Tree planting passed This tit, flie Halito Donih Elm Maises, teus liniOg roadsidnn on fgian Conservation 'Ilhe Duteli En the Hiton relon, planter! Aul alt tahing ap- D3iseuse, lmporteid tramn in the late lOt0Os, are nom, plrlnafor tico trou- Esrope, nlruilly wiped in their twiliglit years. planting progrommes in ouf ail the indiginatis Th1e Red~ Maples. once thle rural areaso f flic Amerian Ehn i0fn to- tomerons olong taon- watershed, gise. Althnagli costty scays. have dwindled 111e Formn Trou tristonout ta om, avait- over flic yeurs lieanse of Replacemnt Pragea- abile for ifeteod trat, ta cutting iad nid age. Th1e mmne ls primariiy de- date, scenisteo have ual Maple's ltf spart la about oigsed bo assisi rural dnvnlnped an Elmsenemi lic0 yours. lanidonrmith a min! liog o,îauuome to lte mont of 10oocres in su- diase. With a minimum order stitotlng thie once ploasti- Mornaver many of thle of tS and a maximm o f fol nlm tenu font Ilieagl rnmoîntng hirdwold f00 teon. tic Aulliority witt plant situ 10 rglt foot higlitraut;a aooltof One r ng atfour dollars a teu. Appli- cent. ceat clioooe from saefest with ladde ht n orti s Socess i ot atntayn opicurds. Whlen working and Carotina Poplue. foond u(thfe top 0f the on cement or other 'Deadior tor applications iadder. In fue... many stippeey ftonring, place 's ftctober 1. lot9 wîtli "do-il yonuetfern" are ruliher hobtsl on fhn plantinfi ltler in tle on Ilir moy In the base of theetaddee Thuese monîl. biggust fuîtl 10in hir tivus moy lie porchaand ai on tliey rushi outdonen your toal ihlardwaore 1The t-arc Trou hefore minier seto in f0 store. Replarement Progra- mraitenended home. haron s nyldns10 mme con started in 1973 or shed repaies or 10, hase rongn aiied mii ith ai average of t,5it point, toto ugs"rbitd trees , lilt anoolly De. Davi fiodfnge tOei. Applications are handted medicat consulfant for i5oeacs on a tîrsi conte. fient Comhined losseance sory eqotptnent tu hotd servr basic, Company of Anterica youe -botss point. Toronto, sorts thot "a "If yoo comte across a 'lli sister projeci, the fait front ai mont any peenan that bon tatten trivate Lands height on o addoe can and appeors iniured. let Reforestatîion Assistance renaltin a s erins injuey the patient lie on motion- Programme. is destgnett o vna fatotity." tmos as posoilte, eooctty to reforcst impoor qaity The firm'nnafety and mIne c lis. DelotilY agricolttrattlandmwitb a researchfestn cautions fient aid ontess yoo've sariety otsoft and hard- clintheeto trotned, said De. mood sendtings. At acoot inee use taddees Goidfingee. of one cent per tre tle thot arelont ong or ton So catoa docorat Aothority miii plaot a shot forlthejob, nd amhuanoce oryourlocal miimm of one thoo- aimays plsce the taddne tire or police emereucy sond te o fa maiu in a position mliee yo sfation and then cover of imenty thotîsond per wiii tout monst romfort- the potient mit a tigisi ferrt. ale in ntoehtng tro il. htonhet. Ahane ait, do 001 -tahiion holli the gise tlie injured person a .The seedlintfs are. 14 taddeens baoe ond top be- stimulaont to driolo ' con- icles ligh. The deadtine tore takthe fltet stall cluded the doefoer - foit applicaftions t Jan- osrY t. tol nth plant- tiserat, the t00 acre and ins commeocin i n the ovrr tormrs arr vol spetog. inferesled or ore nit aae ot 005 pro- Att applications iiilie feogramtes- reviewed andoanAofhar- Atnoaaconcero toinBs îfy staff meusher mttto in-l 1ha0 mntfy of tlie appti- speci tls site hofore cents mho odopi these ptanting. trous do n00 taite good John Bshi, director of rare ot thent Trees. for île programomes, cati- the firotmwo yeors, need mate., tle Aslborît mainfenance. 11ey plants about i ticeesshodeaeddrg annuailv. dcy sttls and mouded h-l hase lad a cery tnterented apptîconls gooil responor front slioutd contact tle intatter tandomners toi Aothorify office ot 87a- tlie programmes, butt t 4131. 11% MORTGAGE 3 bedroons. 2 sfoeey home in ottI Milton Featores Inctade caf in kitchen, large dtntng and living roonts, 3 piece bafth- roont. and 2 piece washroom, large affadlird single car garage. pleoty of sforage room. 70x 135mweliftreednAt. $49.900 45 ACRES Vacant tond. oint draioed, orchard- type soli beweeo Milton andI ficorge- foen. BILL KELLY Real Estate Brolker 878-6800 he Canadien Champion, Wed. Oct. 17, 1979 R7 EuC-op trust reuLter CAMPSELLHEIOHT5-CAMPBELLVILLE Jus iiond.An exeuivrnchin a cureque cor setting but telinhe Vlage. Oveî acr taîlend lot th ravine,3 bedrooms. bonieis off diffingroomiad ialbcdroini. luy biiinîîg tcneplace in ii rom hast pamp iyfno. 25 >22 fi. hobby .,ookîc Asking *i1111,11111. Call JIM SIEDERS 637 3883. Ccoco Trust Ralliei. Buîliigtoi S-P-R-E-A-D OUT TWO BARNS, ora o h ob enthusjoot Cîîsito buit thee bndroom, 2 bath, split bungalow. Cai PEARL CAMERON ai 637-3883 or Res. 632-9349. CO-OP TRUST REALTOR 518 Bant Street Burlington 637-3883 'nV MEADOWVALE PRESTIE ARES A soli bik ti,-bado.ome . t-sanni llin ad dmi0î ool spocoon. natin kîtcen woth maikoat Io0a large, mn1ll0nd scpof tatkyand. Fîinie ratio o îth a fulto sommus kîtotean fueO tosiOe _.Mainteoance fris exe Gelo vuilto 4.3 ACRES The leasos ais falling. but doiii 0011 tor hoopris to go ilfi This tine. ie bef omis sitsaied onafiiaînsqcn FOUit POINT THRo C RE acacs 0miue fîom Milton. Two fiinnlocno. pool, laite shed anidmanitnotras. Secls isecionpolit otilo us otîli ptoe sait.nly $0,00.800l8 A coifortablebnglow wooith oc" irplace, upgraodad broadloov 00d tioinitdresto ro' Dd V05 notice the loi sîait lionladn an inslatO0. heainO noîksoo, double, casnd diveond bnutîtolimatureints. Dani dnlay. MILTON - COUNTRY acres ofiitoicn countryfionityr Th..liome offns aloîar flitoon i-,th foo, i ceiiîoq fiepeffoa osuperpoity cion and a scos ceotkOtlookig-acrpotnid hee yo cmaacoonoaol dit onovainmmicdays Ifs ue'o untr ailtfO i het dn' m-fh Once you've made the decision to buy or sel] your home, you'Ul need profestonal assistance. The process takes both Lime and effort. And you'1l want Lo be assured the exchange of property ta bandled to your complete satisfaction. f f.. E.s MICHL s..REL 31 MAI S RAAGA QUR