R6S The Canadian Champion, Wnd. Oct. 3,1979 Real estate in Mfo Market expansion ln the iest sixmonto see, lte polentia for ,Out came arhart and a of1979, the raidi entate grointit Said Me. Kerr Pochet ententator. mnartet in Milton tins Atottier change of "Let *nay w&ve got a dnsbied oser tie narie neene basnneen red for A 1000 morigage ai 15'-ý period lasipyear. E. LePage. The fir per cent. Thais 1455.69 Indicatinons are lnat the i'eeentiy ineneiton a per inonth. The saine Market wiii joni keep an modern nets office on $W0iiitiortgagenî jiper os aeti \-That's aimenlt tien a a monthinnre 1 ~The nets develapinrents GARY THOMAS in Tinhertea and Botnte C ary Thomat, leaoam have rantri- ftfmanager ni Fnbert Reat boird ta the gremth nf fihe jet snnepteted the hesi town mnàini Faberî's hols - Tiberieo con e înry. Sapposed ta have bers a "Tbis Septemnbr bas pain in the nerit fer beentheiieatenntbsinaa reottar.. bot t don't loob veopenrdbherraýMarrb. alitlÉbativoy.-satMr TERRI 1973). Wesnld 33bhomes te Thomas. JIM KERR SANDERSON Septembr Timbertea bas vonord tini Kerr nf tayiry Managr Terry Soný -iii aenaîing bosiettrs an initia ni people fanin MaceanfRealtEstate. an del rsan mas aise op- tao gond, sansidereng Terniitn andbtiatisaaaga. 0ovat taiavtir tiniistaie frts at0. iterrai an a tirai mort- Tbey'vrbren draon hrre ceeule npsne Rihation - expect o gond cer a e Ogisi13pervcent. titbn by tbé adrising thbade- offive, satd bhrrr Se m optimistie. i jJk '0li i tbr a goodyear. t valopers do, Tbry have ramponies abesides bisa pries are gmang ta rm, fluanb itl br atnger. trodlera and flngs andaui]. siartrd la operairte ib or the nesi year, bol deeptir tbe bîgb antrest page ards in the Tarante Mitin e tî anar en gavertnentas rates. nemsappers. Tbey nolde 'Calbeb marigage drdnetibiltiy Me Sanderan spaie "Tbe peopte avili raine Ran Ftae, atiSlail pn n-i belli brfiyaonieerest rates. brr and ser ser homes ReEsta . n el Riuerl We'rr rslabiebîeg 'This es tbe biret lime an in ooy. a 07f00e prie tretnry 21> Real Estta Yen aivea brr rîgbi ncw biatnry Ibat mnrtgoge ronge. Tben ibapitl lneb -11 metha's agoo Y benm ce'e tast rales bave bren laver ai tbe resale bomes as indicabin o anes- mnved and ve're ne- ibae tbe8Ban f aada ibalsainepre rne. pandiitg marbet. liber s ltbng anis the vain- prime leodîngrate. Sabhe îl ' tscamparative. cOmpniesare ommg mundy We're building boebs are neî mabîsgoany sbopping. moi5ly jeta mien beaase bey fevd il's a ennabati nf mney on mortgagne --il beor o aes fectiJsnnly. enarigage rates remploie henanasa be tait Maple treesdon't gprnt~sl . abve ttin hltpr like those nm ites aîaabe.Thresno th ni . brraoimeseepi lin ltigbty inaptes can pile abartagenftt - adverbisiegnoftbem - mîtes intest SUgrl fines ibis men mari- Of tbe rnnghly 15 reai drveinpnnartbbietlumps and redminpten. gage rates moygonnp t estair brin o sereing an tbeaUppereidesio Uaefaieiformation n 15Speresaent onts Mitoni10are mers reaves, bol ibere is no mates and nîber pestsis ibgbrr thon tanb o ni a h Oabs ovîlir Real areld for amen. Frai, C. oveiobie in the Ontario Canadanprimea? EstoteBnard, t. Fricy. Pest Diagsnosîîticsiistry af Ageicelture -Thol -nnd br far li baosa iems C'inrie advîenr, soya homer and Fenid Pubtivatîn 64, opclalaan.