Campbellville homes in new Nestie in laieiath Oe =iaritr f tise Niagara Isapeet yet lyleg on gety rniiissg. waeded Feile lasellnile sisape. Constractino esoname ai tise hoes ln tise titb- divisian han isegnin, anti others witi Ononeo. Tise me "estate in THIS LARGE HomE is bcsng built in ia located south of Campbellville on top of Campiselîville Estafes, a new subdivsion the hili South cof Use Canadian Pacîiie Rail- catertng te, larger homes. The subdiviaion way tracks. THIS SIGN indicaten the enfrance to the new Campbeilville Estates subdivision. Guas Goutouskî of Haiton iReal Estate, the firm hnndling the sale of the lots, said 16 of the 37 lots have been soid f0 date. Redecorate on your shoestring; use imagination Tryîng fo redecorate on a itmited budget? There are a host oft/hings you can do with a littie itmagination asd investi ve Firsi, scour your ciosefs, af tic, base- ment and s/orage areas for old fressures, thines you pst away fi/i 'tise fimie was ripe. Those prinfed uines aîis tsweis you couid neyer bring yourse/ f to ssii mnay make iscef y wali-hangings, a brîgisf. hasd emnbroidered shawi wi drape gracefuiiy on tise hack of a sofa or piushy chair. If ysu're handy with fine embroidery needle, consîder get/isg fo work os somne fhrow pi//ows or chair cushions. You cas pass your leisure lime consfructively and refurbisis your home te hoot. If tise des is begtnning tc look a bit gioomny, cossider repainfing. If Use whole room seems like toc mucis of a challenge, do juaf tise window framnes and moiding in a color fisaf wiil complement and vivify tise resf of tise room. Energy Efficient ... (Centinuerte page 1l ils c/mse /0 nsofls anti fenceni Tise externar of shopping. tise home s ha/t isricis, isalltauisnumnsiding ntC Tisnhoimi is isstotait han aiuminum solntttt Cen/ary 21 F Peneey caves fer easy main/en. Real Estate ai un/y ance. M,900. Ca/I 845-3737 for Lecteti on Mart/n s. un appointient tii siens in the noth end oftocn /hisaoutn/attiing hoe. ITAKE O VER MORTGAGE Itmmacu/.n/r53/eel /pl/inor or ord0 I M390t//n A bac//ai you shouti see. 3bedroors, 11, ahs, ifishedtin.ttmort.Gie a ai te TREAL TRUST. ACTON COUNTRYn"£CIAL ai thec tan le on % ace loi ni5h nun nd poIostri al Waynsnnani845-373 ce es, 844346. COUNTRYn BUT CLOaETO TOVN ac as a 3 bedcss flaaisone bungalow, huge Ieaied bino cP,77,dia 0 for $71,000 C.ill Va ghan Thomen as 4b3737, Re- 078 7378 C.n5, 21 F r5snis 5e,! Emae LA CUSTOM BUILDINGa SERVICE AVAIcABLE ho me sak - ,s7 m-p ie 11 Cai Paun Buuqs 1,, f-,he, ,,,forrnai,,r, 845 3737, HA IlGA GA RA GE SA LE? GIVE US A CALL FOR FREE GARAGE SALE SIGNS. subdivision ae pi eacipien f tte maact. hom wI ti tiaic= Yet tie homees are net division. Te homes are 5 eiccteti tisai lise heome- eneesoc, in camparisan anecc er eere be ta tise normai image ai a alee cstiWLna iseme. Gms Gomtski et lie homes tte n twa- Halte Reat Ectate, the acre lini nits pienty of firtisacdling thsaef tfane. Tise lc i te anti tise lois, aid te ef tihe 37 ftres/ry aiford tise pris- le/n mi/hli tise cuis acy and romeus et- perted inl a serilaisle (Centinued on page 4) Milton Towers MIL TONIS LUXURIOUSADDRESS RErMS ALES : bdý@Wd 3 3bedrooms 4 M *Reasonable down payments * ns odes use of saunas, rec. roomn *Party room, sf0 age matiy other édWf facilties One owner naya rant my two bodroomn apartment for oniy *390w a month MILTON TOWERS 81 MILLSIDE DR. FOR AS APPOWTMEUr PLEAU CA. 84.7496o U.13 or Tarat 12111M rA.ELEPA ii Iton & DWsrict ii iîîiiiiiiIIlI ~ "878-8101 Freëe Catalogue of Town & Couny Aicomprehensei de taprperli ; for sale incecralOntario 'ours frec fer theak ng! Cal/or Wrta &. taPAGE (Ont) td. 389 Maia Street L (416>87841101 - raed of 1*e Au ày m N à» Nomh a. -, -t nhis hbick i sew bui/nng aloniw i lnplidni Ac/i yand sn th.Isani of 0n Cant panu finti that dreaca hoame? Caillan andi see us, Ilc' lace to help. Seing members Of pour local Real Estafe Board, Ontario Real Estate Association and Canadien Real Estate Associa- tion, sec have many more properfies 10 show you. If poa're thiaitinf of buyina. or selling . . . orjust seant to talk about pour real estate neetis? NLweiit Real Bstate (Milton) Ltd. 161 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 107 878-065 Toronsto Une 820-0557 One of a f» w This 4 bedîcksh fu th e .84y m -lokdb o lue e,k,o As ttct,îe l.nckcg an 7.7 ca av , ," othe, Si,..ald ona ct c,,, T serteti sue an o el74,1110. çaII tif 0551 nw Keni Nael 570M M3 -lipe bswder878 Rt2 The Canadien Champion. Wed., Oct. 17, 1979 Il