Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1979, Sports, B13

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IV11655 -UALE 6S. IIEMUATM 61S. flEMATUG 1977 FORD LTD 11, Va, ____________ VEMMIE atootic, 'wté, air cooditlono, powo U stoo91t, proias,. radio R C S ED E lO end much 0more. Rlteato àc f s D I T) nice.LO .LRW769. W00 Milton.070e2328.I 3674 975 FORD LTO 2 r ENO. 1 ON A certiled, $O10.08783374 976 FORD 150 truck,000 c006 t 3600 070- 1974 FORD Von, 9V-8 O: i N SALES, OUtottiC. no nuit. A-C condition, new tir"end Im006IEE otag$. Certif 106. 0alaiSRVIEt 00007. 878-5153 00001000. 1971 FORD Van E100 gooed co0dition,S 1,050 50111 PRICES 0091197. 8542504. 1977 GOOMLIN 9X 900000F 6 cyiitder tandard, radiai tir"s, roof rock, rosir 6nd0wdetfroster, ns.os.69. 1-32-Tr. 430440 radio. L000 32,000 miles. _________________________ Aiittie OoRey.9700 03,295. 0000000 02,999. o975 Suzki44............. .... 1099 900-9090, Chantnts Motoro, 9Milton. 78-2320. 1970 Poioro Colt 250014 - - 36740 1979 PolarisColbra 440 . 11109 1971 GRE90LIN v0190xtra0978 57Kawaak440 . -.02100 70m,0,$250, 700phorne ______________fil______ 5.30 P.m. 078-6584. 1975 HONDA, 4 00004, 10E oACERO cooc 328ROONTE ST MILTON5 SBA, in Int condition, Lic. J900 738. Cotl 000 878 4212 9009070,877-5286. 27137 oCtotg4O 170 HONDA Accord, mettli i 0111r, 5 speed, A:2 EDR AM./PM Steren A rosi ACI winner. Lic. OR$ 510. ITt l Sno Coli aa Motors, 877: Buy ow or t d tal 520 27271 EREDIT RIVER 80ATS 1970 HONDA Clolo,- 4 NOOSAL 09006, 30,000 ocies. 877-9552 T N I $3,700.00 ortitiooi. 853 59 ~ 24. 13852 lm hi aiton Boardof. 1979 HON DA OtOatic, 1- FT ILT 0069ous rier, Edctio wili recoive 0 A i. 11 09 770990fe 00n7w0t7rasOtrings, tndemfr supplies7fo9r9the and balance ottOcory 970971h1b, wnc.079spare 0i01990tr and se00dan, warrnty, wit010lm, l00 lire & i,70000. 225 or ahooi. Tedes urtoeilo 9711005. Lic. DWS 902. 9000 otr. 07880702 or cIOaifttlCotowicose ai Coal000900900,0877-5286. 76-5303. 4.00 .0. .5 T.ot 27270 36540 Woedey, 200110772, 1970 JE EP CJ7, lotsofCt1900 extras, stock No940 1974 ALOUETTE 340 5Super 9059, rte000979700110 (2070 .Coooomokslo Supplies 0000101 Sait. r,i5 pe7d09709r), 2 0. ed0. Dupi90ati0g Supplies& Clotoo878 2328. suit ad0he91059 Ait goulo 36,90 5407 220 00ditioO 0$50 .,or.7 UPliCaltig Paper 305 78-290. Thermal Copy Machine 1977 JEEP Cheo7kee Citt 3769 Supplies 10670$7,95,099,LVA 00 173 SK DO OTNT Silve0r Audio Visuel Supplies Si7, Mi7t49. Ci8 OtO l101,009,695 74 E Motoro,9090 70 2328. 051100, 300 R.T 409 . Ceaoeladier07 ista090and 36955 flcf, ouble401 traiter,19 0900particuar orots the90 1970 MrATADOR Station 5W. 54 2724. 00aboclificaotions 970700 Wago0,. 700007n0007 Ils a 30083 obtoloRd et the Central VII aut0W0110 70o007 SNOW90001L ýE F170Admiistion Office7, 20500 stee710, cr0090, radio. Colt, 0976, 93r417 7se4.0Guelph iioO. OriIgtoo. ,crack70and more, L097 $8090854 2590 Ontario. L773Z2. 