Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1979, p. 3

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w"q"fflý pcket line. Police were called to escort management staff onto Maplehurst premises. n just too popular Iaws offers 50" refunds on McDollars Restas- ['hampion the resturant lohblamo. eîlh the pue- ilonger 10k n "thouands" nif elase nI $l0 unîotof rs. lhe MeDoliars heore nener geoceeten Ttey werre s snd Richmond Chandlereorli ai t a parlici- stores. decided Io spt nul f pating McDîînald's notions participaton. Restaurant Milon MeDollues coud leTruble issuid Mrs 'le puchaned forl50cens at Lser.Mth)nad' as w? to own il mîti tilr util appeoval iof the îîîîesip s iicould 1101 le lobe idsonlage utf.a ïtm u t.051 tîaîî i tutu Mai militiio i S intiia.îeiii'iîiais îeîîîeîîi escsagedniii(liteIBIA ai) goîltian. Sonieiriienihees vil ,igioatpublic voîns commtte ýe lier liait said attlitr Mats StI i1t1t1 St telleitOntario lu Bronte id te Sis stould resertrite 'ite li to ro'îîorlMitonlutthis is î .oO eing held oli iuntit the a( ise finalregîîîîaleîads study ir Mai 'is îsrîugiîl lii(lie region. li(o gol hthiogliî tis pssible Coredon artortMainîSt. uith t- ishitt eniii er b hle toeil ~iton officer rch of Dimes 'i, urthle physicaly thardi' îced rite cappledint iiiIton. i- Christ- cudîg saetînattern as ie iem tioing. tansportation, ýeetip iccens and puhi îcîîeetc BLIre goîng 10 mes i o"îrontoi. lite Peuil mas ind tad iiidsedomith commiuntly Unîitedi or'Suri Hiii l-toiitt and 'ipeils Sîniolî'iéIl" îas chair- bcetîrld mall 1ot l dmand- lillgtgnîNiielitAsociation loe In Deci ir Plîysîcally [isahled. iProut Iiitialylite.Pratt wttt tir hused îîi te arnillon ,il hbc Itrgiînatlofictîe. oîkîsg ccii il direetly o ih lhe moe egiotiatllîcectîîc il the J î%îtîlOntarîi Maech iii Ilimes. 1 ecî oil Il ItoRdcliffe. ;ire reqaested tor appoint- t llomîng Commîttee: REGIONAL SAFETY -- 1eequired tn mont he in mriting, prefer- S tpyuai quattfications for the itL9T1 Pl. Mayor Goriidon s aithle SariiiJaiiesscioniî îeeded t f i, et sed nt i niiîdiatet.% 'îl o îtcplilgeaiis teigieti pto flis.« lie s lait suipporitir gîsîîîg al ai Matiin SIi. ack it ie Pulieti his i teclîîr Rîîlî tillcilsaut. 'Ti iiiles iliîmachlîasiic and sîîîpter fr lieilim Io di i t ra tlu. l îuilu ii lier sresas il secs flit o iiimibte li snti l] io as atrctv s possible lii ledesîciails. On f liteaoliîecriand. liorîîcGoirdoin saîd flie lie cegion iii relain a cîonetîng regîunat coud lb li ttîOntariouSi. ia Martin St.op i Steetes Aie. "Il literelare objîections lui iis, i i s utle tlui tuen andno0 ui Ie cegiotu s ouu sunt have lu gel s voved-bc said DECEMNER 8PECE Short of Cashl Use your Ome can il os osing ai centn on esery metîrni h te Mltoîn McDiltar andthie peîîîîîîî tîilîaî, ii gituti il lion ilas oîsuoccesstul. ceitcrefonds os sec lie local rest auront otspeli t ctiîltars. and couud' eeppîîththe îquit cceping [hem il deîîand. "People sîrre lie'resiSiiianIlioîîNo 3.0 ciimig ino'th a anaivScierai csoîîîeî's as 2 I liîtas." ss' coiplairît Io 'li e saîd. Chiampionabutth lite C'hanider decîded change ill airat aiMe îI iptiouti(il the peigani tiiiiaii's. andioneoiiuiao tecase lieliisl ciildli'l cili' il i'lt'iiadieris illiidllietiiss's lie îog 'Htilai'c'h oliî saîd le mîade arcange- t.