Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1979, Sports, B11

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The Canadien Champion, Wod., Dec. 5.,1979 Bll hiDi *CLASSIFIEO RATES Tl.pon 191 Ma.. Si 878-2341 Mic- Onîao 0F f i s d Cafasaofmasaks,n MecîaA<,oM, C.-tng cîsthe Onea466. naqe s4 C l i s s i ~~~E,.ns < Ooss,4OaglîOad o<n FsossMs Noa4age Asas. 22 A F- s,'uinsss 82 CAa8DLL-p.nk, & 3c41( (<fte Cai< n) oplase4 la 1681f8son, Nlcn Rcaerf c8iahIflc 8 las l Plna a d4, enan. M. & Ms. Dits Cain f Miltcn anaMn.& 689. Jaaok ,CannolMi af Milîc CRISCI Joln< andAnne< hein dlac$4<Mn Ein Margaa, 8 las. 5sa.alt Georg8etown Distric Hospital an Dcenm$anr2, S 979. A sIsten forCharles Linda 8(n« J Oinni f 481 PiffielO 8084.' Milton, the i61<11< af hein soin Shan Vlania Rabent, c (6$. 8 ozs.ai Mlon Disritlospilai1 an Ncannlben 2, 19119. A brolhnn fon Jacqueline & MAaOHALL-Mnr & Mns. J 4,405W (neo Muiaii af .a 3, Milto'an, pleased 1 i4<1110941<8the bilh of nirn 411Ver, *1184.$is. 3dcS. e Miton Dsînsl Hospitl on Noe,4hon 29, 191$. 3. ENGAGEMENTS M R & 64<15 Chanles G. carns of< Miltonar vfny P lea sedad 9man of4thein daahlen E ioao Mancannl 40 1lpheo Hennr al I, So ofMn. & Ms eanns Hall, aisa Ma & MR1< Lernand Stokes aI Cam49 hellaîlle anc poaca 40 engagemecnIt $4f 4114, daughten, E mi1IV Maie, Mn.& Mns. Joho l4li$ of 4,lbnide. A fait a688ing is lanned. 6. OEATNS Miila4tDnsDisttospitli Kath411*9 E na coyd of Dnr.7Wilfrid4James cayd, John4 Millern iManiyti, W<1dy. Konolh ana J1ncar, Sann9c, 04449, nAIN1T of<. r9.0441sh Tcnsaa.011,est Vai cou7. FInel 94 Ont i anrrw,6Ontario. faINSTOCypiai veFndao TCes fon s t Mito Generiat Hospial, on ,99, s 04449s<1 1< atott, blvoan.h0,40 5 of ndo ns, Me 00741 BaPterriSI, ) of El Mns oroao1<k Fn andi1 <fond MI01<t<g972d fhlcen fMnL1$e00iIs Ontari. leMn Otade Ge 36 ,ls94 MILE40-At 498 WaIci 911 1<4<0 1<a1<4 on<94 Monday , o4k, 09 6, PA79,ErsON, OrioO A 20441. y4of742 i,<1Pal $04r, dISl< Alice41 4ane$94 F4 onal William 89 30t41 a l 4< 94S. k ý11<11141s of8L1r04.v(919the t nlfod i e l7 Am44160,Salos 74 Caîds af lhaoks. B.'11- 1 Ca<;naEo,4a<s..,, 09411<Etmot-4 63 CO-4,4Maln4485 O,îa,4 Ossp.l,,,,I,<11< 70 Day Ca, 4o4.po.g q<qp4a44 23 Ooafhs, 6. DEATH. lGust-A Mitoan, 0<1 7986889 N$080260<12611, beo8o68 4190a11 of (nos Milton., Loi<1g faf heofo Mnn 8a« (ElEokal) Do688s . 0e80 hn$fhen of Marcane<, Danef1<y, Oneoocasod by 2 Loed 6v grnodchildr811 99n8<1al Service cas heid Oiday Noe0ben 3D141 f0002 Hîah,4ay Gospel 1<4199041Miton. C002e18n4, Milfon. 8800ELL. Arthcr Joseph-Oen11<411<44, Nov. 29',19798ai<te 41002 of hîs daoghfer. <1<2, Georgetow,9.ArthunJ. 