Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1979, p. 4

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4 The Canadican Champion, Wed.,oct. 24,1979 Etabitihed 1861 ifhe ègnabian 1@ampiou - _ _ _ 4k Phone 87-2341 EM ROCý DOmiNS HERCROWTHER PAUL BELANGER J, EcitrPbicilca Adccriccg Macager EITfl^ n EAT N cia c c n n c ci i i c- S- E&.., M c- a c cii ccciicîc c Ili c - , c ADER1 i N G DEPcici ni M..--c1-u 8. - SI L».,» cc ccc Icîcc W hc c, l.-c c RUI N i îîSiS i ccc ic i i... hr cc- , i i- ,...S ,ic cci i cci .h-ci ccic cci, c c u c cc cciccîc cc c i icccii icîcccci c c cc ,iii ccicicic 12'c ci i, ecic iiii 117ic cicicc 1' , ii ,hl c Ihcccc cc aiu ci , cii ,cc i.. i ic, Icc ,iii c cccci --h- ic ciîîc cc,,c ccc ic ,p i .hc icc i,,iic G-di i 'Z Ci , 11-1iiic c i c c I .. cý S- hlc cc M.e..-cc.c cc N- T. ci, ccc c ciii,, c I, ccc cci c El ,icci- -cil c11- c Support the parade Tiis ycarîs Santa Claus parade t looks juil as succcssful as lait ycarîs oustanding event. Tise volunteer commitîeias igit banda lincd up and two more f in tise offering. Included 10 entertain Milionians Nov. 17 are lise Burlinglin Teen Tour Band, Brampton Clown 1 Band, S. Andrew Drum and t Bugle Band, Durisam Girls Band, 1 Acton Ctizenci Band, Milton Pipe and District Bandc Air Cadets Band, Niagara Fronticrimen and 4 perisapi the Lorne Scola Band and 1 Georgetown Pipe Band. Band are tiseiigiligist of ponades and in tiis dcportmenl, 1 tise Milton Scola Claus parade sines. Il's a credit 10 organizers tisaI a 1 lown as small as tiis puIs on a spectacle wiici Cao rival tise large cities. In a ime wisen many commc unilies are witidrawing tiese1 speciat events, or iave dispcnsed witisem altogether, Milton is fortunate il ias sucis dedicated indivîduals willing 10 bring lise parade back eacis year. Tisese are people seio volun- A toD notcIh Aller loday, there are juil liree and a bal weekci before Iis years hanta Claus parade, Salurdcy, Nov. 17. Tise commilice wiich is work- ing on lhisione bas eigit bands lined up, fol tis e Iaît of miichiss tise famous Burlington Teen Tour Band. Tise big band marcised in last year's prade and will be relurn- ing. Tise band sisould be ap- precialed, iecause il will be participating in lise Tournameni of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calfornia on New ears Day. A new iapt Higiligited in Iis weekvs Focus fealure is Rea Brinkman. a Milton iousewife cibo works cn Canada Valve. Mrs. Bc ickman c is e irst wci man Canada Valve iired on its sisop fîcor. Tise eclbusiacm cisici s se bas exhbbîed. as encouraged the compasy le ire everal more. A company spokesman told Iis necispaper be tiougot tise dec- scon a good one, as tise comen are jusl as good as tise men. This kcnd if remarit speaks wcli for Canada Valve, cisicis iad lise intative ta bre ciomen inlise finit place. tarily give Up their turne 10 wcrk on behaif of tise town. Starting in thse sweltering dayî cf summer, they begin organizing for an event whicb is oflen ield in below-freezing temperalures with snow on the ground. Althougis they are aîsicled by local Industries and businesses, t hey are alcin dependent on con- tributionci fromn the average citizen. The means by which the committee dcci Ihici is locating two Santa Banks in different spots cf town. Appcaring as miniature Sanlas, these donation boxes are tise commitees receptactes for don- ations from tise people who enjoy tise parade the mccl. The Santa Banks' galici $1500. Only $120 isc been raiîed 10 date. In order for the Parade toc returo