COThe Canaden Champion, Wed. Oct. 3,1979 Donna Stewart is champion 4-H showman Dy ooug Meer. serve Grand Cliampion Sine Clubs. Hero are Hrren and Gus MacRay KelJuior Jcuy ehbtdosary-aiL mlne a hHlis B-H Huea: Ast Agric. Bq swnet taJoseph Weeden of tise reullo aerein the C Grenp 1-Junior Jherste Doltrtsaminrof otieHAisinl om Danna Stewart ut Oahille. oALTmaON 4H -o4 - Hornby walked away Salurday isas tii wilii Grand Champion Achiovement Day a Sboseman honnis ai lhe Mlton Far for ti Halton 4-H's Clubs' Halton 4-H Beef Calf Achievemeot Day on Junior Dairy Caif, Senoi Saurday, Sept. 22 Ro- Dairy Calt, Sbeep unc TWU AI5EA BIi.SIJ Nsharodthe11 Vermior oxhiitor banner uttIhe Milton ail Fuir Jersey catll show. Rock Ella Farm of Hornhy and Foatherstono Bens. oft Oakvillo tiod for the award, whiie Fealher- stono Brus. look the premier brooder bannor hy one point ovor Rock Ella. Lorno Rula lftti and Jim Livock ilhtl accopi the bannors from John Anscomb oft Rens Feed and Supplies. Featherstone, tops in Jer, filoas a close racelfror be hsi ddî the top hosors in the aiso the bcdt M ltonFar Jerseyecallle herd prise. Fez shois, Sept.23. A toal o uso shousedt 10 eshîhuloss ompeted champion hil, fose rions nder the oye Cirys tilusier ot Iodle James Mormson. Klu esîrîl Qseensville. second ithe Premier eshibilor bail chaumipions aser endedpinualic Follooîsig bolises Rocki Rua Paris resalîs of the i Lld o omnbeand Bufll eau. Pealborstnne Beos. of sione, Klo.; Jol abslie. And the si. George. premier breeder banner chmpio il, oas won by Feuiere- eseree Feut clone, juol ose pointlRua, ahead of Roeck Ella. Senior orlu Featherstose eniries Wheui Rula, înloded the senior and Li.iock. aliasll grand champion Ormaie. yearlng. Feunt ihoonlea Meri's basa hies. F. Kîac ývihl also wosnIthe prise son, Georgelom -sev erd con. ýbreeder's tbe grand li. Avosiru ecois and abhips are bbc Feaiber- ho Wheul, Grand aie uand lhersionr. ýuircalO. l; J, G. le. Jcunior bteesione. nor Bobin-1 vsn Ella. oe SI4EEP CLUB at Leaders: Doug Gar- àe disouse, Don Harris and IHolly Hurreon. Judge: Dr Ray Clrbson, id Mississauga. -qhownianship li. Richard Sanley; lsd, Josephi Weeden: 3rd. Gerbard Treviranus; 4th, Dsug Dosaldson; Sth. Lesley Huren. and Bih. Jamie Richardson. bIn he B Group wre Kevis Dssatdson. Maryann Dnaldsos, Ruth Gillies. Amanda Essieu, Gus MuacKay. and Bey Wilson. bIn he C Group wee Ellen Hueren. Dlavid McCan. and Doug McCan In lhe markiet lamh ex- hibil the reslis mre as lolloses Ist. Dsug Donaldsos. 2nd, David McCosan rd. Doug MeCann. and BIh. Amanda Kunica. In thse broeding lamh exhibil the plaeîsgs were as lolloiss. IsI. Richard Slanley, lsd. Rathi Gillies, led. Gerhard Trevirans; and 4ih. Joseph Wedos In the B 1 Gioap ocre Maryans Dosaldsoî. Losloy i Hoccos. Jamie Richard- son and Bev Wcos. Kevs Dssadson, RIen 1 Ella show Senoo rîeealngRoi J cher Jusior champions lemale, Robinsoss reverse. Buicher. 