C2 The Canime Champon, Wed., Oct. 3, 1979 Saturdav Nights on Main Streetj Bp SScI Rbinsoi occasiesatit i goetathie damniem ceea between fbeands ia a'cierSan a uturdat eesilie TItrer ceare Wcal s bucdtp ap igt tucs tsbeusenn Te cicateiolpesen can le sera aoisîg tri m toe te store, dring samlats mînute sbeppiagatleebe in tbe Stuces are gettîsa erada ta ctorebahp fr tbe ceebesd. Everepiing sermseaqsquiet au ditîeti[rciiithestc ceredumniass 50 tic 6vecis agu NaruadasTursdap and Fcîdap i-i-ringsarecthe hiîgbigbte eýthie erS tr crsceeepeca Int ibse dapa indus ria cmlckcisursîntto ed as erey us tici-aentitgs as tbeve- i uiag tbe aest outheceeS. Tbep cured ram7 atri ucciii12 si-use osterb atuedapa. Suai- of thers dîd ns eceise ibnr ceekitumiges cti tbt eeenîag. FPet tutu ahi cmas tueceeest ecreailn tSi-i-cic, toti- cases asailabte tue pai itu heturdais utircusus Sesugt the ftest ae i meealii-hopping se Maie St h\. tuyaup dîcd dus i aumembat tecard aui-"Iiiterac qliiau air cii-a eti inthe tSi- irra lesaand caniners cern Sept stacked fer1the nnrniag rash il mas acrus, tas Eartple anth rscaing te fan a fueiebegata cran tninaa n ercars ced buggies. cherraer re bueried a ltlle t e niamap ta tmmei te eeartp nsenleg. Muai iceutira cautd make tbe titp te tuma Sp car tnacbout t5 minutes. Maptrearr ones bad eegutae custumiers ie tamefotuear eggs and butter. Tbnp ecde ibnîr detiseries as sean as tbep eeacbnd tema Giben teeS tbne rbutter and rggs th1eltrat rifait store tac credits un ibnîr menbtp sbupping tac gruceres. Tbe sbopping espeditiae aca tbe muai importcnt ceuasnteerttheueektp vsiuta mmewn As tbe icre familles ceeîsed un Main St, tbrp parbndti ni cca. se tind up tbere buesa Tumaspeapte. tus, began toarcrise aedbn ihtbern atag the atreet. Meetings ere ptecscst Seccuse ut cmman interesta ct cbuecb. 51gb acbsut, ta tudgea, business. atetîe. cnd enetcaintrent Tberccwstscbic taiS about. The favorîte subteat. ut ceacte. cas ~t~wu ibe meaanr. Terni peepte sbared ibe ceacernse aifaraiere abeuttthn sagarie ai une maanr. Thep aniait te knem bem tienge cern ceaiing ateng ai tbe tarais, seuatplbeasenf aiCecI i-sie btalai becamse prmsprriip fr frmera as acceped as eeresearp fr tcat and ectiienat prsperity. Hbltibpeabieme erre aseipoetantiin cannersaaiions. Mre peopte bcd bestb prabtents ta merp abou la ibese dape beloee a mander drage. Tbnn tierer mnen muluat trerde, prtîng eenai, cburcb and Inatte alfiîrs ta discais. Otdnr pepe satinlaharcarsite isit, r they tatbed le clusers in sores and aeg tbe ceumdnd sidematbs. Yuungnc people mcibed up and dam tetrernt, stapping brrr and tbrr ta geeri Soeinimerdurmng tbe eveeang aiss tare tcedniieseaevedcasantte onerut tbe ice creai pariera tee c disb ut ice cr ama da oracseadan T'Ms as tbe bîgbtîgbt oethie menS orte pnne- tera A ie ern gises ac25 cent pince ta apeed ebere ibep cbase. Tbrp cern lartuacte inderd. Airer thea ce ceraicame treicaiuît puacar aifa Sardat eîgbt tceci ai cadîes. Muaiyt ibeermer buugt ci Mcckeiir'a Deug Store or ai the sture upeecird at diirennl tiens bp Arhur Nurîngtue. Tbomcs Mcrebead, Lais Putubuit. cnd W. TBcrnard. Sbow Pund iwhite paper bags. Panai brittir, tefieen miii nais, peanut cleniers, raisin cusers, ierkinb de- liglit, and cecaîtat casered mangia a