Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1979, p. 1

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Uht VOLUME 119 - NUMBER 24 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1979 ~Iîam~ un P. 4OPAGES-200ENTS ~~. Atregion Equal"ized rates pass By Jon Robinson Halton Regional Councîl bas agreed to commence equalized water and sewer bilhing Jan. 1,1980. This las accopnplished after somne four hours' debate, a tie vote broken hy ehairmant Jack Raftis, and pleas from several coun- cillora for unity among the counicil instead of parochialism. -Aod Lamb, Mleoa Ch.tnpio HOPING TO ENTER their aircraft in the world aerobatîc flying champion- Canadian team. Mr. Price wilJ be one of the five flyers which Canada wîiI be shlp in Oehkoah, Wisc are area plota Gord Prico (in cockpit) of Bel- able to enter and Mr. Biederman la the teamas fund-raiaing chairman. fountain and Gle'nn Ejýe7lrmîan of Milhaon. The two are raiaîng funds for the Boyhood experience resu Its in pilot raising funds for team y Jil.Rbisnson Seentp-five nob0s5 milI ho created laeallp misoî Milton Bick C. Ltd. is re-opened in the seutlfe& eeis. Tise isici-manufacturing as rcentlypurparbsed bp Pe Bon Oilfields Ltd.. Edmonton, and is boclsed bp $5 million in finaneing. Aboat halfofutthis milI go la tie costruction of a sem brick kils miici tie firm anla ta gel in aperotion 2is ear. Thot milI allam a sabolanial quasoily o nom ibricks la ho readied forlise 100 constructiîon season. Mlton Mayor Don Grdon told Tie Champion tie Engineer says Space: 11 paclnership mtth Gord Pricero Belotalan toc a Pilla pesial. a hîplaso specîally coslrocted for aerobotîc fying. "A paclaersbîp is a satisfactory arrange- ment.- Mr. Oederman said 'oa cn spt yaar casta. 'At campetîton., yoo con ly the airrait. And hen yoar parnee can ose Altbesgb Me Pirer od built the aircrafttbîmsell. special einemenîs bave - pal the prier tag aroand $30.0w0 Jobitig. Mr Biederman said, "The dîteence le' Imees mon and boya cas b o lad by tbe prce of their tos" Using tbe areraft in the Canadias champion nom omnees f the rîekpard approacised tbe tomsn Jane loniine for Miltons support. M. Grdon said! the campasy bas pîoced easy to mark is mlsand lboa aso ffered la elp saIe a peoblens for Hallan Region. Tise eompany mlI lt the regian se lise minedoat clap pil on tise Milton Brick Coý landn for disposaI aI brick and concrele ruhble. Crrentlp, 10e region has no site alîhoagis il bas been looiise Grant Bigelom, presidesi at the Pe Ben Oltîeld, assoeed prhase afttie oultandiag sares of lise sip at Centralia. aboat 40 ailes noetb oI London, IOt. Aag 24. Mc. Biodor- mon captared tbe top rophtes in the open and national sprtsmen divi' Mr. Price mbo fîtes i tbe top category, mas amrdedbhe national aod open tropbîes iii the an- limiter!didvision The 100 arr assong tbe arrobatie flyres carrying oitondraising actinîtîr-' la end a t.knadian Inani Ii tbe old cbanpion- sips 1inllsbkonb. 'is., next August field once ecery tmo vears. tis is tbe irst lme the camptansbîp bas ben beld in Norb Amerîca. Me. Bedeeman said leereasonn s mont aero- botie Olying is done in Europe. The Cehs are reip- ing champs. lomenor, ho eapects tbe Americans ta nalte a tratîg id isc tbe competition is on bame geouod. Tbe Canacks are gise ta bo campetîng against Commonwealtb nations. Eaeopeon coantries and tbe Rassians as moîl as tlees rm Soath imerica. Mr. Biederman is tond caisîtîf cbairman. He saîd anp donations sent ta PO. oxs 99, (.ampbollnille, Ont.,wl reie a registered eeceipt hieb is tax dedactilde Besîdes the ttyees mbo mlI bo making the treks, Mc. Price who is an Air Canada pilqt iU hbon0e0 o the-comrpetilas 'Vifs colleagues milI ho Gerry Vounger aI Kichener who rans an aerobotic Opyine schoal. Fraah Jenkinsnn a Toronto eletrician and Bill Kennedy. ao Air Canada pilot from St. honre. Que. Mr. Biederman said a country is allowed fine flyecs. The iflb position baso't been decided. It is also going to bek costty despte a speciat 170 pet' cent provincial grant ta telp caahion thei htow of the increase tar thenexttmayeara. The provinca grant o $1,886,788 is designed ta cnseraup ta fine ynars af phasing in equaat ater and semer rates for att the ratepayera