YOUNGSTERS ENJOYED a treat et i0e cream, pop and patate chips af- ter receiving presents tram Santa ait the receet Dorcet Park Christmas party a The Iegend of Befana SANTA GRIMACED alter talking ta five-year-cld Kelly Simon for a few Famillest et Itelan acige OInte te c the eccece Ch Idý Ohn goe de chince moments. He waeted bo know what Kelly was gaine bo leave hi m te the cee tacailtae ef1h Oea ean cancdeet the eecth t eys teen c esrt for way af a Christmas ove snack. "A halaney sandwich, saîd Kelly instant- te' ihece dote et weceac seeeheg heel]esteeipteeîc 1 lie giels and heys os the Santa passed oct glUts ta almnst 60chttdren at the annoal Christmas 11h. ilte ictiteresten te hece te. Italien ehildrec het ete Wice mec h ceght gif ty t cheet ciei tegeccdote Iody. eteco rides thrcegh the thec Hale Child party oponsered hy the Rackwell Social and Athletto Club. Whec the Thee itegs oie oni Oec br stick eco the hi he sie a weetcntheecsercehtecrthe eee et Jacoore 6, eheh toa oce c ai Haly Child, they posccd the meacks the 'eoct et Ktegs, thaegtt te oade the na heeen etntc cnn eherc~tlekc h httlc ech h Don t odd pounds ot Christmas Hollc-Dao Hucm ecîce theytld hee et thete It e ei îakt e Il , hlceitie ehieo hridtO ehj. She eled tegoeclth aI tii Ilt 'il mas. eo sayeae an k IedthctetC ht cei letty theo cot nemi tws 2tetat f eete Christmas teadition. ehoee Whee Oetoce tred f* *eie te ette thece ehe tiledi, bt.iNi <' CflvIO tIcy t a hee ( O.s 1 aed te cc-t icohie te 'Or- aIre t k .ht. îhtp the Hely Bahe eith tetz Ittic A VkVc ea Retoeeh, Exohaeget ua tght teor ahita andfla fiet cci tetc stii, -fend 1 . i with narv a e ree i , ,.e ifimls Dolicate Metterh t te ,,t c e et t . d tac1 , tha A~- teckha e, ia a d titi a, Irceete i takietete lhinma Anmi tactI ea tel ettia naiteý secihi Ittaettc t t h , tl e' e 111 hit tee iii, ict t a e t hi tl k'P- t h a ,ng, tr In it' 'i g . t h ,l t t In , t e 'Flic îtccdsi atecchle. ail testive and marin t'te-thtg the girtie la hepeted cuemr Tht, cvOle tact teecned peacefl ceath ai Olne ai tata lace-,. eteacfandtspaekhng inthe moonsc* terctceete etc the roof efth1e bontiteOee trea grect etatiee tacet: Redolph.- cetei Sante -i thîch ceceethigts tht tleiek fiast alitnke thela teckr ftight ae 0e speke, lOale li Off toat ponteegbnd chteeta 1 Sciil siek 'th( tie-e eeac,ed tee flaet latte cieti k iuth uetaik altec cteld io ceongcer tie ceca Theecelecie fi actsfheet ehece ance il ccafi gecen fh leec OiC dcci t acd ctqeted tOc lice %ýct Oe igeiteitbý har ront tet fae tceeficcht cire lathe tee thtcintiatercantdhtemire rpiciec fiteiheti ice acte caeetcie hec te ceacot le iek FiIllte es the hett gift Ocat Sancta taitd lecetg i itinate tOc tkc Satatccclcîth coein te hght \ld coin(e iheeght Ohea hccid im (>il ain the eteh The Otrio Scîce t ecge liceec cherecciî Oetr ici tamit cpoiling tic holatîdeas Icaîttle, hie evaeat adt lelfgeatîheet ANIt A tthttit NEWS VEARt rOure dcd wshsc kecit gta meg on e tn sere aOc tcg ttodfato MILTON LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE Joe Wilson & Famffly Ile' n e l , il. eite hi ieae MILTGN BÙS LINCS e e i tt, t.teetti~e AVE h IRENE LEWIS cheeto os the lire et the heati aie toi cîshes foi pie thîs hippy Christmaos Day. GUS MOWBRAY LTD. 1 p p, I p IAG MMI TOAN a