28,66840 de, $ 4,095. 36993 The lovient ortarif,9tnd« w04 000-172. Cemen0 noi nfte011100091i7000Pt0d. 3697.9010 75620. ~CAMPERS, TRAILERS 009096 ES LOreoO 1977 MERCUOT 9Marquis0 &MOR NOMES SiOREN 070000, 97 0 oantenne ______ AM/ 11F90 000709 97190SOWMOOILE rlirs, casset11and68t 01 45ne 1000 0000 03 (84" COUNTRY ESTATE S00lit000110 0,000 Vicyl w070 3420ble110c, $399 "f0. 27,000 *miles. 8832 30etig..959 HM Crtifiet. 0S0ing S,90. _6___ 5__HOME__ FinanCint50va0la00e. 877 fly fi 5141 or 853 3931. 745 70. BUSINESS C~,71-f, 8 ..... 117 1977 MEOCURY Monarch, OPPORTUNITIES i. ,o î2 l ,400s 0011000000090 t ati, 0901.010c" 1117ti»11,!0,7,11 stck OOItt6, O 7701,067. LOO a i cs Stabl0h74 ,, , f,,, ,,il), 50000 conditio.078-5043 070011 Ladie Wer Stre 4, 091177t M aller 6. ha5 other nter7s0077 301,.,'.,,. 1111 7 il,,.,, - -36823 P000c 00000 .00777000 . To $55 1" ll'.1,11 976 METEOR " 01097500"0171070 2l,11Bo 7, 750t0t00750709. S, Georgetown7, Ont 71142 radio and more. L7G 3G4 7fi18842 Extonally wel k00e007 3718 TO,45 $3,495,. 0900000 $2999 NE 7,7704 7004AVAILABLE JOT1107 1. Milton0. 070 2328. George09townPhoneLylO 7103000107907 36744 OCingmao7Pins 001,591 4251 97000007 plus 1977 ONTE711071poer 00oporaion 1I6 4960 7011,0,0s. 009000977 9977 ~ ~ 151 MONE CnS 00097 4 801,78 703059, las71, adio0wite7watt. s hoe.$9000pr 90nh Go0d 7994,010. ,00 709010 eIf 71111 97090 011 Jnuay 1 07 f04609a 0 full 05 17190 1 90. 053 1749. 878.9347Iller4.0u00701100l icome in13e44 i00NOA 6449 O 0577710900907000077 LUXUR Own010007110,0$425 196 OVA ' 4. door 6 For, 77 4o1011,901000 i70 a 3 700099W9011 071107 cyidr 0tmtc 501 90 41540 0short00797 aisses.78. ... AM9ra70,, 1 3788 33227alter 5 0301 097 011100107020LiS 79 5 0,1117 TYEA RLY orn -- - ---- Cal000 00000. 07 700,08 7 possble 197100 ngTHREE 00670997 5286. 707707 10i lieur7 t0000701 .10 1, batti, 20. 2727 4079 57 4117 5r1grag 170 e& f070659 $4007 C o r.s o<971917 547100 7577Cal 00000 0eal 1979 09000. 5 60110. auto, S,,41 0790100 0009l9,i00 n 7 Lic. NW501 ~ 504 9 eqied 78 016150(nu 051 - 8 26-0577. 070979 7000001, CalO -Sun'57740-nd- -- 30 7899 Georgetown C00770007 3638î TAO 004 0799 047097 87705108. 179700775709709 $25 243 72. TENDERS 77.fliact70, parking, 17 304 PEUGEOT, ne. 45 97 inclu00, 3397 is0or0arts.Cali8780423, * Cnada Poosts 7045970700004R., No. 9, n 59007069p..rPOSI Canada 01171,0000, S Bran09 ai 36760 Street, 200117009079959Df 1972r PONIAC00 duc, TENDERS SE 88183 000367810 ha 4907. 7119709 in 5054 71199100 90407, FOR M IL $39500 90007 070109on a - 30030 CONTRACT 97.09 Il7part f90900 07p 09-711 FON-TiAC, 2 40117. O670.04 90 0lown 7077100 clic 07utomatic 0"an Th. Canada 7,00 5Offe 0530050. 