Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 1979, Sports, B1

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DOWN AND AROUND. Milton nLrette doea ber act on the uneven rrallel basSat the Sringers' new home at the old fire aloMantreet. Clas in the recreatînnal prograin ai the ire hall began recently in kndergym and tart next weak for the older groupa. iamtpii SECOND SECTION SPORTS & CLASSIFIEOS artsMILTON. ONTARIO p WEDNESDAV OCTOBER 3, 1979 Mail Dolis win it al For the lirai time in saveral saunons, the Halton Ladies Fantbaîl Association cMionuhap todhyban a new home, MloMalDlnclaimed the trophy and ftha langue ftille Wslnsdav nighi mith a convincing 4-t in over HillnÇuirgh in the defending champions home park. The victory, by the deierminad Dolîs in the 1111h and deciding final contest, marked the end of fiva years ut teague domination by Hilleburgh. The outcome oh tha anti-e long bard- lought neaaon mas dacidad in the top of the lirai inning uf Wednesdays contant, wen thie Dolîs coliectad one it and took ad- vantaga of three oppooition arroi-s. The i- suIt mas an aarly 3-0 tend, which Hillsburgh coulil not overcoma. Lead-of buttai- Carol McBeath started the innung rally, raaching fist basa on an arroi-, McBaath idvnncd to second bane aller a sacrifuce bunt of lte bat of Janet Vallier, Catcher Joan Haines theu delivared a tripleannd Milton Malt]ma on the scoranheet, 14amps sriectfi-n-ctiti-ni dttht' innrus second i-un altar Dca Rutherford reachad base on anothar Hillsburgh arroi-, Rutherford roundad oui the scciiing crosning home plate aftar yct another Hilleburgh delannive miscua. Milton countad ils lourth i-un in the top of the third inning, when.Huam ho i-an d base on an.arroi- scoi-cd on Cathy Pacinis triple. Hillsburghn boa i-run cama in thc bottom of the ixth inning mhan Vickic Ander-son doubled home teammata Mai-y Cunning- hum froin second basa, Each team collectad juat foui- its, homevai- the Dolîs committad oniy one fielding arroi-, McBeath had thc othar tmo hifs for Milton Mati n singla and triple, Cunningham collcctad n single and doubla and loing pitchar Marylin Engîca hit a (CaClînueil on Pg. B2) Flyers open season with double setbac ower Via-aGoauhng aad iuocotn ua7awnsaid bu wuldn't ied u ho mou happy mliththe ia the FlYeru hume on the i-audition of hic ptential ut the 10dm. opnr Friday nlgt. Ok nelminder untiltallatn t.I nuea o lt of Rdge Dynes edd the nigt. psiblity. Theren oa lot Ftyern 7-6 Monday niglt Shepherd bas bei-n ut huaIt- and determino- t Ok Ridgeu osuffering from bronchiui lion n Iis team." Flyeru reeivedh isordeirs loi- the pusi 1cm The cummenta corne on unother setbocb over Uihe mieko and miuui-d the Oe heelu uft lie sethuchu weekend whun goul- contet in Ouk Riilges. FIi-era uffered uver te tender Mibe Shepherd Rob Goenca and Erie Changes on tap for Tridents team Milton ltennediate Ti-dentu huckey ttûckSSel ahme ue f Oi e major club mut huv new iuem s« m nd auta sponors outhOe Ti-dento for about the nanme tilu eauun. tot fiai- yeur," Dotuon totd the Lions. A notice puted la Oie front diWply This yer, the cumpuey iu main is windam t Miton Memorlal