The Canadian Champion, Wsd., Oct. 10, 1979 811 42.HEU>WNTED C2.ELP WANTED RICHARDSON CHEV-O[DS Sales Representative 18 77omp7im7977th59sales9staff of a8 7789799899 0979727 Mot7,s 0797879577For7full798177777895clitoris,7contact 5777,7 MANAGER: TOM RICHARDSON RICHAROSONS CHEVOLOS Hwp. 25 t 0errp Rd. Million 8782393 59277724 SCHODL BUS DRIVERS.WANTED F77877284777 77477utes,8t77999977777777777997e21. IRA VEL WAYS 877-4448 042987777 MOLO MAKERS G-5 MF. INC. 93 Monanvîna Rd. N. Gorgeîowîî 4573195 592987778 SEBIRE PROTECTION SERVICES LTO. reqoîre FulEt Part Time SECURITY GUARDS nain 8777278977. 477877977777 and 99777 77etin9 8nd Cal 12780208 For Appoînrment 59277778 SHIFT SUPER VISOR A asif supervisas vilE experlencein1 1sf lns supervision sa requlrsd ta supervise production activlfies &à5assume responsibility for tie manenance sotvties of s smsll pfor0055pant. Position requires s wosling knowletige ai weldng, mechaniosi minennce & minor eleofnlosl repsir. For f urther information cllt: 878-2333 or Apply to: BOX 645 The BudligiaR Pes, 2321 Fairvbuw SI., BufilIIgSon, OSt. L7R ME TOOL ENGINEER O777777.<29Required PERSONNEL DEPA9TMENT STANOARO PROOUCTS CANAOA [TO. 34677,,7ep77777 77777377777 877-6921 042327737 Manutacturîng Company n Milton requires MAEHINISTS fui Eîîgîîîî & Toîîîtid147177 [aIl Mr.J. Pearce 878-5890 FOUNDRY HELP Wanied Sitable For Mon Shîfi WAnA An47y 777 34777377 Viy CEHUOR INE. 93 Mounîainiew Rd.N. Geogetown, Ont. M[CHANICAL APTITUOF 8782089 17797177709 7897105979 049727 FABRICATION 274Pla7t 77772777772 for7an 8997770777707177 777771 77ome. Pull9or8part77777 R7.3977<779778997787, 1898e7797 1 4 07d 9Armstong7Av..1 Candien7477777 n 42.HEP WANTED CL7796"A" 9899999777 re9o77ed. top 778999 Phoe97 8-287789 77 35757779279 8569551. 797 77 1332 2079. 90 7, 7 18878 518979.89 MILRON RES7TURANT 777,8train.8881961779 lime897, 5977729, 7992t 789777 78Bc>775 7777he 77271 727777777on, 89 Main9Si.7M7lton,7Ontario 35<777107799 MILTON77Public7 287777 minimum7779. 977177 8. 7774477747777ng7725Viu 57277277877 54777077The 3072871 57 777777277204for77,74iti Cali7c939ctp(19)s94 44. -TIE n tpLOYM NTe REAsoLole rotesn erseCoi n sutn 7774177 (4)741do13367 772777. 7cave-me7an _3577S5.7 I * IILE had a IL UmTou RADIO-TV ANNOIJNCER in 8778 77098697Fo, 88797484 7598989787779 :921-2420. rIANO OR 4.9877 7799475 in 7947 b977. 57757877992 79in7t498799 50. PERaSOelonL87 7797990 879. L2 7447a. 1 racies717 In Lmo972î7877 7s. 781 77 0. EILSORAILE 661, 8, 91 a F89 787m 8079o Rd, -J79778771, 77715.0.47127 277 l787 1351E 7 7777.77 60.97777. 77777FOR7.SALE 67877HAVE7 17719V 7777777777 ,777 7777 77 7.77777 77477CARS79 <77777 2.7ron77t p 777277o 72777)d.727 77clown.7177 0746. ..77 79 19977< 2 277777777 76 7277 700condition,12007 0,79 7777, 4 7875547, ai pwer 77777277 7741477977ntrol u778242 1277 020il777779 $34757.838,7 3223 7 12, 0,50~ 72697 1974779775, 72777<o Custom.,7, 074129.i7872 K699 Cali,9776. < j e 97895 1777777974078<9 877 51087892527 &0 VEHUCMESFOR SALE60. VEICLESMFR&SAL JOHNSDN BROS. GARAGE ____ ON DISPLAY EE1THURS., FR., SMI. 295 Main St., Milton 878-9942 Servicisg tEe Mosorîna Public for 07.97 60 Yeors corne join our New Year Celebration C7899, 07< 787777797S7 se9l<21334771 7779 1777244 77749787719 , 9777779i, 72777. Sierra,9 power897Top 95877,ow3 7987 78772 28<727875, 1717 IlPtre, 7778518 7779777&29 17<878777. 291777 92,800. 979925 50. VEHICLES FOR SALE 60. VEHICI.ES FOR SALE 1974 MONTE CARLO, 2 QUALITO 4992e879 7777o 40721 L897272, 45d 7i579. 