134 097000ý1 t goood t .invits tender for a ioo 70 0303 ectin 007m 74, 7 r a 1s9po 111900777000170 74. AUCTION SALES 01100, 097o 0097s71111the9Mlton5No. 2 Rural9Route. For Comncte ti,excellent09077700011Tenders 97,11 57 47707904 e 2324 90119407 000117110 09î00 Service 856-4146 evemings & 770107009009ofrloutes10 rsA chue 970000940 36974 117090015 Orhein .s. . a hi .Shu 570-L1T770047070 0197 054 110070.0 17011il,7as AUCTIONEER 771700 74c0y 7 -' 7Phone 1,-1s1-110119177M 5 ffc- Salesof0701Types Gssdr i ck tires.y0011703000 0,400 ay299 JIM McCARTNEY Phone 878 2559 007070001 19795 For tarder 307 peci.i.700oss and 940001in- FUILY LICENSEO 973 TX 40 07lai,,formatio,0contact47t0e0P71t- AUCTITINEER Excellent condItion 07878 009.,MloOntaro , S19 -92of11A000Types M0700 -3747 the5,90705,, O111outwe9o 00andAppra.ools 1973 VW ExcelentIoh5O Ditrc,09 Ontar004,11Postal 409050. 5950 01000 005.117.Seonds4FI 689O8 778 $1,650. 545306 09997 Ogh 0110Avenu.,Lodon,. W P.. 36942 0O009,0o0070 703. Tlpho trwn0mt WANTED, 004d oOtd 0 70900, Extension 301. Tht747 for 60110907 00'99059 00910w 9 otoy fond.' 'lot priced. 70-92113.3684072,0910 « M x ~ AucTIonsmAIB x7AUCTIGN IIISALE AUC11ON SALE Smtrday December MSth 11ilA.M. For Ed & Jean Wakefield Location: In Melonietth900FOi9grounds. ln theAgrcultufai Hon mRobet tet0. Sole Cogelodngof.k 07000. 250 itmofantiqueOt0ai90 fumoAtu .000g",0chine, lampe, primitives, sollectabbot. 97000. coinsou 0,0e& 00907 etc. D.C. Royal D00009090Th00B0i4e 0902100 197. Digit HN2463) 1970 Leading Lady 00022000 19760R0 lot dtlon. Fumitur.. Che" yPool Country 090600 0C009s180); c5009700ait 09006; c000099buffet; Boumocke0r; pins 90009 Cs1oty sedeboard; Menonite ch000500roc09r; 6000990000i; Jacques & Heyes partou9 cha0r, bindOvo inapte dresser; c50090000 chair; ooocker chair; o001009000; Waterloo Csounty pothecory cabinet9; lion & bobtae 00(541; 970059007 9t0s9wagon;4 00909000 citait,olik offie choit; 3 dooover 970710vison0 stand; other chaire & tablas. Chie:, Dlaooteood R.D. figures; TOtoBride0090390009976; Db. 0IHN24630 1975; [0.6000 Lady 09033000197; 0.0. let Editoo 0000 PlateR.D. o0a9700opot; R.0.jardinier; R.0D 00s06 "dodo, 00 theGoooood Too"; R.D. "0040 Leeds Spray"; 0011009 Lamobth h02069; R.D. "Chine" jardiniers; 0900119009 R.D. pototiai plates; original Ooaerian09,4d0i9ros 00owl fi pistes; Wedgo97od black baait0Eiseower bu0 st iLtd. Edtool; Wedgeoo6bise 0006 (Forcea); We6ge. ch0m0e0fier at 005fitgures; Copelan ood 00097. 70509000911900 & 70000r; Woods biscuit209banal; 011g00shaker. s54004057000 sentent, butter 0000000 kodoe; Royal 007991190119700 ha00 Ltd Editionl; Coalporo 970914000000,000090 01);Edward VIII 71115 0.0. Oleso 1900.090elf0E07909, 00Nipp9n0&Noritake; 607,070 ahbowl soi9 i,toooia otte009Cî,ca. 1950; 37.00097000h bowl uti(LetdspotevCirca 1837-41); mny pilie iems Clooko 9& 9000000. 