in the egon. It will nt do mach ta stase att a 1982 increase af 25 per cent for water and 15 per cent tor Aaitis,lthe actuaatcost of mater and sescage mîtt1 be gine ap bat, this is tua benoffset by tbe ase af thea provincial manies. c carding ta regoalt ea- sarer Dan Farmer. Thts daea nat appear ta be borne at in Mr. Former's figures as ntrolaced ta caaacit tat Weonesday at a spectal meetiag ta dscass eqaal- zatian. llstng Mltan as an esamplethe present rate ta a bameomner with a1 îaseioeb water ptpeis - 93375 f or loto0 gallons In 1980 this wit1 de- creane ta $3.59/tOI00 gallons scthtbhIe grant maney and mll rîse ta $4.0/1,000 gallons ai- tboagh tbe spectal tan- ding mdll stitl be in et tect. In1982 tbat grant tans oat. The average Mlton ratepayer mill tben be paying $5.90,000lt gallons and in 1003 that wl rs agatn ta $641/L,000 gront ) $0 15/1,000 gallons, gallons. and 1903, Milton mili gel a breab $8.521l,(«ogallons. in terms aI apeetal assist- Regtonal caoiltors once grants 10 sup. agreed witb Mr, Farmer plement aewer charges 10 institte a pablic re- althaugh the charge ta the ltions campaîgn to let consamer sill increase ratepayers bnoo about yearly. what enuaizotton means Usng a Mton home- andîthe omss owe na one-ncbhIpe Tbey base also aanesample. the 1980 recagnioed thal samne and 1981 tmpact will be secors othe woterattd lessened by ose of tbe semer asers in the cegion provincial grani. are gong la bo dis- In 1982 Ibere mil 1 boa 15 advantaged tînanciolly per cent increane ex- osder the equaaboaltan pected bal Mlton and systemn Barîtoglon will continae A consultant widl be to recetve special assist- brougbt in ta belp idnntity ance grant aid the prablees areas lor In t980 for Mlton, the caunceillars in bopes the semer rate mdll be problems can be ironed $6.30/l.000 gallons, 1981. ast beoare te Jan 1. 190,0 $667/1000 gallons; 982 impementatan dat. Bs mb h ncreaseceu by Cnnued onpage 2 FIR5T SECIOsN - tarket eloses soon. Pg 2. Edtorials,. colomitosa, 4; People clamn, Separate ..lagb sohool on tbe gram. 5, Estertamrment; Auto Place opena. 6: $20000 damage ta tndustrial break-in. 7: A liongroms in Hornby . SECOIND SECTION- Sports aems, Tridents bo- conte Aerms. BI1tu04, Ontario Weeb aI Mobawb. 05. Youtb page. hi sebool nems. 00. Dramv grads, B9; ClassiedsRB9to B13: Brd day aMartinSt . B14. THIRD SECTION- Photo contest minners. CI: Colomnts. C2; Famtly. C5 FOiCRTIO SECTION- Real Estate machelplace. SPECIAI. SUPPLEMIENTS Zelterrr K Mrt, Liigghting, tormer amnees aller il ottered 45 cents per siare. Provincial parchase appronal mon gînen last eek onder the Ontario Business CorporationsA cl. Tbe plant habren closed foe about lree ears. Mr. Gardon sa id be is bappy. "We will haveMilton Brick bock an the market. "Milton Bricbk is noo'n tisougisott Nrtb America as tbe finest yoa con boy. "Nom tbe Britisb ay Ibeirs is beter. but t bane Mlton brick on my bome and itslo obs 1001 lîke "Theres somnetiti special about tisai day tiey use" bc said. melI Inernational, sînce oeil ..In tbe Begîns' playees. monisise dieectly 1955 in ariaus capacilies îsg." 0on compenenîs for lise inclodine manager of tbe Tbe computer-aper- opace program and engineering inormation sied show mbîcb ss2otiersm orkisg in spin-off conte. upenino niproectos hreusersens deselopm'olts. cpntre; suenginering. and tre srn Tise seen scbedsled andem poelengineernutand a vens-a-round" simsrati an poec egner ang sysem i hw u ay and iis the Apollo launcb site i0nureti aio ok ensng aItlise Senior Florîda bougok- Audtorium Ernest C. FloidauneI pants tro ou ruey Sebo l,255 Onario 'Ioday. loal resnrii. he'naion Si Ther n o admission hiave an ipportuiotit i Thi' cesiriî.ii, , harg and the bowis iem thesound-andsigbt descbd as a ribt to opesinai]. Retreshenat presenlattan, -Rocb-Rockmll s 15000 emi mll bsersed. Jelinek namned assistant Hellen MP Oto Jelinek named ta serrelariol Tiepost rings a $5000 hos een appoited posîs salary fincreane ta, the Parliamenlary Seretary In tise Hose aI Cons- $41,300 Mr. Jeiineis lat Transport Miister mons. lise Parliamenlary already mais as MP. Don Manansomosi. Secrelarp is empomered Mc. Jelineis look his Tie anouncement man 10 ansmer questions if his sent in the Homse