Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1979, Perspective, C8

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Isa C iin Chmpion, Wa.,Oct. 24,1979 Commencement to honor MDHSgraduates Miltons District Higa Schlcommencemnt st ui*b. hld Frlday, Oct.1 28, aith hlgh chaulas glrmnasalum ai O p.m. lTe commeuceat ceremmaulawll bunor 342 sahaensa ha gsaduad fro U MS lat Jue. Rab Mrtlowell, a las-i che, la commencement cbalrsuaa thta year. Hea uld thlu year wdt ranI s au one ut the hat. 1 "This year aaema ta ha a vory gaod yeafr the 1ht major chutarutsjpt winners. lThera are a lot oft hem" Dir.ctor promoted RatInaBoard out Ruat litou prnmuted one ma and aerved notice ta ap- point hlm la Mittns E.C.r Drury Schaut doringS Thurdays hourda meeting at Ourintgn. Glenn Nichut, ut Bartiagton, oas ap- pointeita othe rauh ut secondary sehot vice- principal slarlîag in7 Seplouahar. Tha hardH ahaO harned ut the itenl I ta shftl hm taMitonL troua Generat Wlfe whare lhe iothte tood1 ochmt drectur. Cacti M dominate (Continaed front page C6) Y "Old Fadthtut Daverclitte Dullus" crayons1asthe gr charming cotainer tor ber arrangement. D I lasa 2 Juan Robert- A sun placed irt and A Margaret Wrtgglesworth13 second. E arrangementtforHarvest C Muan wan an impressi ve cherry tomatuen uonionsc lettuce, ditI, marigoldu and tour typesutofuDs aucchini, htterntt pepper and hOtercup. i In cloa 3, JeansD Roherluonu wînm.g 1 enlry tr Fet,ival ut Co ntrlu a s anau ye-eut- ching arrangement ut plas aters, red and piuh ruose, mauve and darh purp1e scaiusa and garlie chis'e ttuwers. ln the hrtieutural section, clans 4, ive dfterent ttuwent trumn thegarden, wlnnent er Mildred Meozies,'n Clishalua, and Mrgaret Wriggleaworth. Mms. Menies' lowcrs ocre excellent specimenut gladiolus, mmse, dahlia, chrysanthermum and hegunia. lThe wioiog ttuweri.ng ptted plant tan cls s5 was an Aricun violet enhlited hy Ena g Chishulua. Ruuners-op were Mrgaret Wriggluworth and Jean Rohertson. Close 7, threet sper- imens ut uiona:Jean Robertson and Margaret Wriggteswurth. Clas, three tumatues. Jean Ruhertson. 'te meeting was cunctuded wth a lunch pruvided hy Ada MeCane and Juan Robertson. Lo ki. o L I At 40 51Sp Mc. MeDwa ei shtad ma t le--ah priseswon- by atuduats vary trou aa $100 award ta an 08,WO achaassp 1$2.00 par year fer tour yecsl. ortlhesa graduatea, 94 cuuapleted thalr flth year (grade 11)utfhlgls nehool white 248 hsave gradouted grade 12. Mr. McDowell saitd there wera ourpsrsesu in the nuahers aI grade 13 gradutes as oppoaedt ta the nuahar ofgrade 12 gradoutua. He seid il la th. continouaoMofa truad euaalished a couple ut yeant sigo. ltera are a large nuaher ut oludenlu uho leave sehoul 001er grade 12. Most either go towork or they go ta comuouty collage," ha seld. Garth Euuery will det- iver ltse valedictary speech. le grade 13 atudenta reeeiving Ontario Seholaruhipa for havhtg an academie average uver 80 per ceaI are: l3ehorah Baritow, David CurIs. John t3oignan, Paul