00900,0 5gger004 70500, 97009097 g1114'tild ps11ket winch;. 99009009stering05011709psoket 000, &90Lamope; Cyoy00o,0 000010 0097o; Phoe0,x gl0se 0977; ca9901100 5000; 0970100; 000009îon green0Er îyk de- pression; 911009gles, 0black 09709970.Vaseline gl0sse. opalescent9&5,07 glat7 isyîoi, 00040000 04977m; l ai o 1490font; chevron sem; Colonial9 Alladin0la97,000570 eta. Primitivces: Very 0arge oid buttr005970; pac440e. 79179 0000600 apports:7pins0011t0eroOoo; cdoo tte019909'90 19000901lire extinguishem0; b00900500 torces,790, 0400,buggy be00e; string ofbelle; barn0too olanten;slcio to 955; 510509 0009 porte0;0.r790900 n0l0d4ng W.E7 Wel04.0.Bran740rd. 900oere. E.L. Ferrat, 00071,100, Hart LaziOO. 97,00, 79, dooyns ar0099.0case; many Oo9ler tes CooilectaiesoinCs( Canadieno & 0900900; Natolo TERMS. CASH OR CHROUIES 9097097807000.0 PREVIEW' FR090 40'CLOCK SALE DAY. Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten Phono 878-2576 COUNTRY AUCTION Another spectacular Sale of fine claality, older furniture. antiques & collectables. 15 400000 75097 & 0040557 suites ail in 70070 condition, Chester,'Olids.tables, chair0 0045. 470000070 & deoko Many items foc Sale 90011 be held EUNDMT, U BDm opn Viewing #me aU be Sund Locat 407 SPEER 7040e QE W exi,04 turn oght1on s peorsR on 70u7 70500 Ter Master Charge & apor ALAN ODENRACH 'ode-"Aucioeerg A, tqs Et 79Sotoaloo, Fa-70& Ge0e040 Sale 878-2945 Ward Brownridge Furniture Sales Phone 878-6730 07.51 00741nt9 52.APARTMENTS FOR RENT No w Rentin~ î00011building in Milia.. 57n,0 1177rIa7-e,0Il. .ht.p p'i.nr es ' ,h..ce11 of abl0. Aduitos oly , noohildoos Visit 82 Miliside Dr. « or call 878-2140 Ail oOiiiiOO. 4110s oiy. Nos. . 020970, NOBLE 7597009. 04110905907. 879-430. 3777007707f aprld 1,.1004 119,0,00 0éi1130090059, 5564 -0--0__0__0_9_00407 ONE and67099 bedhoioO 0907997009s, 907907 tlrise ad. 0155 707 By wa on SeVE Priz Cha RtLsý Fori two Sy to t] pas$ 1 JB se ce 'n; 87 Pa .c ýO by ba 10 ýC ba PO el S49,9 $5, ne bu ou $3! W. 411 WLI ye. 0 a 61, be: ba ,v in 0 elý S52,9 70 , .1 a n' De rIçý ba: Pe do, c ànagh Tells Bible stories in ventriloquism ýy Mos. Cecil PattCeron o Paterso of Hlon Te usalCOshre 90rty Manoor, on Wedneodoy âs heid ai Boyne Centre No. 28. The laie Miss T 1ues. Nov. 27 wiih Patteoso 974000 er 3rd 070 tables n play,. 7047 and hod resided 007e 97100000970e Mrs. mosSOher life o00a fore iarles Johnson, r4rs. G. ai(0the Third Line and Osel, Miss Helen Dey Road. 000e was )rd. Neol eushre s in predeseao06 by 0970 ,o oeeks. brothers. 50021 and Abert Sympathy îoeeteded Paiterson and a 000er lhose who mourn the Mrs. George Douglas, 10000g of Miss Olive and 0000970906 loy Closes, nephews 40d heir 7500- 87. REAL ESTATE ilObs. Fsoeroi service a held from MeKersie 000059OM bugaow0, Fuereal Home on Friday. 