Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 1979, p. 5

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[IOM f ulaMÉMm Just before World War By Met RotiuLe. In te ytaraturior 10 1914 the peopte Of Europe mre nver ree troom th newao of cars and wara ta corne. Tht necu w. uf particuar conceen ta, Mlt1otiautS wha had reendlpccnme tram th Unitedi Kiegdomn. Matuy f them mre rmeuar coudera ut British periodicato, andi they had tttora tram friêtudoand relatives lavec home.' Most long time residonts got tlbor world noms tram their dailY papes tram Tororto or Hamilton. Tht Champions did nt oMer regulr com- motary ou Eoropean affaira. Items about Europe woco imoertod in a mmit castuat wuy. Tht sare-rattling ut Kaiser Whil- bbo, theo King Mf Prruia and Emporor of th Grman Empire, cao th sujet Mf oreanional comment. Hio passion toc Out of By Don Byton Ouf oftthe raie tht came, couring a ful-face, chite rraeb lier lch coat cas muted cith huera. She cas thue andl haegry. And, tht stye ho displayod, saggosted thal ruaming tht coodu onua oggy eveing in October, cas not soomething te chtcb she cas scculomtd. But, btr bramnetytu flashd vitaty sud despie er uhviouo fatigue, she moved clth poise and grace. David cho cas corhing outide. cas tht irt tu geet er. Sbyty. and alter mach coaing. ho made er cay ta tht bath dee, and stood etre tht French dora. snsioon. but cith hmad held high, Wr hruught er tood sud she ste vorscioly. lsing same et er lady- liho manetrs ntht prucoe. David thon looh over. Sho lolteced im doce tuthe family ronm. There. he gotly gronmed er rost. and calmed er dace. Late. tbey rturntd ustirs. Tht lady sttmtd ut hume. Almmst Se spont the igt o tht front dec. send cas on bsnd ta greet us rarty the toloieg moring. I drovt Ries te Milton and chen t retureed. discuvertul our guesl had dis sppeored. as mysteriuusty as he hud OuI thre. somechere. is a candtr- ieg. yung Hushy I hope sht tînds er home. Failieg tht. I hope she tnds Trucin' right atong. Il is Thanlsugiving Day, ast1 cette tis piece the shootitsg ot gamo irdu cau lso montiortod. German praparutiono tuer air carturo came in forusomo comment. In Augut 190 tht dovlopmont of Germany'n leon Mf 'aire ries Idirigible shipal mas uder cay. Tise ultho i ier ig aoppliou, aseocret niodet, cas hting contructeul hy tht Siemems, Schoehoci EletrieCVo. tn Aprit 1912 there cas a long item about tht great atroptune fOmt hing huitt hp that country. Briain's'main preparation for mur cas in th tuther dovlopmont of htr grot naval power. In 190 th news wsa that uhe mas huilding tour more super dreadnoughsts. Obo cas calling on Canada and other prtsofo tht Empire fortfinancial support in hec eforfs 10 re- the rain Wr hadl aur turhey dioner yesteeday. ejoyieg tht celcume cumpany ut Duiiiia-J ne wtia lad sappod ap rum Toroetu n er ed MG. It is cool and drinzly outside. hut a cosy fiet craclts ie th ireptace. I have tht fothat gume on tht radie. isteefing ta tht Ti-Catu ctobhtring tbe Argos. A tug-sutrist Trunto fan. I seb sone cfort in recatting lcith great dificltyl tht yers. long goee.chen t had sonnething ta ebeer about- BacS Ibe. tht hume games cere ptayed sn Vrsity Stadium. Tickets did st cst sn-aem-and-a-teg. and t gt lu loin tht mub in tht hoct qite ute. I remember one Grey Cap