SECOND SECTION SPORTS & CLASSIFIEDS Siiîr s ___ MILTON, ONTARIO So ortsWEDNESDAY DECEMBEPI 5, 1979 properly, as Doug Fraser shows in mens competitive Larry MeGregor. action ai Milton Curling Club. For a complete ruts Docs..-» corne from behfind Miton Dors & Dents Malt MeCandies micr atoms srung began the comebark together seven consec s-nnettng wsttt a btast tise gsats, rattying tram esc I he cîrcle. Tsdd a 4-t dsadvantage su arn tlssitSsonlttsued the SacS tiakvdtle 9-5 SundaY aIlYtuo eminutes lter a( Memsrîat Arena. ielore lryas laringa The Dscs and Dentîs tie th ie sce ieisre te bad a sscresstst seek. esdafthie middle trane. ytng tGeorgeosn 7-7 MCltîslook the tead tuesttay indGergeown ast 1J seconds ino the belore btanking Guelph1 liord tîhen Mtandless ta-n nGuelph iatarday tit frtirlts second of the alternoons as thte nquad ntgit. Harrison. tttusttko tarned thetr Egoat scorers attd Harrison agate Sept tisse dornE the week. the ratty gong scorng Against Gaetpit. Mton ietore the perisds traieli 41 midway iattsay stark fhrough the ttnat perind tlsth teams îradrd hefoce rebnundlng sith a goals tale te the game slid effiffl «loti late- ,14 Meçeslileot crng cammanudoftthecnes(.or Milton. Mitoa's Chri! Hanr- Miton netotînder Jim sesn pesed the scoring Murray casse np sittî w3 secnnds n tth ie gosse. sone excellent snps esnverting a gond intuding a grealteeo stop passtng ptay wîlh Adamss mm a shtldrerlly in Mead. fronI oflthe goal and ses- Itakiîte sruek bacS erat tthers oe dettes- s 111Itirer ueaisoeced teoss goalsinte irot period cgainsl lGuelpht. Miltonn andouermorrnthsec lioiSk cnanît caut îcd hrorethflc Dos and sîsslîntghe hocme tract Dlents applieil sete 1) *tya 415 argui nidc u hi o- Mtandtes ed(lite fensive dis pelet all.îc-St(itfou The eirbys hak(all tram et Milles DisttHgh Se on hoeot oftheKacarlta Clsi os nmen o -he rekeed in he second Htghly-ranked Eastern Commerrce tiîgit Sii ont of Toronto putooea sarge in the tnerth quarter te win W-57. Mstangs led itY se, e pintslaie in te lird quarter chePool Vae orsebol inaird out andthesquadcrentdownttiilalterelhat. Pickering Hgh Setoni e-n e Se oreassies one Easern Commercer Van torschot cas aetîd leote ail-siate tain. AUt nd. 16 trams parnecipated e intreerney in Peterbiorought Thr MDiIS recrîd nom fonds-.ai7c1tin exh- ibition games. Lrague cnleets gri aederway te the nec c r * Costructin noe the MiltoneGolt and Couetry Club rememberethal hbas again bers put nff indeinitly. Homard Stevenes,1the prime mnner itehmsd the clubcaid te hgtt mnîresi rates smadetfinancing theventunre tmpraelîsai Steeennaid becneud teck iniote ituîlation agane inte spseng ches iteerest rates are nupposed Ileftait Si) frthrrhas been cnsrutionandthe land lies vacatlThe sclubt îesialed tlecilte oins thrîîîlheci-i scrî-,,îoficrîrv Hodiadeeirîd inti,,,,Cite 'îh III, 1 1:1 , y 1 