tees werre ait pepuiar. Aller itapa taraifamiiles eiaried teasing tor tbe csuntry, and tinn peopte siarted mctking brne-a iem ai a tiain. Sierebeepers knew froe epr ence ibat certain ai ueir castOeles cern sire lu came ia jesi befare, ne cter ilieic regetar linar frSaaiardap igbi ctdsing- Ilimai elles appreaclima midniglii befare tan barber ebep5 and tbe reluit steres ere able te, claie ibe r duers aad ibe merchanie and the r cierbu ceatd star maeilipfr berne. Witb tbe sieeaip eaiber ef lait and inier, the shnpping pattern an Main St. cbanged. Manp tarai familles came ta tees ta ssup onsSaiardap afierasen. Temnspenple st ept tbe sreesy ons Saiardaa nighis Tere as a mre r t nticeable ditierence beimeen age greusa Parents met and iaiknd muS 6 parents Verrp peng cbldren iagged aeng mbtieicri.is bia' aerp LINDA BERTOLI ag aianpcre itemcd teaner lopiet kisa in i ate n te tel mth tbeir ewn fiendu. viit to canadas9 Yung cuepe et i p and dewn tan lex et Niagara Fal siÏrn , uer 1e>mei e bePrînrais leem Milton was c Theatre__t wducS ibere as baiS an Marînelandes 5,000s ieactp cnd c tte shbw ub CONGRATULATIONS ta John MueKinnea and fnrnîly oneshera e ir g pun Grand ChamponSeemat ilcMtone Fir. se n intarios a Va ara ptrasrd ta base bred ibis purabred nada's ime - Angi SiPer SPEYWOOD FARM CH4ARLES a BETTY WEBSTER R.R. 5, MILTON o s ie - -I.-.- M - lBt linaCaes t a a-t muai uusuat axe wcude îhsîîîtýIîîîîailrougaphucatatuf tedat, ti uit *unique ide cees uiab ci-ate iti tiiiactionuand permitieasy tîttiaetai of ttc Sade Ait-tial t tese %aces urt ictf ras- ratonuile t itisau eateithe de- mainhgaart ut phitingfiewood, sas the -tl ie. Nuorî,tier uSai technique t1eptuped uthbn i sig t1eci-tpatuaps wund ujp uut he tS- i-ead f Si- îpated nathclua).ufille-stui caestrasellrd up She ataht pacticclp eîppîeg e> r suui ltheiirsaets tsi-uc theh utterepeopte docl sccestullt plttîsg uitSa siegie. ett lc)ui(tc(ucai-lie reea titîs. pra- tcstaSkepri-ecitut. aelrtuectelp. i gui-sa1tlhtvta siscS ta aplttteg 11, teisi-e cataluf cas a buedaume aeasvhckeyisates 1dntibesu c hi--t e eca eductaf the pasit es seaca. ut 1hadi Sethe gîiestuio htthSe deian sud cbceged s u ecb thi-par*taicaf hi me ce had beutitut tavuted Suts. ced stecefe- luuivh tiades The prîca psPPed et omtiuaaseghat user $100 %ii tiist put-utf skatesu.ccebad- mc ihîciau ihat iruet a fthiey ad Se cars ui tSiecs tefisttStney Cap The etebo uais acre atifced scetird. The blades acre iSe gouct keepers. ced bcd as about as taluch edf e as c butter bette. 1tceathilce tbemuonatihome.ihea uaikcabtuok tutbe iiab Aueabt 20 uinutes as theiie. t r uutd h, user se e> cebtea as adia t uca pracical aatief se the ides ut e, uas. Thc uctkbtack homer cas ,a tedious and mut piattîteaperieai-e.But, td Sb- bai-bat ib e set dc>. Wttin acoupteu0iaecassteccetard tefist pute ut tube sates. WSt c dierrace' But csepcced c ith trda> aSusses. ber tueS acient tua tictuber, ced tS eases in tSe usuda ar eef epaited b> litbee Nature te cuuieacuisis tbat iii sui, Iles bcdteiaa t ectamu bhnduiF The sattey bSi-tus alcsc tees cas tecerd. Ad. ne utfte muai Secil îcbîeg dries uait cicr ecatýi cruc Apptebp Lise iii Caîer a Lise. on No. 2 Sdeeucd. Trsugh muaS f et b u. Y>u I7 thruh a tunnet fepe-bggisf tues. as tbe traurba