Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 1979, p. 4

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4 The Canadsais Champion, Wod. Oct. 3,1M7 EstabItibhd 1881 Ikt [antbiau km i Phone87M2341 Editln, PAdomniifu la er N-ie i55..Euuto, Sý 9- . WOe,.rw ,là Pw m s. h.tiiuuu cFm: naOOeOTtt b.aa.ungoS M M, t Mnt .Mlo Beas m k« k" «g.Rh C- -f . ntpqo nCooai Th, .î.oaa . hd m. on, Oo. C iý _.ýN SAbS hlToO "1 N s-ý A nose for sense Thse latest development on tise proposed garbage dump t Site F is Site A. a The change is on account of thse National Semer Pipe Company. The company omna lond adj- cent to the existing regional lBndt iii location in Burlington. TIhe contpany is proposîng te turn a section of ils property into a private landfill. If il gets approval front the min- istry of Environment, it could be licensed to take garbage. Standing first in uine with money in its bond would ho the region. Athougis Halton secured an Ontario Municipal Board ruling in ils favor on Site F, it is under appeal by botb Milton Council and the Trentaine-Britannia Citizens Group. Tise hearing has been scheduled yesterday, but bas been delayed to Nov. 8. Faced witb tis continued op- position-tise region bas bad a gift fro thtie skies drop into its bond by Nationals announcement. Tise company, micb bad orig- inully been opposed 10 expansion of tbe existing duntp, is nom in favor. The reason is money. Tbe region would pay money ta dump in it. Given tise approacb of resource recovery, tbe company could make money accopting garbage and tison mining it for rosource rf-covery. Pending mater studios of tise land, tise location could soivo tise regions garbago problent for tise forsoeable future. It mould nove tise prime agri- cultural land in soutismestoro Mil- ton micb is SiteF. And it mould end tise outpouring of tisousanda of dollars micistise region bas squandered in misat bas, te date, beon a futile and tupid tirust to locate garbage in a peacoful and scenic interland. Tise only reason for tise region to follom tbrough miti tise 0MB appeal is an attempt te save face. Tise region sisould assiat Nat- ional te secure tise permit front tise ministry, For unlike tise region, tise company doesn't bave 10 go before tise 0MB to get it. After s0 many years of barking up tise mrong tree, tise region s- ould follom its noce and opt for Site A. A time for thanksgiving Tiss eekend la Tianksgiving. Anid tise colons of tise cisanging leaveu and tise bospitality of our tables lies a greater meaning miicis is of ten forgotten. Tise holiday is to give tisanka for natures bounty. Tise iarvest of tise crops, tise bîessing of meather and Ibie promise of being able 10 survivo- tise conting inter are reasons our pioneering forefatisers set aside tis day to say thanka. For Tianksgiving ia a religious holiday. For people med to the soil, tise occasion is ose for giving tisanka. Tise tact is forgotten in our artificial urban society, divorced fron t tose miso produce tise f ood me gat. We enjey benefits at fem otiser people enjoy. Millions around tise globe are, aIttis moment, exist- ing under extreme conditions 0f poverty and famine, pestilence and mar miile me enjoy peace and freedont, comfort and security. We in Canada are indeed for- tunale. Tbanksgiving is tise one tinte of tise year me can acknomledge tise blessingu me enjoy, blessinga miicis me oflen take for granted. So rentembor, misen you are enjoying tbe holiday and enjoying tise deights of your table mitis family and friends, that this is a tinte for giving thanku. Commen ting brie f/y Get the litterbugs