008401l in11$ 17<41 yoan Hooden, deal' faf1<ero f enty (Mos. Word Anderson. L081119 4rnfte o9 9g4and1 ohid,en8and 3 gnoaf goandsans . Dean 1<90<410 of Estelle (Mos. 009<y <1684044, Maplevîoc Lodge, Acon. Ondooascd 1<9 Wnight)l 4nd Edgan. Lovingiy 90,48,41<000 by i'll<and Eizaabefh 9099498<40279 ao Rstod Sat4nday alto."',.. 7. CMOS 0F THANKS han my hoc81024 1<9491, fiends and eiaflioes, c419 1<114 1<01< .stesIonse by phone Ceals, andS, flocons 498 4<45 840<99 41y9048114 ,4,9 1049Yo1<0 90,4002 410948 Asveny Mcny 744909499MLaun Dîsno 901<91<i 498 and nsfor ar94741< 10 Mo 1 s a< 18 ho 44t1in 1 Iton Dsric <104 flecooILes an t Drs441,14 714411< and 90<49Sto , the nusesaid vo.qhos a 4l asp hoa eel BarbaayB5809 1 OssidIl884 T 9axpes 980' (rl s 897adMil DisritHonp441,9 0,11. 594160$ 4<8 e.14180994 84499409 6918rai,9th Re rvrLewisM9nor hi4v1< it4 T th se84 a o41941<4498Ion of9 44h1 0am8a0<4894<4414ex0ten 1y i ce e t.9 597' or ba990494 pants a49 941441801<a49,0481<he ando. Ainoo Lo 11 0<or4 49<1<18 411$ (ear ,tlness 1410<802 11 c< lb L09118 010911. Fa, Salo 1<9498ý Garden EtL49800aping 44,ppl,,, 9<14491<94,402<10 21 Help9an441 .. 42 Notices (6 Hob44141,01< _ 51 LnIaai 181. 994,4 am 8Lo004ack 31 nutill i4$48Commercial<41 19., 4'aoa8 32 Peooatis$ LIM MEMORMN Pn6dnck-I9 loina 028020<ofni a in e8<r0, cf<$<18554aw049sud 4mb lyDeembon, ,81<97 Fnngtao 0me Lrd 4I munfor 4110, 9$<01o8 Bof hocwas MY48, na i is cish<<8 fle ifcs (9sf 110 befane. <418<41846las n 41<1 f.ana<I le ohain, *le,,i Camehrough th4e c400n But slno8 <41eespeoil ld0gn<09lal6008s, Te 406 co ao ve1884faîhen. Chensh hl02c,4h1<aoe. non yoneven knoc 441e 0racla,9 yn 448041<0 Hanoey, Grndohitdrn and4 Geat grnd 9A1DSAND 1< 104,11 marri9nof9Our69 ean soddenly Ocoensbon9. scîftiy 6e, Ourefha8gh<s of 994 are 90809094111g, 0Onr(99<1 Mane 4416fs ,4ee<0<4 61<1pkeo. <4411 441,991 And 1< cal. on (94010of AIcways i<n 0u9904941<. In Lawc Coi A& 99498 0< 924 o mydeanesl passod 404V <9092 an Yeu4f481 aslecp wcdhouI dlay 9passe$,4y 0,47 The lea of s41 car,1 No one4 490441 141 grief i1 41089.04149 ho tansî<y Foooes andyou049144 Y.le s190,d094 8ou8 99491 6s19n740441 9But or80209in 0< ardan 9194uh19 S.181144119.En 644689949 h o psedassed 4,44<09 eoon 17n7141 5.104f 1410494141< re8< 61oa91<infOur41<oneda9 Don. 4 hnn h -90----- ny- 9 3143< 792 9441 a de040, 1<49001, w o as49e 10. C oMn EENT rS 67ss1,,y 0064191,4 11 bie t i ir of itres Craî b Baks aliTh 8AN,4Oen oîse 46900 7 4i4<1149,48910249<8...44 4 amnnEqonsnnt. ,,33 3 Fiance..n ..71 10. COMINS EVENTS <10ST106 Oes$ylania<1 display f CCIad <4 <01 Tea, lhunsa, Dece,4bon6, 2 4 .02.and 7_9 pon. Admfission $1. AIlcn$08848laa a 441N01. SONG" cae, 68lton Chail 4114e et nt.enled 1Un1e 441491<9, S1<oay DO1<0 r9t 44, 2: 30 0.02. Tinbants $04449 choir 8441<0, Pr Hdi $4are,1<Miltton M Slanda 41<1<8498 l1<c1449S ana 49(48 illStreet.0 498 M 1LIOT0411,ON ,1SONG- A41concert<of0Christmas musc1<849. 