of e tete s nut ,ids f bherend. mmee vrad Toisue> ut us. fibsistea favorite tee cil the ace And, t !sspect use vi the tesn s alîctstlasttuiagpecedes chion> traember. andithe rtfucaofitSe tetgtd euetbs abead Le relut aSile ce cas Police apprehend Guelph escapee x ui-t ! fta î;uelph and ftastîsa lgts i Stidr,ýiti ,h usîtacti TShe car-cas eetai ilui-t(hai-hi-ofvtacîpuledusveseecriitde s i ;iLrI-te itite rus laiec. uc th the assstance apprfei-s-di-d u i alttua ci ather itucer ReinlPlc Te diver cas tacet is ,or'ostahi tie;rs Pur e Sua tuearuit jascaîtee cuis ta> titiieglar citasiafrust aGueph. putrii uittitai 9t5i h I-îtuted ea SAcheckash d the car- cal -tIi hppii-tib.tane.had Sbecs stoe ries ,ou teliSii- t hece lz,,i ta t-to eccrbas adeduieti tuthi-the Guslph îPP Sp i1thut -t-euit ice If you think you're paying too much for insurance idrld you pmobably are) cali us and compare. it'II cost you NOTHING It may save you a ton>. KNIGHT INSURANCE -TRIANGLE SQUARE 18 ONTARIO ST-S. '4 MILTON ONT W Sa a as 8784«0 makes plans for book sal( The Seast eeetngofthbe tertade tai t nacrait> bbueen*s Ctub diaceasioes ufito Sasend District energyar homecof Macrpciet DcSin ad ise arts. Milton.The club meets us the soemmeruysaned bacc test Thurday o ut r ti-sabsat lamenta ucee il. usiedoer cisc cend thutcatirnSt retard tr ShsuA s antI as cbeeseitititis rîmetinfs, ibece This aces exertive counc1'uas introued aeseveectungent iat aur e eber. and c readief alub5 Pasuee diacasaurd Nec iebers are tact foirabookbalto tuuSh i-ami- ai the MilieunaIt o e nusra uiest 12 and 13,t Asut uecssershs i. as dunatons cea te geeducte steeaied sl plccd intebooksdepui î 978, ta5450 v uI has e Sea aset up ie te Nait'The test mîetingaita Feucedsirombthale iltue h i uis. gotucards cbelcrsbtp uttuha hi tais Ci ticMashatl. peu-NIs. JaetciArmsaIrusg. gruen cussesar. pre- a foreer asaitanut pe- aeiteh as, tepeesaise tesoaîathetstvscrah pcgae teer the leur. of Turuntou cIl taiS about Ptcsscd peaiitsa physical educitue ILTON EQUIPMENT ICOMPANY UMITEDI MILTON 313 STEELES AVENUE 878-212111 E of Milton got tise kissed by Kandu, s 7,500 pound Killer North America on ber Wbslr. Kandu and bis 8,000 pound female tîuge Marineland coca- countei'psrt, Nootka, "Star in the tmu- ils. Linda, s 26 year old hour Marineland show, lb so Ceattires bosen froca the coe i doîphins, elephant seals, ses lions, bears, seat Aqus Theater bo be elephanta and Bengal tigers. ifiTTfl$ NEW TO THE MILTON AREA A LARGE SELECTION à the bath experiencE MILTON MALL 878-1333 MASSER CHARGE & CHARGEX- l'u a I HASU BCtLaLAi.i T- I nluit sohittinÇi Universitycli Introducing the aII-new MF compact tractors. Not pour ordieary "gardes-variat of tractors. these sc compact tractors ram Massey-Ferguson cas bandte a varietp aif abs acounid farmpards, arge and smrait acreages, and construction sites These handp compact modela inctude bg traclor teatures sucS as: 16 to 26 PTO Sorsepomer dieset engînes. 2 or 4-mbeet drive. Up to 12-speed transmission. 540 rpm rear PTO. Category t 3-point itaS Adjustabte sheets. PLUS there i aftllti tire of impements ta match pour MF compact. Speciat introductaip saings are avalabte nom, Stop n and sea these hand-dcndp- compact tractors t pour toal Massep-Penguson dealer.