Durante, Garth Eaoery, literua Gies, Catherine Glasow, Terrilea Kemhall, Kimberley Kerr, Mary Itorpan, Chrintopher Lamon, Paul Lawsest; Elizabeth Lealie, Lynda McCarthy, Mordyn McNahh, Anita MeAlinter, Saliem Mian, Peggy Otathan, Maryunne Poland, tan Roherts, Olga Tar- nawshy, Karen Whaley, lady Willoughhy, Vanca l'eomans. Other grade 131 tradoutes are: Laura I 0ikhead, ShoainAli, 1 Donna Appleton, Michael, Araman, Clitton t Augutine, Warren Bathane, Aodrew tntaîl, Terry Brand, 1 Ruth Brown, Janice I Cain; t Lari Cameron, Sandre t Cughill, Rohert ? Csampoox. Elizaheth L Chan, Aoo CarIser, Il Sandra Carmadetti, Kelly E Crewsos, Dehorah Dutour, Oetty Dopois, S Lioda Durnan, Rtobert C syhoîra, Cynthia Earty; S David Ferguoun, E Leosard Fitzpatrich, T ORGANIZING THE COMMENCEMENT coremonies ot MIlton District fligb School are Jan Penick (left), deputy-chaicmon; Cecile Rosbrook, secretary; and Rob McDowell, chairmofl. Calleen Foley, Phylio Freeman, Gregory Gilbert, Adrienne Gladinh, Jason Huvard, Michael Reard, Leotey Hill1, Kerry Hott, lau Hofiingherry, Catherine Howard; Thomas James, F raser Jenoingu, Orian Johnson, Suoas Lamha, Mark Langridge, Leua Lauricella, Jouep .,ociw, Lee Luciw, Gail btach, Bradley Michael, lettcey Mitchell, Gail Moore, Debra Moreau; Margaret Nipshagen, Carolyn Noble, Philip Prestidge, Suanne Ptolemy, Mary-Jean Rohinon, Mach tuelotson, Diana Royce, Katberiae Sebreihar, .aoren Ano Sergeant, Kimberley Shepherd, Eddy Smith; Kevin Smith, Darlene Stark, Donna Stewart, Glana Starey, Lisa laover, Leanne Taylor, larlene Teggart, Patrick Thompson, Lunre Tam, Suan Whituide, Rth akins; Milton District Wison. 19gh Seboul Technical Wianent ut chlar- Statt Award, Grant shipu and awards are: ibhy. Haltan Board ut MDHS Literary Club Education Pntbiciency Award, (Yser 3 EnglisbI Peize, Yeac t, Anita Bok, Chris uter; Roncala; Camphallville Raltan Board ut Edue' Womnen'o totitota Priue ation Pcoticieacy Prize, (Year I Englioh) Bouk, Year 4, Paul Van Dec' Santina Seminaore; chut; George Dawson Raltan Buard ut Shietd, Yuar 4, Paul Van Edecation Proticiency Orsehot; Student Pria., Year 2, Jeanatte Caunant Ranoar 0Roll Matchia; Wiltred Cruier Plaque, Paul Van Gr' Shield, Jeanetta sehot; Lorne Brown Machin; MDHS Literucy Memorial Award IVuar 4 Club Awrd (Year 2 Music), Croline Brodie Engliohi Book, tomre and David Brewer. Rea and Chris Launard. Milton Rary Club Harris Sttionery Prize Asard, Soun Whiteside; ITyping & Accunting) Moîr Automtive & Juanette Maîchin; Industriel Supplies Ltd. Ilaltan Bard ut Award, Lyal Fard; Roch- Edocution Pratleiency watt International ut Prize, Vear 3, Jonathan Canada Ltd., Plaque and Wollaston; John Miltos Awocd, Orian Zuat, Chapter IODE Truphy & RossaIt Leadernhtp and Award, Jonathan Tropby, Cathy Chocb- Wollaston; Peter Lamner mach; LeRoy Inglis Memoiat Plaqoe (Year 4 Memrial Plaque Gaugraphyl Chris (Buosiness), Caroline Huter aad Shelley Chochmach. lie Press, Paul Van Ijoca aHllon Board- of iduct;nProthdiescy