TThe 1 EDtO"RS NOTE: Au a speeil se1 'Me champ". hiittocio col sla Met Roisons taises a look et the affet af tie stork mearket colapse se Miton1 mstSeS years agoitisaweebbin IM. 1 + + + 1 Bp Met Roisn 1 t mou 20 yeacs Mfage, orisg i Toc-à onto, chen Ue big stock maitet crais occurced Oc. 29, 102. I cannt reca t tison Il as of great cocern ai Ue ime lis ancrage people. nie Depreosion1 Yeas ut tie Diriy Ttslcies mhiscb fl- lomoil mre ni mach greater concers te mot pernon. 1tialbed recenly witb Jark Hannani about lie big crashs. Ho opecaied a gcery store on Main Si. ai tisai lime, and anien a position 10 ier I any one in toms oni navily ostioiksa ai Uai - ime, but bocould st rcail asy report ut serions tsses. P.L Robrtson cas ims te taise an active inierot in nhe stck market, butS uinher Jark nor t recalled hearlng of hlm bing iurni badly by Ue markett cras. te tact, I Uhsk t once ierd Uai ho sac Ue crasis caming and gui oual ni il ais a proit. Ceciinty, ilimons oi a tait ln priros miici cotdd nt bave be 9 toceneen. Pricon mre ai unprecedentcdÎ Stoci mange.Wtse oftaBor eortabfr aserdrop, inketccas MNo Inest expecled hn ta etIseyare theto packtlied greait lrs aneimptorelnti Tereoafr te oa plye a sh mc loei ivs are witesares ofeyasolty mond. age te eltor idi shrt setere 5-p s oc m piorje. No datersi mmy ut seeamdeWmOf tos ser es Has goslponiteliUsinipotnt reotno toue iei pMUerashn louae inonocofmlthUe onacieasofd hdgcompany-asoaoed Ooldsu FtidsprIlotidcoeoftreasompnisy csh casslts.opealnm nslecnUse ae olLaerobe ndseale Mia sisa- ostoms weteoinonto moed leMston.r kedgldn nte treniarierd ise Lost and found lIn Don Byera "Champion olmonit sons Loto 1 tere han ond a snentf bomor that Canada." tOuons h?) s a litte thin and undernoorished, il's A flight lto fanlany? Yos, But mine. oldo't il he nice ta hear mome gond l'm fot sre how or mlere I lost tl. neco, once in a while? Most likely it as driog a newo broad- - + + coo. A lot o humoro go thal mny. And, t imagine there are a lot of ives and slot mach oder. Even Ue mot omit- socetisertsouot tbere who are sighty og sont cold hardly bo opected 10 plased that tIe Wrtd Srie inalty survive tIe constant barrage nf todys wound down. a meois ago tnday. realities, and the gloomy predictions Wr h ave recently acquirod a nom for the future. color TV set that briego ln about one The choIe vorld soems 10 have million channels, many ot cbich monoe slippod on a banana Pol- andl no- nver hard nI etoro. And, lie bdys laughing. 'Seris" dominalod Ue lab. Whal baîhors me tise mot is Uth t Rhea cas fil 10 bo ied. David and t nothîng seems lo ba soluahie anymore. casedin 1 to the invitable, and joined Plenly oi qetiones. Migbly short on the 60 to 65 million viemrs wbn al- answerscbed the Piratein il all ie the 71k andl (Eds note:~ So hal are pou doing intl gam. abaut il. Don?) Oh collt. dar, here arr nill tootbal llad yoo askod. and hocbey. Sioce the pon in sont In bo mightier Dock, Don, dock! boen Ue sword. t intended to paI lings + + + rigli, hy criting. Try Ibeso nos topios On the lopin i oftovison, iil v volt on for sizer into a nom noson ni progr'onmieg. "Unempoymrt le Canada drops Io Some oto favorites are back, an gond nom ow." as ever. lenr homo e go toc sitcoms. "lIlation as be brougt nder and are oton lauging ulolnd aI the contoVo."anics nf the caraclrs with mbnm e "Latieg peaco cones10 Nrern ave gromo n o asllar. lreland." On Ue more serios aide (but 001 "Phrliamrnt abaiobepersoral ln- acieg le mimsy) me Uoroogbty on- come Ta." joy "A GiftI 1e tant". narring a mot' "Middle East acord grorîrd cilb talenîrd Canadian. Gordon Pînnont. enthusasm." "A