Canadian Legion marks 5Oth. This is a special wecis n tie annls of Miltoni Branci 136 of tise Royal1 Conadian Legion Thse local Legion oherved ils WOh anniversary of com- miinily service Iis year1 and a special relchratiox is tahing place ail tIm wsei, clmîualing in av aoiversary banquet andc dance Saturday nigit. Dec. 8.O trganiyed in 192 as a cloisfor veterans. lise Legion bas almays hept service tp veterans up- permint n ils aims. But on recent years tise Legion lis added a new rote. anc of commanity 'We atre mont ile any tiser service club in tise communiýy." said John i-liscoe. I1979-0 president Veteran work stifi chie f eim ALlhough lise trend ix cairn ýt Evergreeo In doimore in communily Cemelery .Tise raironlx serv ice, lise Royal Cana- thenas foe 00 diavo Legons firsl ain s Miionsans mhîîseroredin *IlIo serve ils vterans lise mars and hase since lise men and momneo dîrd «lu) toaghi so liard in tise IOn Reotemrance Day greal <mars iii defend rani year. ail the veter. Canada s reedont ans lvngîin tialon Cen- Tise Legionoin Milton lensial Mannr are gors abot ils rIeras reated I<Sa free dinner a( service <ors cery lise Leginti. portlant service. TINIESCHIttN(tI- -Lest we lorgel s sil, Legion rmînoles lrs up lue mollosonme inleesing farts. Club prside «Oce. mnay years ago. a luspedeîJohn memiser oas paid $I for Roscoe poins ouI ise drivingliisocarlI amil- fi aur vels are dying ton foîr a eovventîoo. ouiî. aodlisere arenîs ers oîaoy aroond ureeday< iiEM lài1i In Canada,.lise Legion Tue cemltaph is Vic- losI 14.000 nembereslasI toina Parkin Mloo oas <rar llrîîaglî dealli desigsed hy NI. Allscood. Velerans are lield in 'h also desîgord lise «<gli respect ini Legio National ae Memorial of Br. 136. We serve tise rommonity tIo. tegion accomplisis- ments in rommonity service are varied. Mimor sports is a big item rigist nom. and onris yenr tise Legion pourt dollars mbt sponsorsisip of minor hall. hochey- and sucrer leamu. Il aIne aido lise Scruts, senior citiocn. Salvation anniversary Fonds. St. John Amthu- ment. In reurn, tise bnd dent mnye lb. club roonsa lance and Red tramu îifern ta play for Legion do net show a iarge groupe,.ln nain a fewi. paraden. profit, mossy rainait Milton Senior Citizens Fonds are riaite comtes siyfroc tise lhave heen ginen free use Ibrosigi bissgos, ouchren, other fs=-auisg caso- <f tise Lcgion Hall lhreç doncen. isal reniais. peigns. timen a month. Milton tarkey colla amidoawn. Wie Ilsa îrn aod District Pipe Baud, Club monms, on the hni wa fre althongh flot sponsored tower flor of the Charbon formed, thse Legonwas diretly y th L£%or4 St. Legso uligl.froesesvtrn bas free useoattise third cludeà ar naddigmo- only. Il wsamI otil 25 floor in tise Charbon St. area otfilted with dart yenro eleg-Hta service- LegiOn Hall for practicen boards. billiard table ami men mnd momen seere and storage of eqsip- shofflieboard. rit e 5- allowed to ioin who dld net serve overneaa.' hn recent penro, nson and dangisteco of veleran have heeni ailoseed nln aaonciateà memhern, wltis voiof rigis. Prateenal affilates are aien given anyone wiso honsiseiped tise Leg»n. tionorary menMberosips are granted in retorn for good service ut a member. AItishe montent, RCL 136 blst M3 memhern,c TiUL IT ALLI Dtiing lise doprenaion t yearn, Leglon meeting minuten aiways recnrded tise saton of ils memn-i beru. At the end of tiseL 'fminutes, tlcaoudd Sa>:n "27 preseol. 17 unem-n ployed. .C *..MU.xtAL UAxsîsat vnnnvssnsen ty wsnas eeay erectrd by the Legion. 