adien Champion, Wed.. Oct. 31. 1979 b' AIRY TALE TIME waa a popular ac-1 tivity t the high chool Wodneoday whenj ' the Milton Family of Schools co-operatodi on a salute to International Yoar of tise Child. Carolynne Larner reada a favorite One busy week! Oy Kelly Middlelon and Pati Turner Lasi soeit 'as a busy wee t MDHS, o h major eenos happening Wed- îesday. Tbrsday and Friday. The Year ni the Cild ceremoon oeevre s uraofl. and SbrdaI Fever iMDHAs rock bondi surprised ail by oicbiog roodariors. As oppoaed iii aving Me. Walker. tbey bad Ellos Bobn. Eiion Bobo rame complete mt iong sif, ai7ib reniury costume and ossesi the scores anr is ooulder ai the endi o each number. lin Tiîsesday. the SAA surressfully osoiesi a Masquerade Dance witb a ..iaprisiiif nsmber af siodeoiS dressisg up Boili inctiîns ere eli atiended. aind mui lants la al innolned. (,IAD t)AY Lasi aeek. on Fiday, te Guidance iîepaimeni ai MIDHSniie sousate sf lasi years grass 10 rame bort 10 te cboi and discass onineriiy and roi- leges le The semîsars proided murb nsight isurir as en-op progeamo. titola tees.nmaors. e)i 010 ainersiiylife. anid were represenled i îh a mîde range o unîersiies and colleges .eangingtrsm Windsor toLakehead lu 51(1EF1O0D FOOID F00D Ths oeek on TesOt. 30 anotber lailening aube aie iii te eld. Iis ime. oe will beiempled witbtegoods prosisces by tbe ceeleaders. The money il go towards new sniforms. PEEL. IIALTONS AT KELiO iOn Wednesda. ci. 24, tbe Musangs crios-ountry eam ranelled 10 Reis iii campee agaînsi 35 ater scitunisin ie Peel Halon Cross Conry ibampionsiîps. Or eam ras sery îîell, despieite srotg witsds and sno'o flurries. lue mîdgei gils sel a scitool record, iplarîng second overal and quaifying loe iiFSAA <uslandiog indivduai peformances were mode by Denise Cunningham and J. Reid top plowing BpDu Me own; 2nd Paut Wikn- 'fieAchlevm tDay son; 3rd, Paul Lesley; for the Halton 4-H Trac- 4t, Brian Wingfleld; 5I, tor Club wu iteld Oct. 27 Jay Kitciting; and th ai th Halton Plowlog Doug MeInhafi. Match. Iis waz held at The placinga ln tie four th farm of Les Wlklo- or mura farrow doasa son, Hlton HUIS. were :lot. Adlan Cua- Each inmomber. waas iogai;2nd, Jamie re=rd apow aland to, Aeane 3rd Alla. co ploe ia4-H project. Harris; 4th, Johs Red, Reoultabinte two or Milton; 5th, David tree furrow clana mere: Robinson; and t Scot lot. Joho Reid, George- Harris. tle ta a group of youngtors. Thse eveninq COOKIE MONSTER wàvs on hand to add a featured a muscal prgram, art ana littie humor ta thse musical show t the thoatre arts dispiaysan a good crowd Fumily of tichools' slute to IYC on attended. Wednesduy. Whie the MDHS ingors sang out, Cookie dancod with the group's con- ductor Judy Hunter. Churk RosCOe was inide thse furry suit. Wrt Bibi Lynda Wingfleld iltiti, and Lyno Copeland (19titi. Thte junior girls placed 9tt oneraîl and te senior girls finisited 7ti. For te senior girls, Toni Ciambters pt fot saper iuman efforts, and finisited t indiidually, missiof going 10 GF0AA ity junl one point. In taeboys' category, te midgels plared lItit oerali, and te juniors ran a slrong 3rd. Thte senior boys alun ran esrellenlly. bt missed 5015f 10 GFSAA un a leam, ity a mere 7 points. lndiiduliy, Ray Polomi i4ti) and Johtn Phiepa ilti), cr111 te going. Congraulations are alun exlended 10 Mite ayton wito finsited in ltb place. and missad going la OFSAA by one point. (inod luci t te midgel girls and te senior boys ai GFSAA, and cngratlations 10 team members and coches for an escellent cross-counry COMMENCEMENT On Friday Oct. 2, Commencement ceremonies for te uritunipear 197-79 unit place Lat year's gradunles. remplendentin 0sais anS dresses, rec- eied teir dipomnas and tropiies. 'Iis years valediclorian was Gartit ssery. o,îlb an introduction ivnn iy Vnre Yeomans. Speial menion goes to Me. Horner for is inspiring speeites wbdle giving oui gmograpity awards, and 10 te Senior Concer Band, for ils ex- cellent performance. WEEKLY UPOATE From Wednesday, Oct. 3110o Frîday No. 2. grad ptures for lhits year's frade 12 and 13 sludenls. iii te aten. Thte partages are $7. eacb. Tbis s te final eet for Cirus sales ty fthe Senior Concert Band. Tie large boxes of smmf jicy oranges or frapefruiare $0 acit and te deliery ales are sel at tbe end of Noemiter Tbis eek on Titursday. Non. 1, ASK s anîng an etended meeting, from 3.20 f0o 8p. m. Saturday MatuueNov. 3 - 2,. Sat. 3. Sun 4. Mon. 5. Tue&. 6 Saw tinsa, Wd.Tum..8 Pen. Fn-.S 7& an. - PLEJ2AOM- -LM M- CHI AW SPATTERED eau nfflnât M s mmAmo m, SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL SUNDAYNOV. 47 A thrift box for just 97 A ThelfI Boa cotains 9 pleces o flsger llcilngood Kntucky Fred Chitoiea ntu k fehyColoe odefra scrt 'ýiIlstw Cleae rsshly ce o recipe. la s a geatfamilsi favorte. d', JOIN THE HALTON ADVERTISER ROUTEISAVAILABLE IN Mary Street Garnet Avenue Robart Street Gueen Street Sydney Street Bowse Street Seraht Street Pearl Street Bell Street Charlen Street Pinse Street Brown Street Paritway Dnive Maptewood Cees. Hugit Stroet Wlliems Avenue King Street Bronto ttreet NO COLLEC11NG CALL: Circulation Department THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 878-2341 AUDREY MEREDITH DANCEWEAR CENTRE )AaaNSKNg ANGORA MI1S, GLOVES. HATS Et SCARVES 1U0 Main et, Mâtas' 878-1303 :SSE UP DENIS LEPAGE AND UP STATION RDAD :ESM ( BLUE GRASS) OCT. 31 TO NOV. 3 EL CORNER 0F GUELPH LINE IE ADN"' HW?. 401 OAD , 416 854-2277 *Corner Vin Mcoonal's GÉftCerihlcates SPON4SOED BY: Gt pour crayons and fait muriters going, ta win McDonuid's gift cartificates. Entries wiii be îudgod on originaiity. Sond your ontry to: Canadien Champion, tut Main Street East, Milton, Onturio. Entai as often as you lika. NAM E . . . . . . . . . . . . AOORESS ............... liM akkCMn TELEPHONE ................... A G E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spot the Dferences Cny bdOn