next year, the committeé has 10 cover ils cosîs. Il can't do it lone, fItneeds your support. So. if you take ties ame pride as we do in our commcnily. make a donation. Belp keep Milon special. band Oniy lisetop bauds on lise con- tinent are cisosen for Ibis prestigious parade. Tise band is iard aI work selling flocers in order 10 raise money for tise trip. Tise Rose parade is broadeast coasl-to-coast in Canada and tise United States, giving tise youghful band members from îîeigiborig Burtîngton corne international exposure. Si be sure tî gel outIand sec tiss top nolcis band marcis tirougis Milton, whes Santa Ctaus comes oach Dirly Work, beavy maciinery and a rîugis almospisere are oflen tisougisi 10 discourage tise fair sex. But gvec tise cages Canada Valve pays and tise care wth wicistise ccmpany iires, comen have successlully met the challenge. Tise success benefits Canada Valve. It gels willing, cble Work- ens ciho take an inierest in tiseir work. Gîven tise mecisanized, oflen repetilîve nature of toays mod- ern cîductrial plant, tise exper- ence of Canada Valve is a refreshîcg example ofl a ceci approacis to iring capable ciorkers. Fashions for everyone When il cimes 10 fasiion shows, Milton District Bopital Auxuiary bas tise format down pal. Members take a big hall sucis as lise Lions Hall ai Memorual Arena. Tbcy iasiefuhty decratei hheuc, i'tIce(i igoei> cs iccieIci local factum îbhopic 10suppiy lise clotises, local beauty calons 10 do tise models' hair and local bus- incises 10, supply the extras. Tisey serve wine and checie. They have a memnber with a quiet, reslrained voice for emcec. And tisey gel an area person cho is knowledgeable on a certain aspect of lashion, la give a demn- ontralion aI one o tise inter- missions. The culmination ici an event which draws a clientele dreased in !heir Sunday best ami a revenue cibicis assiats tise auxiliary in ils communily work. Tise atmoipisere of local people modeling local clotises for a local volunteer organization gves tise aixiicrv's fasioniu shic c Il ' cc I iii n Tise successi ciîch sIcl ueci s show enjoyed, is an indication of tiis year's popularity. Tise attend- ance bodes well tisaitishe 1980 fas- ion show will be cqually enjoy- able. Welcome to town Il's capleasure 10 celcome Canada Valve and ifs 65,000 square foot plant and office on Market Drc Il would be an even bigger pleasure 10 celcorne about 50 more industrial firmi oc similar ize. ~i t1' "Much haveI seen" nit ROD LAMB cecl ! ccccxpiccec Ilc aicc accc je,1 cccliccl. chcedcasccill lccllcclbeiee Io iilies theiclciie. ccletclccclilcccceihip pccced rima icliiiaiclcii a,îclccci'lsec ibisyear'ciSantaClausc icl'ecais rt hcc ccîiccîallecl c'cild icicce pebiîcîcîiciepire.Vchitie the percical parade. cccccîicclcdccc lcihoitelmliccîer clciîedcanercincieeitly Illciascdcig tlcceectllcclyecr whic Fîceeîciccndliccevc heclîccîcve- jiceicici. the ciicgofIild peced îhiccicmcfitclam icliiciigAid Wrcilci icc leccyconin chic pcem ciciccher.ccci, hceekillie he lcs iiiliil (lie c iccds ccfi .av eeccicicmollo. ccI ccascin the ccccm ciiy, s c i ctcilie cppecie ccci cci ciiiceccc cclhemerccgeca 1c icei Ihaee ccepled lthe posiincacedilîr il AlcýIci cha- c1I dcii, lic lic ci iicccciih Aid,cwhte iccrtie chanic gccgcd, il c T'le Sc Mcc-yc Jocicci Argcc. ic,(c] ccdcccpeccccce, Ccccccccccil.llcvel imporant cilaill 4, ciccged ricigc Sonelcowncacil iscllel. St.Meeys ic scecglic i ci~ ccar rotaîl hatmet 'For cciclcmade e patlecîcycbleccnd icc et of Sffrd icthe cijiiiciiilofhe kccccliccgc icakey