tigt traggle holceen Argon and tht Blue BomberraoetWinnipeg. Hsgh Bohotuon. an utd haddy. had accumpanieul meusn Iis occasion. Susceptible lu aryngitis. Hagh cas t tht garnîr, ith solictin- structions rom is docor et te du any cheeciog. Ht did qite cr11 aI refraieiegutit tbe last minute af play chen Jne Keut hcbed a teeing pont inte tht 'coffin corner' le give Argue tht mou. Libo tbe est oftîis, Hugh ltlgo a leeg. tuud ebeer. Andl thal did il. As ce athed crons tht fied lu gel tht cr, my fieed opsrd his motb te comment on tht game Nulhîng came out hut au inaudible chrser. Frem cht t am nom hering. about tht progrese af touy s gume in Hamilt bunughs vice eetd hoe stle. He wcusîdat ave a sonttacy tbîog te cheer ahoot. OHC delay sparks angry delegation Delays in geOing reol- dooe soîhoot ai ailto10 elp gos tocouocîl, they supplement housîng inSthe cornen.IlliCo lEd anoîher lle Milton are loginnieg 10n ('ouneillor ich Day. looptoole tO mfggle Ose tht patience o a 0o he other hand. eaid lie hough. group ut comeo seeiog eyOptlOalS iZt h the la move imb the homes. oomeo. but dd') noom Somne ut thtcornt ed chaI he cold do le help hy spohesman Sharoo lhem. Jobnson, came 0e CoancESlor Blanche councit's Moday 11,0100 agreed. sayiog: meeting ta express heir -Wrihave an agreement anger. They face the thO<IR' iii 00 gel the posibiity of spending rezooongaontllthe cent- tht ieten heir pre- copplemet pogram ie seul homes. ander way. Weve doue. In a slormy and pro- ail wccan de. Aiecan I e fune dehate. the omen do ie ceossE 00 hgers ha 4nc accaoad MitoanCoancitiof aod pray- CNAtGordBown nt carng shot heje Mrs Hotos as e pigh, otherwise lhey lerring 10 an application councitO ootd have hy OIIC ta rezone a d presureli Ontario parcel of land on Bronte Houetng Corporation in1 SI. She said IIHC woaid finding homes foe the sol gel the reoonog uolit women.1te omeo cere taken Mrs. Johnson care o.g saggesed here as noo Mro Johnsoo annE trouhle in indng homes happy. fr Vetînamese etagees -Every tudr ths hing mpared gte tuation oftheto g ' lslis patienc fi ihet sitluiin.fi seop yoa aeesope Con cllr Rose U ao'rre avsucoonefieefoc Harrson sad tho OHC &bcompae oeepeoceo mas ouseess and had ______________ NTMM PeiOCOTA Lestol 15oz. ouleCHOCOLAT CORiRECTION UOUID CLEANER 9 SPREAD Alite s Pi, of INSTANT C-ati- uI1OtMEPt On pagu 10 oi sur ccrut tipur f5e il- lustratione oitht Admirai No. 20B968F portable llevsio wuc tcor cdI andl the descripfion shoaid nt hase read... toneuand volume sid. coelroia mith puat-pus.0en/oil conroil. W. regreut ny lcoevelênce c.ued thIis errer. 2500 00599 BAÎ y ORTADELLA iCeaS)e o2on PAPER TOWELS GenMis 4 Ks NATURE VALLEY GiRAOLA BARS75 ga eha tain upremacy en tht seus in tht face et <ermano thctattning challenge. Thtre was much criticsm of iis re- quest hy many Canadian leadles. it was cumplainedhatcuermangesund rmament mahoras erre pitting-Gec- maiiy ana sritin aguoinsmech ther. In 1913 tht Canadian government tioutty jammed a naval ilt through Partiamen,' Il pruvidod toc $3,500,000 for tht construction et carahipa. There had heem iter opposi- tion 10 tht hill. Amenulmentu mere move i n hoth tht Commoms and tht Seoute. Iu Jane of that ymcr tht Champion had quoed rom tht NAT- ION an artice chich complainod ut Britainus interference