Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1979, Sports, B9

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4L HEP WANTED 42t HEPWAUTE *i o e i o r lsm *y uro f s h sc o l The Canadien oces Regulor Offea Tfaining Planlon igh ouboo a rdrctoo ehounsmode ne theiffincis wherf, th.1 ' oying inlifandwaot thosat fron t. fifewý yen msure up. so'ir payyonu nd pan vour t ition toaile yon tko a dgreeain Engineering. Scines, Arts orAdmiistraonnetone ofourCollaes orin ny oneOfl morthoo40 iscipinsth uirsity ofynour hoia. When yocc grodooit. yon'ii b roody for eornthint Canter thon obhuntinn VYoccil top into an itetoooing. resoarding poition sith uniitod oppurtcrritrstfor prsoal groffth. YuIciibnon your soV VISIT Cnda Monpnse Centre 310OMain S5t Milton, Ont. Lin Wed. each morth OR CnadenForcesfforeciting Centre 150Main S. W Hanilton , Ont Tel: 623275t ASK usTHE ABOUT ARMED TOU FORCES Sales Representative Tire Co-pperators 15 a moiti-linn insurance cempany mitir a fu range of insurunce products to meet growing consumer needs in auto. ftire, business and lie insurunce The job nvonies working on a team bois illi office sues Staff, to make ail our insurancenservirtes readiy asalabie to sur custonters An etensive tranng program s proîded and prevous sales eoperence 10 nol necessary The person se are ookîng for siîould haue ftle figiesf sasse of effîco 0e abe lu work wîllîouf close supervisiofl. be dîpiomalîs and courleous poren deufing wlii offers and fîoeid froue a recivrd o! acconrolisfimefli WEOFFER: o noOpelitive steling salaty and hoâining 81oflwnce. *Company cnt sopplmno. * GlUpemiomo long poo. * Dm9 plan. *A geneous pension plat *Groop line insuranco * ppnelnitbs temono nIeo pcialionol or suprisory positions. Peuse virie gig jli resume to tht co -opelâtot Mrs. Sepa 33 CITY CENTRE DR., MISSISSAUGA, ONT LSO 2N5 *ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS *MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS The abone posîtons reqore o minimum ot 2 years'enperience. eINTERMEDIATE DRAFISPERSON *TOOL DESIGNER MunI be famlior ilS mchvtetg procennen. eSPOT FACING OPERATOR Minimum Grade 12 educutron, abe t read engneering oruwngn. traning proided. Apply: MOLD-MASTERS LIMITED 233 ARMSTRONG AVE., GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO L7G 4X5 416-453-1223 or 877-0185 lectoical Dstsibator lllîegnw postons: n SALES PERSON *ORDER SERVICE nCOUNTER *WAREHOUSE Electicai wholysuie eoperreflce requîred. ns oliver need uppiy FIELD ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTING CO. ITO. 210 A CLARENCE ST., BRAMPTON, LSW 1T4 (416) 456-3920 Ut HEU>WAEIED 4UtEP WANTE @ VRIAN CANADA (9)" INC. WORD PROCESSING OPERATORi yoooonCanada,.ajeodrogsmanufcfturetof EiOtonsbPqip- ome nires an IrOM. Mog Crd Il oprtor Prefforene Mil lagivreittonividuelus wo houe pot eOOe00Ot00 0s0 Mg card MacnreoOfforn Ail ppicintsocustposasse gond typîno sMils s wsoirasa etotne onnmorduofthe o0006gh0oe Voerln prodoo nospeCono Osaie, oexcllnt wsnrCoq coneditio nd oannyrohonson espioneCanefif pro Mass fonvrssetoof 