Anyting tisaI can ho done t0 bal sesless duntping of gar- bage orural roadsides iii ho a step in tise rîgbt direction. People base tb learo tisey cannot hofoul anoîers front yard ils un- manted litter. But Councilior Bill Jobnsoo s plea for a $1,000 fine for litterbogs sounds a littho extrente, consîderîng tbe current lovy is $50. Wbs nul lite intprisonment, Bill if you utant a punishcnent tisaI iii stick? Between seasons At Iis tinte of year, tise sports seassi2,-, sermto1 overlap. Last meek's Chantpion sports section, for instance, încluded nems of soccer. bockey, softbaîl, basebait, T-Bil lIait ic rbowlng, tennis. g'uti:t arits. gotl, ltsbing and boatîng, You van tel] il's autuntn, just by glancing tbrougb thse sports pages. Space show After several meeksof taing reoders mils a giosy advrtising compaign, Rockmeil Inter- national bas finaly divulged tise fadas beind its Oct. 10 public sisowing of tise sound-and-ight presontation on tise company'a involvemont in tise NASA space sissttie progrant. Wednesday's progrant sounds mortismiile, every Miltonian should go 10 see il. Tise space showm s touring tomno mbere Rockmell bas manu- facturing plants. Rockmeil is an important ceg la MitIons indus' trial misoci, and contributes iseavily 10 tise tomo's economir base. Tise Wedneaday multimedia presentation ii shom hom tise international contpony is contrib' uting 10 tise eventual indus- trialization of spoce. It's big business This mock Tise Champion minro- duces a upecial fourtis section, spotlighting tise real estate ntarketplace in Milton. Tise realtors' confidence in tiis nemu- paper as the contnunity's nutrtb.' one àdsertîsîng ntedium, coupied ils tise addrd impact of full color proi2ess printing nom available te advertisers, bas mode this additional service pos- sible. News articles in tise edition pubs- liohed today opotligist tise real ette market in Milton and tise indications are that tise booming business wilI continue to boom on into tise 190». Tisere are 15 firma in real estate in Miton, seing between 3W0 and 3M0 homes here evisy year. Hlope you like thse nom tabWok"el-outection, wih RODLAM Babe in the woods 1 am a balle ut the woodos when tl cornes inlo my apartment. M-% itaîver and ber leudh deîvîîîg to mut'îng. AIt east. 1 mas. Su. 1 ended up driviîîg 10 Otawa Friday btoufIler ucre exhausted, so 1 proreeded le But last weebend buocbed consderabte îîgl. spendmg Saurday oolîîîg iny heetu round up a few oeu experience l to me and srorking tîke crazy Bunday Iltie gîod thing about heng a reporter. Although 1 bave betped move severat The catch was, betore me cooid gel the peu gel lu boom people ubo are almost as people. I1lad nou dru the eud ot the montb truck, we had 10 more somneone else. isnas>uel s movingtlime. Ilsras a omplete house. 1tmasvable tosecure the servicesoftmy Thus. t dido *t have tLea.foresight 10 book Attougb bthettun'o had eîgllt people ,îdtertisîogttmanage Paul Betanger Ji. a truck in adraIn e hctpîng and tîad tno deep frer. ill obk spurts edtor Mîke Boyle and rîty reporter Taalgar aîîd Gattîogec Mttors sere most ufthIe day lu gel bîs bousehotd gonds Peter Sîîts: rather good-ronsîderîng the boobed up uebo 0i advanve Evee Ibem tram one ptace te anoîller.tfinie nas sîtortu aller mtdnigbt. vans acre gooe. Meanubîte. I aod uts btter bal spett sîdlers o 1say, or made sbort wooebof S. t eoded up guîng lu Stiton Rent Att ronsiderabte ime brîngîeg ber tbtsgs togs tue a truckb doao three flîgbts of steps in preparatto And tttro. ut retatîver lu be. jumped At teast tbev dettvred tbe gouds. tue loadrtg. BuIweotey soedup