in Canadiani affaira. Il crilicined Churchhilt of tht Admiralty toc hiu potties is thteret a 'non-exstent emargency' ragarding Germany. In Canada as a choie therei sermed te ho ittir reatization otIhe ponsihilities ut a murtd cide cunîtict such as as soons te cc Ont loral rganlealien hch con- trihuted io a quiet ay tc miitary pre- paratium mwas th Mlton Gun Cab,1 chich operatrd a shoting range in the1 early years ot this century. Il as appurcntty tcattl aal ner iltiot Hrigbte. Tht Champion regularto pullshed resuts tram their regetar1 cumptitions. Members ere argrty mes chu had active or reserve army training andl Experience. Tht cuh had good loal support.A. Higginhelham, druggist, and some timne Mayor of Miltouncas president ut the clubhin 1t08. In Aprit 19t2 tht clubs1 seasonoperd ilS as evenîog meeting ai th hardware clore et Mon. E.Nixon,. aI 260 Main St. Unfortunately, nereel n Ohe cuh had ditd eut hy 9t4. and thei guveremenl hud ithdracs île support. The main lout intelest sn miltary affaies mue tht miltia. Tht 2uth Ballont Rfles trained inltherarmorre'at 13z Lions sponsc Manor bus tr By VeruCatflan Tbersday cas a secoal day for many eodentssof ltaltee Cesiesetat Manocc Tht Lices Club bad cpenseced a bs trop There ac mecS bustl ingoflthe whee chairs lot tht pacbed bus, Oes the rolcalt and the senors ere eady Oc iacl The bus tccm Mapie Leal Buc Lines eae lueuctous ilS extra ceecroococes. The leur mas delogbllul. Noîrd wee coicred eaces. flomsg streatat, large fields aieady picmed and pcepaced 1or the epcoog paoling, Barns stlouelted in blackhandmwhite,raffle of manyhbrreds graong or standing loeiy star Ohe buidngs werre serrved. Tht Sus lrît Milo and cr01 hceceh Acio. jW UMi 'ode TE jar s 14 of4's 3'l. ou-OEa CRYSTALs 75,11 No.Canmta 1005 Oeu COOKINO ONIONS gg Noe 1OCsade McINTOSI4 3O ao0< Martis St. There cere sucne very good mnarkemen ou the ant. In addition tht Canadian Milia ufered active traie- ing toc vetunteere aIttclscamp aI Niagara tach yeac in Jasehut thc campcuas nt everty poplar. lu 1912 tl cas annunnerd thal tht luth Haltun Rifles ouutd sut go lu camp that year. Sucne interesi mont have heen gro eraird in tht Milia n Ocluor 1912 chen il hetd miitacy maneuvre ea Mittun. Cet. Sic Henry Pettatl and 2.000 men cere tht htur arriofutattach The grey army et dfence cae ted hy Col. Lugir ut Hamitons In 193 tht Battue Rifles cent lu camp agaffo onJane. hat in Auguntofe thal yrar there mae a long cutumo on The Champion ahout the dficutly n ctcruifing mes fr tht Mittia. Apparentty tht mure desiruhtr meo seeded for training aI tht June camps weeton hony ut theic regutar m pîcymeel os June. Pubtic support tor miltary exendilures as sel strong. There as criticîsm ofth0e greal cote. In 1880 tht cot ut Canadian deteoce mau 0018Ot. Ilu1910thegrasd totl a a $22,280,000. Late n 1913 il mas cacoured thal 0e 3011, Peel flagiieoto cabsout cu.bsui lI tht BattueRifles. Thon mas egrelord loeatty hcuose the Italton Regiment Oad dne godmeorhverlthe yers.Il tad sent maoy good machemen t the Ontario Botte Asecaioo satches. Yeae aller yercone or more o Ijanadue s Boey tram wchcvient 10 Eogland, cece mec troc 1e SatIon Rifles. The uoitowacoot ahnerhod. le Fehruary 914 15e Hce Sac Hughes cooterred colS Oe alîo and 1e Peel regmets. Thec orkocbas