'I 1, k o 1 bul tht-eccie, c- , r, ne Iý osr o cas deicyrd llespons- e the nec plans for messbershpshas beensmalladded tees. National Hokey Leagne relcer Bruce Hond spent an ususut Salurday alternoons clhisg his nephcc play hockey aI Memeriat Area. Il cas Hoods Sent ceekesd nff teoss recereeing ine os career, ees lhesgh the lcagne had neaety a flltIsfate ofgosses. The NHL sec has 12 reterces and cilem,1cm spcitise gosses on top. NHL retere in-chici Scolly Morrîsn decideli to gie Hoosl the isenoff. Bruce cent bock intî action tat nigl. retere iog te entetaining contest belceen artord Whalers and Washington Captats. goalnîîilctlarîcgcî.;îd peretîd iAd JasonîtBohitîîtiai, cadrîl-i Nlc,iridesscstaeted cttitltc- iii i pair ofi geaIs cîpîrue. h1 ttii iei isrstiorio il ii,,-iiiti-in Ili-lir tnug Pittilti ana-tt u~il titi-rt citer îîsi 12 ItIlle Drl&iii l Aiensecîterd cingle seconds. tlucitkî cc-se-i -ile ll i i iieseti lait c utiîîaîInce eîîdiîîeî,idcîslc , il Ivi ici iiis il. sîtIcea h os -tatA l e , iccitîri- ct I ltle tge g I ils Iti,,l Ituî , I t it ti Georgetoieit rallecîl tutti il n'morite, ; 2cemoidstiplu *v Icie ini lihe-seconîd pecicti. lic ctcIle- liiiJu lierre(Ili, Var aecadfrIîiiîîlîrst(ninî clt le i lii,\-, lt ol lite irs et crtre Snit, letoeercîîgeIiîîîî .1 oii lel Iei ,i tiîegetîîcîîîlied il .1144 -alliedrd tee c JIIMI lat t,te e-Jo ,, I'iic,,i cio i tmu ire leiltalt titreedgotaleiti)tai(iec ciSc Major atoms to final in Dundas tourney l It iil \i'ilic" litr titiadvncil Io Blie tRiser 7-0111nititidi- oni te tiieketii Belle Rit,jci-t-- fils isp cat I ,,tu tics cuit stg ip133l a 1130 scre ble-t en-ii cîcrtirnt lilit t1 ic elituttipiýtii1tgante .iltonti asvancedt ite finit St strier iiiai3-2 prîtaliY-t litoyla- tiler acnt i ceciliakile anid a 1( bltanktîtg litBîtrlilît Itirtiiini te10-trani dran- t ltttIs cut iillci 1lîcî lcil l cItA1îîiîcl 1Ii- initet liv i-etcPeui -,ccd Mil liiielitite goal reguil-ccit loi , t iieas i2 of i lIe thicîtîpccwtit Il itcsstiiel-filed iti, ie d cïrt hat bttMiiltiti gitaikeeper Btir t.etisctei tiikedth esnt t, thierest ofthlie tice. Geitit Polltetn andî te %%icereitv Scoiltit ison on he l act t-itiit,,t Iltit,- i t-i ' Pli re i-l t mtit itI >iit iiict Plti li gii til,- \% ii,,, i-titi(q' tii- lil' t lî,, îil,tlit ile sicirticli.iii., cein o-t t c Masson testing Ha waiirun Toi ct, 1.dlheite duc . cci t- ccîî t ico,ieîesîîîg a et ka,, dci,,ct,I, onitîci,1 ii l ltofajusiip tilttc ILctttCîin ii .liaclit a ndte lits wifed a ,e urnl IIic2Oc-t-,ning a tmel-rc-t iacttitioFie-l ce d. pîtil] silicte rti lttit uit td i- itc i-ii i ît,îîeceiteîdcaos ictîîtî,î ltpi-c lti-t mitrilios inthgae i-tctctlcîtî,ilt 'l'l iei d* te o st a i e, ie ti, it Lit tit as lit poalitîtfitri C ib det iap, ii lca ite aîttîle cc-cc cfi r l thetttc t. a Chis, titrei-t istiii i,,,1111 it, i (iph,11 nsteae