Gi11 10 Last" eialie a story "Agros in Grey Cop." about tbe nmal tome of Tamaran, Ont- "Now power source onîves enrrgy ario. is peope and Ieir problems. at crisis.IbthelrenI of hecoolry. -Wner ostoned iodfo 01ey 0cr a loonis bsSnday rvrnng Currie's Meat Marlket 878-0488R CHOPS P, l9b. BESTBUY REOULAR $2.19D& PORK LOIN ROAST ES *1:59 lb.» PORK SPARE RIBS *1.49 lb. Tor RECULAR.U la CUT AND WRAPPED FOR THE FREEZER A No. 1 Red Brand HINDS of BEEF *1.79eb. FREEZER SPECIALIST SPECIALITY ORDERS WELCOME FREEZER SERVICE WERESERVE THE RIGHT TO LiTfOUANTITY MILTON DORSE PARK PLAZA and Staes Ave. andgint"go t.88 Market Crash Ue crash ut Ociobr 102. To tbrm tise secs oftheb crash only ceont interesi- ing rcodieg in tise ciiy dailies. Thrre cao onerilment toc Usrm lu the many joben about Ue'reathy and the indiscret miu o re suddenly rednnod lu povery by Ue crash Vaudeville camodians, nrtoonisis. andl criters wockgd tise vei oiexu oistion over the sncceedlng yoarn. LiSe many oUer peuple, my recul- Incinas ofthie crans sîrîrd cils Ue readingniUshe eveeing papor Oct. 29. Au t imd be adoslei a dontoce banis a ec yonco preions lu that, t had a gond goseral ondersiaeding niflise sign- itlnaneand bacbgrond ni the cottapse le pricon. Tiese nnior teltor le the rannb cor- bed le Ue cage nesi 10 my Crrent Led- ger. Ho bad comer l Toronto from a omal Onaro toms. Ho cas a scait cbap, aUer impresod ilsis w importaece. isn girl rîend vou a pions' ont, unasssmieg nmatt tocîs girl, but ho mas irying tu creaIe a ie impression. Playieg Ue market cas the thing 10 do. s e con dnieg il. Sevecoltimes overy day ho stepped tcnm is cage and heoil- ed toc Ue irlephone o 10 bihthings ocer dUs isnbrobor. ItUserdays il cas roatinrly rasylto taUs big busneons. I11700 paid $100 linoa broberago accout, lise rohor cas vili l oIsluane ynu tut00chicis enahird 700 lu bay stock cnrtb $100. lb yor stocks mont sp ltonW on ooid seIt and taise a proit o $200 oe a $100 inveuimet- sites inna cery short ime. lf you tucted luchy 700 cold sSn beoperting a isokroge account cr11up inUe tisosands. Il cas ditioret, o corse, lb ynur stock cent ducs, lb il ell lu 1SM0 70 contd soIt otf and onty beonul b y Ue amn- ouns ni pour hsying and settîng hroohrage. It t cwent don007 tarUser tise morgin dcleUs te bruirs office phond you toc mre cony. It pou ai- ted lu seut l hatong ut once, ynur stocks cas sld and poucoro letn ndebi lu Ue broker lb lisshappened cils ton maey ni lise bron nI cins ai un ime, ho also coutd ba in trouble, Tie money br toaned ln usotmrs cas motly money ho brrocodfboum Ue bonk is.t1h tonus ai ronghty 90 per cent o ut ld corket caloe, thestock cachets le Nec York, and Toronto c ere nrd bousne torerîegi on tise isinis ni dissier.1 Theywcoc o baUspusbrd Oses irrolriecahly by tise tomons crash o 1929. Thoro coco irootin colle lu specul- ators cho coco, in a calter ni hours, ionhed into impossible hurdens ut deht. Moupisbrors, ton, mre caughinlethe scscting ido. Teodrop ie prines cas ton suddes aod ton deep for teU so l ot a10 reasonaiste picr the stock Ibat vasi irnsharisunshieîhandv Inn mtter ni a ecdnys ilimas al oser, nie cor- kets coco doad. Allishe iolish spen- niators had heem cipod nul. Fnitnving tise secs t decided tiaI pines ad faltn sonmurh coco bonont Iv cooer sc WiUs trepidalien t phosod a irc and rnqtilced asto10ù Isternational Nickel, t wimo o hare-a ridinutnnly toc ot buy on a margie. I plac nuisanceorder tocrrens coco once about il. WiUsln a trwm mueib INi'ý 10 aout $4 a share. t recelsE iicate cbinh I put in u druw iion I regntarly received a dividrnd niseque. I cas mill but aller irer or tour pers and mîtI mynsrestfor$14 eo jot bren abe *a hntd Uemn Subdivision A Weuonn irm has heem recommrnded hy tise regional public curiss committeto insiail eigisl catormains n OIes Wiliams. Koit Consruclion Company suismilîrd a corrceid bld oi $298,697.52 lo consîrct tise catermaîns for a subdivision bolmeen Cosioderatios St. and Guelph St. A total ni $272,000 cas apprnved hy lise Otario Municipal Bard. MEANS MJC 90 hORE -MORE selection M ACREsavings!! 