Wtba mus tmust say. iltsn't the bigthttgsuwhîrh tach îminthet(ruckbanddroveharh tu trous 20-tîmI rebutce oith ise grarsobh kiff; it s tbe lIttte thotgs. ttttîtoa. he requred doble clutrbtg.I1treu inthe Jp andcown, op attd duuîtStars are vos .. hrare cusere uaysofu touet. mord er obient reyiog aubuard att d ttîg thtgs aodtastuýeebeod' actîsittes M oervesuwereo'tbrtpedmwhetoon tbe oumerous boses of raryttta sîzes and serentttanyuofthrm, mus to gel fus. tbe driver teout Rent Att oeigbts tîttîtever. t tearord. rttpped the service station roof t uoebed ibe a Trojao attd swraîrd tîhe Su t[ Itou[tve tî a utarettouse utbirh t said tbanbs. but ne tbanbs. a pig.tiai 'yterds urgaotuat1ton Et rroo i Id rather uatb Wr ad lu mabe a brer top ut uts future r cantttrnd ith boxes, chutes and things Fortunatets. my iasceen s btter mothe-tt-aus place to uîstoad sonne tai orevît1 there Frîdas orguoeedîbhant1.Tbougb heebrotber. sbe tbîogs betoe etaring Butat a rst. eur ae ouvrîtAnd bat's mas abte tu gel a trucb 10 move ber tbiogs Sxboues lter, un shourd up in Mton. the mtaint tîîg efflmfir fifina mess wth BILL SMILEV Buy, the uoeld s in sonne mess todlay. su' t IIIWtt to uorld ars inIis cru- turs. and the oceuns of bond shed in theut. noto mention the lirntted wars in Korea and SîitNam. seud thinh munhînd mould corne tits sens.sithuachanod su. tuev chups Eîîuugh is ertoogll tls sit bacb. sutvl ut our gaîros. aod have a feo centuries ut pouce and trendshîp Lets relus a ltille. try luuotuke surer everybody hsaiileavttuwosquares a day. stop bur- 010e upi rerpiacrabte eorrgy. aod make love. n00 ar1 Not a chance. Ailever fhns plaoet peuple arr sturîeg. houti. burniot. htoming ap. capîog. mutlatine. and demoostrul- ing. alin thenameoftsme no-esisteot ideal. ssdh as treedout. or natiooaiism. or language. or rrligioo, r cler. And nebody ismabîog a oickel out of il ail, encept the purveorseof rupoos. Ail over the mrtd. ni varsi areus ot Asia. Atrîca and South Amerîcu partîcsulp.l bhrrr are probahis' 3001 limes more t ,euse pitus and jsut plaiv siasstog his cetrtii violfsîîlghîeomî'ît Wurtd utar ,' iutb ils mîilos il draî, producot a larr decade and a hait ut pouce. il also the heginsiog ofthIe end of Use tairly taie and bruevoleut British Empire, altomed the brginuing ofthUe mas- sive international commooiom, and by ils punitive peace ternis, laid the ftuudations for World Wae 1IL Thal one peodoced as lile. or tenu. It uaulîed Rsssia and Use U.S. ino th e great conrontation tbot bas been goiug oserer since. It mete finis 10 the British Empire and redueed thal sturdy peuple to a draised, impoverisbed. Bdird-clus power. It spit Europe domn Ue midle belmees Imo philosophies, cunununism and capital- ism. It taunched ou Use mss-id the final meupos by mhich maîîhîsd roald selle bapot lu is oms specirs. Oas il smurteord anybody op? Nul eeactly. Toduy me have trasians beatîîîg os lIards. Chiorse gluring ut Otustans. Cumbodians llammereng Lutiaos. hiachu tîghting lachu ail suer Arîra. Jeme and Palenlinians toeigofeft. dîctatoruhipo i South 'luierca, India i t10 i.reo utios on CeoIrai America. trîshutro bleu- îog up each ther uîîh gîddy abaodon, old Iodle Tom Colry and ail. Wr dnsI seeuto10 tr mumch, do et The Ui.oted Natioos, a noble idru, con- ceived with a tuch ofthegreatness manî cao aspiretisuajolie.ulbrituanespensire eue. merelv a politîcat uouodiog-bourd toc eveepseo' pipsqoeah nation thut uanis soute pubtîctty. loog , t pleoly uf toreigu aid. 