The Canadian Champion, Wed. Oc.3, 19793 BIA plan overcomes opposition only standards by-Iaw remnains Th ousty ttsîng standing lus teway nf tiese vrai- matt proposat fou' Mats S. la te absence oi a mtnimum standards ty- tas. People ai a Bsiness ttnprovement Arca (ItAi meeting, gave atmot ananimousaapprovat at Tuenoay eveniuug ta the emi-matI plan, paving thse way for its con- struction. Over 60opeopte attendeti the toen tait meeting Some mre isinesmen rom the downtown coc, mhite THE GRADE 3 CLASSES of JM. Denyea Pu over-nlght visit at Camp Manitou, on Twiss R first-hand about nature. Mra. Jan Black and gathering seed poda and it teas their job to bock esc h child wsa to prepare. Camp brings chil face-to-face with sy lise Boy Scouts ot Canada. il as toaned e tise scsosi for lie pro gram. Tise camp atracied consultants ram tiseHai- ton Board ni Pdacation. Brokens too smaii grops oai1e ta 12 sd- ents. a toacis or con sultant tbois tiem t10 lie slream aorite tise osds, Tise chiidren acre ased la ind samOtiiO green, or tep tefind a Tmittering oitis asiter and oaded mush ennugi cttismto letntor a weet, Gratte 3 ctasses tram J.M. Despes Putlie Scissat reeeived a unique tprning esprioner tant weet. Teaciers tan Cowing and Jean Btack tanokmle chsarges for an avernigisi stap at Camp Manitou oa TisBd., srs oi Derrp Rd. 'fle camp iv nprated Recovery h faces dissol Haltes Rovery Hosoisas ieen g5men one tat gaversmnent grant and totd taieeoe fin- anciatty sovesl. Paul Lingea. a direcior ai Haton ecavery Homotac.. totd tie rganlatins annuat meeting 'ttuey roaity mean it tiis tIse. "Ie dont gt ose aci togotisor y Marcis.198, tison e are ging ta hase la ointe aur dars.- Tise tiscat ai ctmsing tise doc aiftie four- yeae-atd hme fr aditi atcoisoics is soi e Lat year tise directors iad a mottas ta close Recavery Homse and disiurse is assois ibu tiis as iattd miestie Miislry oi Cammsaiiy and Social Services and tise Bayai Canadtan Lgin came upmwti enougis 50507 10 iscp tise iose in apratian. Ai Monday's annuai meeting. tie ooney crtsts reared cia isad. Bottius ear tiee mre onlnisno popeein tie oom, comprod 1tie 30 ailending last par Mr. Linges read a ltIer ram tise Minstcp statiig a turtiser $10000 woulddhe made acailaisie. btai ild aatheiisast as Hatan Place is sapposed ta ho soit lunding. Ciairman Wait iLciersi mas iigiiigisip ceciceaio tise lacis et Halien respoose le tise cceds et Hatin Place t.asi yearmweisad ali inds ni iceai speecises1 aisout isampeope wr going ta eip s. -Tiey eol otlise dose and thtishe lstx me oser heard ot iiem,- ho said. An esampie olflite lacis et ituerot siom ac lie tact everyanr in tie rasm gai etected 10 tie board ef dretors and tisoy arr xtiliine50preonsy. Mr Lccisesacd lise organceaicon ciiihave ici ind meiisods ni îottcng la tise pabiie and cdoeating tiseostuthie need foe ani aicoiset reisaiication centre Tie annsat meeting ofc1 Paitocc Rescry Piuse max niodced le Helen 1 Fînecan miseo as ap-i ponied in Juty as tise bose dircoir. Sie sad sc iad iegon orh on Aug i1and noe bas seceaiprogramscin mnd miici s sie ispes la nsiîiteso . Bshe sacd lise bouse, ohicis cao andie ap lu egisi mes. kassx etc sidents ai tics ime ibut eopecs icc curant hodc, la ho taiseo up isp a e terrait romHamilton and l HoIy Rosary vice appointed Patton epoate Seisoot Celege et Eduraioeccic Board