1 Too-year old. Bale- her. Ello. Featherslose.1 Thic eoar id. ChrîsT anld Va' Riharilsow P .Milton. Buleher. Robin- son. Foar vour old, Elia. N Fealherslose. Buleher. Fise-year-sud. Pealher- close. Kla. Richardssn.N Senior asnd grand F champion irmale. A Fealersosr:reserse. H Eusa R est odder. Feather-I close. Elia. Richiardson.sK, Breedersherd. Feathcr- F close. Kls. Buleher ar HALTON 4-H BEEF CALF CLUB Leaders: Evolyn Gillies. Bill Jacksoni uni Doug Mewhinney. Judge: Jolis MeKinson, Miltos. Junior iiiowmuimhip- Ist. Gonid MeCunn. lsd, RuhGillies. Ird. Mark Spech. dlii. Neil Gillies; and 11h. Joe Cartweigli. In tie B Gruup moel Roger Boyd. Revis Dosaldison, Maryann Donuldsos, Doug McCun. Leanne Pac- sons asd Jodie Stsit. Senior Shswmmnship- Isi. Ses Wingtield: 2nd, Richard Stanley; 3rd, Lunie Parsons; 4th. Brian Wingtield. SSii, Dnug Doaldson; and Bth. Pul Wilkinson. Seel Heiler Class-lsl. Jodie Stsîl. lsd. Lorie Parsons.In the BGrssp oeee Rsger Boyd. Revis Donaldssn and Muryuss Dosaidiso Stber Clans-icI, Ses Wisgfheld. lsd. Mach Speci 3rd, Doag MeCans BIth. David MeCuns. 11h. Richard Stasley; Bih. Sout (lillies. 11h. Neil Gîllîrs. Bih. Brian Wingtield: 9lh. Pul Wiliniisoni. 10h. Leanne Parsons. 111h. Dosg DIiadsos. and 121h. Jor iCartwright. JUNIOR AND SENIOR IIAIRS CALF CLUBS Jodge. Kari Osborne, Soehwosil Leaders: Junior. Ken MeNahh. Jeff Nurse and Ted Poiler. Senior, Lerse Glua. Jîm Lisocli asd Bertearte. Slioomanship-Junisr, i. Danny Wîehsss, lsd. Lesley Horren I 3rd. Debhîr Alesasder; Bih. 'l'm Rosies. Slh. ilandy Pcoud, G15. Consîr Pallersoii. 71h. Jobs lePhail. and B1h. Cheryl Robinson. n the B Croup Ser*e Charles Bird. ilarîlyn Bird. Liansy [lay* es, hisanda Konica. ion Olid. Jamîr Richiardson. Murray loye and David Wilson sn the i Groap ocre Keuh Middlehessh. Seott 'ailerson. Kelly Saehaa nd Ceehard Treeiranss 2 The Dig Number for News-9.lM DONNA STEWART 0F HORNBY omerged as grand champion showman at the Mlton Fair 4-H compotitiona. She is pictured with her caif, A Tripp-FaIk Matt Eiloon. Sho wa top dairy caif show- man, thon edgod out the heof, swine and sheep champs for tho overali honor. Senior-lsl GDonna led. Elles Hurren; 4h. Amunda Konica. Suart Seouri lsndJoseph Jshn Reid IGeo); and MePhaîl. Randy Prsnd. Beedes lrd, Randy 11h. Geehard Tresîrans. as Jmie'Richardson and Peildie: 41h.Km Peddîe. Senior Hosle-s tI Norma Wilson. Tîm 5tlb Carol Ans Laidlais; Donna Stewaet; lsd. Essieu. IBeuiher Lisse- Oih, Suart MPhail. and Jamie Alexanider; led. more. Seott Pallersor, ith Jamie Aesasder. In Rasdy Peddie. th. Bill Robinson and Mary- the B Group more Elles Dehbie Alesander;, Su. Jeas Robisosmwere i Horren. Marilyn Ses Wchson Bih. Jsseph tlie C Groop. Melsabb. .Mary-Jean Weehen; and 11h. In the Gîher Sioeds Robinson asd Norma Elizabeth Bird. In the B Classes. Maniesn Wilson. Elizabeth Bird. Groop ocre Marilys MeNuhh eshiiied a llealher Lissemore. Joîhn ird. Dassy Hays. Senior Gsernsey andl Reid (Gro . Bill Robin- snand Ses Bîcksos ,eei heC Groop. HeufreCai Eshhiis- Junior Hlistein. 