'Ne U.S.,winch emccgedtfeont WW Il aýagreat. pomerlut and mealtty nation. bus becs terribiy meaheord, ebtetty bY ils t'tenal atairs police, orlach'of tîem, aud the riedliiigiiisin egoiir,ofîs i Ilthaîtifs shiuog momnts: TheSMar sîtail Flue lu put devasialrd Eut opo' ach ostîsteet. Kenedyssbomdomosaîlh Erumbheu over the Cotes missiles in stalment: an attempt t makle a btter deat for htanbs on thete om counry. But these n-rer lamed by other evens and attitudes: the hacine ut rîgbt-wsng dicttan urssrud the morld: the tous ot fane on Koreap the treatutent of Cuba. Ibe mot- dMing in Ue affales ut other nations. -the tairty indimcrimîaate sippiping of arma ta anytedy mbo could pay for theut; and inally, the abortive, badly-bursed-tingees mesa 0f Viet Nom. AIteme riglit nom. Use States bas a rather pasicky Presidenî, gnmwing on- flation and unemployment, briligereot blcbs ad tiardîttîr unions. and arc stîtît onitht' huorinlroud. il fbus lsta tuteit tirai il cretlibiltts, and semis lu bc pushedlaroiud b.van.%bodyubitlttvpleot5% Actericun îutperîalium is oming hote iii reusi. asdtbrrr arr a loi t of ultitres amoglthe rcosters. tuba is an ouispobru cccxii OMexic, sitigo a hge ot de positl iscuol. cosîderîsg pasiîeievOces. Tht' Philippners are goer Japso and Ger- tîtatîs the losers in WR Il1, arerh minr i itheerîooîcouarThe U.S. dola ic olonger the international moue- tari staodard. Buit el s soiturget the iremetîdous peser that irs inv bat grera. hl-stunsed natonofîthle Westernohemîsphere. the 'U.S. oflAmerica. Thergîaoi muylbleomterîog. ltuintg nigllimares. tuthing inbts leep. But hbis far trou drad. rsere is sit a greal. latenti vitlts ai [lite Sates. Witll trog leadership, anda i-t-il veuve ut purpuve ic ue anh rail [,i ouîîî iltks.itedbetri up ui ,uri su biquitouv iatiits l hlî, Canada s riding os the coatails of the U.S., and soud btter helieve il. Il bey sutter. ne sutter Il Ihey hieed. me brutorehage. Lts set gise it amati or gas and cil aod outereand bydru power.LtIs leade slleeudiy. lbe a Yankee. Bot tels co( gel meus and stîsgy and oareum. rîther. Iris te oeîgbborty. Fer the simple tact is. thal if Canadians gel ait uprigbt and igteous and miserly. reetsisg lu share. tbey copld wnth on and tabe over Uis country and belp tbem- selves. And nubody, nobody in the murld, wus itf ioger tb stap Ibem. End ot sermon. ' One year ego FsmeMtsmyor Anne ac oArthur annouseidjber intention turegalai tsoit in the apcomlsg municipal dioction. Buo bld for ;re-eleetontm pir=ao buha deteat atts ad fDnGro. Sas. criticlaed Me. Grdas for preadW4 cuir tmo ypio of drift and londerlea coun- ci.' Itou. Rod Lewis, minuster of HBosoad Omogb Preshyteelan Cteretes, let to accept a position ai minute of Hopidol Preshyterlos Cbarch il aklsille. Me. Lewis mas Mitons1976 Citions 0f tse Year, and be .aid it wsuld belsard tari 1dm asd bis tumily te leave Mtilton oter leing sn toms for thet o8vin yem. A sucuey was beteg ondectokoen by Miltonsu parks and ricreotias departmaset te determise the feaslbillty of as ladoor simming pool in town. Budget etto td forced Use concellatios 0f. public swim- mise as Soturdoy otternooaa at E. C. Drury Scbasl, wlUs Use posiblluy 0f ftton cuttecte in public smlmmlag Orne te a]- mout noe ail Tbe dote for tise official openslag 0f Si. Peter'& SchooI was asouned. TIhe oebool will te spened Oct. 15ot 7.30 p.m. by tise Most Itev. PauI F. Redlsg, alatep 0f Hamiltto. A 9.8 per cent increoue la bydro rotes te Milten cossu mers mas terecat by Miltons Hydro manager O. L Hadley. He oddod the increuse wilI likely bc softened by o five per cent retete to conauners because of expected nocesu revenue by Ontario Hydro. 