- ha saad 1a oylry MaorLan. te gîrdrnrtbeoidîacrp -eneet and Dîseasa "Theacrrrnl mnrtgage iour. Ceenry 21, Cal- one ai ntere phen- Central ini the Étaine ,asln soîaîv t rk eri aar mie aridren, ta abtar a av-i nesa Dorset niank. MiOaise - Mitcell. thera are dallerret tapa. contact ynar loaa Thr homrs nere boilt Naavraend Wnrneranuse btadeofemiteseîve-iag agiev-aiorai v'teensiilbrcabout lave or vis h liapleia ngegsr- lvth abbpelofeîaae lar fieorerta the I-vaago a0nd rrseid vicr-ýMLSa gîaa ibey vcarse Baddr- formattos troaci 'viren ltae merîgoges n-arr Torlbr heer i cilil ers faîar sir Ontario Stasîaîcy ai Aira iait ic ecn be lr'av ovole Io andtaedmapar..aiaaî culturerndptmî. ege- alaaeaa-etralrasercenta Theiosa areaa o 'factice gail ans a ttacb latte Biliding, oronto. ea vi vnior arda rn St SOgi avpireaitatti Ci riaiialraerc Thasapsas, Chrîsîte aed TAKE OVER MORTOAGE ORRIENT Mat $ J85amosnth&nesit is mmavwlarl tow amni e bih bedanms, D.R. i -,bths. Ui- winb mabes i dena foninmin g. Coiabrie3vs ANaedb j A Ne- TRUST. to continue Woods, Stell Portos, homnes are naid ini Miltn and hintie. yna'It matie tiatnel Esiate, Bah inthbecouesenofasyare thebncbn. Crina. re. a arr independ- Me. Sandeeson naîd Oie "in the tight of Éthit, ta tais emplnyieg ibeir on reai estate hutinets ns therennech a ihing as a sainnebtibhlieanynîher, bad marbet? A bail The average sangle 'ibis n tse type of marial 10 a frame ni tamtdy detaebed hamin sbusiness Éti f tyoomorb' mini. Nnthîng more Mitonnalinselffor any-i atiyattlmaie.nnt al] Sure. ibere ame Incios inhere brmmeen 050016 right. Von gel ont ni il Ébat con oeesey affect and U45,000. Toinhonses inhat ynnre mittisg toai u ihe marhet, bot they con nett fnretmer tntanng0. n t t il.'1'here are no ceil b oerentre, hy bard Rnnghts 3o0 in 350 lng.tIf -nugetnoutthere innrh' GUIDE FOR METRIC CONVERSION e.g.: 2.5 =2 Metres £50 Centimetrea 8 Faut, 2 Inches 2,5 -82- 5.9 19A 9.3 33" 3 7 1214 î. 5 - 6.0 bt 19'7- 9.4 =308 38.- 247- 2.7 89, 6.1 20,t' 9.5 3l'2- 39 12710- 2.8 9'T 6.2 20'3* 9h.- 315. 40. 1312T 2.9 9" 6.3 20'7' 9.7 1 i8" 41. -130*5" 3.0 98il 6.4 -20,10' 9.0 32*2 42,. 137V' 3.1 -102- 6.5 2l'3 9.9 =32*5 03. =141'0- 3.2 -OY toS- 6.b 217T i0. 3208' 44. 1444- 3.3 to-s- b.7 -21 *1 t Il. 3b0* 45. 147h" 3.4 1 lt-t- b6.8 223Y' 12. 393Y 4h,. 150V' 3.5 1ilS" 6.9 22*6- ta. =42-r- 47. 154'T" 3b 6 18 7.0 229 14. -45V' 4f - 15"Y 3,7 2" 7At 233 3.=' 9 49> 160'8" 3 .8 12'Y" 7.2 =23%- 1.525 0 1h410 3.9 =12V" 7.3 v2210' 17. 530 51 1h73': 4.0 t 3tl 7.4- 242 ' 18. 390" 52. v 1706 4.1 v 3S51 7.5 =24'6" 19 h2*3 53. 1739' 4.2 v 38' 7,6 -249" 20. 66 54. 177*2 4.3 14' 7.7 -25*3' 21. 8,9- 5. =181l4- 4.4 v144" 7.8 v256" 22 -2l, 6 1837- 4.«5 14'8' 7.9 25'9' 23. 75:. 37.= 18780" 4.6 150' 8.0 -26'2' 24. 787" M8. 198'3' 4.7 14"' 8.1 -26' 25. 820* 39. 193't" 4.8 15'7- 8.2 -269" 26. 453Y h60= 19h'8" 4.9 hO'" 8,3 27*2" 27. MbV L. 2133" 3.8 16W" 8.4 27'6" 20. 91,8' 78. 229'7" 5.1 1 6'7" 8.5 -279" 29. 95« 1t 75 2460' 5.2 v170" 8.b 20*2' 30. 98'4- 80 2h2*5" 5.3 -17'4- 8.7 28' 31. 1l7- 45 2789' 5.4 17*7" 8.8 v 7'9' 92. 104*10" 90. 29533" 3,3 18,0- 8.91 29:2": aa. M a' 93 3317" 5.6 18W. 9.0 - 293" 34. 1115" S 10. 328'l" 5.7 =18*7 9.t 299' 35. 1148' 125. 4181"* 5.0 190', 92 30'2" 3h, 1181t 150. =492'l" WAN1TED REAL ESTATE SALES AGENTS fill a a cr.npany bntnaanie c of.ienet in iss ton Mcaecpanlqîgîn. but notnnutargesîhanrnoUbsn,,,snone o Mýl»er ea cnngen lai lnnsklng atmophere oith no gim m tske a rotinsinacnnnen totle Onnsa lion anaf Canadian Real Estais Association. Ir Van aresapeoplees a Von are preparei On inorti S'on mont a place In a growing company Yon are footing for a change nf scene Cati Ken Nelerc for a confidienfiot di scnssiona - 878-0551 îâfelReal Bstate mnt>LM. (_4 <3iome oi (ýDineUion Oeeinntiîng a minas -libe pond lbis mnti leaei homo stands n 5 ocres of n 50in meainets and mnnded lts loaa si 588 401 and Trafalgar Oad. Prnfeassanallp desiged b bedsnnms, largo nînse pataon marbie fanetalan, stndio and baie. M PRICE $,225,000 FOR VIEWING CONTACT: 878-331188 S i : a M; ,-