0974i large lot, o0407 Nov. 307 OsMilton Ever- cent9 590970011170t'green )Ceoseteey. 00000,09,or09 i 9 sale. Antiter 4of0004000 70700 fore eidenls 9000ed 363530 4747in Halcon Manse in '000.00 40970 00e 0the perso of Mrs. oachie ba6rso m01ono70097î9O Kentner. 000e 9740 the 00007y. 490000679097and former Mary Ford and Okop70057 k0470d071 p77060994006 y ber hus- 09770St e nCing anci n 0 0Cd and brothers bCoo t9 ee0'd a0700 Robert, Abert, and 10 percet0070 ag 97S955e 0009, Mes. Elo ma0k05 0900 a 7000 MüLean. 000e eesided n c79017 07197,4,090 Actson nileetigtothe "SOOOinr853000 . 'looooooSie OsasrvO7od ,en:n07 56 04764 o57 ly a son 4nd a daughter. 13831 lternient was in Fair- .07 F0ULL 77150. soos Cemetery, Actoos 950W. 40977 077500.0 Sympathy s extended neat 3 edroom !o 0ec 0400ily Du7alo n1 2 acre07700709 Gel oeil soshes tOsMes 700,40 0AcS7 97,00 7000 Clora Pierce 97097o i 4 30.100 montly. 457 r patient in Miton District 110307 ai1212 p7977050. Beiated brhdav 1310 05 or vein7 56 00 greetings and god 0041o 70787.0 13798 7070009 011 00000 o000 .LLSBURGH 4704 One specoal days. Greg îearold7rised bungalow Slooooay, Mes.Cara ýnone ace Io ,2x6 Peoce. Paul Wilkiyson, 0007057 97w000 97,07 R20 Srs.Agnes Rippo, Ed. Y' ins0latio. E00707.7 Ford and Jobn Jarvos, test, large ro9 MS, 'roi ere oas a ine ai- e4707s, 8x28're,7.0 enIedance ai Omagh vit9 firep0470.For 707e Pree.byieriaio Charch on 000c70411777all 1 95300570015ay e790g00c2 for 1275 ti, r4160877 8980 dveni sevice andhymn weoing 27202 sing.077 iaee 'v Wech 777 asîoled hy Srs Faye ,00.0LARGE hy70om on 7707 s conducted 1the ,o.-4 ,ý ,7 l500700 ies Gmsgh and Bostons 7007704_ StO w. oo ors combined 10 iead çshlo 7074779..04 in Ille017ors0îp of s9790. :ac, c0715450401'2. 00000507rs.SlSoski ai0 0he lown pay70770 97.00 elcric orogan and Mrs entinqcroo . 1oî Anderson 40 the piano. 07500L .0y97 7 Lsch w's served by 1the TASTING THEE SOUP On Dorin Senicar of Grace Chcrch ACW. She and Shirley Wilson (lofe) were two of the many women who put on the affluaI bazaar. iocluding a soup and sandwich luncheon. Drawn were held for a quilt and a roramic Santa Clatus. Drumguin Mr. R Il% '007.Ccili Pattersoo 'cor 7070017 ucher 1part> 0mas 0eld ai Hornloy Commuiy Centre s h 11 tables in play. Pcîze 110770750ere KPeiest, Muorel Elliool. 0yvdrî Voyce70,77live askee. 1 b'eaihecsion, Phlo iaodry. 4'imec Stasos and Dave DooiIng. Nesi gel 001070007 17 Deeo 8 Comn970109n7service7 mas 0ed ai Bethel United church on Suoday 077 2 for 0the licol Saoday in 109 07 yalWîinteFairc on7 his pie and 0070ld pumpkOo.o. 777777 and1 gardes squash and cirios. MicCunninogham 00a7sbsho'a0 the lair 0o7 niany years and aba27a u 0n97r Keep uplltheîîîîd mo.rk. tJnt Congratulions (o0. ,Sberieidv Facm oand Iheir herdsman Dolîuglaso MeWc0innoey in m0i00090g 010277 top 77007 aiIthe 10.1al0 inter Fir.