20 years ago Fr0, the October 1, 1 PU Isue Roogbty 13,000 people ottended the 557th Milton Paît Fuir, beld under beoutitul tai] ueatbee. A melcome addition wos the atm graudstand ai the rocetrocis. A oarge numberof oxcobbits and entries in voriso rompetîtions,ins mme cases breaiig ld records. appeared. The fre in the arma sean scbeduled te te sn by tbe tottumang meekend, terring untoreseen dittîcolties, accordlng to aresa tuanager Bruce Hoad. A bg ulgbt 0f public .vating mas scbeduled for Use opealag. Attbougb the stu addition to J.M. tîeuyes Sehllt as nat pet cumplete. cbitdeeon ere movisg inoud classes seere bitîf hetd. accordisg tu principal E.W. Fmstee. A siogte-car uccident un Martin St. ctatmed thle lite of a 20-yesr-old Toronto man. The rar be mas drivisg swereed out ut ronteot. leftItbe rssd and slommed beod- ou tto a Iree. A passenger sn Use cor mas taben lu opitat sutterlsa froes o braises Milton Fiee Chef A.E. Clement said tire tusses lu 1959 mere doms frontUse saine peetod the year betsre. asking peuple tu obsere Fiee Peeveton Weeh, Oct. 4-10. 50 years ago From the )etober 2. I5îSIsue TheX. P. L. ut Bt. Paut's Churcb milS hsld a raily seevice ou Sasdoy eumsing. Oct. o. Me. trau Clearer ut Borlington mîlI tes speetat speakee. Me. Cteaver lu a fine speaker and is greatly iulereuted in young peuples morb Al melcome. Me. Ed Agnese of Campbe5uvilte bas retucued home alter a deligbttul mutor trip lu the otd Si. Lawrence, Quebte, lu coîpooy mitb Me. and Mns. HP. Vietern and Mes. Beatty ot Chicago. to tbe ladies' tournameut teld by Hamit- tus Stratheou's Lases Bolng Club ou Pednesday ut lasI neek, a Mittan ris, composed of Mes. Fred Robinson, biru. Phitip. Mes, Crasetord and Mns. Sinclair t skipi mwou second prize. Dt. Jarobs ut Qakville mus tteed $10 by Magstrate Davidsou on Newe Toronto police court foe recldess driuing "mith bis arm uroud a gzirl". accordisg lu police testimony. Itatton Couuty Cooscil meets snMiltan nest Tuesday. Jack Macltennie is contised to bis bot wîtblu ai tbebhome otbis parents, Mr. and Mes. MacKenzie. tus many triendo hope be mîlsouu recover. Mes. A. J. loas ot Btrafford bus heen rtsîtng ber parents Me. and Mrs. R. White. Wdilltam Fteming and bis daugbter. Miss G.usste ot Torosto are vsiticg Mr&. Ftemiogs brother. Thomas Wilson. and other teîends thîs weerb 75 years ago From thse October 6. 1904 lsse Rer. J. W. matIs mas ordained and on- ducted as pastor ut Boston Cburcb, Es- quesiof on Tuesday attermoon. Heu Ates MeMittan mus chairman. The membres ot the presllyteep mere premeut. George Desoon. Sr., died last night ut the resideoce ot bis son, George in Tra- falgar, atter a long illuesu. Hemuas 78 peurs ald. Hue oas a cailte buyer for many yeoro. mas respected tor bis upright deatiogs and rery poputar on accourt et bis gesial dis' position, Htefttalamîtp oftfoursunssand wout ,îghtrs lIts tlesutîtipredeceased hiseverat years ugo.tue utas a promnent Liberel. A. tormsey bus bouillt out the butcher' ing business ut D. MeGregor aotElîbride and milI tubte possession on Use 17 mast. Mr. tuorusey tearsed bis business in Englasd and bopes lu satisty bis customers. On Friday, Me. and Mns. Jobs Wilson of Anh mere in Milton ai Use tair. On rescteng hume on the eening Uey toond daiaf their absence,. mmeune hod brohen lota Ibeir bosse, bod ued an oxe 10 break dramers open and bad stles a gold broocb. a tochet and ebols usd a ring, total value $30. Euery bon or receptocle in Use ternsebicis migbt boue costetetil vols- ables. bad been ramsached. bu othuieg mau missng escept te jemellery and a sumait sum of copper. t-

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