ai made an the eeiend hy mînialer is amay an Cammons peterdep os Prime Miniter Jan business. Thse PS is aino Parliimeni came bocis Clark. Mr. Jelineis as allomed 10 maise into session aller an ane of 22 Progressive speechses for tise absence of more ihon ia Conervative memiseru Miniler. months. Photo00rfGEORGiE TANSLEY WATERFOWL, sucb as this bluewing teal able f0 use a computerized cataloging held b y Martin Wernaart, hsnded at system to identify bîrda banded there and Mountsberg Conservation Ajea turn up all across the country. Mountaberg is said ti acroos the northern and southern hemis- b onue of the top 10 birdhanding operations bohre. Wernaart, supervisor of the bird- in North Amnenia. For more on the opera- digoperation at Mountsberg, is now tion, seo pg. 1. MI ByPRodl Lmb A ehiidisood ooperience ig rmpopeihlo for Glen Bldarni'a seeess s an aerohatic flper. The 4-ear-old father oftwio sid ho had hla irsI ride mies ho as igb. "A friend af mp faher few i n tahat i us." the Pemroke saline said. Ho gave M. Biodor- mon a lft. 1i as thrdlled," ho said. Enr sinceo Osn, "I almapa mnted ta upy." fil annI ntil 1970 ho as ale ta, pt eonagh tisne and monep logether la go for his plol's license. Tise president of King Presicides in Campbell- ville slarled taiing flling lessans aI Monunt Hope Airport in Hasmilon. In 1911 ho aequlred hisi license and a Chipmunb, a mililary traîner. The RCAF as dis- penise wth the aireraft and Mr. Biederman as able la pirhaseone.0 That roallp et me go- ig in arobaaics. . it as as aerobolic air- raîl. Handlisg the airerftt whetled his laste for mare training. Mr. Biederman enîL o Flrida tor expert i struellon sn aeroaoic fly- ing. Aernhatic or acrobotie fOisg as an air frce fier mnld cal il. is disg varioun aeril mannanres of varyiog îificully. Similar ta stunl Opyine. aerobtie manoeuvres are dane in a dined space and judged by ex- perls. Mr. Bidermos jined Aeroatles Casada, the Canadian assaciationa. He compeled for the irst ime in 176. Dcidiag tbe Chipmnh mas noalanger adeqoate. be moned op ta a Bogiaa Stampe. a hiplase mth Ima sels aI iogs. Baaght ia piaces ram a born north of Kitchener. the aircrafttas restarod hy otat Mar-is o Miltn. As is oaing, swth planes. Mr. Bidrman said ho atod ta mono ap la someting btter. Sellise the Stampe la Ragor Hadlield of Milton. Mr. Biedrman mosl inla Milton Brick plant reopens t's dloser than work Ky [indaKirisy il tais esosaime la tranelinIa rit. thn Mos people spend gine ta and fram mwor, an indicaio aI bamrapidlp space technolagy is adnanctng. says J. Alan Wrgbt, an engineer ilb Rîînkmell Internatonal Spani- Sysiýrns (roup Mr. Wrigbt is in Mlton today. i Wednesdayi 10 speais on lie denelop- ment ot ociselîs space siuttie toise laoinched hp NASA latr 2is ear from cape Canavera, Floride. His visit caînicides with the presentation hp Rochmeii Inernational ai Canada of a snkpee- iem se a space sisalie langiine "I i.i o lionk aIpcee as a nem rontir." aid lie Caimirnia engineer. Tise siutle cresied hy tise campnys Sace Sytems Greup. represealtise irsi reon- able spoce rehicle la ho constrceed. "Il s part ai tie esol- aion aiflise spoce pro- gramn. In the Post. ail seiclesoused werees- pendable 'Tis httle oîl noomesaiseman te tu aksa ohteltheb moonn. hoeaplained. Accrding te M. Wright North Ameican spoce dovelopmesl la "Amap aiead of the Rosians' iecuse o hîghlp advanced com- puter lehnniogp. Bacismel Inlernts- oalos invaivemoent in the opace pregran boula ia 19M, mien the &en acquiired Nox-th Amer- icon Aviaion C. ie aviation co00- panp. famoas for lis artime bombers, as the iraIta odesign and cnstruct space rackets. iosell Inernational Iis ear celehiates lie ltti aninersai'y of the irstl anar landine. Me. Wrght,. misiss die rî'tly respîsrsible for tbe design oth1e cin vronesenlal temal contrai oatie spate siul' le saîd ie feels tl is important the pabicl undrstand miaI iis eing domboinpag l eeisnoioay. fi lab tino e put in o gond mrd for the spoce program,' hoe said. Enthusiasm avec the idea had dled oser tise pool tom yan., Mr. Wrigist baibe wIth the engnering departîssent ai the $10600 Systems Group, Bock- m v 40 PAGES - 20 CENTS

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