B4 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Oct. 3,1979 Flgwe skastinig cluÀb Exchange raises $i A twa-day sale of ased lnued lasi niglit ai the an and adveriig the intermeiliate and senior. figure skates and opening dayaof lhe club ai excbange Thse bauli ni lbe aniforens prsduced a Milton Memoriai Armna. Measwhde,. iimembera 96, are janiors ttal of $800in sales ai ibe Fariher resaits were nai memberobip i tie Zb wb- a li i10 Miltas Figare Skaling yei avaiabie. la appreaha capacityi chbsalniyf15 C abala exciiasge ai n e mebrs bai, lie oangesita ai the Milton Mail Friday Thue figure skating ciub ibere are sf111 spots regisier were tbree years and Saturday. takes lit per cent oi tie available la each ai the nid. Ise limit la juniars Tbe exchange tant- sales as uis tee for psiiiing liiree caiegarleea--Jniar, vaes exiended becanne 0OO 8 the respanse vas erer- whelming. cia TIse club aa dnubled 2 the numbetibys luthe ce caIs fras ix ta 12. ha ise Milton club vii Uhe bust the six-member ni inter-club tampefitian bel Pcb. 3. Clubs cnmlng are ci Gesrgetovn, Pari Credil, 111e Brampton, Streetsvlle cal and Acton vlucb bn5fed cet the eveni last year. clos far liber ia n taUs bs ache=d are Nta vbes the Inter-club spefiflan ein-af f wili beld: the Cirlisnu -fy Dec. 20; an Jan. e campefifias for sach the grouspe vii be d; Feb. 3ftheinter- b tmpeiian; anti, r. whven the acasan land the Pap Cea- tLe. a radital, viii se the sean. Ontadio WI Big SeVerl9 aai driverasand boisesevllle an liaid Oiets Mohawk Recevay feainres Ontaria Wesk, foan Friday ta iuesday. Six big stake races witb cambiaed perses es- ceedlng $1in,000 will bie fiaisred durlng tse fine- day pregrain. l. a- dutica, a $2aIM handicap; lu planned fat npsnlng nighi. The siakea wiii efireet Use bust Ostaria-sfred kaorses la the province s Bgrookville remains unbeaten Thse BroobvuIie Saints ai S p.m. ise iegue le lu an a niandby liai. If siipped by Carisale alan alacaieti une heur af may not be usuil the new Centrai Wlnga 3-i hainre ice lime Tnuendayn ai 8 year Usey receive ad- bammerlng Waierdnvn p.m. wbicb if used fan ditioaa ice dime if ai ail]. Ametican Haine 8-i ta pracicen. beep Useir stibeatan Tbhey are lsaking aI a Teams play a S-u string intact in the possible apcning ai ice scbedude aver a=S-el Carlile recteatinai lime an airdays ai the periad. Playattsacdii hockey leagse Ssnday. Carlisle Camenunif y anaiber tive weekn ta Use Breabvilie iendn ftbe Centre bai thisci reqnent scbedule. league with a 4-0 retard taiinved by Walerdavn ail 12 "hl aili o mains in the banemeni ai 03. League prenidesi Brncb Easierbraab said - the tbree-teain iaap wanld liSe tai add anaiber nqsed in the iegue but were rtited with respect ta ice fiie. As things stand sow, the iesgue piays use game a wees on Santiayu ek t Mohawk purses at stake' vei s the flouai LIhlc enu &ire qaity stock. Oses ii and mares se due vont- Maap of the hers e rd ex- mnent wbicb viii caspete .racing in the Ontaria th~nni Ue libte $W 000 Milicn Sires Sieke celsaetn-a Pecksg SUe"e se Sssdey evm= e l be Une att- ngvMj evnl.siSa f the dions Mohaswkb,1 in atdiie ta the dispiaed la Use Moak gethat a r. racing, patrana vif bave grandsandTélw S an apparfnnliy ta se Be Fenser. Americeas sels aneai se lulg taoCLs anshregud v s slndrdbred srs I s drvrM i be anlasdfr province. Fumesm Sunday eveslng ta sl a t s osilloansa reaeeduled ta challenge Us 1unssl es viel Moawk Receway drivera ai Useir awn crat, U te. tarin durlng the courseaito gamns. hv Ontario Weeb. Ferber ban praved she ave env Ws u0i Aassssg Uhs grUp ae tan hold bier avs agass ef s ts Smog, Arubra Ndlr and the mies an any frack an ucisak 9tesa la SprWave, alalluaci the coninentfand bier justEu-la Mls* 401 have proved Êkey eppearasce durng .180;Ai MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLL ils annual skate and suit exeha Milton Mail on the weekend. Tryic pair of skates is Jennifer Benjamit observe [he legal speet lmtso h the legal speed airis wsll Save yas Isel and asll reduce the risk of arcci dents. Drsosit at 90 km h (55mph) insead ai 110 km h (70 mph) asI saet sp ta 20 per cent ai ysuc fula hill. - over 30 y -largea fies The - koaWiedg CANADIAN n coarteas, CHAMPION -a network 4 THES [B held ber mother, Phylllss helps. Trying on a nge at suit for size ia Bethy Parker and looking on g on a is Amanda Benjamin. n while 1d 6b«4mi R.R 8, Brantford EOUIPPED TC SIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE ara expAfeta2itbWiihe~ ~ - et ai rado dispatched truck mountedspreaders in Ontanio abie sales staff ta assiat pou wti, yourlime requirernts expeneancedoperatars of deaiers for your convenience lE OUrSTANDING FEATURES COMBINED WITH COMPETITIVE, REASONABLE RATES M4un&1 519-647-3448 oivbea BURLINGTON. 534 Brant Street' 657821i 1 * U llm GEORGETOWN 56MainStreetiS 877-3921a i i GU U M * HAMILTON 23 Man Street E.st. 526-26V6 CLEMENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON ronte St. S. (JuistNomrUism HSpItmi) 878-2328