rescganeed andlthe appoonlmenleofa commanding oticer toc cach cas accaoged. te Joor Oe Hato iles agate ateoded camp aI Nagara. along Bgbmay 24 and 10 taHiihbuegh tOca coonteorestaurcant The o% er eeced hcmemade porc, and a bcttomieescucp of)Ira o Il %,as a deliciooc atmoophecc th oi tl A few sapchls wr t.ob ebore cooooootog The Sus pecceeded to the Ooc oS te ('redit tees tnd ocer the bridge then ce te Nco.oil, homis bobr am am 202 Main St. 884M7 Tht Caosdiae Champion, Wed.,Oct. 17,19795 Oktoberfest arrives In heepiso mollo the piril ci the anscal Germas-style Obohe riesl celehralioos, the Bacaroan Ies os Mito Malt hetd oIe ccc lestocttes Fridav and Saturday eveooog The occacoco ah, marked]the Ihrdan icersary of the local ltcessed restaurant establishment. Thte Bavarian toto eposored icsI rst "Mss llhloherlrcl celeclt mhich dreec econ-c tetns rom Milto and Fcrelitalstsccece nameol 5rida ' eenoog and the otooe cas croed Slceday otght, Niocteeo, ea, cEld Nooc:, Allecrl. part- tome cottress aI the Bacacoao 1Inn. conte Mis, Alette)) c a Milo resodeol and de- codes mont of hec tomee le training and eheeing doge. Frst cuneceupeas Dehhoe Photips, coth Aodrea Pelogre second oooooereup aod Rita Keasoksoly ic ocrh cr0, AI,,, ccmpcooog wr 'cho t.ecloe, Val Etesor ancd Judy Detslcher. Proces for the quecoin odd alfree eceoooglor O o, a) lIe ia cacias tIno, agoltocerltfcaîe rontc )aehycs. a cisc lasi, Icooto Sportc Store, a flccal bouquet roto llorbyGCreenhosec and a pcochlooc I lecoth e holcheo staff oI the BacaroatoInoc St rst ccoeeup receed a dnericorlcc ai lacrop tRestaurant, a cul andol oc dry ai Illady c lair cales and a fruithasket, Seccnd ronoreupoas proded cth a parer Heady's Haircotting tecm Andrete e SSoe fartor and Londs lOrbv Store and apesonaozed rm The Canadian Tshirt lom Key Centre. Champion. Third reooeraup ce- Prday evensg atso in- ceiced an eveoing hag cluded a heer-drisking [roms the Fiera Shoppe. coolettoc lest hoe' Ail conetants olcckty an ndocîduai tEteied lugccroc toc, cutd dowo ics heer- therSacaaoacInncand a'f-eeiog a arrcm dtram te shirE drink. Acting as ecocer 0cr The heEl cas Doo tttcn oct), eveetege cao.Belh lrcm Mssocsaga. hiarper ofilSton.o The -Oterhariner Judge!; oece Mlîoi Brase Band" e-as o Mayor LDce Gordcn, hand 10 pecode fve Mtaria rec. preecdentotf (ecmnao.etlte music. the Milo Chamher of The Bavarian In Commerce. Anlhoy lopes toc ecothe conleele Oppedisano. cmer cf ogain oesl year. For ail thosu huavy wash itums: bedspreads. blankets. mats etc., try our Super Extra Heavy Duty Wascomat Front Load Washer- Save Timu & Moneyl LauIderez W E H V R E AT 0 t P L AN[ c 88 n4St6N. 878 5786 ManuALif Decide WALL t@WALL LIQUIDATION lbS mI dreE 4 S1 FRI MARKE O EULAR 0 PR/CE SALE 5 Pîe ce Settin7gS LR$; * Seving Pieces !T e g, E S35 $26.25 Voilee Servalereg $40,$30.00 C sa& Suger Gracy Boatlleu $19. * 14.25 reg. S24 ... ..*18.00 Butter Dish reg. S22.*16.50 Sat & Popperretg. $11. *8.25 P/uttoe. ,SoWls. Caps àSoSucors. plates. Soupe, Fruits and attisé ,itemset saviogsofa 25% off rogotat ptn. bm#jIthâs csldm youthkkat STA1NÏLESS &STEEL TRf BhppomW:edAImeShoppeesWotd, kunoEme c" glObe 1d0 tplg O. let a' Av* L e, e., mI meb no (yft@@M Ul@ Mg@Wý W u k JURANSEC .11

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