ias aerepted a 1974 , .ccrpricepi al ppyccc ils. ccc tralentp Reoriesesonce, irgacal xc ic'rpc cv Mlton. Brtîngies and io 1976 Se Michael teBlt, pro- tCliii Bpedtot dccocto sentty a teaciser at Bt Cif yres irco Paut's scisn, BHoing: o edacatto. sacd Seel ton ha ben apomd oudie moed assion tantua pst.enapontdaxa repacemsenti s osd ta tisepont. for hissteaciîg position. Steet as educated ai Anotier teaciser miso Hittfld cattege la hgan hiss teaeiing Hamiton. Ho received career 5150 pars aga ai iis BA in t973 and hisn Hoip Boaray in Milta, BaBetr ai PtuYsicat rederictu Spinger, as Edacationaia McMater appointed at tise same University. He received imie ta a vice-principot tin Sachteor ai pot ai Georges Vaner in Edacatian athtte Ontaro liatvitte. oties emre residents oi Mary St. ose conoern eopressed isy Bruce Domdeti o Mary St., cetred os tise ig-agging oi Main Street. Tise BtA pan catto tac the tranetted portion o tise rosd toalaternale ibet- ween tise sortis and soutis portions o lise rond attomance witis angte porking taking up tise 0051 o tise road spoce. Otier concerns deait mitistise accumulationofe garisage on Mats St. Ted Stoner o Mary St. said Main St. on a Monday moroîng -looho lise Deppe" Ho aiso ad Main St. mercisants noutd sovri 000W ait tise sidematisoin front niflieir stores more otes. Planning Diecter Bois Zsadanyi said lh ise cimum standards iy-taw costd ise ready ta camte ieoreceuncitany ime. Tise isy-aw is necessary toqoaitytfor a provincial toan ot$100,000. Tise lan cx to paytfor the nmcmal cmprovemente. The oniy easo hiy tam tas sot came ietoro council said Mr. Z. sadanyi. s tise daotomo mercisanis iave nt pet tees gtcen lise chance ta comment upon tise pro- posai. Toaday's meeting -on thicccchaoce. Mr. Zsadanyc pocd trch- ute la tise plans auchor. Barb Pearce, ans hoors panningnstudest aitihe tUnicersity ai Wateros anda Miton rescdent. Mss Pearce worked toc tise lomne panncng depariment tiso mmee, spcndcng the ceot mal- Wok director cites Ironey problem in 'Main ~ Apan ta, have Mats St transierrod ram reg onal ta toms contrat han iblic Seholoent an empornrity ieen d., ast week Ieaned sisotned, iegnse oi cost. 1 er caos are shown Puli Wocts Director tee Pitsisia totd Mltas oadd this Bu a nature Cooscit Manday nigisi ho tot Main t sioaid ha under tomo jurisdiction, and ventuatty mouid ho d re s, btaieho as apposod ta acquîrcng it nom. Ho said a deisntore natu re inerie 0 y tel4m aih ong mtis Moto St. eoed in thieteoms heads As eit. no additionai Ie descie teteeiofia poincainsidpmwoutd ot uiross. They ho gaîned rosa tise oad lad taind aseed pod and and tise tomo moutd te lien crite in thor booksn responihie toc ts macs- uhct acseed poddnches. tenance. Cis cehildeen erre aise iMr. Ptosika satd a asised I le dnticIp irscetrade-oti oid ho pos andlomeres. ile and cited tour roads Scisel prnccpaliPerd hat may hoe exciangod Yung sacd lie isstie oeManSt.cinshedomo ideaofthieecamp. tomo rare.Branle St. Penlnîlt te inieei ,chtwecen Macn St. amd onc tise part ofcthehonesait- Sirelos Axe .;Tisompoon ant,thas muc oieeter td. ed htwn Dcry Bd. clier seiools and Steeles Ae), Fouts Lise c ieteeo Mait I.and isigisay 4 ; and Macn St. ho coen iOntario St. and iouse orhLn) -Tise atnthr isoal ihace met ol icStcarry Mictns genecai lution Mraicen plan." anoter mn frm Balon Therian is locied