0044,44109The Ch8u<1945, 401<day, T<9 $09941 fronychoir 979,1<9a1, o 849S59n BalbLsN La Sa$l990 $2.04OMue1< Spol .0 36 6,10475 191< 6,4JuShor 44ArmC 90991<a[ 11 hois0m49 54l49d4, 0<4<141<9 (30, (0997,9A41991Band Clu all p. 1a4101,99 ,4 367467904Shot( 0061<<7U14100, 1<4984, 0440,419.1049 B 14, h gardesnd9084 984,49fo inc nel, 9llon1<HaSlIl $4ar!Os8Sn9 A1496 904 15. LsT OIt STmbRYED Lai 499,4 990'4GorSI, ,40949 4s9,14994,1<9, adisio. W ANTEDa $649419,4, 91<11049p(9 75a n ts499909<1,440 ( 902 800<1,Il8al921, lc 001<11<0 0(8 441048491 Registration99 f9s4per 9087$ 06 3a6d70040 98,40 04199<18786(((199Bin6.0 0.02 y6.009,4 da STAMPS CASH à00 For Your i ATIDUES 0550 FORNITORE CHINA ROYAL DOULTON DUOS fi ENOS ETC 827 5305 .1l Firewood Hardwood OOiy, Te lIîered and stacked 854-2338 CRAIG'S APPLIANCE CENTRE E7E5222E Rive a i ow a break! i HALTON HILLS TROUTIFARMOI LIMITEO 877-3730 86 Ma<îagos, 20. TEO 21. FOR SML ANTIQUES,. lon<ilgne, BALANCE 4of110, 1stock1 0441<1, 1china, etc1. 878 92002 Wasos Msic 4826. Store. 5e84484$atc44 13828 A61<1<014, trompi,44 go9ilans & 46a18181< 21. FOR SALE arri<ii<n. 6853184313,2 CLEARANCE SALE FARM BUILDING MATERIALS Pressure trecwd posts Et Splash boads Doors, door hardware, veorletoro Meral lashirgo Et Skyighrs Weashervanes, Windows Et Turobonkles Nals and colorad ocrew aswoners ArcEt Rahers BARGAINS FOR EVERVONE AT ELEAR 0101 PRIE ES R. MARTIN STRUCTURES 39 Armstrong Ase. Georgetown, ODis 416-877-5115 02194,449 WRECKING: The ola FoeElctis o yl tdon 414 sHws No 7ý 84,4954,4564454 41<4building ma41<44ls11orse ic1< l, 00054418l off2'o12> aiS 250 p oosi2 8'ai8 50 pýeoooci12'a12' :22 10004,le'4'5el P,p,nq .0FIo.,soss4sLgbs F-wood lai $4000,4os,0 Appis ai lobse ,400kdavs R, Lumley Demolîios, Sania 32145549 PIANOS air »Kawaî **1r4096,44a4d8.008,441489 gands, upsghls, DA1IY it9 p s1 Tari Seor 'louve of Pianos 145 Hîghxvay 5 WvEDI Waterowî 415 689-5833 WANTED & FOR SALE WE TAKE ITEMS ON CONSIGNAIENT FROM "A"«aa indetinite article ta "Z" zaay tlingc. aBccis, SMits'Sis' FRASER'S Cekmcs hlo.Si, 197 MiII St. Des a, lacis, lacsý Econilcîs Y41g lifting. Milton Ont. La<nps, Lghf s, Coa in or Cali 878-7411 SklSkate Exchange 21sm49 21. FOR! SAU RAWLEIE3H PROOUCTS Seîoîg eq 460 140249a9 Distr6bftos0sran and Evelvs Grti, Please caîl 878 3373 Special Chrstmas Dîlîn 1,set o os,6o8 6859908ic Ose. b,ýeaio. 