Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Dec 1975, p. 64

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B6 The Canadian Champion, Tues. December 23, 1975 Springbank ( A road roginrer chose fies O ursday, an rogineer Seti ni Cmbridge, returned prprdareport [or Haion froct MCormick. Rankîo te the siand on Wlednsday gZeononthe siegofS estîcuird i coutd rosi andiuaaskrd about "haut roads arounhl the popinird $450.000 toreonstesct the rosies" the rouds te wtseh ,pen gan quares admtird proposed Fiist Line- No 10 oeretr.srrs Wrnrsdas nder cross- Sideroad rosie te iighcus tircird. exnation that the repnorti401for usrhbygraeftrucks. filroueis con tained ai roasIihreer Anoher $93,M) li e toid the hering that cuihemuaticat errrr And he aid theî.itOWfeet "îlot iaty poperies ai "lIil have te apooguer te sothcards docn the Second pesriet haie esignated ast] thehboard 05097 ,sid vice- Lîne the trochs could teosef roues." and theiioinistryhas persîdent Donald KohlionIte ie ideroadcnsidenci t had -fers prnlrcsî cifh Federaf Technica uf O s$93,000 to reconistci truckers sirg other than as- Lidý oI Paris. fini An aura of doshi cas signed eads. The erroescrere continrd theoco on those tînanciat Scotsatd phone compiainto in a report on the condition tf figures TFssday cith the ad- froct area residenis ussaity thepFirsi Linruand No.10 misson thai theereportnon pornchen agranrfitruck Sderoad in Nassafaseya. uhich theo: cere ased cas ai faloes a Irhîddrn eoad. -Faiiibfe- lrani partis inaccrate. Reireetng te houes ni hatd Lacere Gorge Lune Anothir utineon Wednes- quarry ote ration. the supr- cho rrpresenriSipinghank iiuîeus Edoucd Commueii i ilincatid cosnofntheoper- -Yn'Iihave tougeeecithnie the regna plannngdtrecc ator hve alaiely standard ,hai yoile rairsiationn are 1or. cho sid fafion pre- teucief opratîonoi ine reci faIitihe- Kohi dd fered "un afernate route ni cnrhîng heursi, hut theer "Yos douhird the truk hch dîdn't pse thenugli the eareceptions -i1hae te Iadhsvasuming the trucs centreiofithevillage.'1 puintnut. (gra%ýIýefîeeîfullgnng h lieOr ad regînnal enuncît Mltonrersidents resdinf ways said Lune. had approord the iden oI long Fiveriderodhbetwen Koh. ch ose reports haiing a hfnd nI service oud the Mlion-Haton His T0cr cocpared coudtiafîîccih hoiitOprînghallh espenor) inLîrand Highway 25 are cr11 and wtthout 75grenrtrucks runnig easward frncther arrnoftherinCafird "ex- per day. agrerd agaîn. quares te correct drecti cerptions. Spriiganhis Lare. n uîth dtghcas 401 or wîth the Rridrnshnitherrd clignant at this tiie, std "t Gueph Lne sontAh ni the Last Muy. chenreoad cuit point ottfthit thev are fret nus huldrsrdrconract te the ersinthe cacutîi n of cuccing teid the Mnsiry ni Transportation nveelayi(rettattiîn ifi ifth urringpreuiinnnaeecn- and Cmmunicationts cere grucef trucfis, sefthe 5 show siftn ih interm panrng0cepavtng andcidening High Miltons and faltons sîdc.îo poinies adopîrd hy courcil un oas 401 etcren Mlon and a ettere tght,-Mrch 5. 175 und rerOcîrd the atepet. trflîr hotheerd Baces stafer thaf se for the 200acre site area resîdeots, Koh suîd the reports crie a, treseron i he officiai lan Wth goceenntent per- pepardhcyoneof hi ite otf the former tocnshpeof mission ecause nf the tuohncatstuaffnditha he Nusscguceyaudemndfor grave], trucks hicirît had oly fore nier Nef secroads froc Dufîerrîn iuarref ce the report te tcfierSthe pro taeoer Noec)sales. reprc peeitîrd ntespard their edread sne ofe the etnf HatfieRefteousid epertios [ro thrsssaf5 tîgures -ifs cocernnus. soere a mcountl tl pc on cerh- Keie conniît a lc e cated te that of traffîr anà duosto a rond the etoiki preprerd the report etc Fiveein tht respect the recel u f nI upervisor Sentt,. chn 0 hîs Sdeod