îîtlaiis diii houp f*Tote Bags * Atta Ie Cases Jewellery Box * Key Casesxo Wals Boe Stationery * Desk Blotters OStaplers* Desk Accessories (*Globes 'Personalized 1 Items - pens, cards, inemos * Office Chairs * Calculators ij *Desk Lam.p Phone List FiÏnder * Books For A1 Il! ' OPaints by Grumbacher Jigsaws *Games *Diaries Wall Plaques* Photo, Stamp, Coin Allbumns * Lea- ther Wriing Cases * Bulletin Boards * Recipe Boxes Something for Everyone! S 182 Main Street, Milton MRIE 01.00 A 38.00 NOW 21. î'tearty indiaird the ole ýsonly gond ai 'îiartiiipatung" Me- t)iînatd's istris. Asoil last Friday. t he tocailite- tiîiiatd's is tino lîgeî paitiipaing"- methodo. He in one ot 150 correctionat officers ut Maptehorst affected by the Prosinee-wîde slrike hy guardo. Prison emptoyees are hopng 10 ie thete cane for a neparate haegaining Oil mithîn the Ontario Pohlie Sernice Union. Accordng toMr. Manford. a nccemntot onnclusion wonld mean more thon peehapo gaina a satarp inereane. 'T'heee are a lot uf thîre hings me wuuld go aller.' hensaitl.citlng propernstaff trainig as anumhernone priority. Correclional oticeen ntarting their career a Mapehurnl receive *'pour" job prepuration for crisis situation, hesaid. Some officers had never seen a 'uiot tick untit a tint broke outlaithe institution threemweebn ago, he saîd. 'Thingo did nul rue as nmnotly an the officiais sad il did," he said regarding the Nov.12 incident 'There are no set up rînl nquads and ltîllî organiatoonldeatewithlthat situation," hesaid. Hen added Ihul guaeds ran into ait sorts of pi'ohtems in finding riol gear anduergantiig the recapture of inmaleo. Me. Manlord aîd guards erre mett amure ut brewig discontentamng iemate and hadssarned management officiain "for mnnths" about the problem. He aid bc isulud lktu ec neimproved training of nee officers. Three yearn ugo ehen he hegan 10 ssunh ai thein stitutioin, he received a standard iet aid courue Offices no receîve nty an emeegencylfirsl aid course.he aid. Guards are trainedfor prucedoes inthe evenl of a ire. but Ihere are many uttîcers înetudîng hîmneit who have never had practicat experienc withuafire mash. he said. "ftlhish they 1Mplehurst are almusl negtigesl in nul proiding the neensary training. "Thereis no praclîeat peeparatîun and maey don'l come ctlo osamplisg the reat experienceof a riut untît il happees."- he said. When the instittone ient pened loue yeaes ugu. officiais annueed the communîty unty frtîntime oft teoders mnld ltodgedt Ma plehurst. That han att rhanged. Thetlatestleampageuand escapehb'v 18 iomates Nus, 12 proved the plicies havce changed. Many escapees hadt mure than a duzeii previnus convictions, inctudiiig une 20 year-nid youthohuo hetd a record nf Oiprecious convictions The Conadian Champion,. M M3n taned poorly, jail guard dlaims â By Ltnda Kirby "tne seen esey te ts -L. Mapteharst Correctioeal Centre labes ne iber the tme,-Me Mantordsanu turne nor te effort tlutfeunniRsofficees peofurty, ue The public n not amare cordng to aslrikng eptoyee here. a Malcolmt Manford un ernptoyee nI Muplehurst fo Ses nio iIl s a( Muplehur t he pastthree yearsnsaye he iodsupponede ih the on tleeu egaionn made bvMr Consultants restricted in new studies Any consultant domng a study for private enterprise itin the Region wilt hr rnctuded from mnrking for the regionat municipality. to avoid any "eonolict of That ia ecommenda inregissa cuncil will e osked to a pprise tod.