A woman w-ho enjoys life and job "Ho ad o oleady job. puting bristin iothe Ho woo trom Kirktand branie.' Labo. Heofotered In 1965 obo wenl lu ecrity,' Boa said. Norb Boy os o cocktait bostons witb the Con- "Mrrioge in 1955 0005 tinentat Hotelthtroogb a glomorou.' cousin wbo Is o booking Untorlunotety, il tdttn't agent. Ho intrudoeod ber tat. to the owor, wbo ired two cbdldren and tt er un thte spot. years lter, tbey were di- 06e 0000 Ibere tbree norced. yers Mucb ottotime she spent isiing os the Oring tbol ime, Rea town wharf. become o ltegislored "It cusld galber op my Nursing Asistant, uildeon ond pack o tunch woriog aoth1e Garden oud go down to thse dock Court Nursing Home on to ist.' Mimiro. Obo woutd 80 Oere for the day. Oeproooed by doolbs t "I iked 10 moditale," tbe borne and depresned 6800 said. 'Fisttiog cas witb ber mrriago, obe ury pecetai."' owitrbed 18 become an 96e met o divorced emptoyee Wthth Ie Tek concrt pantî wttt uildeen." 'Tbey ooeded o tamdly lite." S, Reo morriod a second ime and 1he tamity monod to Monti- retto. Indiana. Itnfotrnatoty. ber hmsband deank. 68.00hod in, support the tamity. WMite 6e was home takiog rare ofthIe kidu, obe was wrking as a waitreos, deivering rural popers and tending bar. Her butband's drinhiog eventuatty kittod im. Prior tu Ibt, int802, tisey coco divorced. 6800 contistaed to ise in Monicettu. 96e oponed a baitlb spa and beome a succestal businessw- Howover, 00885 no family or relativetoIhre, use 88td 880 and came bock to Canada ta 1976. "t wan tonety,' lIna said. Sho worked an o baie- dresser for hier siter in Port reodit. IThrougtt ber sister, site con introduced lu DoreS BrintonOn, o widower wtb ino chitdren. Ttsey 0001W marrird Aagast 6,01977, and came to Miton, Sept. 15. 1977. M. Brinkmao, 54, worko in Toronto and tnto Outrh desceot. Boa said lho n the irot huband wbo dness't drink, is oriontatod tuoa tamity and bellottes in sharinI] lite wilb his cite. "I arn nous bappy," oaid Rea. By Rod Loab A peroan wbo enjost ber job la Boa Brinkmn ot Sixlb Line, Mitton. 'Te irs cuman lu ho bred aith1e ew Canada vatve plan, Boa said, '-I reatty ad ta pOovO a pont . At 42, sebodltashow stse cuatd keep ap wilb te youger staff. And keep op se didi. Tiere wosnothing on the Market Dr. bitding wben Boa jtined. Tiere were junt tour watts and o rof. " Se painlod tUnesonnte flou. Bie etped wilb macbmnery wbon il arrived. 56e did in- "'oscatted the broum ____________________________________________r' ST. PAULS MILTON GOSPE'.I '. ti h~~oo H1HWAY OOSPEL 0F THE UNITED HALL CHURCH CHURCH OF CANADA 300nSI N 8782022 coennustal Asembles ChstamrGath.ed Ck c "',Ouf o canada Main S. t James S. In The Name of The Conerc of Wakefield and THE REV. ET. JACK Ld JensChrist EMMANUEL Onaio Sts. SIRTCH Sun.day, Oct. 28, 1979 BAPTIST CHURCH Pasîn, Rev M. Chritensen Sunday, Oct. 28, 1979 1000 3 1w-t,e.i rad 084Poter0, Amtong t7t-2064 1l:00iln 1:45 a.n -Sunday Schoni 878 3908 5unday, Oct. 28 1979 Ruormation Sonday 7-00Op-et Gspel Service Sunday, Oct. 28, 1979 -945.