10 honor those who oervnd in two great mars sud have ince puxsed awuy. Bugler Joe Wters (in Legion jacket and cap)lin the only charter tomber stili living today, as the Legion ceebratms its 501h anniversary. Intise backgrond 10 tise cairn which forms part tif tise entrance gates. PrcedsofBipopy50 years of good servicre vtrn«aid and Mltnoas * tir 10 f peods aisout ~ Nr~ $5.»)0<1a year on ielpîno FA LJie i t r veeas sy i eg î ietsO I ~ ~ presiJent aod poppy fond Mittîns irs elerans' ieverages supplird. eh.aieman Bois Torîli. rganiztroc as 0nu1lishe Music «as prostded isy iliirovlas Sunnyhrmîkis <o groups. aOraI War A. Pallerso as lise Hsptlt and Wst- Veerans' Association f«cxl presîdent Rememn atînsler Hlospital in and an Aeîny, Navy. Air rance Day services Loindon. Force Ctub goivg in lthe tirer held ai i cenosîapis Me. Timelti saîd lise 1920s. and use Prince-to Theatre poppy caipaigv o a lo Farly ii 1929. bits ails ite lto Iy)ac oil <ris, but ils aîrthth ie groapo arre approacised rîrdîvg liu earty tminutes, efforIti, serlise veterans. 1«'ti a iev10 t orming a Keepisg . lisej ions laces tîgisî Up %,tlien tavadiais(egiioBrani gîoigt ttriighthl Ian Legtionaire< vîsîîtihe.,t-l fliecîriis Empire depressoat< ears «uas tilhs Christmas treats. or SevcerLeague Tises dîtîtraît. taI lisey arrise [fit(ais telioutt mt inlhTowte fiaand ittavageit oa bas trip, Ieard ast îîddress hby a In 1916< the Bravrît Tîte Legion lelps beep <tort Jastice <olf <lie tinveît oti<le Wiv Slm-1 ttespectreiilawar attve. Saperitr,(Coart sIf l-itiryiiottMainvSt (vom ant i sntltan-or- ussty Canada. Peter 7îtKay. li(i- Lîdîî IResaarant sltsils talles rîm- Ot fi iIbis meeting liildingi iteglarStrar rades. %% ith Rememrncame Bravrît 13,Cana- dasiniglit bingoîs ureri Iînc aevercs diati Legtoti BESL. 'helield îtliiere h<Uten a ( ee Nos.tnti llise chIarter «mas issard May brîk tiuîini 19o9, te1 enotaplîio Vcoiea 21. 129 ariioitere îîfered o Paris <as hutths tthe Namnes un<thle charter t-lRedCrostIDE andt Couiiny of Ballon bol s islude: A.Palerso.l(. i-lier- dîîîîg tsar îîîîrb. maînlaîned and land- laylts. t. Wters,. B'F. TItre are reports lise> scaped by <le Legion. Il te%%tar. C. I-. Ciartan. A . egîîîîîaaisla teîd s therfocaltpoiatreacli tWalesîl, b .Far. A. E. ti tase«sn5Mill St. yers servcre <of remem llBardîo. Wlis.IlCleoetvs. îlacîîg <liaI lime, brance, T. Dar. IL F.Allen. E. Jý 'l'liteLegian alsît las a Roinsontsiit. l .IlPatter- vîeîsîîrîat gale antd a sio. JNItBaylîs. JI Cilds, U. J. "Jiie Waters s lii< i %l" te oîîvyone s5h11 living lisringlise seciodaar. and lei s sffIt an active lte Legiitv regutarte sent supporter of Be 136. cigarettes asd randy lu Te Legonas ftest ciais te boys o-isesas. and mrsîîîîeare locaîrd ocer ttrv Chistmas tbe MKenir tirugs i«noa locatbîoys gui a bg Fîsslv Plarmace i l parce fromise Legiin ai liire uasrtr e for tlite home.Tise Legîîîv alsîouse i lIte mni5Socials -irganizdard i citthan «rer field toc mev and gsard iii Nlitîlîîî.<tcase îuîîneîî. and Ira avd invasr<<tItre «er Ite on]% Legion served by 37 presidents In ils ic'var ltry. <M-lfý e ixon<1< <st:1 peptrthavelietd 17-LLabing filie psIt fpresîdentof <l tlio-Andy iseerlîav Braîtrt 16,Royal Casa- 196(<--T. Nashi tiao [sgt s 5hMlto. 970- Oue Dliscotas Prerd tJuss ai 1-t Stece Ilasisercy s ar tise tiemiser. 71Biib Tttietti isîîds lie dstinoctionofaI1t74- Robtiert Egletio tasvg tr lob trer t -Betty lIrving tIles spattotvg a 1totalof 97-WlitlioGtreenfield ise yers, l79-Jiin istscor. 'Ibriere: A large esectire ibody <W911A.Pateeso tîllcers (Jus year arer 193U-Gerige Ba tîis Frstsice-pesident. 1931 -E.J. Roinison BtbToelli. secioîl vice. 19312 -îoge (iootman Max Black; reasucer, 13- Il yShAtM ttîîîîeti Hîpkin: serre- <<<i. , i.<(i1<-,,-- iopi. <Oi9 « Im i lIn. Firacb <ýitrstiitti i.î 19C- A. E Armstrong 'taytar. past president. 1041 William Anderson William Oret fielîl. 1942-Herberl Allen Padre. Rv. Tresor 1943-R. E. MrAndless Leis: Sgt. aI Armn. 1944-George White Franks (oldo ils: ;enter- 1945-EKenneth Cane taioment. Bity Irving: 1940-Fred Joisnson poppy lundi, o Toneli;. 