Mils. nto is oneeetc-yeae Thc bcoard eas elced capialcontruction pra- tee 197-80 and c eem- gam andcitcs doubtfulilt perd et otor memisees. he couodrwosid carry Eiected ftee encrear cal anp ef tise commct- tern, erc: PauliLcngee ccensiiaiieoaian ith and Earl NIaianr teer theetrade-ait. iaa ycac.tcrcnc, tialtercotuccciior Brad Clees Lîices. Petcec Begue and ete dageecd' Bois Dltee. for sece- -i dont boiecc i verternc. tGord Weed, c Macs S.) c eutlho doler- ben ('actiecnand ary craing as quiccasJoe is HumýccutiinOB ere t canit n te ise lîacai accepi hius recanc saîrment lie meeting mendaicon. %steid hat reenues -1iinis lie tomO ougisi lor tie rear endng tn haceiisccoad andithe Ma ilcci :1ee$22 .00 75 egton eil Bce ilto us." acnd dshrsecoents mre Caunclior Blanche this ame aîeeant incoon nticced mention Peoc Maeeîc accut Oct. in M.Sic tisiksisreport i, tise rganicaion as about tise cng-coad por- ici tiairevcenues mre ton et Macn St. deceiop expectec te ho abot nent. $26.000 and disaerse bishe anted 10 inom dcit mccccid ho n tise akatcroadcimpeoceînentn neisehaehod et $25.000) are coniempiaied. iraccnî about $1,(M f or Me Ptacisainad Miii racel anSdCose needs. St.aeuidliciey ho cm For ail those heavy wash items: bedspreads. blankets. mats etc.. try our Super Extra Heavy Duty Wascomat Front Load Washer- Save Turne & Money' UatsiSn . 91800 St. takeover pcovedhbetmeen Marticn mpocngiherosd sur theccoadcncpcoenrnts St. and James SBt and face.icn Mil St.cas psscil Mary t udie im- ir sacid idoes 001 bc eareced ' bfriser procedhbetmeeî Chartes nieathrsadmwosidkbc aeards Branle St. but S. and Brown Si. Ic dened. the Mary Scicm- He iad cm- Under qscstcencng proscments eeaId oi Be procemen t rmearts cem Mcx PHicton. he said lutise than Brown Si. Space shuttie show salutes Rockwell role Mans a greatesit ickell'its Miton plant cncpiesees dcrect]iî iochnoiogicl ahe ae rc e DaIsen. eorkcngonccemnorenis ment" and the part ccil receert the daNyc aifortac ekc pace prograce papdnchy atlocal Ao'cpiics ocîcco indcng andelkhersaccrkcgîin indussiai irm e il go on Micssion and rcng Spcn-ail declepoccoli dspiay in Miton netotcceesap la daren lise The showe, ai Drery rue Wedneda.misen Rock- ecccingspce pcogeam al das anc inccetise w i nternational et lie denerckod tise eenngctcsiPccdoesday, Canada Lid. ottees a peseccaiie as a tichoî Adcccssconc .iccfreeand sneak preiee ofa spacc 10to tcees 15,(i«teopen la al sisutle aalchtng prsnato Rok-van dais use is e seawnaendsk te nes uthecctemai paper to hit Ch eio uioru f SeitehodN dosel pessad huird thc andca "s.lser srcetc. ilctaurant. glass dears et tisc soud a sens-a tel 1 the Italien Regtoaai Poicer estaurant. sosd of R1cm 0 ell t ol aer calird ctise rost- Eslcmatcd damage te i e turecismils eiro. aocauanctcccl Hgtceay 25, lise dcrs %,ac pulai $500 spcieie r iccat on ai ocarisciMlton. Sacdap sicace nng b h ie eanec -Mleon ttcgkSciel, l'ice shotil is lIc lcraico had ceectoeprohIcis theYand the Park'. and iaoncked hi NASA laer restauanae. eniy lo e tcReeeeato Deparimeni tis veac cees Cape gcccldkpya surprcse. arecotcrcngcinceepslng Canaveral, Fieccda. Nesi Semettmceoer Saise nght scheei ecscs ibis Wehdnesda ,s shoe, ad day ogisi àpersan oet ar. oriy oiser ismeon the proposai. -We startedcout wcth nothing mbre than a concept--an idea, said Mr. Zadanyc Barb transtid