ccc cccdiccciacd cce cci aedccale, iccldiccltcbc ogclec ilihe l.pper Ticm icc cver ccd TiutCeek. nee elccccccclc cacie cclprgrecc l isccccscccyciichclpreseilc frech Fo tisadccciihasic,1 m evig eleacd re lecdcicc.thein- challngeccndcccoppirtiiiiec. The ,iiciidiiiiilCampioni dcclil pccaand egcccilciler rates. Il fciasachitiecureand chclccn,clcbilly 1 cchav cîccni iloles>îctchanci ai eci hec crethi ecichacgec lict. Ihe ellcrlc ccd preiperdty c icchotcagod pcce Io ccccig fcicGic;ccccccnicctcheiec i o icc )lpecccciltheciiicli ccthciccecccd jeil lice. chcc Iliocccccccclliil, (-alclie tccc ccc iicd lice ocigcgtlcggle cil lie Teminie- Mdith asiceci ci ecjccYcile ciapler cf ,coiccciccFcc'cicceccP.Plrcc i taicciCitizen, gccipcrelcteiiplclc cicvlile. 1canccîlîcget il. 1 rider th cLllcandiccccc lîclccd.cppîcil pce.eii.icclteicndiiuceideem vclc. T encyson ciccied ilcup beslcciceiit uiticsme i gccticcccpccd mY hizonscc acuie. Especiclly telc er-thîe licelgici cciiicccic e Iccie piem I kccccccldgcgiccccSite anicpeccie efforticyca Mcriciccvei1ceeucdccuwcccccîeciof 1cmcrintccclinclccipeocple. lecucicid gcccpfdedicalcdccndividcclccciccicccded cmei c cllcccig cîin hîccin. cil ni alcl. NMiloncm as cgelier ccc cpicld wcicieliey ieliece. Aid ciccieischoae,.uiis good I) me1I cilieiiwill As aiiewcemer lclice goviVei15ilc 1 ccpieciiccd le cc ciiclci i cciwngco- cleiicicily. 1 lcoied ai lic c dec ccd Myellicltleacl.buhciiuiediofliceiicll- ccc lo) heice oiai ccc c cciicciiig cieirs cc ic e icillieAid drînitdelîgici ci belîle ciîlh cy peers. ierliîpclc cicccin II c eci M'ilîlie Mac'N ccessec ttcnliicpici her en- Fa onthe rigig plais of widy Troy. chacged AXci ciclh l ie ncicicycper iiccic dcciii Icam c pait ci al] Ihat 1 icave iel." ~imiJ ; Reading the personals / wIdh BILL SMI LEY iclgc ci pcucicgecphiccbooksmiri cee i nive.gel heu cccuii ic ikiics iric teîciicg cIiliPesncclu isicimtcelii ,anccue. 1,acc(ccelccecly tlie Icec >iciccccid thi eeontpageXciii lcred y lice ppupcedicraic. 1ici iiecicgh mii lice pcipec l iii dccliifce cuappif gachage Ncii doc1i ead the ciaccîlund cdc. ccliccircchig frntiboussancuarscc boides. i heecI ime Aidbeitcldec, lheyeeaiiilihe sacie. Wheiher i acavr. ca ccc c hr a bdy, ilic e ecealeci icc*yvcof iiheccetuy. icy ciihec cearry lice ame iciel, 1i ciaeyd.Yecc i caîdeceel Thce cter dcy. locicng liceciih the adi ce. echersinccctheicipe thici ccl. ucul ndmy dccghers ddcecc cc in icciccee c cic ha"c. cicicccî o cii 'l cliceandci lce sonneuciihccci cci.ithe eccci Noci cuir huse caepuec ead i.lice peuple chic lave lice rici nasei air. checcuccieementins ses, or tells a luiny. chghiiy ccli cuir lciie. Ii ca itaieidoscoepeofl , in cci cihce ccd uitk cccii ciwamitiche eri cil cy peeker iheccigi thcieri mmidccci I ecd wduc ai firtecamusreent, ccci eccacecici. ccd lien a bit cfci ccit cicccgh 1 tmccilrly cishceabie. Thicsi ppeaeed n -Ceada'i Nations' Nesppee. cuhich mcaitaini a lcliY cirailuoe unml cliifiti ter pges. Il mci lie loouituccder te cg ici e hicghhy cmcral dicageci ioucse, utille sitei hidei il c ecpcci clciic ircunder ssicionmareilteitcems nccicccciccccicgh iccbut c hicibutihis ccct Nieappoicciceni ceeded 10 acm. il) 1c*c peu T7 dayi c ceek,-uc icc'ccoiccus Mayic e'lijiuciia ibcid cuiter, chu dccciii gel cp lic)eaecelyandcdoueivit ite Ticec ccci cre ccc thesection hecded: hladersi Palicclely. Illrccpec igaini.sccir cul ceci are legul. cas eeu casca frueelrcai be Bcie ie e s n itiununs'Micc SeIcici cli help ccc il, il peecIcicccu ofie.Nu preheci ccc n ccii ccc iile 61c i