Ai-ea npunmi-uhip public, be uid, tying the Mndoy pructoinun Oe lnteirnedlatrn uannoucement lbointe pare btte humenseaoun upene next Tuesdoy elgt publicity prugrom. uginstiParis 2eruidibu o pectacutor Meoombdle. tbe inteiredite cub han attir-asthe club iltibegle Oe seaonnconinued mii t te piactices and uder Oe pnorurnip utfiactumi-tiplayud ils ii-t exhibition garni- at Inter-national. ight gulnt Fittuitte ai Milton A em orne for te club wilt aloanhi Meril Ar-na. Becouue outhOe lto aeoouoced Ibt evning. gome, theie i-utimre nul bnoieo ai Ruckweett bau ptonned o tomily lgt Theusquad ieceved o btom u stsit for Oe peing gome wblcb wiOi sorne heiDaveCapmuowho ptoyed senior etuborte tormatitien mutl beglno ut hockey in Preton tot yeai- received Il minieu oi-tyan Fomiies mil edý wordIloti-y out forFilt Gi-oemts in Oie odrittd fr 9 od pioc mO hi ds- Iternotional League. Cbopmao, mho tiibuted througbuut tbe eveniog. Tw ien tm est the Cent-ut Otario Junior aonanu l a itI on h nod drmu teogue ie crng for ueo semoonu mith Oe gnte. Aitu, mrnu i-ilin toMitoo uboul ha Fori-ue-ot eeb, teuner aclu hune bucul by Oe Geuru. appered le The Champion, iOi o Huener, tale pructices bave hbai-thOe pîcture ut a pce ublp and Oe pro- quod ubtolniog tati turnoutu. clamation "ouem fuice io tteemedite 'Thei- te pructiccu bave certaintp B Hckey." bei-o o probtem, uid coachBSari-y Rucbettu pant manuger Si-riie Etiott. "We bavenou aset ineeuor ony- Dulson cunfii-mid Oe compnys theg libe Ibat no. upueaorblp andooaic Oe tearm outd bu "Ye, linm a ltulle oi-i-lut Wi-r ot gvnoaonem nome, durlag o peech lu ai Oie point Id lktibe aiu. It' tntot Oe Lions Club ut Mittun le tbeLionu ta0m rnehi nom, fehlc m hOing bus Hall a Memoriot Areno Muedoy nigt. been Oe tale igt prutiec. Rucbmettla u ponsoring o muti-niedia Tbe Tidents uiti boni- oit ecept ana piesentation un Oe cumpoopu innoine- out Oi-impurt coi-du vaitoble. Thai ment in Oe NASA sace suotte coi-cl ent 10 igo ormei- Geor-geton por n-nix Wednesdoy utiDi-ry Rader Ray Evnsn. uuol.Dt nsid tbe Tetdoy olet Thei- uiiail mutpay lin second and annoancemi-ot ai the- bocey gani- tii-n at pi---euen gare ni-iiPiatinnitte in itb Oe Wi-clesilay rogram, and Frida' a. i -tareunmatch. said "Came nofti- poptle frnm ue Garni- ime foi- ait Trde-n hme pae prg-am allbe hereai th gameis iis seasani-s 8ii5 pas gamei- Tesdays at Mriariai Aiina Thraee bowl to Ontario playdowns Sy Mliac Moton Tbe inci-sofuteocb diision, Groce Lttle of Mitone Suieers' Aaauc- i-tegoi-y mon on asoc--Oe Rltotpoyc-s teague ltion bedtOefie zone tlion bowinbg shirt and wmouheOic nnec iOi o round outhOicNationalt rney lu cover cupenuon pluofIlmblcb inctuded Lpauge Eneciutive Oive- le- buwinttg la Oe o 30 sngle for bei- pin i-boopiunblp provinilt finot on seciondl gome. tournorn-t iformcrty Stui-day Oct. 27. Oe pieide, ecetoi- Thefic innefui- Oic Pt Hrmngo, teeurer and trecousieru tourna- proideat mou Janet King ufthOicBSd Nemis Botere munton Sonday. outhOe 48 Attey Roi-bs ei-n ogu, mon Oie inebm Thisnwmsa oplas-onci-- tauie. Jaei huieia fotueer division wmtOi7 aveage touenornunt 270 gme tuer he second po ver beeroge for apunuueed by Oic