î Dou01gas 0707 c0h97îî as toîp herdsman in thelorel 'aille classo Tios 7707' .,as.00707404 for n704 îeO,50and care of avinial courtes> ofîi attendants and g007770500.100g o banners, oanne7 and hi0 evenn777856 14/6â o 8// houc 1in c004ge7ofîi egio )X 816 130195 lamiy iy 50700719 01704 511170010co 705and4 1111 ai 10 a.m. 94711097Ac0t 700- .atîSundat No., 25 forithe c74077 bungaow 47ndoubl Io, 4117avSellat il000475 Eca anod 0.0177 Lov7e of m 'eidftrom10 a.m. $690.0Fnse oe an 'fails MisTetneRdejyd day le0e00baslarge77777070 'Crise 44070700070of aillIdav b% air t75o \'rt -th 7ood auroing s7ove, Ajax bld the 9770ol 771of 1ouver1fr7a7'0510 1..i IS RD. UNIT 2 1an u roetycn i'rl g c(IlSoî7 ioquisin. Shirlecy and Rsdoooll ti Dorval Drive South Say or wi ,1107 7771andIhe ohîlderosang 701.077107 iîoved r7 Rd We 'rlî 100000i fi uopd iliadg ,a1d7-I,17o ,rots Cash Chargq beoreCh7sf.7 07l ls',00This9700 %las077407707 1e Rnd01 01001,% hi fr0704 cheque onsice, trace. 853.0190 o U. isrdb h e riGt-orgcli),i or777001.98560760704 or 17270770 Slllloeo.syripO l: 87017 'Fic00747 a0lChist'mlyas e.,iended 1107o the ,%fe ait( 82. APARTMENTS 13832 7concert1 for imagli 0215100of0the talc 01777n FORREN NTE0000 Io boy Presbyl 7704117004ay ion. lie is surv'ived lbFOR________bungalow, T4 0 _ fluor, 3 4 0 oo %li Oc heid on his ooîle L,îur, , uglit*r ACTON.70970y reovated 02 bs00007 inl0o970 5 ec23foloig NIs.R0tTaiIr7io 974051197 074707000 double garage Large chq7 ci1 7 o7sh p ith07a10 R7obert. ail of 07771 04700 0.0790, s07500 yard for 4a110T1T5 in poluck inniîlîooThe pro-7Rond. Mir, asîîîî, living ro5. I070d004, Af97 lo, rea. 7 a47 000 gcaooî 00. oheduled or 00p77deceased hv brothers7 possession $27500 p-ol 00770 118786111, 00007911 O, lia, a n121.îdlioooge 701179907 Ail 119,0,0,00 05 for Sam.'îîgJAaoooloJ ? ad 7017 rtîî 04 pets. 877 0025.3 17 ( nnigan f ony Cusn ad I-icla I _-2-fi- -36853 0009CHA CE on 70ismari i 1107 the .on. and247n40a i 170 1.779 îîî1,I.. 05 I 87. REAL ESTATE 87. REAL ESTATE utiltisg 853 T002.OUSE 13764 IN MILT _N MORTIGAGE SALE 2 BEy95009S77y 1, Orly A7057. grou f Io r. $30,5000.... ,.......... 707404 07070007 'l , 1 ,,, 7 -d .11I.l....,l 1 I $2W,050 par 70S707 0H7M, '! 19801 003 0000 .13821 07i76IT" '14 I3021 ' A' 1)' 83. ROOMS AVAILAB 11 0 ME1.07 ,.,,, 'l I0I0I~ II 1.1 ROOMS for77009 $Io.7p0 ni.ni, 00407 Springs 1170C.11 . 1 . '-21 900000.07708864 ' VI1111'M ., , %0'l,,l,, lI " 1..1.0I Ile .1111 0. I 27333 00 02 00111111101171. I1101"ll0 " l I"1Iî' 7 1 625 3453 7 . 7 70 86. INDUSTRIAL là Oîî.0 COMMERCIAL > , ~c- FRPRS R'EM'EM*BE"R SHOWCASE ' ~ INOUSTRIAL TO) .10 10719070110910 0,00CalîThe o> %d Canadàr, 171" 077.,Lhamp Ioi 2000' F70097000 wy.7 Classified Dent. ofGob597. Suit000 97900000ing, 000700 70100. 