ccilabothbg me'.On iii ilconecve ii ilechi -pailkySureîcudc ire il Scie hac ccc kiccciii. cely ciiudiy ii ictieecg. cccmpciecd ccch chu sck, arrogcint. niei lii ePesce ici iciacici cccd 1 imagie a inveee reaede sicp the ccsussad the lccicnetlec qciceily. acd gels dccc lu peeing mini prcatele cc dicci i cc n lice ceeitly neccipiper buicnciecc, cce ciccc teocecaîciolpuhe- tic gcycwhucculdccri nuulieculceand place ci ad: Sccesiiol ycuug laccer. gui itarci. stock, itucie. iceti pieler ineleed in mcioccy, Wcce Boc 220B. Il ccc patelie becase ce tuecite gciy. hie mai 53, cgiy. Thit armas cîsly aceres, ciculhy siciud-icccd-gciclh icu ccd peslace. Bu cîl"stoc"c eciied ocliii pigi. fourciehieec, aid three maigy us cs" mue- ai a cianck itual picicicg, heated icy a ptbellied ihuve. cime ionce a ceeic lic icii cicilici ccchcg licrlice roirci leccixUic0B. But liee iy cccic ccre aliii More ccbiiiancd lccgh. Fl i ue yîccac Iii ccamplecc accucrdicd me a bit.l The egos -Pciiecccuiil mac, mercued, midcci. eeitc caccîrd wmcai lic ahlecoon ce eeciiug meeiig.~cc cicild yoiliteli 'Getlemn,4..bcuiess iciner, [ives i ceci cpi crseeharciccc.ttctlelie lady ccc ciare lh ilce culh.-No ccciii ci ciacnuage. "Mddle-cged buiccines mec seeitc viciigc ciale cimpaniîn. Wil. *Scphsluaced gentlemien,. eeeice type. eikstchie pleacicce ci sou ciccai 30-45.if aIl cciig aîciecit au appecaiveialei yiciestylecccid icp- i.. iand.phoneino ciii-cli cccii ldicici80.c h-cvPiiid it U iciîy;ge l îcicecic6cie onecid adceaygalcciclveidancing acd campig ccd wcld liete cisitare a ceecocis claticcuiiip.îc lna daneore n clntulcgili Blond ycaie lady ceeiti meallicy mac 1r daylicce aliair,-Titlc Shc rpciaitly wcicc itigitcc Ici alcacd te cciy one tai lempted cce ws Raiciaci lady. Beauiul. iTiati nce, îultiîg agacil h eauifuilRcsiuc ladies.) Seeki gentlemani erli0. (O.K. t qualilyl Lues ici Saoi Paulo, Bracl. i Grceat limnale terel. Fue maciage pie- poses.- Ahceyî te îtîce-dead linciter ai teend. Id haie lu asit MY cufe. One year ago From Ithe Oct. ic,1978 Hatci Regiccial Ciaicil agreeclite oi te aid ccciiiIcicice and aliiafithe tlui if Miltin for M Mct. Thte cndition tailite buildngs maicileii tieir hictoiciai cîgnif i catice ccciced ciame eiîtriîerny ai riginal aid muicipal icud.l cOtoli feit taSOci cii i tuigit fir uh a re- ctriction. canc nedollar wicild bie beller. Reginal ccccicillccn cadiMMlton ccc geting c bargai, utcmater wcitire- strictionm were palt onte building. TMe badtydeeimpiied boidy cf a ymmng irl W i iin cilie itcich ai Ctcdleigitc ApleFam= tya icmily scililiig lhcîagh lthe ciud. Thte ideîlily ofthie ciild ccii aiitîiciic ascwac te leîglh cf ime the itidy bcd been there. Tweciiy peiple enleeed te race fir Mlion Coueiuiaid Hatici Biard oi Edictici asnominuaions clmsed fie the Niv. 13 elecici. Ruiig fie Mayor ciece Dn Girdo in icumit laid Amie MacArtur. Ruîniîg fie egicîcils cards Oie aid Tliree, cire Jicc Watsocin-c c cimieteiuianill Johnsoni. Rcmniig foc cegicici ciard Twoi cre Jim Kerre(in- cimbeiui aid Gai Gicuicciti. Rcmcucg in Ward Oie ceci Riek Day, Belsn Peciman (i iccmietiul and Howard Caecey. Runnicg ini Ward Tic ciere Rmse Harrisonc. Gcrd Krach c(iicimietsilclachcie Blîuîci, Dive de Sylva. Grd Cartwright. Teecy Gibonisîaid Dn MeCleman. Acaimed le Ward Three ials cire Brad Clemeila I ncccmietcllaid DoicMeMillan. Rwniig ini Wardî Oie ccd Titee lir Board cf Edîcalici cire tvan Armstrong Iicumietillaid heu Johnsn.cuiiHcicg i Wced Tii Board of Edicatici ciere Bihl Lawsaic iicciteili aid Tilli 20 years ago Fcrni lhe