7817cash. Phone 277757 c77177220, 'R 879 2079, 29k for Mario, c17337775ai,.L7k79777 232420 M497 M 9799 75Io 2E a 1979 RASSIT D0esel 7791.8774 9878 257 87 5497sutou, Clark 0149 5 p. t779ed u7899, 60 77799,e 15971 197775, $7.895.828 3222, de., h7874'op, V, 26252 2777777877, power SPICIAL 1970 57777,75, b0787.9Llci 7Plymouth7Sport,27597 071237. $8999. -<b0s 7 ut47at7c,777 79. 7. re725472577 79877 mint9 con59t,7,7 CeR 117717779MR7975. Mil.177 i74 $.555 Lc 978 23229 77 7k,86 7.2,7 98 325112 Mo7ors.877 5286. 1775 NOVA 2 4007 H T, 26il26 N7754277277350 1979 57979O L98 2797 4.0717 77 r05 17752k,6 yidr ir875 , 49177 777775 and4 standard, re7727 oser 177717 more75 A9king5 radi2 and more.7 775 1,90 977 57777 28797 6 SPANOD NIW 979 p1No, 806717. 7777 7<7777 __3873 7177.799 707 29d 19712 tLYMOUT91471 719g,7,$5227. 177917779 "go"7, g6088 Mo7or9, Mlton. 87982228 -Ch.17187,1877d7ai, --5--8_7_ 2546 S, $4.50 779 2759 978 1, TON 771147 C7777; 35633 til7 77 el25777 . b. 7, 198PLYMOUTH V r87, 4 77777772771. 779777 7789, 775174570, p 47 ut,7727 77rany8779, A71 Con 4777497<87adi, 9802 7,7787 1,80722 972532291. 7177777,187 7817777 ca2, -- 72227_ 134 9W74777 C877 17d72 VOLES77AOEN, 1775 PONTIAC Vert7t 8. 2 1577,7707 $7.757, CR7 47777 84771787î, ps , AM 7,9,74877 66277 8777 6 radio767 l- l. 07777 . 44628 L,97772 0blac7in77777777179771290272 27777 8 77 7,. 77 77717a 77Raz, 8772, f747777974,777779fo 77777777787775286, 97727772777 547375ý 4262825701 S1. RECREATION S1. RECREATION VEHICLES VEHICLES RACERS EDOE LTD. SE Ne. i ON A Thrs Ot ittNO0.1 s SALES, .COMPETITIVE Sea Page B14 n Today'sPaCE Champion ni 5""'MERCUY LNCOLN 870-2883 826-1434 RICHARDSGN CHEV DLDS HOME 0F CHEVROLET or '79's We'lf Muke You A Great Deal RICHARDSON CHEV ULDS Hwy. 25 S at Dorry Road, Milton 878-2393 878-38121 - omltebrake 77277p 0797 32 BonIe SI. Mllon 8784292 - for. 826-0491 1 ;,7727777741., .794 78Z5077P7777, 77$1349 ý7147 .77 44 7$975 7715% 34M. 5000 $1299 37 $37 M . 7277 878 4212 STORAGE 7IlFINANCIE F-Ù407159 C WHAT TYPE OF .77S MARINI IMIRTL7AGL IS BEll î77,7ACT 1ON. -OR YOI? i Gh. P6M74 77Ra- AHI l LAI 77743744777C CalG-IlHou0 877 747 279,, 9( 1 8 4 7, 7 777 ,0 77768 8 7, 747 7777y4 4(777344 I77.7744.C744 470'-774,,7777971 7. UTIN ALE 8o11 y1ba7rFoRnc mete $12.or b7741177917 6 300AT5 Eb MOTORS 4989 f 7er6 35 4 [0477FI740<004707477 787ETEO17 07097 '3272 74,777 877729I,7' 7 BROtAS 058 3power7777 407 7 777787,052 =ai Oe NRA AU LIIIN E ER Furites ales 777 8,987 78 îs 70. BUSINESS 70. BUSINESS OPPORTUNMES OPPORTUNITIES INVESTORS INVITEO For oew reîroation complex Minimum cet v77477 5,000l Gond Cîedii Mi nmum cash 7771 54, 4447 7777777 7777777774,, 777 Box 1057, Jakvîlli , A 72. TENDERS 12. TENDERS TENDER FOR SHERIDAN 111118 PUBLIC SCHOOL OaUcvUIIe, OnSailo. Sealed tenders on a stipulatedsdu9in77 0477 plaînly m98led 'Tender for the 457773777 07777. Public Scbool- and addressed 540The Hallon Board of Educalion, c/o Mr. B T, Lînd7e4 SuperntntsdRnf of Business and Finance wîll be 77197794 unS il 3.020 p 77 707727 lime Wednesday, October 24, 1979, 21 Th< Hallon Board of Education. 2050 Guelph7 Lise, Burlington. Ontorio, Tenders f77 Mechanical ard Elecîrîcai Subconlractors aretfa Es deposisnd wîîh h7e Toronto 6-4 Dposity Ev 23100 p m7. local ime, Monday. October 22. 1979, 3879741 Con5,a..77.î9. 