1lsi, U~ Carol Ans Laidlaw;2s, .s John MePhaîl. and 3rd. Dasid Wilson. In ihe B s o Group ocre Chares Bird, Lesley liurre. andi Aîîs Reid. eilb Middle- m m iroo and Nlrra 'vRoyem u w m %er in the Ci.roup. lInerînîediaie Holsi- ei1-s. Ki Peddîe. lsd. Dassy Wiehson, ;5 Douna Steart had tihe Champion Diry Cuit and won tise Jacis Proud Tropby. The iiaer ut tise Boul Paientf Hostein Helteru i CISC Amrdi -us Kim Peddie. lsd,1 Rundy Proud: and Ird, Marie Murruy. HALTON 4-H SWINE CLUB Leaders: Dessis McClure, Lance Pueclik and Tsm Parker. Jsdge: Kart Poulsos. Milton, Showmmuship-Itî ï Doug Donatdsos and 2nd. Lori Pncoch b Inhe B Group mere Allan Cunningham, Kevin Dosaldso. Keith Mid- dlelirunli and Duvid Robinson. In the C Grosp were Paul Lesley. Johns MePisuil. Gerhurd i Treviraus o and Put Wlkinson. f In tise Gili Exhibiul Claslie placings mrea Lesley: lsd. JohnC MePhail, 3ed. DosgS Dosalds. BI4h. Lorig Pococli: lth. Allas Cunningham; BIh. Keith t Middlehessh: 11h. Gorhurd Tresîranso. Bh. 4 David Robinsos; BIh. Kesin Dsnutdson. and l1th. Paul Wilkinson. The resalîs of liew Champion Shswanship C and Reserve fose eaeh oflC the foar classes are as t Sherp-Champion,G iîchard Stannley, oisserU of the Hats B4-H Sheep 4 Shoamashîp T nphy, Reseve Joseph'deder, ihhon. Bort Chamrpion. Bec Wisgtield. oîsser of the 6 and E Hereford Ar Teoph '.y: eseese, David GC Lisby. ibhos tlo sisinri îuu isio bohirri:ss iliinçy, ciîccs tlibariiîiîfc5 îîîîîî Thats coher e ac] icc ani î. Planc Lîî.îohic u strncr n cti tise du iii e urSotnla Plan Lois Ollisees Ilicisec, iveey Scoir.iPlan Lîî,îîfc leir la.c full .îtoîrîcy îîî aypriiee munI bans os thecycIr). Niicccii oirlcighee-Uyns Niiss. ch kinil iiisycîcm hic îîî lie Licter, diicont îî. Esers Sciaak : q birandi lias atIcl.aceiiilc Ir's hicserlie businccc ci con: oce omucir he licher i.îscorlueion us oi- scsBy 't- inîour lonapoai -asqui:k aildcic ic iniipssi bic.B% îiiakiiiysurerui,îîiîîse lis-asenuelisi i . - 1Tropsy; Hennins, Joseph 1Weeden, cisson. OSsine-Champion, iDoug Donalduon, winner ot tise Hatton-Peel Pori Produreen' ihosman- ship Teopby; Heserve, Lori Pococli, rhumsn. In tise Flot Year Sbowmanuhip lDairy and Beeli, Jamie Ricisardson mas tirsl and mioner ni the Benniese Faim Trspiiy; 2bd.Neil Gitiien. led. Marki Specit; BIh, Dehiiie Alexander; Sts. Phil Shea; Btii, Losley Hueren. 