R4 The Canadien Champion, Wad., Oct. 17, 1979 Exercise caution with mail order firms ... (Continund framc page 3) differing consumner legilattion in allier Protectioni Act YOU are n01 rIàO55IhIBt0r Be wary of mail order correspondne countries or provmnces. tImort dalles, anSalted goads,-and that insesmredli courses wich affar ertlictes lin a currency exchange rates and breshage in carda. If you reteins onerdereil gonds le variey af dia«plen frams tieale le tranit are ailler pralin arae in dealisig lte mail you are frais te keep tIis, tlirow lesunng hmw ta lie a detective. Von coull anUs foreiga companses Sud you waS prob lhemtaway ar returs lhtem ta the sondier receve a teetiate aller levenls a ably have ta pay legher ohippiag or C.O.D. VOu are uaider nioahllgalles to pay. considerable Cash, bat Il ay nol ha warth pontage rates, mach on ie emplayesan market. y Same mail order hanses mIS sesil yes tard, olmply tag itt~ upson on e atie tan mai, order item. 9'c o n <mna ",ou mont psy Iteaue yon aceed iUe respmMblity aidy if yen sttept a tard le ssii ymi lia. le mahe a fotone. flhaenuy gonds. Bat onder Outiol'& Consumser wriig or use ita eschie a puease. pansun wha gale; rlch mili this ds le Use ose Who caeShes iner moay. its aminale s~C.O.D. (euassn d mhey oio nU i h bug mal aer tampasies 1hitwj7iflhaoeeIbanosl esldellvnraderf R isnmnâailfaley yon. are le a hable ple te haine yesr nmplSWi bandlid Mnireputableicmi'eIIdsC.O.D. as- Usa ngl MM anes- it moly son a li111e mae. Thse added fle le mwr* Use extra peshaclla Y-s cajny-4Ibary of Can- suoner cedl ,82 lesi F.W.5. FITZGERALD INSURANCE 216 Mais, St., Milto, Ont. YOile INOP NI AGENT SINCE 1934 878-2326 225 MI ST. E. SUITE O. MILTON, ONT10 R.ê.t (Fe) La. M Lité lim Aguq -AS Ainta cf Annwty Tottioci (416>;78-5786 CLEMENTS & NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCV ITO. 878-7217 'WESELL ALL CLASSES OFINVSURANVCE" KMGHTINSURAMCE AGENCYLIMITED Don Kraght, A.I.l.C. NEIL S. MacLEAN MUTUALJi]AFE OF CANADA 18 One St. S. 350 MAIN ST. E.. MILTON L9TI1Po MIlan 878-M11 878-4589 EDAR PE55015UZEO COU5TEOUS SERVICE ALBBTAT 208 ManStee E. Milon 'V Ni 8782894 =7U fVL 0,MeOr kThe Canadien Champion Meeting The Needs of Our Community Homo UmprovenmntI 1 M Check List I Cellient Wrk chu Co"iS Pu"hon E Cupoti» Li »uacÉ El pmu E fflâcu E Emm EI Swm Whldow Pm- tL" -'JN cvÈw m sdw*i à, a &wâ'w nefS du~w*o W ibna! GUIS MOWBRAY FURNACES - HEATING REPAIRING AND CLEANING 436 Min Slnet rCASHWA WE CARRY A COMPLET! UNE 0F sLumbar - inssulaton a cse.ng sAlu mo Stoem Doura & Win- doons a lCqslpmont SEE OUR OCTOBER SALE a5 SiU"o AV.. Mian LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT li SUPPLIES PET li BIRD FEEO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE WORK CLOTHING PAINT 878-23»1 AOAM(> 0iUy YOU 5 PSu INS5TALLATION s REE SERVICE 5LOWET MOOSTHLV RNM 5AT.S VILLA/ nnneos MASONRY 1 Fi REWisU0OieO nonsoiuc J-ejaisi ena D Tuc Lý- V~II141133