7744Iulaîîî oî4uîà and Specîf7catîons by 07707 a«rangemenl aller i:00 777 on Oclober 1 1979, from tEe Archifect, Ounop * Far<ow *-77î51<n 128 LakeShore Road East, 02774771< Ontanio, on deposif of a $100 00 îertîfîed cheque, payable b oSe Hallon Board of Education. TEe choque is efundcabie 7707 ret u<9 0f1theDocuments 7n good condition rowîngs ard Specîficalions wîll Se avaîlable for inspection at the Hamlton Construction Association and the Toronto Constructiîon Association Lowest or any tender nlot neîessarily occepted. Bill Herd E S7 Laoenner Chorman t3rector 74. AUCTION SALES 74. AUCTION SALES ANNLJAL FALL LONSIGNMLNT S.Ac[ SGT l Il 179 AT 174 57 '.7 HRAMPTON LjVFSII r Cýiî,%I Sut., l 1Oct.16 843011:346 . Location.:7In the AqnîuluhVai H.î4 .lIl-'îiî Fritue' Oak din.n717777477'7.('777'I"! estai7 extension7table, 6Rea47771'777i37,1i77777Fi 7747î7t, a good suite, ro44441Ijj l 777, 3 CLIshi7n1he7777717774Et72 n777747,74.77 772777777747d 7777747 7rocker w477777 jITliois47ol font stool 77 7of7741777774477777.41 .77,71 io uoesa choice set of 4774414iuif H H.Il' s42147chairs, 47Et .44 chair 77on 777 afin, char7 777777 c7477 e7,7EtH 7î7,777777,7-7i!7' 777roke74(x147 ftUi 177777737747477Et m77771< 77747777477 '477 47477 777u4 471773chair4on7castors,29 x R29 7,747771477 table, 22 x 36' an4t JFHfable 71on 7177 147u.77 187"t9 24'7741774777774'7 77377171 7ak 4777477<7I4 cal, 44147 chi,441Vci îîî î ju 7-77752"7hall7tabl1,a.4ecreIa,7747.47'du- t drawe & 2 docos ,4747777sine1chai 77747747îsui3e 547nh91 4474 4374771777.,77776 daweî dresser wi177 77.477177 7 7 22 round4Victori7747774714i tbl - sîd< chair, u4479447 ic7oriî 44777 7777 chair,7m9777r n 20' x 40' 74,77777, 777797 774777. 477774 47large 77. .77 777 41 04074777747,4447044 7747744 77.4777777474 tI F 4M7777.4î7.77î77.MI,0 4 72wl, 477 77791<7 led, sî nîîe 74477s1777.777 77 7 i7774417747, iea377 se7747774î77w 4 i14477777 773777p77q5 l7aT4T4e7773 747777774747747 774nutl7igh77l able 4or 777417.11,'.iVý lorra7n4cal,7r7cker,77777747744174 4ui7 117477744777radio4cabinet, o74747477(77747. 7 p7 of steamer77747747 3 .37iia,4777 7 4 i, 1,1.,, table 19' 8 28",30o403437477771777 r 7177Et Chino, Bedding, etc, 774777 îir777777set(746 plaes of H.P. N7737777 partial747t7777777(7 43 places9of7Limoge77nCI474(44274477T44773.7744îh1 bomîs, iotîltr Limoge ,cake7 ,,- Nippon 77i. <ceîveî 0 Royal7777777' 1,7777,7,' pin77 8744 77.4<4II747 '117'7. i7,7777 7. st'7 5 77<17 774<77<4 7<747seMrvidce,îII '1 777777 4<9<14777< 77777, 477777477 1774 77 7 IDr c474719771747, 77471774 of VW7,447e, 7..77(.77 4477n9e7<7777447447nq 3 77a77nî 1.77777.7b Winnipeg t 2 gallons, 1 4447777 .oî 7. 3 KHof7 77 satin 7born!ol4 7744144 47 . 74eî l7774777 7 7737t7447.774.777417447724 x73," 771~ waheR.C.A VVioîmnî47 777177 77777, mo amp, 074977 4esk l741777.f7747 lai.J4 7,777747,74 04741< buggy, 5 fi.9170444417 750 7fi f7gardie Eose, 30 17 77extensi7n744477 74777 H I gaden toIls. Owner or Auctionee7 flot responsible 89727777 dents on sale dap. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I. D PREVIEW: 1lOa.m. AuctioneetNNote: One ofo097 ester soles. Mrs. Bell is in her ittisear, has sold her hosise and is movnetIo a retirement home. Aucioneer: Ward Brownridge Plia -e 870-6730 -5alancin9 6t99<. 62. CAMPERS, TRAILERs Auction Service -Elec9,osîc 199777 Tune Up &MOTOR HOMES ChiA.Shue -Ail maes s86891964 A Shote Big2and7SmallWl 19Fu7147 7474 407114777 AUCTIONEER 7-Sal,27477Al7747<7. a ILNORTH END DATSUN -dy3kyy&14de 50' 72V etn 714 DAÀTSUN 878-4137 Gu; j_111 77.47.1. 44447 pII785 1iW 6é0OMartnsc St. 74744712 4144 W.4878 2576 - - - - - - - - - -