-e- S.,I.7y Sh..l Seron:ern q ' batng 8O Wednesday 945 a rn -SondaI' Sch.oi11.ou a. mn-M.n.tng ThlneinnîVnu 800 p- - Pay, and Bble &Adu1 ile56Clases Wosp 11 0a- Readng il00 .'mn-Sssemly 5:01p-- F-v ,ntPa Chuch School Alae Welonn Wo,.hr1600 P. n -E ..n 9 NonîFautns TThh8nnServices Srmont.st Oppuînonl.s Woup a film "Suîouda 'Wh ... v, Bleth;ttln Hon 7 001 p m Eounng Pe Friday should not perish, but have fi Bîb aSudu 0 l. 'a iyNgt THE Eteoal Lfto JJhn 3 15 Sermon. Tie Faitand 8sn 7f 0ttorn 'ver yNmb, of ________________ lILXOOte, the finfIo PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY Tuesday Y., aIncu, weleI d u ,, CHURCH IN CANADA BAPTIST ÇHURCH 9 456am o, un Hou'Et bs tu admumn Sundav KNOX CHURCH 4372 App.O [onu B8b66 sudu Schuni J-, a 9îuc.ng MILTON Sunday, Oct. 28,1979 Wednesdatl uh.ui t7OManSt E.8788687 9 45 p .Bible Suhnullfer7030 P., Me,,o olu' -- ou TeuoJ Lwis atas Pffle, andBilie S(.dV Ogn t FChoirl1 ae, M, can n E N -y fieîuailn, pu.id.d Scouts Aton Rdntund i ou. -e WE a,,lSnday Servi- a0ndo 24th Pynu Spooo,o 1700 c'", 8ev Wc Tuesday moinn0 hike Sunday, Oct. 28, 1979 paunn Spouno ANGLICAN CHURCH 9 45a on Chuch Schuu' 1000 a m Aduu 8ibl Tuesday 0F CANADA 19 miles Clas 700 nTns Tnny ,tuu RAGE CHURCH Ftîeen Scouts ofth1e Wil 0 . M 'i9 G sCub37Mi i itn sth Milton Scout Troop flipWednesday Sot day, Oct,28 compteted 19 toiles oth1e 88u. J. PtooteJuaD, 8:00 p,-Pay ,ausMeetngq TRINITY0iX Bue Trit ontecrek- GusnîSpeaker an Bblest.du 8 00-, HSuvyCun dtSt. 29 and830. 7:3p.m.EunngWuîth'p 'Onca,.n .11th nusliof ,,n,un They httdod ithout A Wetnuoe ud",10300 -,nBat- Festial dut supervision flen Nuesonaatibtn AWa,,WSolutOAl SSiuColun, ,chSiter Creek. orth ut __________________930 a-,,S i,,,,ChGtteorgetown lu the Wuod CHURCH OF CHRIST svhimtolnd Traitu Scout Canîp BOSTONand OMAGH 1412 SntarmnuRd Wst 1030 un, junor, ChulhoSn Sxth tine. Stiton, PRESBYTERIAN M,ncste, B8î , Lue l creying ai] their fuod CHURCHES 7800696 Thursday ad equtpweot on the Reu. LanluAS W.Iuto Sundoy. Ot. 28, 1979 1000on 'îH,î vCol,, Saturdoy Ou the Sundoy 878388 1000 .-n8,BibeS.h..vi ,n,,n hey conîîinued thruugh tu Sunday,Ct. 28, 1979 Ilual o utal Fnuul v.iSi s'mon il Si Htîno Fatts Con- BOSTON Il1100 ,n , M yu "o ieration area 3d Lune, Esqutoino Wush,0 andl The vi ST. JOHNS The hîke WScas in Tunnsh n Surue, 9 30 a i,,n iv inv,,pteted as prt oth1e 930 a. -Cîvoufi Schuui 7 30 pn P,uuvhnq tA ,unionvrS,',nv,, Esytorîttg Badge. FtD8e0 ,,nWuh. oSe l 1, q,, ,h,,,,i du ,ned luO ie.etîîp OMAGIt WednesdaV ST. GEORGES knnutdgp and snilîttor t Bt. dW 7 30 p-lBibleuStuOu i v0u ,, nMv,,v,oq ,avn'îîuerotgSt hng. 11 00 a-, Cunu Sc.heel OonChvîvh of Christou,lunvlu,,v, rtetenrîug. teamnourk DiieWhP Yu- ,,ns 16 16 Nu,se,uS& Chorvil Schuvi uandfnturer observation GOINO OUT FOR BUSINESS Oaiiinger Motors Limited Msa Ooing Out of the Tire Business THE ENTIRE STOCK 0F BRAND NAME TIRES MUST BE CLEARED MICHELIN FIRESTONE GOODYEAR UNIROYAL SUMMER EtWINTER TREADS B8W. &W.W. 13" 14" 15" 16.5" ALL NEW TIRES AT CLEARANCE PRICES Selection of Good Used Summer & Winter Tires EARL YBIRD