7tls, Dussy Hays; uts, Jodle Stuti; and Rth. ReIs Middle- brouli. The rosults ufthlie Inter- clis Herdsmun Claso lia iniprove tise impession peemled 10 tise public on fuie day isy tise 4-H club momiiers in Haltuni are as tollsms: Firol group, Acton 4-H Cuit Club and Hultun 4-H SliOOp Club; second gessp, Huilas 4-H Junior flairy CuIt Clubs and Hal- lus 4-H Senior Dairy Cuit Clubi; third geoup, Halton B-H Beel Cuit Club and Haltos 4-H Imine Clubs. 4-H Agricultural Club Eshihîls-In tise A Gruup weethe Hulton 4-H Beet Caîl Club,. Hallon 4-H Conservution Club and the Hultos 4-H Senior Da iry CuIt tise B Group more tise Acton 4-H uilf Club and lie Hallon i-H Lîsestueis Judging + + + IIAITON 4-H HORSE CLUB Leoaders: Allison i nos. Don Heath and G lensa Scotti Judge: Roy i ; Cl waid ouSu-nday. i Sept. 3.lhTise mulin ut tise suowianaic lasses more au tolionna: Jeuor-int. Gimny kCarsn anad inner aoflise i-Halten 4-H Horne SliowmanslJp Trupby, lsd, Valerie ScontI; ld, rCheryl Hibou; 41is, 1Debhle Deenili; Ris, iKatby Galbraitis;6tus, fSusan Marusall; 11h, Ber iLawrcence; and 8tis, Lynda Wisgield. Senior-lot, Diasa Huyce; lsd, Elaise white; Ird, Eaelisa May; 41is, Mary Balisa. Pony Cloa-li, Kathy Galbiraih; lad, Lynda >Wlsglield; and led, hMary Halisu. Horse Claa-mlt, Dianu Ronyce, lad, Rarlisa May; led, Ses Lawrence; and 41is ie, Ginny Cursus and Valerie Scou.Il, ltlie B Gruup were Debhie Deenili. Ciieryt Hulon, Susan Marsall and Elaîne Whitie. Dance centre broken into Hltos Hegional Police are isventigatlng a breuak-in ut lise Audrey Meredithi Danse Centre os Main SI. Police were calied Priduy ovening alter lise omsor, Audrey .lescli eeported lise shap liad isees eslered. A buose ceilisg tule mus tsuod liy isvenligaling ottficers. Reporled talion wau $4 sn cash and a llevision set. ~LaPln wav Thar,,chou cs icîi.înk liascbecîîmeaieadfr in 0 I f IL I() O c uIC l .cii Iii Irk 1(lani,.i.î . ues- h;în 5 /2 mllu 1,aîn pprols. .andl îlii nnuber îs groiu-s dalI \NIi.iîu uIeci lcc-ci uiclilo r îlay-su-sas- 1.[îkîîîll:ulcic. si C uan our îeluis bbusinss anl %%til P;iik o uclilhi.iseir.hbecisoifiiur cim- lýiseselor Ssi, Pias Lîî.îîîOli(se tîilk uîîh îheScii Pias Lîîao OIIicer ,îî 110 ,cis ihinbrandei nisci youa Or 1iî ole saler ns ltl SifiiîPlan oin Financioa. - CR0 ... A new dea thot hos corne of 09e... Ail news radio with personolity ond persoruolities... Lynne Gordon, Consumerism ... Elwood Glover, IThe News in Dmension ... Arthur Voile, Business Report... Bab Tebbutt on Commodities ..-. Peter Maher, Red Storey Dave Lafove with Mople Leofs Action. Mel Profit with the "NrL Live: Walter Kanitz on Trovel. Fronk Cantor wirh Conadn Today Barry Aldrich ond Mike Johnson wîth Gîocd Morruîicg lwrxDdo followed by The Chapmor And it Just Keeps n Report ... Growving 'NF// MBecause ftiat'slte way Iife s ScotiabankS THE BANK< 0F NOVA BCOTIA Just aiod the silene.Righî aruilsl thessilrlsl ýay me 1