9.1. Flep VARIAN CANADA INC. 45 Rver Dr Gorgeowan, Ost [35 2J4 1416) 4574130 OOOnontOO3 MECHANICAL APTITUDE virehve seeipcastingsfor irdividuesoionkoalucrative casr n paortnof Cold dna ndoTihread oeinvg sueheni vA -ontorainingprormsadini o an ana nmei xeso$000. with lairnr gretV opruis. For a prseal nterviewcal: 878-2089 TOOL ENGINEER Requirad SAre rit e/hiai/i /41 nd I, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PROOUCTS CANADA [TO, OaOVoripiiSi Gvîîîverrî 877-6921 The Haîtst Regiot Conservation Aarhcrîîy invites applcatosfor SKI HI[L PERSONNEL ai GLEN EDEN SKI AREA Pull ard partise seusovral postiosauslable or tyhe 1998E ski s0y000/ LIFT OPERATORS MAINTENANCE PERSONNE! CASHIERS RENTAL SHOP PERSONNEL F000 SERVICES PERSONNEL SKI INSTRUCTORS Rat'for$3.0to $reOSpetVho-reMt b IingIor0 -ek seekevas SEthdaye - Appicaiosu 0e 4VLOcpi ic anotulNeorherO lt/O Application leico are aaausfo Hait osRegrvv Coservation Athorîtp 310 Muin Street Mlton, Ontario LOT tP4 1 8784131 042m43 SEHOOL BUS DRIVERS. WANTED Fe,nar-adpnrtes,05B LVi-se cmincmmc4/O2 Treoyig preoradd cîoGereon Mltonvan/Cacp F., tio ve catiriUd TRAVELWAYS 877-4448 U04rt/i SEAIRE PROTECTION SERVICES LTO reguire FalEt Part Tits SECURITY GUARDS Fr Bron and Ge Osortonan Oterros &EtNghr Shiftso OniaîlVe niformsoaodaining00soppireOAOlappicooto cool have netappea/a, lar reoraad e00 o heirga Cal 12780208 Far Appoinunmerut b2gntr PLANT PRODUCTION SUPER VISOR vvn are a si asnontbiy pant, ieokrsg for a cadiaute soch horneconaepraucibagoundeuaadaeadeshcpabiroe ocupe pre otliven emloaounssey etet 11, LVecsotuI Ottii/401 ciihe reo/nih o efta mnentaoaoOOO and100c400 e Se ooedin dsusionst ard decsoos afeytng theo seoruhors et the eiee p/ani Kosiegeofotbasic ydroluc, Oeos os ad ite sebtno4 asoor. aythouhipp/irtsSOihOaOe eOrOOrOfdnthVnuc/ bakround are weloon, Theoousconnfui pplibist cr11000 nosloafipineen, parti ciputne ina -tporatoie bormefsprgrammne.o pnoscom opatratad open. Prsse tstsardsofidenirsumeto iternational Cooperuge Company of Canoda Ld. 383 Mais Sreet Fot, Mlton, Ontaro. LOT tP7 Attention: Mr G. Boto natun Ut1HELP WANTEO 4Ut HEU> WATED Correciional Officers Full tîmî Et Part ie Are r q ired Ce the MrY 01 Corretoal Seriessat the Mopiehcrt Carreerrosol Cetre and Adut Training estre. Mîlto, Ont. f0proian cofetpbnoOrare, booVol ard te habiiatonooof 05000us rs irnttroroisetiro, acuoriro l innooiry pehcre sTORTINOSALOPS676por heorý Qualiits scosoaatnscoosigradaone, prPeerbicontphet fa degree froso iersityyofrecouozeaostandingoorOdpiortu front aoclage of ppiodArsb&7Tchsoirigy. ccotobe sorkooxpeoreorrandabirte o net the MouVerys Medarsa Et hygilreoto/eontrr Thspoition spenvrnirh mnt oen. Pronsa ubmît apelicionrsntu Tho5uporotenaerr, MOPLCOOO5T CDR0ECTIONOL CENTRE. VO0 Bos1OMlonOnr 042cgu43 WMANAGER Poruonnoel amd Employhs Rlallons The Haton Board of Edocation sa eeking a mture, competent person 9060 han a kees understondingaondl clear perception of labour andl hamacn relatrons probiemo muSh pronen succensful eoperiesce en the fid of empîsyee relations. This l