise ird perîad isus ait Mtlton ai Stuart Anderson and iBohla drv ieed uoiswerrd goalsto prpel Miltoi)stheibricioeyuandthetlifte. sn hi- toaroamnt senti-isais, Miltos set sutieris oppostionîn Ktcheereand cametut os tise ining end ofa 2-1 queabe Il was isotis feuts'thiîrd gante of lise day and Lundry eiied tise paie of Miltas goals. ftritise second gante, tise Fis hWieeers mteis iometownaOweno'ud and dropped thecrowdtfav- orites 5-2Sorig foreMito ereRobBourbonnoais, liusda fîrîgîr tf cieMead. Turner andAnderson, rihe Trucsstaspers bruas tise t ourses s is e style batoserisg outaiaîrsy, ta-1vîiary, Lndryledîthe yîteot atiaeb ibth ii-rgîtaiswa-hile Bourbonnais, ritdirsav. eggîr and MsCuitîtugi chispped in sttisa taic airsr and SMark Whisteît added a single. Thseomajor ttttaivsihavefrtaeague gantesisefore tise Chistsfs sbreab dîîrîog aisîis fief tutu be suîtttetîsg tit atorsaîsevii liespeter Tise sesi bornesrgame i Tesda.vai 15prnversus Brutp- Putting fun into lessons aim of Trying to tabe ski io- sifucisssissîifunandsieresi- ing is thegoal oft3oug Leemng aisîs usireresiy aussusted tieudsk ii îstras tor ai (les EdenSkBis Arru in Keiso Con- servation Area. Lerisg rrpresrsts tise ses brerd ai ski inteuctors abs comifbineIr in Ittf rsiiguea astis appeaprsaieiy desisea gainesnteunt tt iinpeavrithe aifis isy mnthe srisoass fus. Tise influence of tise Eseapeus and Jupasese spart sysients rereniiy bus opreasit sbisg cils lise goal tfuastore inieresi- ig uprc Ioisttise spart. -"My jais as as inssruaotîses ta stabe il f us ans intsiretnnd ss intyrove lieir skilsitisasys Leemnig. Wiat lise daiog is desigug sperifsc resrants for age groups. iousve gsi 10 taie tise tes- sonsninfrresing isiers are la introse. For esantpie. rhisdren are nai prepared la stand on a iili and listes In instruction. Youve gol In gelt lient ntsng. -Adulistat store lecliicai sinormtion. Tey dsntnind ,antiog ite tilt far a hl as i the techniqtes-arie etitainei hti- ieertttvg wait dsiagiethtie fture tf ail fessons tgroup and prisulet as velias brrping is cret ofa 40 certifird instrutors on lieir toes tits tise lalesi fechniques. lie stressess e serd for en- joyntent an a part of lise lesoons. "Esjoymnts tocorne ouI ni rsery tesson. What ste try tu do is eariing is for tlis enor- joy tbe spart. Once they enjoy il Ibryre libelier ta pick it ap." Tise 2-year-old Etoiioke naive conners front Kitchener tobere ie srrved for six yesrs in a lester caparily sdlh Chisioper new ski i nstru cto r Bkis Club. Bs- s tîturrd ssi spe s-î is ssîmres iasagivi tisneitdue i rnis Etuustiao (rotter vearLGuelph tanad Inlv resaofitirotse id îst5eietrtetfb tise Caîtudias Sii tsteactir and fias passrd fiait it tir Levet 4 mshirtel is e asi teaîey thfe taddec Lersttvg wi i at--t atite a clm vr 7 ta ) ts isaiiiTe Championi He attd ieoasstpresned %iltiii tytîit iii (les Edrn tise tave tise assiînted pitcittiai t--frais ierauseitis sa close tif large stusicîpalities. sieri auciiisale tonte frant oai nd isf ont efrse for a teursitigtfie spart. Tises bey run oiftitheiarge ski resorts lîbe Hautsile and Cllisgoîod arit fieir ioida s, if iisey ise "Ttieterrain s risailenging. Tise tilts arr tise larges(ins lie aureondsguarea. ibTis place sboufd ise lusi sountped. Netiht itts nol beinn used erauoe ise hase 1300 lesn ast year. But there ras and s ii e aaitore peope 1 rintise futare."- Titrer ta a lîogrange plan to iti rît-' ethe-sitrea tîs-ssons 0000 bMrrr are trer tisars andtiso rspet oissThevertical faliothil i s 2040 fret. -- - -Regstrationsfor lise tessons tous isrid artier but lisonein- teresîrd in ngning op cun still di so- - by ruiling lise silodge. Briedoird lessont starl dur- îng lise fientsteis of .tanoary allissugis sone lessoos stilI be ield during Chrisitas weei. Cnntple renIaIs are asuilaisîr TAKING OVER the reins as thea ski school director ais for ao $08iebr ail day or $6 for Glen Eden is Dong Leeming. The avid skier cornes sali a day. For informaution on sntw fromn Chicopee Ski Club in Kitchener. condtions cuIt 878-5333. j enter the rffi iste. The St. Ct isougisl stl bailes filind and starils stas defenîti lise gante Bolh eaný (Contintied effort front neady Beve Bannel Niagara -an-lise-Luise lae ntn o l inthlie csantpionnip of lise con- solution round wniniog tisir tisere remnng gantes sy la-goal sturgins - Tint aynereaddrd tou goals whtîe Darren Sasw and Bran Davidson chipped in sittissingles. Eric Ciudîrigis isd fise assists, un ununu ai suntier for tiis age grop. In fat, Opttntts rrrorded 12 assisttaionlie gante. Milon advasced 10 play Riverside ta Wind- sor suisurisi and brai tient6-1 itusdiscipliord hokey. Risersîde 100h 10 i- diidual mnînrn inclading tisere stirck penalties. Dasîdon said Riverside lred 10 igoos uni liseougsoul lie gante bu tise stratefs ickiierd we iti- sa tii fîdge rinithbr dscîplîned style. Opltisîs entlsyrd lieir funer sperd 10 off- set tise rger ier of tise Windsor-ares trust Bayoerenelîrd lisier goals , Bannell irrd a pair whtie Dvid l- rOuire ddrd a sngle. Bruce Cuneron and Cisdîrigisbiluto assita socis Craig Defrielus pînyrd n standoul gamn thie Milton nets. Th iseniovood Op- tinitiolo ginst St. ------ceerre - ~ -- - - - a - r r is~r'-..- -~-- - ~.-~-a-si5d-a - UMM

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