Oit. 2t,195tIsuciie Plans fir re-ecaliitig te Wlfred Frencit lcmiiy, itcrned ouliofliteir Trafal- gai formetîme Fiday, weee icieecedly toeeiay in mcci acd district ticiweeit Macy freidc andcstrcîgerc itave railied ti ccd lice facily. Me. aid Met. French et lhieleyeae-ccd-a-italf-cldiaity, chu ded front injuresialler lier cuter deipped iter fo n uc pclairc cicdcc ilfte llamig ioce, th apile cf pillccic ccd lacitlconi lie grccid. Site deipped hec two sons outlte sinewicdociand one boy ccnd Mec Frenceht ere ijired ite lat] Tenders fie a cec ixccc cm chioul i Kiliride, ti replace Belci aid Eitride Seitoli, ciii ie let iDecemiter. Balicglcc c'*dryc' forces defealed te cci -ic e tccc iqic vile yeeday. eejeelicg eocktail iîcîgec acd diniig Icicige ciitecccii aid ieera-icd lîqaîr storesc inte Aderitlra. White cacred iii wfeU arcaid hic Wiediecday, W. P. Fied oi Bell SI.cl w cie roses ccd liii craciieriei. One oi Milicici ml tpipalar acd cccli iccîcc mec, Davcd Carkte died Sccday. He iaditeei hlcacl CNR express delicees man lierte peu l15 yeaec ccd chayî iad c citeerîci ccced 1r ecerycie. 50 years ago Freolthe Oc. ccc.cit A car-Iad of westerncocltsccîll ice cli nI lice McGîititii fiacieoncSalcedîy Miis Nellie Wci cccdeclally leli dîccc cevecal clepi ci Salcrday ececig. irekiîg c an cc ad dîcîccalîce hec citîcider. A scial cciit e giveci i th ie Ladies il Kox Ciucret.Miliiic itheir ccciii iiii oc Fidcy eîecicg. Oel. 281h it 8ci clicit Teacd agod prgramiulhte seved Aicout 2 c.m. ci Saicrday, peoplei diflececi partsilflice lîcci ieard ac ccd eci plosicnc Acicg tem ciece Me. ccd Mci. E. Marciand, ccitc, oci hmiug accîc Main S., caci c ligit incte psloffice. Me.Mar- cicand dimised hitîcel, aecced hitcieil cit c revolver acd ieci ccii. Th it gciicd cacicicedlcrcntithie pcct cilice bal hi iai lice frcnt dccc ai open ccd ici cicîltc lic icîcces cil Pîccicaclee Seciart.hic ascicl ccl, E.J.Wlson acd Geo Slîcey, ccd ealled lihecc up. Wieclice pacil eclered the office tey fccîd tailice dccc hcd ec ilîcci cli lie ale. Thce fliaimai ccvered cihwc mage, ccd lice glaci lfrcntccl lie luicicoxesippoitie lice cale. wccc iceir ccd icclged ciuccerdi Abou7incl 17 e and cippee,t$200incclccps, a egiileced lellec acd cahbitkcifilaili postcîi ccc- dierisbaditemcloicci. Tice iccigicci cli soea large acp acd a ieavy iaccci hem EA. Bicccciiiitlacksitciichp. 75 years ago Fruc te Octer 24.1929i Tite acîcal Tiackigvîcg ccppeci ciinceio i ducSi. Pali CiucchMlton. cli ie field oni Wedcesday evecîcg, Nciv,6 Preme Mîcîcie Mackenzie Kng art ccaiced lcday tai, icccerdncc i cil arrangemenslierArmistice Day, sn liied icy Hic Mjecly lice Kng, lice people oflCanadacare iîîiedtecmarkc lie occccsion iycalcicminuteisilence ai Il cci cen Micdcy, Nov. Il A surpise pcivlc cicîlceviilc telhic iý Mli cccl Mi, Geocrgec hic,, ic i, i ilicidc iiccieV1[glaciccicici i, c.1 ii Abocct 511peoplelfront Trontoi ccd Mliii Electinrelcrcc cilice Peiceesi dchetre ci Wediesday cîgiti. William Norman Mcccie, K.C.,rc eeely appoiuied cielite Ccaily Cari t encin Baltci, cai ucicri c inwec ie arcîed iece feont Palmerstcon tc laite ouer hi ucidiec ci Titicedey lail Jcdge Minci atite ocdc heuore Wl Dicit, ent ciflite peace. He icicceedi Jcdge J. W. Ellicul, ci Milon, ciitc ias ceaited te age ci reliremeil. A iimiter cifte official isfte cour tîciue were presenith eeime Jcdge Mîcici Mcc. G. Lyle ateided titeceddiîg cf hec coailn, Miii M. DeLaccely ti E. Reiiie, cil Toronto, oni Saturday lail. (w N pffid

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