196110970l. 878-2341 27090 ' ' Champio 17layadale Jan0. s0 77 Place your personal greeting to friends, 79600 neighbours Et relatives in TheChmin war70051100. 09., on 700.il: Call your friendly ad taker and your message I appear n 07709000706 lOt5009 't < rto$i000r ' If thi eto o eober 121h, December lOch issue. net7and0p 07001 2. 82h4selonfr eo iuddell, 97, dies ,hdî'enl 7ev. John daughtec. Mes. Word 107,0,0 1110tr1ihePuiî Oîo nrde. and son Mias,' %eoo 000lus7a il )us tonO. and grand- 2007014710 he 00 e 7940 oildren A daughter Joy servce 0r0te laIe Anderson predeee0 Artr lîe Ruddelliiio Hil- lir0 b e 0cr. cre7t ' huc0 )lSalue Sîîcere sym pathy os d.,ý De,.1M. I te 0o4e0. eoocoded te)1the iamiiy On '% as 97 years 7rang and iS l0l7l710,of10000114d4and sîîcîîîed 00Y luîs ie. a 0aitier EMMANUEL i ANGLICAN CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH DE CANADA Pareo,r0oJ R 3071511077 GRACE CHURCH 81783908 317 MainsSi Mllon Sunday, Dec. 9, 1979 Suunday, Deo. 9, 1979 9 45 .omSurinai o 77000 7070700 Et Acdiol,ble0lsso 800 .-07 ldom7 1000-1, 770770070 171& W.,îScop Seron The777 030470 Ma40105 111,1,,o011 Mari i he Christ 9 304il , S-., Ch-îh 7 0'o 7.1.00 p , Dr , 170 07en J.,,,00497 p1.-týrrn f ýfl. hp Thursday Oaoî,, H-eM 7000 110700 V oly 00,0 Tooosday 9 45 4-11C110077 H.1, & STJOHN'S Bble 717107 i Saosoçgaeya îGuelph L[lot Wedsosday N .040le 7.30 c, M-1017te, 930171m 700070070 700011090 .,nng,7. Lo0770007 (Guelph 7.70 CHURCH DF CHRIST TIlîî000e . . ,ya 1412 0100,, ia Rd VgOso il 17020.0470 C-dWNslo, adCrhSol 7875696 ST, JDHN'S Suriday, Dec 9, 1979 STEWARTTOWN 10 0 Oî î70 ,107lg, Rd0 ai15 Sider044 017. .7~79 30 drioeWorship Service poT. lI . 1 ST STEPHEN'S 3 Lo le 11I,' 1 HORNOY 7,îîîî'Sîî'7, A- o79 Lente Wedo-.esday 00 1 .o- Voî.h. 7'1O'Ioo,.'0. 1.00Se 1-1 16 16 070$ ST, FAUL'S 0F THE UNITED MILTON GOSPEL' CHURCH OF CANADA 878 022 71 reR-7E24700 ,709h SuoîdaSDo 90979ec. 9,77197 401, B-,,, ,4î 1 000 e Voîdîoîo , -f.770 7,, BOSTON ,,)d0574 77 ESBYT ER IAN C HORCH ES S77117o..DecL9, 1979 BOSTON OMAOH HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHUIRH Sunday Dec. 9, 1979 1100 010 9057 6: 0 p. Eveo.s'4W7îorshi Foîday 71307 p0m 7470.07 Night 070,7,00 foi 071107 70070001of bus 0 o 4and01597Soodaî ScOo11l Jo..rn 0910a 7 I37,, 77,10 [..0719 TR7INITY BAPToSI CHURCH 72 A7îleby LIne Sunday, Dec. 9, 1979 9745,7n 5W.00Sh.ol for 1100 a t 700l7 W o ,The 0.est saesao-day Toosday 7007p0,, TOi.ty Bayas' & Wednesday 8 030 0, Play., meeting THE PR (Se VERIAN o 7 oo'li N CANADA7 K'NOXICiIGRCH MOILTON 170 Main S, E. 878-MI0 q 01445..000& Ch.i,o [9o4,,M, Suoday. Dec, 9, 1979 10:009il9- Adault ibeClamS Il 11:00 m Monig Wor- Il 700 . m.- m uiet 9 Ail WowSone Noaoeyaoalable. 1'11 5 - ----------- 1 ------------------- MR

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