that roncept it. aiiy r pâlit - papes t'shoutdsay. He cacd ho thoughtilt mas ao excellent pro- posai. and one tisai couid ceork out cccli fou Milton, Hie said Icre oas nmore tu the domotomo than croohed roads hilons dowotecco o't suceeed ecause ccc putln octecoltrees or waikways or park ben- ches tisaI ca t bcvan dalcord. The merchats mec mrrchaodscitheurmares n an attracticve and profitalhe ay. He said the mer ehandisigogfethtie doao- town core as jusi a malter o poshcng hard and bringing ilaoffi Mi.,., aresaatcin additio tethe coad improemrosa building improcemeot program woud bcoeeded to cicao and rcstorchbuidings. co ardcoate sgagr. paiot buiding tim and gro- rale >aiorm design are Hcodersocc. chaceman ai the OtA Board et Management, satd thr OtA caald co impcacemcots te publie proeril He sa d cmproemencs to bildcidngs are a pecate the Chartes Hotet acd ho matter mththe tise ldding mas ooteconcorned s own rs.mach about tise plan as ho Watty Mayes et Miton mas ihat i mcght dram .Muscooted the ptan calis busness amay trem ha, tee the ktecicng ott et part et Main Si Montgomery Lan o e vEen o, seh acd. bhr s Main St. irattic . ccii kavog Io pa, ttc mondced i hat $1t762,82cach year te pas a'eaid preetude racks tee neprocemnents oi trem deicceemng stoce ao hichchsaid hemwasroi ikcstorescin that area. thehbeneteccary, Me. Zcadaovc 'aid Me Bcodesoosad an cralice meaid cci c ablei m peavcmcti n tho tuse the Laoe's Miil St, domnieon e'euid dram eta ce omaise ikecepeople tcc the deenleen dcliccciesand pckps cre, cmpeog al Nick Cho kma k ef hsiors c oMaioSi Contact Centre plea answered ticspne fonthemhpub coeocog, etaner meur liccrcgardcg thee o ree hrs cameopaccih ancidea vlnerta kccp th e teem a grap kcceas Ncrik Haliecc Contaet iretdseoftheContact cic'crc apen, ha'. ieco Cenire* vey rcccfincgaccrd 'Th-csr-peicarceccci ceg Iocacentrcspec. cl ancees ach cthc man cencre The arc'no Thec ancccen oeccs cnocccrd haiseec soesmao sacdl cise ccih thc eoIl oicers hec cetrchas ececscd ahbout areceoceredaccci he 20c nereccird ecciaotcrs future cci thecentreeThcs scocthe. putinulthecpica ce hece mas tee 0cccog for hlp The clanfers hercappcccc_ are prec.cctl'yivcoaieci n The spokcsmacc sacdcthe theclall tracnng pcegram. dca focce icgeaep has Thc spokcsmao. sacd parcals1rung iroc a fonds are sii a peccktcm cccirst aIrradc. shccal for the centre Sncc ckth e fr ccgcccep grcllp musc ermaco Ther Oc cccsi'd i cto Nosil s ctcticcccti icciccgthc eccredeccfche ccc apccai eccud-rascctgcenrc 'areaskdcccecal] actiiîtîe ote icCentre che Cocntact cantre ai 877 Ai a meetincg MeccdaY 1211 'I HRY5$ToF 5 RUIUS Genuine Stonewwre BY NORITAE, ROYAL BOULTON, Er OTHERS 35paitms for your selecion 45 Piece SETS for 8 ncIlcde 8 each Dinner PIatc!W,'ý,Sa cf orBread & Butter Plates, Cereal Bcvvs, Cýps & Sacers, plu Oc e Serving Platter, Bovvl Cream & SuJgar MANOR HOUSE reg.$1,M.95 $79a LEMON TRIM ON PLAIN BODY Stone Village APRIL LOVE JUNE GLOW RONNIE 45 pc. Set for 8 APRIL LOVE, BONNIERg$9 4~ Serving Pieces & Extras more than 50% savings 45 Piece SET for 8 HN O FCO RAT ED $9995 ROYAL DOULTON Lambethware 45 pe. SET for8 $224) 95 23 pattems reg. $299-95 LL" Serving Pieces 25% savings STINLSS sTEALSTRES Shpus oId Ahlae Uapp-i &oeu' Woe kupon HlloetMli AibanRd.8utKite wY . 0utaous Ae yoag. Si, Rchmnud M 742-025 451-18254.44 'k a a ol