'Whirlpool 2 SPEED WASHER AND MATCHING DRYER Antomo ic mannr e nuen 2 wshspc speeds with 3 cycesoml emnn aesadgnl.Sprsriao gttr ai ahle mn er-euel selector 5 was5 rnse tempo 010 os,9 ines The Lla,.,.,.dryn fetues 3 emçte nue solonsfexibe ti mo no auto- Free Hook-up andmaicdrrying Permanent yress cnre, ntscreenv ncudos warrnis Washer Dryer witli this Washer!j .8 TWO WASH-SPIN SUPER SURGILATOR NtNE RINSES Wash- WA1'ER LEVEL CON- PUMP GUARD TOP MOUNTED LINT SPEEDS. Low speed AGITATOR designed îng oosens soit bol il TROL Aloms Youto1 Aulomnatîcnlty trapu SCREEN Helys fot delîcte garcents lu grue youuan dean i5 thn rînssrg action adjuntth1e coter leuni ubjects ise huIlons. preuenc l IcI rom lie blousos and kotu wuslr cery ond that rnmoues tonuen- lor each moatI Panes pins, coin, etc.tat htumvg out? enhausi High speed for igor PVanes direct caler etI soit Whisrpool us hol caler and mîglît cause couîly pipe Large scrennfor Onu munis action tor currenîs lhrough the brîcgs pou in ritsns delergent. WorisS damage. ample air loc, husy tems like jens.u clulhc lu fliexn ud forîthoroughnaction. aulnmatrcnlly 10 the lu clen turn Ihem selected leue) Whirlpool SPACE-SAVING WASHER-DRYER A deune nutomotic casher with mo w.ash/spin opords andI ino nutomatic cycles, . includîng bit and permanent press The automatic dryer brngs pou 'cernert ores.5 and air lf a<,yck and uraia) ro yd signal AI) ths big aundry perormance acd much. much more ns designed int unJt omI lt mensure only 2 tort ide. IiInclucles marrontino. ~the washer $40870 the dryer $23794ý North Service Road, Burlington at Q.E.W. & Guelph Lino Interchange OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. ON THE SPOT\ncn PICKUP DELIVERY EXTRA__ WITHIN 48 HOURS 1R,1ý Tise Canadien Champion, Wed., Ont. 31, 1979 C7 Legionnaires to reember the Royal Canadien EULegion bas boon give ENpermission hy cmmdel te, nsofnlyi '2 9 n ts hold n Romombrance bUstalUshey munorlteepoars,l1cnuldbhavemadeon Nov. il. osir ubtnfymnyo.tedent. - - Tiseeel M Nos'. Clul a braberago To me tbe rolty sad Uieg for Canada han iitlicially bren de- ho price il s a resait ut tise market crash cas tisas claced Poppy Weeb le al about $42il drovo trose the machostIhheiind nof Sllon. vprico. 1 did inveter cbicb a grocieg cosntry ceai- The parade cl trm àced a nmntl ly nords. Rocklesu pasons su chom np in front ni tbe Royal baron. Ttey hope Springgo donnaI, vent rsght on n nae toegion Oaei'b ganîisig unu penny mining siehus, bat Chartes St. and wimo doco Ibooechuosole mîis ighhase heen vill trave ai 1'30 pm ed my cors houying, over tbe pears. lies hares nif 'The parasdew(rave coer. In add' gond companionîs thohehope nf a atone SMainOtSi.t e.1St., i vecy smal roasonable diideed scome anîd tise iii Kng Si., loonSi., tmng tomwait, chance ot modeut long term capital iii tir Victoria Park Su t gave up gais-lthey core scared nvny rom the cenotaph.Il hs scheduled Bach. I 1 had cachot compleloly toc many. many ru arrice in tîse or cna2 t oc anoUer yeocs. pmsrie ANCHOR A UTO COLLISION A-ý-A878-8424 A~~e Custom Painting C e Frame Straightening e Collision Repair - FREE ESTIMA TES 151 Nipissing Rd., Milton Unit@ 4 &L2 b-