1999, 041999 Foth r 80So6rle tp CHRISAWS HM TRE OOMA J 881554 021,195 CHFINO/ lOT PMlstic llsMA 20I4ONEERga CHCKanRoMsoa WîîhAS OW Pla.se1' 2990 f9te47'/409%ai1 2.5309o9491<<6 PHONE9 87 942996 ' e n te P h o n 878 9 629 Harns1<4 a9 1<14 y H on1<î 514<41 .54d, oS S681519 eeptoî9O1654 1,0,8. sa1780 9 59 47949<auhy und94 b1 9usga c eyoaon 940t Lange ex1e nsi9e9s ^s<94 BARN(Splos <84 Cash 8xc' a1<,800 22e8< and Feqocîle p<,ctaI, 38ee ro811i4104, Cha,4porIs 649Snf.6 121 6îx 84x184fi20 90191,,k ai $1.60 per lieai foo 1 X s> 8169,n ai26C P., 2 x4oxl8 H9mlock4ai 3C044 51'8243619 GRAND PIANOS 992,it5'54 Grand. beau4 ste, s sîb,40$44 N-5 a-4,scs689833f- $7,95 s 01o6 Nelsoons Tack Shop Guelph[Une E& 20 Sîdeîoad 854-0242 Box Stauxs available Personal . 508R949,4$ 4401406 83 5Tud585 4E. Pe4Stock4t69ens1 36 Roo.oWaoled 8 O4V ... est.- 0<9944<1 30 Sls81<sl1<s154s55sî .45 OeslosîSal,. 60 RealEtaîe 87 Tend-, 72 W 20,, 11o,Io1,s5941o 14 144î01 fiMule 9,Hom-62 ,siR ,,, Ni 21 FOR SALE 21.FOR SALE 21.FU MUL DIhING 591!t,. od Pl ANOS and ans1,029pr 0<1VO0LUME E9091<ipeaa buffet,< 1 c4h0n. B<94 n04989<,,274 734422 8<. ooln cab9net. ta40(0e498d85 iMi1<011<4auga 49947,09i 041990ne1be ch1ars, $1<968071<082 426197 cO<13 &854pm$49740 SK0f_7362 9 0441<P4truck41tres, 36896 1<09119 54ES 01 G 781<$04osto,42 449 W1EDEA9E9, green Mit, wa Il p4 r in tl tir4,<049py 19( 5 (849845 4014A, medium<, site, 444,144110in ses o 94 u06., &41<0044418542294 <1,41<6. 2O 0<14 Ci1< sulable or49n a<9402 a,9-4364804 41o cioer.<8781102, 13009<41< 9908,nciel al 4 POOL 1T1<1e 4' o 0',36912 44448, 414al t,,9, (91 4100,th sels 1441< 5 1<4-0 R7851<NT Canadien Cha on 19 610 9446 a .114& 0 1904.324s8n p21<494 79R C 4A<26- 94494940<18 citer, ait 070 1934 aooîr 1<116<S-KIS-120 802-3627 1<91 00.Calil <7$ 2370 -36937 cý 3""12'0000 la4,44a44 in1518991<. ', pnoe1<485, E90E600- 0 49 e4 4, 1<sSoaoh, 0789264a4198900, ,9508c0k14 9.4a94419041<80, 44942589849 98;8 989930(4 9440 4$ nad,8 89909 01<, 441<41<19e, Fond 34011< pollt 49941 1<11<491876 302 099.90, aht in (008 SKII[000 Traiten 4(10 4898,4,04 894 2040444498 5 1(Double); Kent4410449,4 36923 -LECTO 0114849044,45843 818 9made8i498n07094, 4<4470,1$250 Pants ed 8369579 1 1 49481o,9111< Apple 1<4,< t 9,0 SKI D000d88441<4 rai9, Fans 7822 Vacuum4 1<09 8790 ?< haîoi s 41<08 ExcellenI 36727 9501 - 473164 condition89 7983845 3 7411 4444 89909nel<14404< 841< 8î954988s 04108894,4mo.t89, 54 0209 1<1840 ic1 om it, buffet147.1440,94441< table, allern 4t0941,995 & 4884,041 airs4,9<n1990 4744141<136950 54041,1<41traes~a 854 8678752<$1,800. 20or16910,32831 . 