GALLINGER MOTORS sales manager cantly dom-sized but bas retained att the Gary Neilson ia shown witb the new Lin- luxury options. The car in 900 poundo coln Continental. The car bas been signifi- lighter TRAFALGAR MOTORS bas unveiled the 1980> Ford Thunderbird wich marks the 25th year of the modelas production. It cones wth electronic door locks sod a digital speedometer as options. Ford unveils T-bird Trafalgar Mtors Ca. nelli tamrgan espects only electronic iardry Ld., ecently unveited the sales increane started eing oîteced. the sem 180 Thunderbird liy Mustang itt e picked There is a digital read- TOn car as lires dams- u ini the mid-sized range out apeedomeler mhîcli siord forIthe second ime. autOtheTliunderbird. constantly întaress 1he Orvnshandred poands Il cames sandard illi driver oI thesact perd. and 15 incIes hane Oes a 4.2 litre VS and as op- Traalgar Motors shavedaoff.ion in Ithe laur-spard sales manager Larrv Lat year lird Ict-auatumnatic overdrive Middetan notes the -F- dued is nrm Mstang transmission. seres oI iglt pck-up and sales Jaesped 50 per Oller options are in- trucks is ose aI the cent. A ariely aI options triging. Tlire is a ion- campanys top setters and and Europeas styling ballon. 10-numebr panel lie espets 1he trend ta re- ere partly responsilile. on the door mlicli cas Or. main onchanged. Tliene traits cmn Or sren prepragfrped ryl.iltj.4 A ing ih imise n the Ttsnderbiicd. serins onI . a o nly da.EadaKes UiwgUtlieh Frd oI Canada vice- owner nooms. This ram, president of sales Ke- poIre donc lrek ls sot the CORRECTION Due ta an error on the prt of Domnson Stores, the totowng prces wmn e scorrectty adoertîsed in thisnsemspapnr Ist eek. THE CORPORATON Park Lois Chiopa" advertsed at $1.34 lb MILT slio -',rnad S1.38 lb Rb End Park Lacn Roast ,ai $1 16 lh PROCLI shoud readS$1.19lb. Tenderos End Pork Anot ,aI $1.22 lb. WE HEREBY P sttoaldreadS$1.26 lb.WEEK 0F NOVEtI Dominon Stores apo naizes fo 1979 AS sconvesience tlis eror moy have coused. 1poppy N THE TOM THE NEW LINE of 1980 Chryster and Dodgr prodacto was mInro- duced recently at Milton Chrysler-Dodge on Ontario St. Salesman Gary Hunt, lefI, witb the complelely restled Chrysler Cordoba; and president Heinc Vogel wilb tbe upgradrd Dodgr Diplomat says boyers sbould compare the qualities and fealures of their new offerings before buinrt a new car. says the hight truck has hecome the hest-selling s'ehicle in Canada. 1 tarrigan doesn fot hehieve -the domoturo i hlght truck sales in the U'nited StaatSttesol r inCao )NOF THE TOWN OF TON MATION PROCLAIM THE flBER 4th TO 111th. 'Y WEEK- N 0F MILTON 0.F. CORDON. MAYOR 1980 Gattînger Mtors Ltd. hetd ils ofticial introdac- lion of the Lincoln Meretay fie of cars Tharsday, Oct, 1l. Sales manager Gary Neisan said he already hais mre Ilan 30 satd arders tor the nem anien nI damnsiaed Ltncalna. -Renpanse lasex ceedetl mat me had haped. 'The nem XR-7 Cougar and the Lincntns hase berti really bringing eole tn 1u, see us,"~ he Thc Cnugar 10 the Lîncot-Merciy coint terpart af the e Thundechird. and it 10 atmed specifically aI the 29 per cen t af Casadians mho bay cars in 1he mid- sîzed range. The Cougar is 16 inches shorter than iast years XR7 and that as a car domosieed ram eords irst round nI making cars smallec and more efficient. The car also comes standard mth a 255-cahic ioch V-8 engine, the SATI800J11 13 0 p.m. -' - J. - Il. NOVEMBER 3rd ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 15 WRIGHT AVE.. ACTON By Popular Demand Our Previously Announced Game Plan lias Been Rescheduled As Follows: n18 Regular Games at *50.00 each Whie O&Pink Cards) e 2 Specials - Top Lino *15.00 each loin 0ýCa'- À) - Bottom LUne *15.00 each - Full Card $50.00 eacb e 1 Poppy Special - $100.00 (Gren Card) 0i November Special - $300-00 (Blue Card> EXTRA CARDS 351 aach or 3 for $100 rHEADmissioN PRicE oF *.oo PER PERS0N PR0DES A PA CK 0F 13 CA RDS SNACKS AND SOFT DRINKS AVAILABLE Ati Proceeds For Comnt Poet 1 PLAY RACQU ETBALL UN ANV ONE 0F 27 FULLY AIR CONDITIONED COURTS CALL tf<.CALL e-i - - ~RAMUET ep CUR1M 3515 FAIRVIEW STREET BURLINGTON AIDENILEA 474 IROQUOIS 8140RE ROAD OAKVILLE (JUST EAST 0F THE HOLIDAY INN), ~Alt,~ï' ~This couoon entities the BEARER and ONE OPPONENT îP~UT A.~V ~fl~j~7) ~O NE perod o Court -Time l40 minutes) t either the hstar... flii nJLli.gar' t FAIRVIEW or AIDENLEA RACQUETBALL CLUB f or the Get a taste of North Americas newest and most exciting game by reserviflo a Court Racquets. halls, towels. shower and sauna conveniences Telephone either ctub and bring a T-shirt, shorts and tennis or court shos mth non- provided withOut charge. marklng sotes. You psy ONLY for the court timet We provide the reat, Racquets. Bals, I 1 COURT RESERVATIONS - Towets, Shower& Sauna as wett as futtlrembershlp and programn information WITHOUT 1 FAIRVIEW 83"4271 (Burlngton) *AIDENLEA - 042-i2368 taaketlltet -VALtO ONLY UNTtL NOV. 301979 - : na------ models excite Northi America. This cas be hiad itlO a nem auto- matir tourspeed avec- dine transmission. bn addition to the Capri lise. Gallinger han the Lncotn Continental. mhîch han bren domn- siord and is compte- menled hy thesnea Mark VI. The cars arr lso 800 pounds ligter ihan the 1979 cars they replace. The slippery stylîn s said to represen a 21per cent increase in fuel economy. MILTON RUITPROCF!ND 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 Permia-Shine Perma-Guard *250 Rustprooflng adu TFORM UNIROYAL SIZE SPECIAL SIZE SPECIAL PRICE PRICE 155 SR 13 $36.75 CR78 x 14 $52.75 DR78 x 14 $4675 .C i $5275 ER78 x 14 $48.'75 HR 780 15 $59.75 FR780x14 $49.75 LR78 o 15 $65.75 cd n por4tpwntôr thé uto PIm0-12.S In.1t 1 1 IL-