PrimeYear 51 Vanc Yeenaaaa; PlekegI Obleld, Vane Yecuaau; Evaslng star Rebekab Làode No. 79Scholarséip lEngliuh and amUsher = Scholarship lhtatlseuaticol Patti Gls Canada Trut Schlarelip lMatheua- aticol, Patti Gles; Rtay Deuanor Maunorlal Aseard and Plaque IGuagraphy), Kima err and Judy Wlloughby; Solex Indutiial Handl- ing Equlpeot Award (Guagraphy), Kima Kerr and Judy Wlloughby; Milts Oddtellowa Lodge No. 92 Scholarshlp ISoclongy, Kims Kerr; Milton LInua Club Award, Ola Tarnawsky. Ted Huad Memarlal Award, Ian Roberts; Studuat Caunil Award, Patti Dearlstg Seholar- stop tEsgiliahl, Judy Willoughby; Studuat Coueil Award, Anne MacArthuor Scholarship (Hitory). Paul Durante M NU VAU JUDY WILLOUJGHBY GARYII ESSERY VANCE YEOMAN ad Judy Wlunghby; Studeut Couuadl Matriculatlua Schlar' Brewer; Descartes Milton Unvernity Buruary, Judy Wllluugh- uhip. Joltn Dulgna; Mahemaltîca Award U Wumen'u Club Schoaur- by; Muur Award, Robn Queua's Unîn. ut Waterluo), Pegg uhtp, Mary Korpan; Phfflipa; llad Chemnical Analveruary Schularu- Olthauru; laduamnia- MDHS Creative Arta Indutries Scenuce hlp, Kmberley Kerr, Fabramet Co. Awardu, Vocal, Kim Awurd, Judy Wlolugh- University of Toronto Schulardhlp, Mary-Aune Smiths, Drama, Judith by; AmericaCauf Update Admission pulaud. MacClaugal, Charon- Canada Schalarahip, Schularahip, Vat.oe Pravidtag lbe music gratdty, FtunaMcLellau. Vace Yeamaau; Fard uf Yeumaas. for the gcduatiuu Mlton Ditrict High Canada Schlaruhip, McMater Ualv. Menit caremuay wiilbe thse ScoS taffI 10 lun y Peggy Olthuara. Award, Karent Whaley; MDHs orchestra, lad hy David Curk; Jh ilo Quee'a llauaur Jular Mathematicu Laurle Walhar. Cîtapter IODE Matriculatjua Ichular- Cuteat, David Brewer; AnaUser MDHS teachar Scholarship, Judy hip, Peggy Olothooant; Euclid Mathemnatlcu, Dlck Apted. will b. tub- Willoughby; TaritQaeea'u a Ui. Aniv- Paul Van Doradua; tag phtagrapha uf thse DeLuir CTeuhipersary Schularship, lau Mathematica Associatiun ceremuay for the tud- Ca, Judy Wiluaghby; Robrts; Quee'a ltaaaur ut America, DavidI enta. MÏittua Rotary Club Music Award, Anita 6 McMlitar; Gerald DeI nn G d o Kueijer Truplsy (Music),I Judy Wlloughby. S O ' Sudent Conseil Awrds, For ail thoaa heavy waah itema: bedepreada, blankets, mata etc., try our Super Extra Heavy Duty Waacomat Front Load Waaher - Save lime & Monsyl Laun area Sorels by Kaufnian Robert Newman Shoes 184 Main St., Milton 878-9877 c hrs. E Fr1. till 9W under no obligatn Cai ftrca in home estîmale Over 15,000sq. yds. ofmtllltriais made to sel o pn SS 'Srs 611 2 170ydSSW sOuîalnitraonly e332110$499 w""O OOWNSVIEW sessîssoUGa SCARBaG H GO RICHIMOND MILL WHfnn-OnnAWg S0000 Ne loi7 INCe AVE W 1458 DUNDAS ST Et 1399 KENNEDY RDS10720 YONGE ST N toto sUesAS SunE onM.. Ou,,,,,9p ATOSDUFFERIN JUST EAST OF DIIEOS AT ELLESMERE AT ELGIN MILLS RD EAST OF TIICKSON OSI S.,un9_ 61-1 0 30-0000 270-0000 752-6010 8803-1723 570-1000 40 S' On.,.tîn.n,940 .. ~ t

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