34943 22. ANTIGUES F<9EW000, 41,989 448 991<1<1< 9ant 900,44 of sapi< 11<,4 04 (04411,490,41<4 $$8lfP8 delivered Kn ('040 853 dnoss 844v F <800000 64,1<48 79'3 or $28 41914 1784 In Heritage" 9490 ,488.160 4,nopiaceo391<1 Fî,sO 4<84 $35,4sOlit1and 84<10880 1491<1<shag 0894491Chat84481999 58861or408640944 4449898 xo12 i,1e<417,4 k epir 3659 99 418 1<794446 818ire-PîoloeSssa0Iy9osîoîod FI850OO for saIn 1<îy 0110 Nso pStrpong ,pli, h9498,4808('01 P439540 MARYS <540 or9de<14491y0117194 SN944181<9 78E3065 26205 TON 8truck 1<939 ,4 9<8W0000, F849r1<4<) ,o.1 9e19r9598794$ MILTON per9, or"9A'4in,44,lm 41(0 023,47 446790e 7991 0 19 F.0< îo ,9 36<1< 92, 1<1 7 4464 14 <4ac,14" 414,9 "'8741 36810 site wC99,4,da 39ai918630 0, 39900ecrrc 11419<04 04,481,4,9367444 0899a440911,000 ,8Sel 1384 $1100 0 10 8 4095 91<40s 49Cris 04,IfI for $350 for sel187891541 Gre'ete853244<0 30. PRODUCE 30. PRODUCE 9< I 999 1 34Y0 a I 0Ll lw 191 CHUDLEIGH<S 85 ^4 34838 61<1<3<<1NE 41991<849 if j APPLE'N $1< 00 Sn $19754 8<4,4<81C ID E R S H O P P E 95411<05 ha Il9,4h5q. Apples: 198514604«9009195<94 1989n-1<0041 ,N47heSIS f,-49196-is te0391cents4 BTUos $1 29 ,100'1 1<190 Apple Cidic, 877110 lh4 vol, .ni.,he ,9h 58'41<<1195411 91 4 8 4 27360 oC,. 941$8 Bnt hs6ensî LADIES H.988804 4941 Apple Fies wiebula,,nyoboPl', MsOosoeaP.S&Otas< 097011<181<4 <099'h16'81<, <40,00 8à Apple Et Applie îG0fr Boxes: 2437 441496 F- $8SO. $30 ,,intr0 .ai0a1 S 90088< îîîtee hos7 I II,9<4 70 0, .. s 90,4 $90. a78 4902 1 apS ul na5 a i75.9911 4 36871< On Chootiogh's Apple F411,4 2 miles8 For46 of LET<951<1900the4food If 401 onsHoy.25 0pen94044Cy 1<440904a1m 10 volw1ud809e o n9 5p.1.<uti4De ebt 5r6878 2725 194944a4t88p61 586'1419 44e 81<441a7d1P-1es9"'8Il 4AR463,sh a1p6p ls35 34. LIVESTDCK 1< oOoI<091485811,09,63R AIKcti, 19l 814041 2 64908441<scly 5 7961<41n d187 s91<1 33s, i-129.4d9S ray m6p ne 64461394919< 41313 49,891Oap08 m o 409<51<p909m7 6400<1<619,,,onditio, 7749d Mo070s 54cet 12736 51844 19r,885 048941 r Boosil,4 14 389 4619 36809 49049 04141,441<909 W of 259 Sg39049 on MO0GAN1< oSOg l684 cabinet ,9019499488 S"36834 conformation.9 9074<4 rait9 539036498 $1,8 00 41$ 8336 or 632 8N< F080 1944104736820 1<626 84409,&01rouler. 1 V368571 citer46 Icvr Foîr 441411< 041 4494 13843 31. GARDEN E& S 51rHRDIS15<60<OFToa.srs nel6~9Is 7<4 LANOSCAPE SUPPLI ES 8<7649944a0 044 0121 6409844 18 33. FARM EOUIPMNENT terraerîservices 9,49. 01091 F0061 or5,8.(0 for9 tac9l44l6005.honses and Ford on 909941<99 t4440for sale Wynfo14 OLDE Ostyle o 494 410a10 or944409. SuS 6<100type 549,41< 1148 *041<0,4 h085.900880n4,1194 87$ 1<50449 $507$846- vsistane ,9014 6 5077, 3M74811<140491< 1<448 416R 3 36795 644<1<E'9Foruý reon9o0 9149 Ofl<941, 870662 061< 9419 1,4n skis 185'5 and8front ioadoo49<11 2noof 172502 ct41 411941901 mens 878 091 2725287 CaMI 9944I;s. 1<00 <9 Il 49oo ndchfifii s<$0 Par skis 160's5a1141 34 ULVIESTOCK bindînaS, agis ootsisîa 6,1<00. 4a8lallr 0nDp,.rh NI1<pige, 7 ccck$ 9(4 088-52D. Gien C1140291,1339 7(2. 38940 36804 6 21 lin T A Pl, H( lu hj 1 N, $7 Va H, IV t'Il Gt

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