Ontaio gamead uned p iii ircgames.lalathîluOe Fine-PIn Soileus' a plas 97 Eu ed i-Pt bhm o n Association. Fue Oe seicelari-y lalir division. Plahey u .ri-l Oe yt igt. Sepercl od Gonec ployi-d Fridoy agaînt Surtingion. Pyers ancilIed a fi-m Ci-a'payrs anr the mi-ahind. Tii-asqnad ei-o gioeeracl a swap ith StreeitsvitIi- Derbys mhich hiogt Miton t6- year otd rentre Lana Buntdi-y andl Ed Boonstra in change fi- ci-nii- Miba Klapaca mhn had anpressed a il-sire 10 ptay mîithiha Derbys. Bautdry as pai- tirulaiiy effective over the iaieend notcing a goal andil imasaoosto Ftyers atsC nistad tha services nf t7pyearatld defenceman Mibe Wiliams rom Trnto, Against Onilingtnn, Ftyei-s wmarimssint fiai- playei-u ho bai bai-n snspeoded ilring thi- exhibition garnis for the seaone pener Absenat ii'om the lin-up mai-e Jni- O'Grady. Stair Phiitips. Dnng 0l'Cphy, Pari- lai-sdi-n and Erie Elisionn Thr Cagarianutshai the i-lers hp a an-22 margiC Cn rhalhiCg up the- win. Foui- marrs ini the tîrsi piriai el iad thei Pipai-s' lCnm. BnrlîCginn aildei ain anannivereil alla- in the secaond etare trading a pair ni gnats itih thr b'Iyi-i-siCthe final sianon tC roundaoutihe-sring Suave CrCcr l Cngalsn'iib a pair ai goaals hla siCglesai-ni ta Mai-h Upsdahi, Bah Tnbavirli, KevîîîAidami ana acddd ianassits, Maity Pi-nase anil Miha Hali-ail. Pipi-is' raitain Mibi- Murray Cti-bid iheir firist gaiith an assisiino TCd Shepherd wbita Paul k M ,(anna oeilout he niorin aitti a goal six minut s i bte endl a lb asati.,ta ti autdi-y aad Marriai Shepbierd plaa eilthe il lait andl ane-bali peri'ids aitaaing 1i-e gaas an :32 ahais.Goenii- iishd Up andil alomed the' finala ian arkers. Inatheacniest aiib Oak Rtidai-a. thae Pairs inok a mark aii, tWhi' irai pr-a thn uit hsood a Fia-ir rial> tolaprieerve'te ian. McCann pniied twa goaalsfor Flyers wiah singles ta Marty Venner. Ellison. Sheppard and Baaldry. Flyerrigo ba-b i, action Thrsday niîgbi n Diixie betore î'riurni,ng tu Memoiral Aiena t,'i-dav iighitir aii8tpmgarni agaînni iOak Rdges Iyera raveila liabi-itir îex Tuesiay night. TAKING A FLYING LEAP belon- collid- junt afi-r ha pasàed the puck. The tai-k of a ing wiih teammate Marty Vannai-, 119,) is full teani hurt the Flycra asho fait by a 7-2 Lana Bauldry 11. urlingion Cougar Mke niai-gin Friday nighi. Haitiad atmpm 10 oickchack Vanner Travelling hockey forum e7 Mucha lBoyle- Posîie ichangesins minor hockeybimiibathe luiuc nofdiscusin mheo a publi- hockepytai-uni iii bu hi-Id ni-Ci Wednei-- dap Oit. 0ataiOptirisi Cenine at 7 i-m. The pubiec s i-Ci-Cr- agi-ilta ateod bhelairnm m'bîrb fias bei-o travelinig thraugbCui 1he proi-a-cie tai- hi-ce wr-ha. l'ieafrum are in i - si-anse In a questionnaire iisibutei bp Di. Bai-i-a Mi-Phai-son. a protessai' ai the Univerityip on Wbaterlooi. ta hocbey parenla t.,traghaîît Oit lb .onte taius of mîi- bai-beyv Thi-e raaiaia-viat'itas ai tbr forumaiMEitha -a uare t ti- proi-anctial msilisier'oai a-tiiii- anl d ircreatiorn, Ra-abi-i aaeia, bp mil Mai-ih. Dr r cPbei-ann iiibu jatoi n ibi-th i-uni-i hp Lliad-il iadsonn the piraside i-athie tintail flui-bei Cannail andl Ibaidît Henilcisoai- sports consultant lai- the