and he itcifht cairriat froc the pi und cînîtc'sehbservratthe stand up te geuaet truck quarre ooglntte fuSe pface liMB hearinf. esplaînrd hnc traftcever the et decudeo îîec unye eiitigrefionat the application proceen A peiipeed route etc the ruade tke FveeSiifecead et ocho trucks li truie) (In the Fle tntd 1he uNIS hrrîg le noied thal pringhank quarre: licence isurd 5e th tht annthec peciifils cîfght Snd and rucef Luid made ,Ministre e tcuerai Bc- tir huiof the iuak fh tthe auf application te the Mnîîley et sornes cnutd tee doon 1he gegtercîîeed hycrail.wth Nauturel Reourcen fora Second Ln.eat atnNi 5 thehbaance eeceedbyithe ficene.hch reerrd ite Sdeeoud le itsintoeretionin io ecice-coud coneept utitodthe fOntrio Muicipal Bord Cucpbelfcîte t h tîhe78e ' N Pfannrr Cucciof tfor a publie hrorînf on the Gulph Lnrand [iennorth AqCP Rilf]meresnceighthp sehîrci te Hghcae 41 the rru, and a plannngf con- Toeinitry Aatiîtcinhtfgît ven tii cltaIto ndue itod the The f15019report is for coud cogiticir obi ut fret heacîngthee were cîght erdedte therctnioey and a seemed te uggrst ihat ocere mjeocr es nof refate fi aI detsonoon 1e applica- theîneîidccade, FivrStde- octeuid onthe P finerin tofoalicence iscade, odeoufd recuie m or e-c ulttre Toronte huserd en ail data recetord. constuctoncechkte hardie A represeefutice of the Htievee c hsaidlthe OMB gacetrcek taflic, Nlinîice e v f Natorut repor îcnethîindin n the Silh te propoed fraie) Scesecîles, Sperier Date cîniter of nalurat eore truck Icuflîr. 8ec aîd, te the e necit places as coch as 12 _______________ fo f4 inches ni sphuttc con rete eotld be nredrd He e red this "an e DLL B OS L D tree oni addîng tfatBE L RO .L s teI'e necer serni aoeeherc near that. In ate crss-xarinai.n FOR IEPEMIAILE FUEL IL Keohi dmtîrd thal. geai ct ELIVERI trucks oe no. omore than 5f per centîîfltherashnind and nrsthon lresdfuncFive ide- coud hnlceco the Town Lier and t8e Guelph liner-u recut i fra leatf teerches f ocerfay The distance i t4,100 fret, o L figures prndsced hy Fecrat Technîcl Surveys Ltd, had an eses geater effeeî than toualril tuas three fiues chch were usrdhy theion- eultîng engtneering ice e MEC IFoTSRVC McCoecich. lfanin and NM O F EVC Asinciales e estîcate thePHN cosi oeoudreonstrcttioiHN the uea 10 hardIe grucet trucks. T8e 1ocr et Miton ltie thc nierig8 8 6 8 firM )MB hearing evidence... .,ionediherepoei.iheîa lech- peefoec erry cr11 under icepacingi requierd along a prcucedisflripnpoedayhs 100-lui sierfch couid 8e ton 75 granef trueko n one sec Brae Wolkemski MERRY CHRISTMAS B3rian D. Blokowsii Metropolitan Lie Ahere the fue in ow 1572 ihal 18e licence for 08e pit nolbe geanied.Thisoice. the cinislc didnîl agre. A harriedroud engtneer Thuenday coreceid loue cal- cotionnchihcerecwrong rn bis fiecîs report on road sîrergihs in 18e vciitîlsof the proposrd spirghanh quares, Donald oi, ier-presi- de1nI ofFederal Technîcai Sure*Ynsld. o Parts, Ont. adcitrd 0018he prevoun day le threer cislhes inthe 1e-c port and had sport nernif hi pedeeday renîrcîne ail 1he cacuiatiors hîcîrl Nitbisniiek le adciled Wedneoday. tu the surpri ilulton Segion ofifciais cho hud ccmis- nical safer and roi hicorl had nerPedd1he report. oerckrd 18e -procedures and soeeonithe figures." So the road engineer e iured 10 18e OMBstoand Thursday ' and said 1e threer recors e had adciied 1018he preetous day 0018he proposed norîheen roule iaiong 18e Finit Lire and No. 10 Side- roadirere actuaillycorrect. Kîthi Wedrrsday had trird t ornk out the thre Iroem urers using ahand culcuiator chtfe heing croen eacined I Ssprînghunk layer Goree luane, and bold 18e heacîng T'hîtrsday * furesI1dont prsueas fer an cuiheca- titea caiculafions arr con- cerrrd" Se the three rrosw ucisaliy correct, hut the cal- iere didn'îlend ihererfor in the orrnighl recairsiation Kohi said he foundfour otherer- le hacrd hie lechoicaf staffer for the ereoo.suylnf he had îsnedlthe roOfind of fraph". More perdree aid Kohi "I cent locwhat1 frît cas the core accurate desifn chari ls cere pre- fon 18e norihero route, be testîfîrd. 