neltehet gîbs,îte ceeiLicca il troaheassts av id dawlibellerv asniidro it te atdlocrgtti11eIidtirilS, histîreolerahoas l odite.Tiietis il, ito,,ltgntn o 'nt liitasd-te ras nnIderltea rsose ail us Hboite;mlcesd ilim h ckminfi, rie rc onoa trlutgs nefe eoa I dam hue 15 nitît durThe bl emerlue durhts onth y detalief111 e uty stan Aitîel miea oro7"rmies a eek,**l county titie Girls'- voile ybal Dick wins A rwd etfImore tasn 201 tiatrtied the girls iiiteîiaii tram oet Pot l iteS Midde Settont cap- letre te Hltos Cîtunty eltaiioînshtps for the thicrd osnec-lieecearcat St ediesda.vitiglit. [lite sqead capped il-s- ille play of lite sa tea 1enre an tefineitttc in e-itiis li i tniei the mi:r siticton ciii,,i,,îi lii liilit iti en ii te i) sleai front (, et) n îl iiisi e rî Seups1Ste,,- l citt, 1, 51c h its,,ef . Jin'.T ik roti IIl-I i I E ii ie e li r i it (lie le- . eic c p Ia b ,,îî-,î tit O tt>îckSuhea ,q-1 % ilt, id Dic dîtete ttttcoT ckach c-atp iiiii liai Il-qilikii, tt iltr iii i AitttI i i l i l t - li- il l i gl rm t., t 1 titi re lit t t IIr t , al-- - i .,1,,- PLYIN WLITIIîlinstba t -t- ,îî,-,- aIlttit Stniî e (titiîgi tttbepict s i i -t~it c-tiiit rasllili t DicaesnS e 1-l as shitîn sby was a major Hatttît tunty Inglis witli 11111li ecci, Iglita Dac, t ,, eote icit h uit asftiti- Vl.'u , ill, .'e IcId il-c t hic , tit i ,1 ilt tii.1 i Il -- t. i. t,. î-c- , î,itii Si, àcin sattiig-uitlie lastest, t,ilkiitlic I.,Inglisabcuu vociiig cuti(litefre t-i - ioachlias bsot, iec-epteeli Ili c dea ltîtirser. Inliueay lie lisni adeeup is iiid rit ier it a îtdniay not eeen attesd pacîcer -l dtisl keoit anythisg abot theiiitas.satdtitc Gergeown nattve.r"And t cerety aven't giversa cîîîîîrudttieno cachtthe iii pIes, ti leS il 1 itli, 15-S. 15-6gin the inotl150 capture 111e Haittn Counly girls rlcmenîary scbont volcyball cbampionshîp Wednesdax aI E.C. Drury. Vu LLEYING THE BALI- Maureen M. 1 ,aoghtîîî gae n in1the air ta knack il h lol ak oerîthe net. % Fivers? .11 Bruli clletitii me tt il Ra, idersi, lc eanid sked nie ilIi, prosîîscl Ine . t cdliii iit tie itîsîl.te A,.Iiilip i ltsilip v ttd'II cct1ts i i tic vmciiiictittcakittg il iltutth i- t h, fit,i- ic i it e l i i ie , lascrigaIl e ;en[ cacth Se-tlft lcîl ees ite sqoad cîîdavck tIrai, itis AIoithelecagne tris rcaintrer itoals boit tgleStreels- icatantsinalrîda itir leecrilime. Helfl o ----cehed j mlte Baiders. IFlyesboz1 7-3.....B3I i.0hocy ............B4l C Jnurling Cues B Sporiscomeboard ........B141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - nu 1 t l...., -- LZARRY MASSON has Icft the snose behind 10 ruts in a marathon' this weekend in Honolulu, Hawaii. lE is is second marathon and he's been running for about a year and a haîf. Here hie practices with bis dog, called "Monday.1 il ser th1e let ti lady Rîdîng t ram iltonat tit ofturtînglon