iiiiitîitcp ai cuai-re ai-i LEADING A RUSH against the Queen E, b a more experienced squaci Thuruday at, Park quarterback is Milton dalansive Qiieeo E. Park in Oakvilla, MDHS p layer BuceLiak. The Milton Ditrict iestimas action Thursday against T. A. Hgh Sehool junior football teain bat 67-g Blakalock at MDHS. iereatioii The puni-i miii mahe 30 aloi-C ibrougboui Ontario. Il mi stop ai Camnbridge butefrcmîng tb Miton and moving on tnStrat- ni-il They iii rompile the foi-ums bp the mile of November. The surve lui-ni-il ai anme înlerestîng romn mania ti-omiai-anis mba, in a nuishail, waao horkey assoiiations la pace niaie emi-hasis an basic hocbep sitîs, mant the qualitp nf cnacbîng and referai-ring tinim piove, fuel mînor hockeyp s toc violent andl ani i ess stress on iening. The socvey tînings mai-e ratiasail ibree wees aga. in thetai-e ai hi- finiigs,tbe (inlait M ti itarba-s uisits i ti soted-il il à t a ýý la an bil boyceahist among playars 10 peurs and yougi-i-ai the OMHA anonelmeeting Saturdoy le Toi-no. Byoavote of507-411, Oie OMHA rcpreacotativm,. mich inctuded aout seven from Mltdon, -de-- cideil te rernoin mîit bodyichieg despita the foi-I uix provinces havc huuned il [rom the yuungerouta. I Oilnk ibcy rnade a mitokc uoîad a diuoppulined Dove Smniththe ti-t vice- coming piesideai ai threIMilton- Piber r i-iias of th Minai- liai-ep Associa- uvny arr: lionn. "Tbepshaulil havi - 94.3 pi-r cet sain tabenitaoutifrnnatnm on abîldren anilci-10 ibanli domn. bu ieaanncsaaiag. "Evi-ryhady tbei-e passig and sabaatng si-ami-ilta hi- ial'ing raibe nbabrraveliing abnutiviolenceinîi-barbaa andilaing ina a mpi-i The bav bas liiiie t, doa use aa-ediiir mitb ihai Pari-vis saîd tber "Its pi-itii bard in mauil asupprt-aabanao i-cakibd tindvi-e im îbtîît ckng trii- parb aiaeigbipraranofage perace ai- don a-hi-n les ailed about - Mini- bai-hep bing bît. racrbes sibaidl havi- "ii'C a laiigpraress ceri-ication pi-aciaCis and toi- ids ihai agei iiisaîd 71 peri acit haril inaagh t-aibu-f Parentsftai-ieai-ha ihem tbe basic sbiis . abuseio oniirais is i "Whai mode iani-se cri-asiof and thi-srai- mas the questioCnnairei iai-anis as piime-oai More-ihunO8peiri-cntaifieCders. Paers and theaparentsmwant-d body-acoache raoh serai-ilandl ahiciot ramai-i-i. Yna bhird. hna, i'sbîndCofdnmh", - nibe ai-ciagi-. 76A Sith --s ai ti aithlii-cta-a hp- adte i-i-to bntchýap iin-p ni ibra'as i3 " -Thi- p be-i albîng oîrh avi-ncei-en beir about violence aeil mare aonchils lcagne. not ioncei-oid about vio- -Parents tati minCi- coi-e ai ait. We're moi-e bai-bey couued buim- conci-i-od mitb bascîropiuniilandlthe majoriip soutiîg skills.' sail minCi- hockey place Fuoith ii-si ime i-ver, Coi-ct-ens un iening budycbebing iii eut bu ihanaoni-ec-iation. attomeinleanydiisnion The i-culis mena tabu- Ohie yearinl houseteagu a tt-i from 31,302 re- in Miton minCi- bockey. si-unes 10 MaPherauns "Wc flntbockey t Oiat questionuaire. Te flc3. ici-ci nboWddbu moi-e peci-cent i-itur are oun eiretionut, usaid tic qousionnaires lu con- MMNA pi-uident Sonnie si-i-cil igh for o public Foy. aurvey. - I

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