18e deph of oveelay cho cakes te final decision. He said il the 0MB report rs negatior, the raturai re- sources observer -genrally concuen" and celles a cecoranduc 1018he cîinitre 10 hai elet If1the cînister then apres cih lt litelegfis e diiotn 1e applicanti s nolîird ciih- in 30 duys of receipt ni 1e OMB report. And il 18e 0MB report soggests t8e licence 8e geanird. Scott said. 1he cînisiry observermcspin- clade in his crcoeanduc chai conditions or res- trictonsnshouid 8e atlached 100the lience foeer. drîpîte the «geneally ceocuri quote. the 0MB drcisîons suggesling relusai cnît hovuertured. oserterns deelsion Jusiihree wcerEs ugo Len Bernier,. t8eMinisterenf Naiseai Resources, grantrd a licence 10 Preston Sand and Geanri Co. Lid. 10opn s pîl i Cacbridge. T8e pit had bren opp sd hy t8e Cils O Cmbridg~e, ra endentsofi 18e village of Blair, and hy t8e Ontario Municipa Bord. T8e 0MB ha 4r rcors- cended lhrer ices store Savation Armyl PICK-UP TRUC(Kl EVERY TUESOAVI 877-822 and a hlf inehes insleadnof ion. 8e said thrrequired loue inches heloce any grunef neeriay of asphalir coreri truck iraifir cwasrerduced t10 18cm and a And along a 6M foot sec- halfinchs front four meches. lion. the depih of onerino re- And aiong a 2500 fout piere quired helore granel trckrhoniFiver Sderoad, ir 18e rani usewosidhecone and ahall osdanrijsiýasi oflthe nche intrdioflclîn-nd a 'SecondLinr.lthe originalenlti î1arler methes. caterof four ardua hait incher Two àher erors ccur et ofeeerluy cas hoostird 10 use ni the report for Fine Sîde- nh,,Petilînes coud helceen t8e 10cr Lire But inlîr the lechoteal andtherGuelphL[minlCamp-tfueninninf rnded. und the Seth fures in this cure IContitnad on page B71 A A e MERRY ~ ~'r¶CHRISTMAS A FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM CONTINENTALS * COMETS MONARCH -MONTEGOS .BGBCATS - 12 PASSENGER COURIER PICK-UPS CLUB WAGON F-100 PICK-UPS *F500 -14'VAN *F1700- 16'VAN EQUiPPED WITH L GE. AIO E R E CGN OLIN E Semae Cars WINDOW VAN Air Condîfled For a Day! a Week a Manth! a Year! for yur coterimg rop in and Check our Economny Rates. pleaur* SPECIAL WEEKENO RATES* IlmiolM :gp:wl ,;n tINTERESTED IN KICKING THE HABIT? j'noSmoing Wtldasai l iic .e Seld h e Y~îc MCAAuioum 50 Dury Lui, Brii1til, o i eiîings -mon n uary5thlif) CIsra elAîss ieio Méi inthsrigisatiietodav, toie Hi 4ltîiiiTB,îiii RDA ce.iiii 14B.lsam iv ee, ODkillte, L6i3X5 N A M E:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACORES, PHONE: Pe cîîîeLst. ec,ît i h e ,,,, iwigîiîîîîiravtCliiîe iieuîn itiJi, i-i , i naii i,iiaîy Oîh, 1976. Bell Canada 161 MAIN ST. E., MILTON, ONT. December 24th & 26th CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 20% OFF *FURNITURE * FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES * CHINA, BRASS & COPPERWARE FOR THE INCONVEMNENCE Dt0RÎNG THE EXPANSIOIN OF OUR SERVICE FACILITIES R enova lions fCll be completed by XWe have cne of NI ilîgns esut equipîaed Service (Centres CLEMENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON BROUTE ST. "JUST OITI 0F HOSPITAL" 818-2328 HOME Or 76JEEP aeiuk are kcv ahn A a A a aan&Cm ecalS. 8847 A eehn xhne r rceigo c e e a pelil arirti r so e entuisi supreo h rpsl a neadtoeo avle cn a a ereonwl srJ n atb ,196 Loa Ke ituck rea e teCck e llvl a a it;.T i sýCu,; hi aln r a a i aeon h an tta ie I aol iet aethsopruiyo C o Phene 878-8952

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