1947-Bruce MarNais îayn and mn anu, Betty 194-James Kennedy Irving;ui and pccp- 1949-Frank Shannnn ecl>- Bill Barbonse, l90-atanley J. Wilson memliersiup<Palot Sse. m,-J. R. Patteron publie relations diter, i -8. J. Wt" 15 ofttcer. Mndl o u l,- ern Grenhe canteotn, Maou g.4i illa-P'red. Johnon Len Pof ple v«ltgS junn fr & au praie 4 si2risooe of Br. Tisetin<o 1939, tegian aquted peesent building [harles St..lise <tome Mes. Corne, ai a pt rtiose prieuf S12,0( Tl'le buildivg a-as loiw smatter isas il <s no, Mcmhersttip hoîtit aller (lite Second Wiii War asretornmngsve ansJîîtîrid up. Espaosi hegan iilite lte Mus,1 nià-h. as a 2.51h anr % raý priteet. it tîiierttloirim as dugîout iaise a qal utiet on <lie games om Anhtaler otajor boîldi prîgeam i as underlas nii 1957. a., a Mi<11 t'-einiat peojecl l' prîsîect dîîuiled tir lu( <pare and îîîîderotoî tlit estertioTe Ileli tteSO lise Legiin soa suîred tise unIs sseb Frc a-ail sear porît enîdîîîg ithe ltle 19505 136. lise te L.egioo andl Firemen ils «erertise soir sponsorsofo on Miltoo's annoat Santa if las parade. In tise )or- 1950s tise Legion iegan ne1) public speaising contes ucl lac ctldeen. 'lThe tow'slfirst citizen rîdfthei Iîdînner. ieldîin tise -rd lWits. issoperated hy e tte Legion. , in A sem kisîcien îu In1 carcevly heing added tui lo-lie smain Itititeandl luc- the «<et expanîsionsand rnl lu0 îatîîîvs are plannrd tii iii te oar flouer Il lias bren an inter- ig cstig 50years of gromlt ton , The C hampionv i us isdrbîrd -s LegioiSece-, )or tory lits. Maise Green- cd lid and ongime fil tietittiers Jîte Waters and in- Bll Iandelrî toc<sie y assistance in pecng Isîcettler [lie socy f lie id L.cgtit. i isltan 179. Ls <aiier mm TieCandin Champin, W. Royal pius 6 frateroal affil- Expansion of carrent facilitlen will be tise big challenge for the 19»,0 the président predicts. Twoyears agi)lise Legion pucchased a plece of prnperty on Bronte St. and a ew Legion Hall non pianned. Ttsm new hall's cmlx okyrocketed, isowever, and the exécu- tive decided la abandon pians for tise building. Meanvisile tihe enisting hli needs renovatinons and President Boscoe sayn he hopen masnive alleralloons can get un- derway next year. tic has some ideas for revamplng tise club roomn area ts moite one section ioto a loange. Rigistow tise main lonr dance hall aren is belng expaoded, an a nm iitcisen la being contructed ai thertest. A denio-freeoe and auto- matir*dihabsher are beixg added. -TiseLadies Aoxiliary is tiseisacishone of tise Legion,- oesaid. For- med in 1944. tise graop is mochin odemaod for calering 10, banquets and *1 to THE' ,CANAD-ONJI alo eEN BRANCH NO, 136 MILTON on their 5Oth ANNIVERSARY UN MILTON This Message Is Sponsored By THE MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION AND THESE LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS AND BUSINESSES *1.CunphUeb& * Mitn a. ycoos e*Miton K#it af Cambu. u..oeâb e*Roary Chib of Mi9m ePuD. Lmn * Il. Itahn.Cuuimn h urm oe LtiI * eMota.Kismmn CU 310 wm S8L E. au ciH *Urn.Cée Mkita * M i0mmonGem..Chib *CMO Trwau * , h mic.hi c&i< * Oplnlaktchsb of Mltn *H.tSPartu.Aue. mi LEGtION PRESIDENTJoba Roacoeina bomts (dp h fromn thse fra haa p2 t. Mr. mRouos ervtOed 14 u wt tise Canadian Ariny Ordisance Corpa, between 19« "dim meddings andtisnormal lvii ypars in a rosi. alive. Ail living pont fuortiono Carrent preei- Active dart and auchre preesia are, being dent t SalI>- Strom. tengusnment Wecl ninvlled on guenon. specil Milton Legion in gel- tise Legion ciob rooms tribote cdlllieh pald in U. ling a naine in provincial and Wednesday nigh lai J. <boe0 Waters who in nportu rircles. ton. Tiese hufltehoarttight. tise ady charter member local leam lion mon Tise anniveroary ban- still clive. He je a staI- neyeraI curling champ- quetl lis Salarday sel mari member and bon iosp n I itsbuffle- pay trihute 10 tis e n>- piayed tise bogie for = =ar îca s u ie pro- veterans miso got lhe Remembrance Day vinrial cisampionsis Legion going and isept il services for meny year.