nes position created bp the board. The snocessfui oaopfcasl mii 0e responsîbie tor the coordisatioosd sanogement of1the Personnel Department and the administration and segotrution ofth1e colective agreements for bath teoching and nos-leoching staff. The system han 50,000 pupis is 90 schoosn ith 3,000 espiopees. Salorp ronge is $34.000 bo $40.000ý Doîres tb commence an 00004as possible. Applicunîn nhouid oppip b 16he ondernrgsed ie rtrng giing quolifictions, enperience asnd reterencen on or before Nosember 3, 1979. Bruce T. Lindieur Superrnlendonl of Bunsns A Fnance The Moton Board of Eductos 2050 Gueph Lise PO.Boxo5005 Burlinglos. OstaiosULR 3M Brul Herd E. S. Lupsri/r Chaîrmas Orector Manufacturing Company n Milton requires MACHINISIS for Engîne Et Turrt latines Abiele i/o eu wages ceccernsury suwiV e Caîl Mr. J. Parat 878-5890 TRAVEL MANAGER Babara Tut/lyes AATCO CANADA t/Tfi5 Shvppard Avce1 Wr roýivda tl(/o MOLO MAKERS seeruros aeoilabV in onrt roi oes oi eopevvce coud nakes -toeleukers, Wekumoles in ndlae viesviiv ofls frdtherOttOot tciureausV/tro scnuocCttc ro ineorevhciltenpoiene a ms. [,jO,0e ai eefirtsad gVenstaariesnorto ot 11 rh peoper G-5MFG. INC. 93 Moovitarovo Rd.N, SGeorgetown 457 3195 002ga45t FASHION TWO TWENTY quierd. io epevpee ne fulor pari t.- Coi Hel- Bownv O/O 0017 or Hut ,ahani Studio. 1822 8022ý INACTIVE RN'S W,114e 1t1t- Woha t,11 lui/i LARE EXTRA INEDME LAVE N$ Trin o porpoongore nosn tao rnfoor. Claestuooa Non. For deo"o and 8447580 Vtsne he01th ado adhon- pulu orlon ooeededd usd0 COMOABE LTD. 19293364 042grr43 SmaII Engins Mechoiic ic/PIlEtàornai! engins 3Oun 777. Lut he Cvrra Chacpon191i/in ev 1, RNS, 955 S, IrRAOS. e aro i t,,ri t ui, ri ual LIEMUARE LIII P[UM BER Part Tîmt heteogsestem.o 0l suit e ima prsonTCai Colinot 1278-7569 betsoovr9oamEys 042sgatf 0070 body repit perSan «ant d for' ',der"sshnp enperinaoi 01005 ank for Boris. 259 Ut EP WANTED a3. DAYCAIOE 6 OAOARIAN INN roquiros MATUROE adot or eiI on eperinoed ar citiaen reoooired tonoare tender fa usrk 5 for 4 and 6 mer olO nomninos par snob, 6 ehijarpo087851rail. p.nr 1. 30a. .Suc 36103 cssful aopelloonorust NEPO O Cbysitter urng erelllenO froe neoa haytfutomsl appearonne. Phono 878 the lley sor oe, rret 3901, for interview. retrmycesouoaiiie. 36126 36037 D0101 jiouseker for oEPNOEcnanf courl homo,.Top nanysîr yn sehonte wates.>Otter 6 pro 335 approormoteiy one 121.seekiy, 3 p-sf7po 005 Ows transportaion OEPENOO5LE prt-fime preferred, 3 shilos North uieootng persl. t Miton, 878 237. noanînogs OrlyPhono 0070 87805127. O68 . thOisali chidren onto reqirs riabO EXPEoIENCEO ful i rte nanvoter ir se honte as pontp otenuant. oayparttfilleonaSs87 Oppit rin persoar. Milton 3040. Esse Ser icen,440 Mare 36043 St S3960WATED abysitter ynrsy 300 honte for 2 shidr er,4 EoPE0iENCEOlicmoaed hait da Ys a sno(a Wd y mn. rouyyHeoifh terroorsiro hoirsosork. Plan. 070-846.Onrhor 07017730 Auto Coilsior. 