SPECIALS ON SELECTED USED TIRES MOUNTING & BA LANCING EXTRA. THIS SERVICE A VAILABLEAS TIME PERMITS. Sale starts at 10 a. m. Saturdlay, October 27 3MIMERCURY LINOLN 655 MMiStyMot(<t WMWan> M 8 7-232M 01434 iE-L-- Li FUN]N-THE-&L YOUR CHANCE TO WIN ONE 0F 2 FABULOUS VACATIONS NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. SIMPLY APPLYING FOR A CASHWAY CREOIT CARO IS YOUR ENTRY TO THE CONTEST. HAWAI ACAPULCO I ud Ot Ss Ao Un..t.st,.ORs00. O WOO BOX.Cttsn Fkg LRout5. A. A Hast Of Ttoenly Bays For YVua 88etitnr VouaAre Buiding, RemodellingORe- pa'oling. Pick Up A Copy Of Theo Circualer At Any ODur Building Centres. Gelnt <~Bi4WAYOn The Saings orinOur Final 819 Weiek!! PouertR.vers e opMoal. M.shaeinutty A1 nedvoter 8n "n l g use Micue Fîsu1tefitnish ounîn. Tc.t1t. 5..eil ndCu s 6*01 iV x W x5.5nunm EXTERIOR LAUAN 19 PBBulCC Grade7/32" îas.st.u fr thsemes. a mo . - . S honsî om t Oey Oasnttl an ZONOUTE" INSULATION 3 CU. Fr. BM' Pour ne n e wi n ý . s n y u oteotaesat Odous 7 P-w...et.don! sa ngasi o o.i..t. Nuosua ow rie sr its use asnt.$ Connts Dnnas At Pmy Of tOnr AT LLHRR ANTI-FREEZE FORMt 13 OUA CONTEST ENTAS ALL IOM NoPrh-1 . »lOUR REG. %.8 IR CO M UESPs Co.uees $ 4 ou em s CACBItNEuTSeSe O cn 705EPIR 088e AVAIMORs E RAR8C7EARssOALMt OANTE MILTON a025 STEELES AVE. E. (At Bronte St) BRAMALEAMALTON e~aadeSee OAK IU.E231 Roal wbumsD -voent ouE..,.1Fdut rLfle C $HOP MMW WffH CnEDom CflASHyVcuAGIEX MACE T1HE CASIIWAY Ia - CARD YDUR CARD. VJS ady" beconne chenevr1 she itad a spre moment,1 site was nweeping thet Itor- "Thero io atways somnethiug10 o.-" Happineon ftreBa s operal'mg Icu machines. 00600 ne ls opruing wibout er atention,. the uter neds adjtuting. -"-1 earued 14 macines inctuding radial drilts and ltaîes," sbte said. Hier ambition in 10 set op the machines. currently the louh of the tremnan. HavinI] eeo o nursing assistant, flou hetpsout un te iet aid boum ton addition, oe is with te patn'5sucial committee. "Peopte ask me were 1 geltbe enrgy bt il yoa k00w what t bave iteen lbroogb, yuu woatd uderstond why t ejoy wrting hbroc" Rea rame rum Cobaltt in nortbero Onario. 86e cas noeoutnine ritdren. Hr fttbr viaoin the dry rtoaning business. Ho draok. "We wee very pOr," Rea said, Bume uf the places cere su bad the ouside ruuld be seen thruugb the watts. "t bhave no intention ut going bock,' Rea said. At t6 sbe rame lu Toroto, wrking as a waitresF Her irst marriage vs MAKING SEAT RINGS for six inchs valves manufactured ai Canada Vlves new Milton plant is Rets Brintknoan of Milton. S* wasane of~cf thse firat employees hired for tise plant, and tise firt ooman hired to operote machines. Mrs. Brnkman says she loves her work, haa operated 14 of thse companyns machinen, teachen" neW employees tise work, and lso workn on the nafety committee. EXTRA ADDED SSVn, ' eEClALS! ChainDStan5.8dard Rstnnt ua,.Mnd* uth A.em n on*T,.n.mittr. 13 H.. AsCi MotOr. OP*mus.a ouo nIt'Stan 1 8 9 pBUNDLEO KNOMT PINE PANELLING OUR! REG.'1645 I 1 a .-I -- WIN A HOLIDAY FOR 21 ~~ F ataoing Thé E.canatmonttOC qý ýoRfl UT0 f Rk