îy. m'en though il may mean gonmg urtherratield forconsultants andlhus prove more cos tty Publie Wnnks Dijrectoi' Boo Moore tbld commitree last week the recommendatin as suggested by Solicitor Denis Venin. ssl is concernrd that sonne firms a ho have aorked lor the 'egion in the pool eutl be appearing againsi thieinnicipaltin regard 10 Site F Il is hoped the reiimmendatiiin suit preetode this tram happening agaosintheftuare. The recooimeodatinîî as amended read: That. in thetuat ure. rteotioofpoessioiaengieeringeon- sultants tforItegiona studies exetude those tirets acceptiog appointmenis lrom the devetopmeotin daslry lorisorha'ithio thecorporatetlimits ofthe Regictat Manîicîpatity (il io Scierai peoplei-e niiucoiiig icsuiug fiîms in Itatos appeared s ohbjectos lie commendation. IvorDaid ofKeintridt Lid. saîd"-lcoutdn't be' tievethînmwasriîug proposed"- -esaidîto as"exiretnetyerestrictive" and "a classic case ooerkhîtt Mr. David mon supporird hy other protessnul rsgîneers Wonpoted sut the 'vhaseaecode ofethicn o'hich etiminates any engineer aereptîog a jobehere there moutd he a sottîci. Penalties are strict for vio- lation. saîd Mr Moorr -himnett a peotestonat engineer, Whie the engtnerrs in oppositio n atd il eould rttectîvety stop .5i per cr01 st the aeeaicnsnutanto feom accepting regonavorkonerngîneerrsaid he thought ilsas agond idea Tom Fiouids, oftSitnciie Engineering. satd it mas ot nsoualitoi'anunicîpatiYto rrstricl o oehtirm ateeady doîng a prîcate seclor contcact hut, "ehal ns oosualiîsihal thas asays heen generatty under- sosîd. and hire ltis formattly npetted out. ON114~ 9'42Mi W1519050M6U On748 AMEA CCI'YI2 4b7E111 ai aaa ssatOOhl MI55 00 1OttMtfiS. MICOM 8&5u13 OOWNd55'EW M*sassuuoA scaRBRsOotuGeRICHMOND HILL .WHITY.0506Rs NonUlRne 101 7eppCH A0f W t.58 ou S STniE 1399 KENNEDY RO 10720 VONGE ST0N1108050000ST E. 11 i, t,, A 10000 iI R ATopsu in OO eooeo rEI.L.EMERE AT ELIN MILLO RD EAST DF THICKOON RD S.1 9.. lotos 6308m60 270600«5200 U31723 5761660 969 unos tS, I-Vlk 40 0MOORdi :Zu HALTON REýION POLICE were on hand at the entrance of Maplehurst tkýis week, as striking correctional officers set Up a Promotio Lob MDnald s roitii Milton n ton acceptîsg McDîl. peînîîtinnat tohi t rea 1oblamo Jîî Lister. peu mîanagee for 1ho Toý M~a St. for D~BI lan llegiiina l Cin ilîday lie anrd l i)i pat i Main Si It rergina o cid s vu Bulsiess Inipri liera u)IiRliii ilead mlitîo. îî ti t ippeiicat. ouIitak Ioi James SI ai egîîîîîittcomur pyop ffit he t deentiure put o sears agîllo repui St Il lias ta ears lityor lin sidiei in %Sias New h* for Ma Ontîario Muei [imesis z01110 appuioiiiîeti i pher Peaut as1 C'immiunity' 1t Mi Pratt mîas ft Meri Toroeînto. a .ecnil ttiffi [le Naltis ls i 1i AS recept ionnmolil al (ti> Bo 12 1.,IS iloueM th'. iIIiiiiiiit Mi. PrSIIi1S l'i iOl IS le M THE CORPORATION OF THE TOVN OF MILTON ApplicaionsJ ment 10 lie fo HALTON1 COU NCIL - Att applications ahtp setung ot Commitîe R. Main. Oepatp Clerk, TownofutMiles 251 Maie St. i MILTON, Ont /ed., oc. 5, 19793 turne offenders in my nI efhat io goisg on in tnst refosed to comment I.Manford. iýý i'0I ý ', " ", ý -. I ý 1. ý iliii. 1 - 1 01 House ut Spectacles CM id

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