157 3000 NipissingR n i rt 5. VOUNG rothor ot O waith 36r32 noyerione irn abysit FULL or prt ise sereine tro. nil nOefo person tor installation hidrenois My 0oa arOcl reparrisu he.878î1r78. LononVteoBeleileii 46.USTUITION Mohon ial and or _______ oset.AOppyins yrsor RADIO-TV tor a pplîsatros, or sen0 rsreto R. Martr ANNOUNCER Struetures, 39 Ors TrainigtLearrnoooinsyare strong Ae. isa -yeioeiiahb notheari rorgretos Dont LGii,. tîov hi., erc.,udycd 351, 20400 cannage oo Vos yoo qeaiity, LOOSE tinahiai phoeouoyrintn 92t2420 orq:rrroatios ryqures Nlraioîoeo ra repreehl or te 04gat Intooseto $40030 er PIANO0OR eroar essore wekifqoalifteTh re y ont home. yeartriing Oproras. Speyîaliîooo strohcios fl e is oner for voung beCnîsrs. oîght rouer Opporrority aaoltn aIs elre.e878 loitur ripreyianlin / 3571 refus lethe personnel caraar Oo e70 a 50. PERSONAL Chusyhospo, 191 Mais St., HAPPY ovoo /Mi7ltonnaJeae merTH 311 N ,a itt i th Mu AT URELVer t tise helo 36117 Mir1ton, 70 MisSt hsitinIhm ppl/ in erso O ronne eatooL4 30 B rast 4101 453 1661 per6FES-SIONOL-couple or Krtleherl615101 0035 Modaay Frieau$507, trahsportatiositera e 52 TRANSPORTATION m 1vper ns tyr r t__________ oeora ay p,,re 00E -artel roc Miltoni Retyreneys str 0 hOtîCa aad 37, Gorgetown 85/3008e eodale,,,,Mnday te 13403 Fr1440y071404 alert OPOOt MI e onVratr 0pVm eeo0" riors reoorealiCel plants. Phon e e OMin 60. VEHICLES FR SALE Cerylton, aokooro HV MN PersonelrDrpt OOLIT7 FOC OWI4CO sHirp i N re cnloîso g ECONOMY CARS stc oto.For peronyte cheen ent ut alprues yen oppOse a resp>ossibîen Vueuttrd Lodoso pue position srth qroot methndBarianucinoog. potrntil. eiOnat uee, old Ceh hptol ,ltntesptiai Onepy in prto/r te Frank eltri ro Trairees asFet 6P 1973 OMOoSSODOO 4 pliral.hand rtyroîeO Door ,,SeurnPoV t, hall befere 5, 1 25 ner27 u hi ahoc. 1-dr airVceidi orio ave TRANSPORT roder rrOh more.Original preductior lire eolders cres ApcNOS Tcs capableetof redîso ooIVE Iv 7000v leprrhth aha POt DTL60O1, Cleireitt tortrihe sualite serS Motets M»Illo8782328 mvanroie No5er ets y au16Àn uppiey Pirano vair Personerl eprivrnrt 1lve uAIu exellent Ver Duo s rueck 00eCu durer 46,000 mcr100 cevtiL icitdOl21 caru options. 12,00 ov Comcerce Cr0000 V, est ierer8 ove2 ouoe Acier, Ortario 003 eo822.eO 1 345801vert -AVPEN-Staftîev vPOsI neennkeepîro waonerehoontal O toiier Data elroees ,Ide, aotc sihO eoprietce e optu I powerstyrrivo, CroCos o erval, eplu urdceore Loontîleane, We reco Mte eo ec cature es0P.tnrhhir 1972 BLUE MUSTANG, Foer l ortulIrl ice i.vcrtitlr $60eeOooor WerVveOeo ne ee$206vn bnet ter.t878t517rvlere env/887M , o 3 p' - __30131 wO5TCDc4iorOreriîahlr 190f OUICK Le Sahre in lady te look acher e tuvviteVevenition, body hirevree. 4vear1O1 ris aurryeuir ton COi, fr 1 wek eslilofrrfsd Noeer t12 7808007 6t8 20/t OC R oeCoeVv/ ev a Eus 1978 COMU ST Lt, FeronSulte setr tour vehue/ce 1.kore s4ava rean Ovrano ecVpi h e od. eeigos5Pc 1 30 weuh options LiV ca and Satrday.12 e NAL251 VC Pc SueVestlu 1 an Oesyreorh Crvler, p iarI c-st br 0vn nv7rî1en rsergt ic individu.