Tight mnoney? Not hors! Building is boomning.om The. Cantadien ChamopionsW, Oct. 24,1979 fl3 hy Ui"d Kinhy If money us tight, lte =ady hlowlge=iec of that predicainent in Miltont. Building Ln bot lte housitg and industt'ial sectors bat surpassen lut year's figures by leaps atd botutn. Residentiat deveiop- ment atone in the tout bas tnipled duat of tOlS- witlt tser t3,O.O sortt of peresits issueil tsi date by the tout's buitding departuent. Tlie grester part of lthe hosug bous ns taking place in te toenet "subdivision city" at te corner of Htgtsway 25 atd Derry Rd. Victoria Wood, deseloper ot the site, bas completeli 690 btoum as part of phase one of a tîse-sqtep prograt and sa goîtg fuit stease ailentd with tht second otage. A total of1455 bosses is state i ba completein 1 phtaselmwo dsritg the sent year. Accordiog tu a spolies- man tor the Milton planning departument. more ltas 2t0 of Ibose bouses haveralready bees aold. Milloo'o closr prooîm'ly ta Torotto and oîber area Ciles cn osto Id, draw bouse buyers ai brisit rate, arrurdingto10 decrlopees. Soon luibe underway is the Alliance Ex-tirbao and Goldfao Develop- ment. wilb 260 bosses pîsoord toc ils ficol pitase. Situaled aI Derry Rd. aud Bronle St., te ettire project l conusis of 32 u 1i 0 soe bul user a period oflbcee yeacs. A li unit aparluesl compico oc Millside Dr. ba a ies eomplgs and Majfor Propertien la 00W rendttg lthe nuita. A 1eon apartutent building IseM dsnr la nderuy as aon as site plan agreemsents are approved by lte tosn. Thtacomples seill consit of 154 mnils. FEntat Mfll Apeet- monts on Main St. and Court S. N. uts cous- pleteil ibis year and mosI of lte 12 uisu bave bessa rented. Approxiesately hatl ut the 38 boones planned by llarding Estates toff Wilsot Dr. abonne Woodward Ave, base bees sold. Ail units, base busn bouft. In the early stages of developens are Brook- cille Estotes. MottaI Fsaltes and Soutitwtld Estates subdivisions in the rural districts of Mil- Ton scituol sites loc- aied in the Victoria Wood develouesl andl a tird scbuul site tn lte Alliance Es-Urban site are plat- vieil tue te early part of seul year. The past site esooths bave beeu busy wîlb undusîrîi devetopuent. Staodard Industries bas conplteed modit- icaiossluthetformer Pulysse building and la uatutacturtng rocb moot isuation. Construction ut a e $20 million Consuer Glass masotactariot plant is well underwayuon Cbisbuits Dr. and Canada Valse ofticîally upeoed its oearby plant an Markt Dr. one steek agu. To industrial maIls are beîog compleled un Main St.E. and aîbîrdîse planncd for Sîreles Ave. neer Betute Si. tnaiedt o p. Additina indiatelli" ~ ~ t h ~ on Mleachlt dr. and Wall tmdeuy sol Witttlabratar,ý Wa. tae te he compl~i P.L~ ~~~~~ abton b buo-la a nam Maufcurn on te $M0,010 niedicl contre St. sel repent ont of at the cornerf of lIfgitsay tht largont inditria Z5 and Laurielr Ave. esononinonla Ute no lisel,l aefo Future. nrc in latai compleu O nroeI gel ondsrway oon on a SIt" for dia.ota large addition ta the Za ttU:iedpresionno Plaint.Stttssm . Miltant otu pont office More chtanges are tt seu l so =ei staon. iug paealongLlhs ay Planti rai for permait 25, an Lr otno on ta ho iased neut month lte nese $1 million bigi for te single storey. Sehool being btàlt at tWoto building ai Frnont C. Drury Scitool. Brous and Main Stets. . lTe scitoot la especteil te Septusher 1110 la the ll comptetiei ont year. REALTY SERVICES Il9 i*12, lCamaOaqîua o NS,00-iîitvtiitGEThis us RigeDntéri of ,- u1, gluge, soace ho, 1 M, bat o a vey lorge kitchen Oa famly oom vvh fire lace a alu toî 2 x 125'lot le,1seai en es largeeaefisshed oe,,inw C,,,a,,,,,d Voura, wmeîh,u adOnsd h rn closecIo pubic Il Nonhtchuls, inoamosy f4 I5JLITINGERVICE (1976) LIMITED REA ~>MILTON 978-4121 107 Martin Sbtret Milton Open 9. Les Bunker, Mgr. 878-7059 Betty Ingle 878 Bey Cassidy 878-7083 Mark Mallaieu 878 6604 4044Nke«I " S vibmebinnes Mma tabc Oeeeed. l bftendeauon.MM»-@ deni ri of Mmts et clos tanS ent,03ar Ushpin4g. SOtM Of du fture ntuidu OunouSi 55M enannstous. tbopb in @MY, SI sbe-ubrlle0 upurtet dining uits.utgu i dgfomrate. bd nftit uPM utnun@Mt off dtmotdkimsen nuour, tc. me.ut AdMg uNeslSOf For ON sOn delf and ec, cnuwuoi KerEalSISneMorRes. 515.iI Jino Kerr Jies W&tlOuu Froid Blom Joofo McCruuddon 87-572 84e78 - " Us-, waI 76) LIMITED REALTOR iue sîStoci .0005 closeSui tL'E Ï;V ;c FS ITOR 00 a.m. to 8:30 P.m. -4286 -7488 hi toe haony ar ol and ofes re200 ,,ielshotd gaoue thaouueauao a TORONTO 270-9001 adod Lawence 878-4860 Bely Bading 878-6716 0000*III Af - ~10 acres plus pool t @eols a ut main floue Excellent toi sonet youow nhu nasa Super locatIo 2.4 acres of haavy industriel. 52»0 par mmr. ~ Ready to go. Must ha seen tu, b. appentel. 350 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON, ONTARIO L9T IP6 878-O00 un