[ oVe 26642 enriovOSobirs bush r19ve Cr00 C aptiVeoagoeh Phono f70 3901 fer rn alposer, arrclliid trveos$1,9000 e7v 8i te tOOSO idprtsnSi-shn te i 106COCUCLL C Malîno appre'ntiVce s 0 pluentber Cinî oneatre CS. Muot haergrade 1 aad p Cn ru sprooeteaJ4,00 drivers licencV, ppie ai c ires sVîro533.000 878 50 ,Fav& So,146Mair, 206e St, Mitot -300/n 36107 1910 COCU ,trer eîeh p, a3. DAYCARE ravie. , shillivg rear rup"v.ruiv 15000 000 R v la le I ni O 01S825 hoe2te 3 cats per kmnt95007trrc 19 853 soek.i1 forat ad3 yvr ocre ni ia.87081073. 0501 36146 7dëbcoson o rished OuhVOnpsaoateuînrnty usnttalUV ree s7th hme fora 31 erO nia gclt itri ana 16 sons. lu Oas fniy eOopped. LrV transportation, roter NE CarIl Ca a: soe lilht Georgetowr Chresiar, f nusesrk. 0708570. 877 5100. 36140 32663 FORMER feonher 170 COODOOO, flie prnerudes excellent & qurppyeO. ar, tilt. resPons ible donere in landau, mot, 0rcec f0 Chid5 Or. ont. e 501. Lie 507. Cou neferenes iom 0 70- Georgetosn Chrysiet. 7608.0 oia 077 S1ro.o The Canadian Champion, Wed., Oct. 24, 1979 89 T-- W. VEICME FOR SALE 60. VINIfS FOR SAL 1070 00000 0330 Van, 1977 0000000, rine the p.s., p.. radio, lidiso ni cet car on tee book. 5r60 6000, etior c6ork Crue mntfoin sOCh sold ,,g pankage, sofoyin nelour i Chryser execbeeOieie, teruor. Lîo LJO3Oi. cari Ina, lowmsieaoo, Lro GomrgetonoChrysier. 000054. Cari Georgetown 077 0100. Chrynfer. 877 51006000 mn7 soQon uspen a4ano, 170 0000V CunCôCOC onud fontiy carnmustbe pos. pb. slant sx sens. Lo 9KWK422 cou autontfr. Lus 09049. Georgetown Chresier, Cou DGergetown 87705108 2621 Chresier. 877 0108,262 JDHNSON BROS. GARAGE Great Deals on 'BD's ,11"ISL Fabulous Deals on '79 Models 295 Main St., Milton 878-9942 Sere 009g the Motoring Publie or Oner 60 Yours Gallinger Good Deals MONEY SAVING GAS MISERS 1979 Bobcut Htchbuck OAS MISERS PRICE 14,72001 1979 Zephyr 4 Door v ul-.lii. ol/u l, .NMH tua OAS MISERS PRICE 14,91000 1979 Cupri Htchbuck 2 voo ost tîro.4 LO Ui iot)e Ut oa VOVrSWISSItV S AM aro.ir lvV/ 'aI i/nitest i/n/k/rt ars CLcNYS 533 OAS MISERS PRICE 1528000 1979 Monarch 4 Door ra/u cv îi tr t lef stti li fi/S 687 OAS MISERS PRICE501500 1978 F-250 Pick-Up i ViLs ni ioUablii 1IîI ii J4503, SALE PRICE 6,17000 1977 Ford 1N600 Cal, & ,.assiw 174 ,sVvti base ~389 VS8 sinLii 093094 SALE PRICE 0812000 1977 Ford F-150 PickUp V 8 auvoc por sittVt9 v oter j/taiera itstrViompri twPsi vostirroîvs LiC. D93079 SALE PRICE 3,94070 1977 Gronudu 6 cliaU]tv.1virarsi'Usr. si /19 /oesîriaket ai//r, -if/Vef/r.jU//iOne, ow itan e / ai LicMTH 339 SALE PRICE 14290-0 1976 Ford Purcef Dat isery Van VS8 autevainrpowersteprs/v/V/q e rrakvsrmil dom11 1 , ii L D 93032 SALE PRICE '521000 1976 Grunuda 4 Door 6 rUi aLju UneUtrnsisioUnwrst s/te uv, twer//alts raio.viriul rfLU KRY311 SALE PRICE '3,877W0 1976 Mustang Hatchb;ck 4 , vl 4 rtv tv siUsUv ui L t ars w ia .vco,ortrvrLU 0<1357 SALE PRICE '4190-0 1974 Cornet 2 Door SU,ý 1 1,5v ....li u/5iUa I o i Uvp, -....lv./i OUIhNFV2s9 SALE PRICE 268000 AS IS SPECIAL! UNLY UNE LEFP 1976 Moiego Stanion Weoyi. SALE PRICE '2,43000 LUI0dL.EINCOLNJ 655 Main Strent fat Wilson), Miltan 8782883 826-1434 042mga43 1 1

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